957 resultados para ETF and ITF Load cases


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A pressurized core with CH4 hydrate or dissolved CH4 should evolve gas volumes in a predictable manner as pressure is released over time at isothermal conditions. Incremental gas volumes were collected as pressure was released over time from 29 pressure core sampler (PCS) cores from Sites 994, 995, 996, and 997 on the Blake Ridge. Most of these cores were kept at or near 0ºC with an ice bath, and many of these cores yielded substantial quantities of CH4. Volume-pressure plots were constructed for 20 of these cores. Only five plots conform to expected volume and pressure changes for sediment cores with CH4 hydrate under initial pressure and temperature conditions. However, other evidence suggests that sediment in these five and at least five other PCS cores contained CH4 hydrate before core recovery and gas release. Detection of CH4 hydrate in a pressurized sediment core through volume-pressure relationships is complicated by two factors. First, significant quantities of CH4-poor borehole water fill the PCS and come into contact with the core. This leads to dilution of CH4 concentration in interstitial water and, in many cases, decomposition of CH4 hydrate before a degassing experiment begins. Second, degassing experiments were conducted after the PCS had equilibrated in an ice-water bath (0ºC). This temperature is significantly lower than in situ values in the sediment formation before core recovery. Our results and interpretations for PCS cores collected on Leg 164 imply that pressurized containers formerly used by the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and currently used by ODP are not appropriately designed for direct detection of gas hydrate in sediment at in situ conditions through volume-pressure relationships.


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To assess the contribution of soft-bottoms to the carbon cycle in coral reefs, the net community production (p) was measured in winter at 3 stations on La Saline inner reef flat (Reunion Island). Changes in pH and total alkalinity at different irradiances (I) were assessed using benthic chambers (0.2 m2) during a 1-h incubation. Mean grain size, the silt and clay load and chlorophyll a content of the sediments were analysed in each chamber. Daily community production (P), gross community production (Pg) and community respiration (R) were estimated from p-I curves and daily irradiance variations (PAR, 400-700 nm). Sediment characteristics and chlorophyll a contents did not differ between the three sites, except for the silt and clay fraction at one station. R being higher than Pg (84.88 ± 7.36 and -62.29 ± 3.34 mmolC m-2 d-1 respectively), P value reached 22.59 ± 5.66 mmolC m-2 d-1. The sediments were therefore heterotrophic with a mean Pg/R lower than 1 (0.74 ± 0.05) and appear to be a carbon source. Our data suggested the importance of the degradation process in the functioning of near-reef sediments.


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This paper investigates how low cost carrier (LCC) developments have affected the traffic and financial performance of UK airports from 2002 to 2014. Considerable growth in traffic was experienced from 2002 to 2007, especially at regional airports as a result of LCC expansion. This was replaced with a more volatile period from 2008 to 2014 where many of the regional airports that experienced the greatest increases in traffic during the early years, then experienced the largest reductions. This has clearly had an impact on their financial well-being, resulting in reduced profits for many airports. It has also meant that many regional airports that seemed like attractive investments as a result of LCC expansion are now less financially appealing, especially given that the LCC sector in the UK appears to be shifting capacity to larger regional airports, and in some cases, London airports.


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This paper uses the Statistics Canada Survey of Literacy Skills in Daily Use (LSUDA) to investigate minority-“white”(i.e., non-minority) income differences and the role education and English/French literacy and numeracy skills play in those patterns. There are three principal sets of findings. First, among males, some visible minority groups have substantially lower levels of the measured language and number skills than whites and other more economically successful minorities, and in some cases these differences play a significant role in explaining the observed income patterns. The minority-white income gaps are, however, much smaller for women, and the literacy and numeracy variables do not have much of a role to play in explaining those differences. Second, for men, the minority-white income gaps are largely confined to immigrants, and there are no significant differences amongst the native-born once various factors which affect incomes (including education and the literacy and numeracy measures) are taken into account. For women, though, minority-white income differences only emerge for certain Canadian-born groups when they are differentiated from immigrants, for whom different gaps become apparent. Finally, the measured returns to literacy and numeracy differ significantly by ethnic group and sex. Various implications of the findings are discussed.


