932 resultados para EFFLUX IN-VIVO


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The evolutionarily conserved factor eIF5A is the only protein known to undergo hypusination, a unique posttranslational modification triggered by deoxyhypusine synthase (Dys1). Although eIF5A is essential for cell viability, the function of this putative translation initiation factor is still obscure. To identify eIF5A-binding proteins that could clarify its function, we screened a two-hybrid library and identified two eIF-5A partners in S. cerevisiae: Dys1 and the protein encoded by the gene YJR070C, named Lia1 (Ligand of eIF5A). The interactions were confirmed by GST pulldown. Mapping binding sites for these proteins revealed that both eIF5A domains can bind to Dys1, whereas the C-terminal domain is sufficient to bind Lia1. We demonstrate for the first time in vivo that the N-terminal α-helix of Dys1 can modulate enzyme activity by inhibiting eIF5A interaction. We suggest that this inhibition be abrogated in the cell when hypusinated and functional eIF5A is required. © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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The processing of titanium porous coatings using powder metallurgy technique to achieve a porous structure that allows osseointegration with bone tissue was discussed. The porous microstructure exhibited micropores and interconnected macropores with size ranges that allowed bone ingrowth. The macropores in the coatings were originated from the binder evaporation while the micropore was related with the porous titanium powder and the low compaction pressure used. The in vivo evaluation indicated that osseointegration had occurred between the bone and porous material.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of biomechanical preparation using different irrigating solutions. Seventy-eight root canals from premolars of four dogs were used. After experimental induction of periapical lesions, the root canals were prepared using the following solutions for irrigation: Group 1) 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); Group 2) 2% chlorhexidine (CHX); Group 3) saline solution and Group 4) control group with no biomechanical preparation. The microbiological evaluation of the root canals was performed by counting the colony forming units (CFUs) using different culture mediums. Two absorbent paper cones were used in each root canal in order to collect the microbiological samples before, and thirty days after the biomechanical preparation. The culture plates were incubated in aerobic, anaerobic and microaerophilic environment. Statistical evaluation was carried out using analysis of variance, Tukey and Student tests. The results demonstrated that there was reduction in the number of microorganisms in the NaOCl and CHX groups (p<0.05). There was greater effectiveness in the chlorhexidine group. The group that used saline solution and the control group presented an increased number of microorganisms. It can be concluded that the use of antimicrobial irrigating solutions during biomechanical preparation promotes the reduction of endodontic microbiota. However, a considerable number of microorganisms were still observed.


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The clastogenic effect of the A. populnea leaves extract was tested in vivo on bone marrow cells of Wistar rats by evaluating the induction of chromosome aberrations and micronuclei induction on polychromatic erythrocytes. The extract was administered by gavage at doses of 300, 600 and 900mg/kg body weight. Experimental and control animals were submitted to euthanasia 24 h after the treatment. Under the conditions used, A. populnea leaves extract did not induce decrease in mitotic index and did not induce a statistically significant increase in the mean number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes or chromosome aberrations in the bone marrow cells of Wistar rats. © 2007 The Japan Mendel Society.


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A variety of effects is attributed to the photo stimulation of tissues, such as improved healing of ulcers, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of the proliferation of cells of different origins and stimulation of bone repair. Some investigations that make qualitative evaluations, like wound healing and evaluation of pain and edema, can be conducted in human subjects. However, deeper investigations on the mechanisms of action of the light stimulus and other quantitative works that requires biopsies or destructive analysis has to be carried out in animal models or in cell cultures. In this work, we propose the use of planarians as a model to study laser-tissue interaction. Contrasting with cell cultures and unicellular organisms, planarians are among the simplest organism having tissue layers, central nerve system, digestive and excretory system that might have been platforms for the evolution of the complex and highly organized tissues and organs found in higher organisms. For the present study, 685 nm laser radiation was employed. Planarians were cut transversally, in a plane posterior to the auricles. The body fragments were left to regenerate and the proliferation dynamics of stem cells was studied by using histological analysis. Maximum cell count was obtained for the laser treated group at the 4th experimental day. At that experimental time, we also had the largest difference between the irradiated and the non-irradiated control group. We concluded that the studied flatworm could be an interesting animal model for in vivo studies of laser-tissue interactions.


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Host-derived proteases have been reported to degrade the collagen matrix of incompletely-resin-infiltrated dentin. This study tested the hypothesis that interfacial degradation of resin-dentin bonds may be prevented or delayed by the application of chlorhexidine (CHX), a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, to dentin after phosphoric acid-etching. Contralateral pairs of resin-bonded Class I restorations in non-carious third molars were kept under intra-oral function for 14 months. Preservation of resin-dentin bonds was assessed by microtensile bond strength tests and TEM examination. In vivo bond strength remained stable in the CHX-treated specimens, while bond strength decreased significantly in control teeth. Resin-infiltrated dentin in CHX-treated specimens exhibited normal structural integrity of the collagen network. Conversely, progressive disintegration of the fibrillar network was identified in control specimens. Auto-degradation of collagen matrices can occur in resin-infiltrated dentin, but may be prevented by the application of a synthetic protease inhibitor, such as chlorhexidine.


