954 resultados para Equine encephalomyelitis
Hemolysis is the main cause of biochemical analysis rejection's in veterinary laboratories, however the relative error caused by hemoglobin on serum biochemical profile has not been properly established on several species. In order to establish criteria for aproval and rejection of hemolyzed samples for serum biochemical tests, the hypothesis that hemolysis causes biochemical changes in canine, cattle and horses and that laboratorial error depends on species and hemolysis degree was tested. Thus, non-hemolyzed serum was contaminated with crescent hemoglobin levels and using commercial routine reagents, the serum concentrations of uric acid, albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides and urea, besides the activity of ALT, AST, CK and GUT were quantified in triplicate samples. The relative error was calculated by the comparison between hemolyzed and non-hemolyzed samples. Hemolys is did not cause significant error on the albumin determination in all three species, AST in canine and cattle, ALT in horses, UK and cholesterol in canine. There was a linear increase on uric acid levels in horses and cattle, triglycerides in all three species. A linear increase in serum urea in all species serum, UK and cholesterol in cattle and cholesterol in horses was observed. Serum AST activity on equine serum and ALT in cattle decreased linearly due to hemolysis. It was concluded that hemolysis promotes changes in canine, equine and bovine serum chemistry profile, however the laboratorial error not necessarily compromises the diagnosis in all cases, because the changes depends on species and degree of in vitro hemolysis.
The acceptance of biotechnology for the most equine breeders association had a significant effect in the horse industry, gaining popularity around the world, because the increasing on the genetic gain, allowing the use of sub fertile mares and stallions with high genetics value on reproduction. The embryos in vitro production of human and cattle has been used with success, however in vitro embryo production is not efficient in the horse, as oocyte transfer (OT) and intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI). The oocyte transfer has been used especially in subfertile old mares presenting reproductive pathologies as: endometrite, cervical and uterine adhesions, blocked oviduct, perineal laceration and ovulation failures. During oocyte recovery process, the oocytes must be collected from immature follicles that need be matured in vitro or in vivo matured oocytes from pre-ovulatory follicles through the transvaginal aspiration guided by ultrasound. The recovered oocyte is transferred to a previously inseminated recipient mare, through the flank laparotomy. The intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) is a procedure of in vitro fertilization that needs only one sperm that is aspirated and injected inside the oocyte. The oocytes used, can be from mature and immature follicles. Fresh, cooled and frozen semen can be used, because the procedure not requires a functional sperm. The use of Piezo drill resulted in a breakthrough the pellucid zone, allowing the vibration per minute provided in the sperm injection pipette, a major result of cleaved oocytes, due to a better sperm injection in the oocyte. The embryo transfer can be straight inside the oviduct, as also transcervical transferred after embryo culture produced in vitro. In conclusion both procedures (OT and ICSI) are effective to be used on equine assisted reproduction, getting results even lower than expected, but satisfactory from animal genetically superior
Most athletic horses nowadays suffer injuries on their locomotor system, needing a long period of rest during the year, meaning a big economic loss. Because of that, this kind of injury has become extremely important for the Veterinary Medicine. Among this injuries, tendinitis of the flexors tendons must be mentioned, since its reparation is essential for the animal return to exercise. Many methods of treatment for this injury have been employed, but few have provided satisfactory results. So the objective of this study is to analyze the present concepts of equine tendinitis to better understand its mechanism, adequate treatment and prevention
Pain control is an important aspect of equine medicine. Musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal diseases are the most important clinical and surgical painful situations in this specie. In these cases, opioids have been used successfully for the treatment of pain, administered both local (intra-articular and epidural) and systemically. Otherwise, opioids, specially mu agonists like morphine, present important side effects in horses. Amongst these effects, CNS stimulation with increased motor activity and impairment of intestinal motility are observed in several cases. Therefore, adequate dosing of administration are essential for the safe use of opioids in horses
There are diseases in vertebrates associated with the structure of bone tissue that directly affect the locomotor system of the animal. Being a endoskeleton, the diagnosis of these diseases becomes difficult in vivo. The characterization of the physical structure of the bone tissue of healthy animals becomes a major tool in the diagnosis comparison of live animals. Thus, the objective of this work is to determine the average value of the key physical properties of the bone structure used in the clinical diagnosis, such as: bone density, porosity, and mass attenuation coefficient of 59.6 keV photons of bone tissue and bovine and equine check variations in these values. The samples were provided by the pathology department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of Botucatu-SP, which are of one male equine and one female bovine animals, using the radio and metacarpus, together with these materials were supplied the historic them. They were withdrawn ten samples in cuts of 10cm over the bone . These samples were submitted to the wet method of immersion in water for the density, by the method of attenuation of gamma radiation of radioisotope 241Am, it is estimated the mass attenuation coefficient, and then were dried in the oven for determining the content moisture. In determining the porosity of the samples was tight ground, in order to obtain the density of particles. The results for the mass attenuation coefficient of gamma radiation to the levels of saturated humidity, environment humidity, dry humidity respectively 0289 ± 0039; 0286 ± 0040 and 0297 ± 0042. And the density of particles was 2.2691 g/cm3