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Guaranteed under the Federal Constitution of 1988, Brazilian social security covers rights relating to health, social welfare and social care. The Continuous Cash Benefit Programme (BPC) was approved as part of social care policy and is regulated under the Social Care Act (Ley Orgánica de Asistencia Social) of 1993. This benefit guarantees a minimum monthly income for persons with disabilities and for older adults. Certain requirements must be satisfied in order to obtain the assistance: medical and social assessment of disabled persons, a minimum age of 65 years for older adults, and, in both cases, the value of per capita income for the nuclear family in question, which must be lower than a quarter of the minimum wage. Regulation of the BPC has incorporated advances and setbacks in terms of legislation and implementation. In this framework, this article presents a theoretical reflection, an analysis of the legislation on the matter, and some reflections on the challenges that it poses for social workers.


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Hairy cell leukaemia variant (HCL-variant) and splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) are disorders with overlapping features. We investigated the prognostic impact in these disorders of clinical and molecular features including IGH VDJ rearrangements, IGHV gene usage and TP 53 mutations. Clinical and laboratory data were collected before therapy from 35 HCL-variant and 68 SMZL cases. End-points were the need for treatment and overall survival. 97% of HCL-variant and 77% of SMZL cases required treatment (P = 0·009). Survival at 5 years was significantly worse in HCL-variant [57% (95% confidence interval 38-73%)] compared with SMZL [84% (71-91%); Hazard Ratio 2·25 (1·20-4·25), P = 0·01]. In HCL-variant, adverse prognostic factors for survival were older age (P = 0·04), anaemia (P = 0·01) and TP 53 mutations (P = 0·02). In SMZL, splenomegaly, anaemia and IGHV genes with >98% homology to the germline predicted the need for treatment; older age, anaemia and IGHV unmutated genes (100% homology) predicted shorter survival. IGHV gene usage had no impact on clinical outcome in either disease. The combination of unfavourable factors allowed patients to be stratified into risk groups with significant differences in survival. Although HCL-variant and SMZL share some features, they have different outcomes, influenced by clinical and biological factors.


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PURPOSE: We analyzed patients with hairy cell leukemia (HCL) to achieve a better understanding of the differentiation stage reached by HCL cells and to define the key role of the diversification of cell surface makers, especially CD25 expression. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed 38 previously untreated patients with HCL to characterize their complete (VDJ(H)) and incomplete (DJ(H)) immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain (IgH) rearrangements, including somatic hypermutation pattern and gene segment use. RESULTS: A correlation between immunophenotypic profile and molecular data was seen. All 38 cases showed monoclonal amplifications: VDJ(H) in 97%, DJ(H) in 42%, and both in 39%. Segments from the D(H)3 family were used more in complete compared with incomplete rearrangements (45% vs. 12%; P <.005). Furthermore, comparison between molecular and immunophenotypic characteristics disclosed differences in the expression of CD25 antigen; CD25(-) cases, a phenotype associated with HCL variant, showed complete homology to the germline in 3 of 5 cases (60%), whereas this characteristic was never observed in CD25(+) cases (P <.005). Moreover, V(H)4-34, V(H)1-08, and J(H)3 segments appeared in 2, 1, and 2 CD25(-) cases, respectively, whereas they were absent in all CD25(+) cases. CONCLUSION: These results support that HCL is a heterogeneous entity including subgroups with different molecular characteristics, which reinforces the need for additional studies with a larger number of patients to clarify the real role of gene rearrangements in HCL.


