975 resultados para Economics, General
Pritchard, L., Corne, D., Kell, D.B., Rowland, J. & Winson, M. (2005) A general model of error-prone PCR. Journal of Theoretical Biology 234, 497-509.
Roberts, Michael. 'Recovering a lost inheritance: the marital economy and its absence from the Prehistory of Economics in Britain', in: 'The Marital Economy in Scandinavia and Britain 1400-1900', (Eds) Argen, Maria., Erickson, Amy Louise., Farnham: Ashgate, 2005, pp.239-256 RAE2008
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En este trabajo se analizan los efectos de una disminución de los tipos de las cotizaciones sociales, compensada con un incremento en los tipos del impuesto sobre el valor añadido, como la que tuvo lugar en España en 1995. Para ello se utiliza un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado a la economía española, que se presenta en dos versiones: una donde los sectores productivos se modelizan en competencia perfecta, y otra donde los mismos sectores se modelizan como oligopolistas a la Cournot, lo cual nos permite analizar la influencia del supuesto de competencia imperfecta sobre los resultados. Se ha realizado asimismo una simulación adicional aplicando un supuesto de equal yield por el que el déficit público y el nivel de bienestar del sector público se mantienen constantes tras la aplicación de la nueva política, con objeto de aislar los efectos secundarios que se podrían derivar de un cambio en el comportamiento del sector público.
[Vá esta impression cotejada con el original del Autor, y corregida de los innumerables errores que padecen las otras].
Colofón en v.1, v.2, v.5, v.6, y v.7.
Signaturas: A6.
[75] hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
[50] hojas : ilustraciones.
A sermon preached to the General Assembly reporting on the mission efforts of the church.
Various restrictions on the terms allowed for substitution give rise to different cases of semi-unification. Semi-unification on finite and regular terms has already been considered in the literature. We introduce a general case of semi-unification where substitutions are allowed on non-regular terms, and we prove the equivalence of this general case to a well-known undecidable data base dependency problem, thus establishing the undecidability of general semi-unification. We present a unified way of looking at the various problems of semi-unification. We give some properties that are common to all the cases of semi-unification. We also the principality property and the solution set for those problems. We prove that semi-unification on general terms has the principality property. Finally, we present a recursive inseparability result between semi-unification on regular terms and semi-unification on general terms.
The Science of Network Service Composition has clearly emerged as one of the grand themes driving many of our research questions in the networking field today [NeXtworking 2003]. This driving force stems from the rise of sophisticated applications and new networking paradigms. By "service composition" we mean that the performance and correctness properties local to the various constituent components of a service can be readily composed into global (end-to-end) properties without re-analyzing any of the constituent components in isolation, or as part of the whole composite service. The set of laws that would govern such composition is what will constitute that new science of composition. The combined heterogeneity and dynamic open nature of network systems makes composition quite challenging, and thus programming network services has been largely inaccessible to the average user. We identify (and outline) a research agenda in which we aim to develop a specification language that is expressive enough to describe different components of a network service, and that will include type hierarchies inspired by type systems in general programming languages that enable the safe composition of software components. We envision this new science of composition to be built upon several theories (e.g., control theory, game theory, network calculus, percolation theory, economics, queuing theory). In essence, different theories may provide different languages by which certain properties of system components can be expressed and composed into larger systems. We then seek to lift these lower-level specifications to a higher level by abstracting away details that are irrelevant for safe composition at the higher level, thus making theories scalable and useful to the average user. In this paper we focus on services built upon an overlay management architecture, and we use control theory and QoS theory as example theories from which we lift up compositional specifications.