It is a fact that Brasil has a featured position in the equine market due to the size and the high quality of its squad. To keep the competitivity, the reproduction biotechnologies have a big and important role. The cryopreservation of stallion semen, for example, generates innumerous advantages, which includes: larger number of obtained doses, storing genetic material for undetermined time, using the semen of a good stallion even after its dead or any other event that makes both semen collection and mating impossible, etc. In this context, the cryopreservation of epididymal sperm, has been seen as a promising technique in equine reproduction. The epididymal cauda has a significant quantity of fertile spermatozoa and this ensures a huge store of cells in cases of unexpected accidents, which can early interrupt with the reproductive life of a stallion. Lots of studies are being developed using the cryopreservation of stallion epididymal sperm. These studies permit the propagation of high quality genetic material and make possible for the stallion owner to opt for a final semen collect in unexpected circumstances
Because the routine use of frozen semen has some limitation that don´t permit its use in a large-scale, it is necessary to use the cooled semen. The equine cooled semen is normally used to enable that a genetic material with high quality be spread over long distances. When it reaches the temperature of refrigeration, the sperm metabolic activity decreases and the free radicals formation minimize. These ones cause irreversible damages to the sperm cells and, so, its lower formation is very advantageous. However, when we manipulate the semen using conservation techniques, like refrigeration, it is necessary to be aware about the sperm characteristics and fragilities, because, if performed erroneously, this technique can be harmful to the sperm function as well as to the time of sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction. It is necessary that cooling rate is slow and that the time and the storage temperature of the sperm obey the ranges that are already established. Moreover, we should make use of diluents and obtain the ideal sperm dilution, so that its use can be optimized. It´s also important to emphasize that to obtain good fertility rates, the semen, after processed (collected and diluted) must be conditioned in recipients specially developed for this purpose
Doppler ultrasonography is a new technology that has been study by researchers to improve the physiologic and pathologic knowledge about reproduction. This technology is based on Doppler-shifts frequencies or ultrasonic, these frequencies can be increase or decrease according to the movements of the red cells in the vessel. Color Doppler and power Doppler are the two possibilities to use the Doppler ultrasonography. Color Doppler is based in more the one color that show the direction of the blood f low and power Doppler is based in one color that change according of the flow intensity. Doppler ultrasonography can be demonstrated with the spectral mode to verify blood flow in large vessels, because of this, it is not use in equine reproduction. Studies in equine reproduction have been doing to verify uterus blood flow in cyclic mares and to observe the vascular perfusion in mares with cists, uterine vascular perfusion post breeding and verify the affects of drugs to decrease the uterus fluid in mares with problems in uterus perfusion. The ovarian irrigation during the estrus cycle was analyze with the measurement of the principal hormones during the estrus cycle in mares, the integrity of the corpus luteus, the irrigation of the future dominant follicle and the consequences in the ovarian irrigation after luteolyse induction also were study. Nevertheless, more than the knowledge that existed about Doppler ultrasonography, new studies have been doing to improve the forms to use Doppler ultrasonography in equine reproduction
Current cattlemen must seek methods to maximum reproductive efficiency of their beef herds, making the business competitive and enhancing greater profitability. For the cow-calf producers, efficiency translates into more cows producing one calf every year. Fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) is one of several technologies that producers utilize to reach this goal. Postpartum anestrus is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in order to obtain suitable results at the end of the breeding season. The TAI protocols are efficient in re-establishing cyclicity in noncycling cows during the postpartum period, streamlining the use of labor on farms, allowing the use of artificial insemination (AI) on a large scale, and introducing superior genetics to the herd. The protocols that are most commonly used in Brazil are based on progesterone (P4) releasing devices that prevent premature estrus and ovulation; and estradiol (E2) to synchronize the initiation of a new follicular wave. In such protocols, administration of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) helps the development of the follicle, increases ovulation rate, improves the endocrine and uterine environment during proestrus and diestrus, and improves fertility. The use of eCG in TAI protocols for suckled cows, non-lactating cows and heifers increases the pregnancy rate allowing more calves at the end of the breeding season and higher profitability to the cattlemen
This project has several objectives: To determine medium values and variations of the density, porosity, humidity, shrinkage volume and the coefficient of mass attenuation of gamma radiation of 59,6 keV of the radioisotope 241Am, using samples of equine radio, in growth and adult. The samples of bones were supplied by the Department of Pathology of University of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics - UNESP campus Botucatu. Bones of the paws front left of two males were used. Of each bone ten samples were removed. Those samples were prepared to just obtain compact bony fabric, being submitted to the rehearsal of determination of the density by the immersion method in water and determination of the coefficient attenuation lineal for the method of attenuation of the radiation of the 241Am, also obtaining your humidity content. Still, they were obtained new samples starting from the ground samples and verified the density of the particles present in that, obtaining the medium value of the coefficient of mass attenuation. The results showed the medium values and significant statistical variations of the density, porosity, humidity, shrinkage volume and coefficient of mass attenuation of gamma radiation of 59, 6 keV of the radioisotope 241Am in the samples, establishing some relationships between of the certain physical parameters with biological aspects and possible existent influences between them