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As the relative burden of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia among HIV-positive patients increases, adequate prediction of case severity on presentation is crucial. We sought to determine what characteristics measurable on presentation are predictive of worse outcomes. We studied all admissions for community-acquired bacterial pneumonia over one year at a tertiary centre. Patient demographics, comorbidities, HIV-specific markers and CURB-65 scores on Emergency Department presentation were reviewed. Outcomes of interest included mortality, bacteraemia, intensive care unit admission and orotracheal intubation. A total of 396 patients were included: 49 HIV-positive and 347 HIV-negative. Mean CURB-65 score was 1.3 for HIV-positive and 2.2 for HIV-negative patients (p < 0.0001), its predictive value for mortality being maintained in both groups (p = 0.03 and p < 0.001, respectively). Adjusting for CURB-65 scores, HIV infection by itself was only associated with bacteraemia (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 7.1, 95% CI [2.6-19.5]). Patients with < 200 CD4 cells/µL presented similar CURB-65 adjusted mortality (aOR 1.7, 95% CI [0.2-15.2]), but higher risk of intensive care unit admission (aOR 5.7, 95% CI [1.5-22.0]) and orotracheal intubation (aOR 9.1, 95% CI [2.2-37.1]), compared to HIV-negative patients. These two associations were not observed in the > 200 CD4 cells/µL subgroup (aOR 2.2, 95% CI [0.7-7.6] and aOR 0.8, 95% CI [0.1-6.5], respectively). Antiretroviral therapy and viral load suppression were not associated with different outcomes (p > 0.05). High CURB-65 scores and CD4 counts < 200 cells/µL were both associated with worse outcomes. Severity assessment scales and CD4 counts may both be helpful in predicting severity in HIV-positive patients presenting with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia.


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This thesis explores changing discourses of childhood and the ways in which power relations intersect with socio-cultural norms to shape screen-based media for Palestinian children. Situated within the interdisciplinary study of childhood, the research is an institutional and textual analysis that includes discursive and micro-level analysis of the socio-political circumstances within which children consume media in present-day Palestine. The thesis takes a social constructionist view, arguing that ‘childhood’ is not a fixed universal concept and that discourses of childhood are produced at specific historical moments as an effect of power. The study has a three-part research agenda. The first section uses secondary literature to explore theories and philosophies relating to definitions of childhood in Arab societies. The second employs participant observation and semi-structured interviews to understand the history and politics of children’s media in the West Bank. The final part of the research activity focuses on the impact that definitions of childhood and the politics of children’s media have on broadcasting outcomes through an analysis of (a) discourses on children’s media that circulate in Palestinian society, and (b) local and pan-Arab cultural texts consumed by Palestinian children. The analysis demonstrates that complex ideological and political factors are at play, which has led to the marginalisation, politicisation and internationalisation of local production for children. Due to the lack of alternatives, local producers often rely on international funding, and are hence forced to negotiate competing definitions of childhood, which while fitting with an international agenda of normalising the Israeli occupation, conflict culturally and politically with local conceptions of childhood and hopes for the Palestinian nation. While the Palestinian community appreciates the positive potential of local production, discourses and strategies around children’s media show that Palestinian children are constructed as vulnerable, incomplete and in constant need of guidance. Pan-Arab content presents a slightly less didactic approach and in certain cases presents childhood as a dynamic space of empowerment. However, by constructing children as ‘consumercitizens’, it alienates Arab (and Palestinian) children from disadvantaged backgrounds,as the preferred audience is middle-class children living in oil-rich countries of the Gulf.


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The last two decades have seen a proliferation of research frameworks that emphasise the importance of understanding adaptive processes that happen at different levels. We contribute to this growing body of literature by exploring how cultural (mal)adaptive dynamics relate to multilevel social-ecological processes occurring at different scales, where the lower levels combine into new units with new organizations, functions, and emergent properties or collective behaviors. After a brief review of the concept of “cultural adaptation” from the perspective of cultural evolutionary theory, the core of the paper is constructed around the exploration of multilevel processes occurring at the temporal, spatial, social, and political scales. We do so by using insights from cultural evolutionary theory and by examining small-scale societies as case studies. In each section, we discuss the importance of the selected scale for understanding cultural adaptation and then present an example that illustrates how multilevel processes in the selected scale help explain observed patterns in the cultural adaptive process. The last section of the paper discusses the potential of modeling and computer simulation for studying multilevel processes in cultural adaptation. We conclude by highlighting how elements from cultural evolutionary theory might enrich the multilevel process discussion in resilience theory.


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The purpose of this investigationwas to simulate a real life scenarioand explore the way economicagents update their beliefs. Do theyupdate according to what theyhope? Or do they update inspired byrational behavior?We mimicked the environment whicha recently high school graduate faceswhen entering college to see how astudent updates his beliefs in regardsto his classroom position. We examinedhow economic agents envisagethemselves through and through collegeand see if they update their beliefsabout a hypothesis A in the lightof new evidence B, or if they updatetheir beliefs subject to what theychoose they hope. In this sense weexplored the possibility of setting asidethe neoclassical assumption thatagents are anything more than hyperrational naïve optimizers acting on perfect (and in some cases, limited information)in order to turn back to anolder tradition in economic theory, thatis agents are recognizably human.


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Introduction. Volvulus of transverse colon is rare when compared to cecal and sigmoid volvulus. Cases involving simultaneous volvulus of the transverse colon and another colonic segment are extremely rare. Case report. We report a rare case of simultaneous sigmoid and transverse colon volvulus in a 82-year-old Caucasian female Conclusion. Volvulus is a well recognized cause of large bowel obstruction. The development of transverse and sigmoid volvulus in the same patient is extremely rare. Though rare this possibility must always be considered in the differential diagnosis, when dealing with recurrent intermittent abdominal pain or acute intestinal obstruction.


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Interaction of ocean waves, currents and sea bed roughness is a complicated phenomena in fluid dynamic. This paper will describe the governing equations of motions of this phenomena in viscous and nonviscous conditions as well as study and analysis the experimental results of sets of physical models on waves, currents and artificial roughness, and consists of three parts: First, by establishing some typical patterns of roughness, the effects of sea bed roughness on a uniform current has been studied, as well as the manning coefficient of each type is reviewed to find the critical situation due to different arrangement. Second, the effect of roughness on wave parameters changes, such as wave height, wave length, and wave dispersion equations have been studied, third, superimposing, the waves + current + roughness patterns established in a flume, equipped with waves + currents generator, in this stage different analysis has been done to find the governing dimensionless numbers, and present the numbers to define the contortions and formulations of this phenomena. First step of the model is verified by the so called Chinese method, and the Second step by the Kamphius (1975), and third step by the van Rijn (1990) , and Brevik and Ass ( 1980), and in all cases reasonable agreements have been obtained. Finally new dimensionless parameters presented for this complicated phenomena.


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A number of fish species once native only to Lakes Victoria and Kyoga have considerably declined over the years, and in some cases disappeared, due to over exploitation, introduction of exotic species especially the Nile Perch, and environmental degradation resulting from human activities. Some of the species have been observed to survive in satellite lakes in the Victoria and Kyoga Lake basins. The Nabugabo satellite lakes contain the endemic Cichlid fish species, Oreochromis esculentus and two haplochromine species previously found only in Lake Nabugabo. There is, therefore, need to conserve these species by ensuring sustainable use and management of the resources. The study revealed that the Nabugabo lakes provide a range of socio-economic benefits accruing from fishing, farming, logging, resort beach development and watering of animals. However, although these activities impact on the lakes ecosystems, the participation of resource users in management is limited because of the weak local management institutions operating on the lakes, hence the need to strengthen them through capacity building. It is recommended that Government should work jointly with the beach committees and fishing community in a participatory way to eliminate the use of destructive fishing practices and control the other environment degrading activities.


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Cyberbullying is gaining increasing media attention. Victims may be reluctant to report such bullying due to the perception by others that these victims somehow play a role in their own victimization. This perception, often referred to as victim blame, has been commonly researched in child sexual abuse, rape and hate crime cases, but it has not really been examined in cases of cyberbullying. To assess victim blame, 241 participants were recruited and asked to read a scenario of cyberbullying that involved either a 14-year-old or a 20-year old victim. Perpetrator gender and victim gender were also manipulated. It was found that perceptions regarding the scenario were influenced by the gender of the perpetrator and the age of the victim. This was particularly the case when perceptions of the seriousness of the crime and the necessity for legal action were assessed.