The equine locomotors system alterations are very frequent and corresponds a large portion of cases in equine medicine. The most equine veterinarian’s challenge is to do a precise diagnosis of lameness cause to perform a specific and proper treatment as early as possible. The navicular syndrome is considered responsible for one third of lameness causes and, although much studied, its etiology is still not fully understood. The most varied methods of diagnosis, such as x-ray, magnetic resonance, bursography, scintigraphy, computed tomography and ultrasound, have been used to assess podotrochlear apparatus situation in order to diagnose this syndrome. Among them transcuneal ultrasound can be used to observe some important structures such as the flexor surface of distal sesamoid bone, distal deep digital flexor tendon, distal sesamoid ligament entheses odd and the distal phalanx. The aim of this present paper is provide a brief review on the use and the technique of ultrasonography on third phalanx transcuneal region evaluation and its interpretation on navicular syndrome diagnosis in horses
One of the main causes of incapacity in athletes, be they human or equines, is the occurrence of intra-articular lesions. The equines are each time more required in his athletic performance, resulting in intense stress to the structures that composes the locomotor device. The leading cause of human and equine athlete’s functional incapacity is the intra-articular disorders. One of the greatest advances in sports medicine was the development of arthroscopy as a minimal invasive intra-articular surgery. The defining characteristic of diagnostic or surgical arthroscopy is featured by minimal tissue damage and broad inspection of internal structures inside the joint associated with low morbidity and complications. The advantages of surgical arthroscopy over traditional surgery are well known: limited hospitalization, early return to competition, lower risks of post-operative joint rigidity, magnification of inspected structures, joint lavage associated or not with removal of potentially dangerous substances. Arthroscopy cannot replace conventional methods and must not do so; however, the intrinsic limitations of conventional diagnostic techniques, such as radiology and synovial fluid analysis, must be kept in mind, particularly in evaluating damage to cartilage and the synovial membrane. Arthroscopy has now become the accepted method of performing all joint surgery, however it is mainly used for radical surgery, such as osteochondral fragment removal, surgical curettage and arthroplasty
Equine neonatal isoerythrolysis is a neonatal foals’ illness. Results from the incompatibility of blood type between the foal and the mare and mediated by maternal antibody absorbed by the colostrum against foal’s red blood cells. Characterized by a type ll hypersensitivity reaction, where the exhibition of the organism to a strange antigen, that it takes the sensitization of the lymphocytes B that after the removal of the antigens by the reticule-endothelial system the production of immunoglobulin is decreased, with the formation of cellular immunological will cause the occurrence of the illness in foal of sensitized mares. The most important clinical signs are severe anemia and jaundice, and this illness should be differentiated of other as: hemolysis induced by bacterial toxins, diseases of the hepatobiliary system, disseminated intravascular coagulation and incompatibility in blood transfusions. Like the sensitization happens during the previous incompatible foal’s birth, most cases occur in foals of multiparous mares. However during the first pregnancy the mare can generate a foal with neonatal 7 isoerythrolysis if she have developed placental anomaly in the beginning of the pregnancy which blood cells in her circulation
The rhodococcosis affects humans and animals. Equine are the most important species for rhodococcosis, which is considered the most debilitating disease in the creation of foals, leading to a mortality rates greater than 50% in this category. The disease is caused by Rhodococcus equi, a bacteria considered as a soil-born opportunistic microorganism, intracellular and ubiquitous. The disease in horses is manifested mainly in the form of pyogranulomatous pneumonia and less often in the form of enteric disorders and / or joint disorders. Transmission occurs mainly by ingestion of contaminated food and water, and inhalation in contaminated environment. The organism has mechanisms of evasion of the immune system, maintain viable in inside phagocytic cells, and induces piogranulomatous infections, leading to lesions of difficult treatment using conventional antimicrobials. Lipophilic drugs with good intracellular activity are required to successful treatment. The conventional treatment for foals is based on the combination of erythromycin and rifampin. However, there is a growing concern about the emergence of resistant strains, which makes increasingly studies on the development of alternative antimicrobials for therapy
The equine anesthesia is proven to be a high risk procedure, for both patient and anesthetist, compared to other animal species. In these conditions, a good anesthetic protocol that can deliver sedation, making access and manipulation easier, analgesia fair enough to realize cirurgical procedures, and minimal physiologic changes would be ideal. Since there aren’t any drugs suporting all these qualities, the Neuroleptoanalgesic Associations show themselves as a valuable technique to provide anesthetic quality and safety, possibly diminishing our drug of choice’s doses, therefore offering less fisiological changes and easier monetary access in some cases. This paper objective was to list all these associations found in literature, evaluating their advantages and practical applications