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Casearia sylvestris (Flacourtiaceae) is a plant which grows in wild and has been widely used in folk medicine. In this study, clastogenic/aneugenic properties of Casearia sylvestris crude ethanolic extract were evaluated using in vivo chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and micronucleus (MN) assays in rodents. The animals were treated by gavage with 3 concentrations of the extract: 150, 300 and 500 mg/kg body weight. Bone marrow cells from Wistar rats were collected 24 h after having been submitted to the MN and CAs test. Peripheral blood cells from Swiss mice were collected 48 and 72 h after having been submitted to the MN test. The results show that C. sylvestris extract does not induce a significant increase in mean values for micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCE) in Swiss mice and Wistar rats, or CAs in rat bone marrow cells, at the 3 tested doses, indicating that the extract showed no clastogenic/aneugenic effects on chromosomes of the rodent cells tested. © 2007 The Japan Mendel Society.


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The effect of phosphorus levels on seedling growth, dry and fresh matter production, and in vivo acid phosphatase activity was studied in Lychnophora ericoides cultivated during 130 days after transplanting in a greenhouse. Experimental design was completely randomized, with four P 2O 5 levels (0; 40; 80; 160 mg dm -3 as triple superphosphate) and five replicates of four plants each. The used soil was dystrophic acid dark red latosol. Lychnophora ericoides is responsive to phosphate fertilization with modification in daily relative growth rate, dry matter production and distribution among the plant parts. Acid phosphatase activity had significant and negative correlation with total, leaf and stem dry matter production, as well as with P levels accumulated in the leaf tissue. On the other hand, acid phosphatase activity had significant and positive correlation with root/shoot ratio.


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The osseointegration of porous titanium implants was evaluated in the present work. Implants were fabricated from ASTM grade 2 titanium by a powder metallurgy method. Part of these implants were submitted to chemical and thermal treatment in order to deposit a biomimetic coating, aiming to evaluate its influence on the osseointegration of the implants. The implants were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman Spectroscopy. Three coated and three control (uncoated) implants were surgically inserted into thirty albino rabbits' left and right tibiae, respectively. Tibiae samples were submitted to histological and histomorphometric analyses, utilizing SEM, optical microscopy and mechanical tests. EDS results indicated calcium (Ca) and phosphorous (P) at the surface and Raman spectra exhibited an intense peak, characteristic of hydroxyapatite (HA). Bone neoformation was detected at the bone-implant interface and inside the pores, including the central ones. The mean bone neoformation percentage in the coated implants was statistically higher at 15 days, compared to 30 and 45 days. The mechanical tests showed that coated implants presented higher resistance to displacement, especially after 30 and 45 days.


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Bioceramics with different Ca/P ratio were prepared from a mechanical mixture of NaPO3, CaCO3, Ca(OH)2 and phosphate buffer solution and implanted in rats subcutaneous tissues. The cements were characterized by Thermo gravimetric analysis (TG-TDA), X-ray diffraction and 31P-NMR. The implant sites were excised after 1, 4 and 16 weeks, fixed, dehydrated, included in paraffin wax for serial cutting and examined under the light transmitted microscope. They were biocompatible and biodegradable when implanted in rat subcutaneous. None of the materials induced ectopic osteogenesis. According to the results, the studied materials seem to be able for manufacturing reabsorbable bone implants.


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Although glucocorticoids are widely used as antiinflammatory agents in clinical therapies, they may cause serious side effects that include insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. To study the potential functional adaptations of the islet of Langerhans to in vivo glucocorticoid treatment, adult Wistar rats received dexamethasone (DEX) for 5 consecutive days, whereas controls (CTL) received only saline. The analysis of insulin release in freshly isolated islets showed an enhanced secretion in response to glucose in DEX-treated rats. The study of Ca2 2+ signals by fluorescence microscopy also demonstrated a higher response to glucose in islets from DEX-treated animals. However, no differences in Ca2 2+signals were found between both groups with tolbutamide or KCl, indicating that the alterations were probably related to metabolism. Thus, mitochondrial function was explored by monitoring oxidation of nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate autofluorescence and mitochondrial membrane potential. Both parameters revealed a higher response to glucose in islets from DEX-treated rats. The mRNA and protein content of glucose transporter-2, glucokinase, and pyruvate kinase was similar in both groups, indicating that changes in these proteins were probably not involved in the increased mitochondrial function. Additionally,weexplored the status of Ca2 2+-dependent signaling kinases. Unlike calmodulin kinase II, we found an augmented phosphorylation level of protein kinase Cα as well as an increased response of the phospholipase C/inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate pathway in DEX-treated rats. Finally, an increased number of docked secretory granules were observed in the β-cells of DEX animals using transmission electron microscopy. Thus, these results demonstrate that islets from glucocorticoid-treated rats develop several adaptations that lead to an enhanced stimulus-secretion coupling and secretory capacity. Copyright © 2010 by The Endocrine Society.


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Objectives: This study aimed to measure pH changes during 14 days intracoronal bleaching with hydrogen peroxide/sodium perborate and carbamide peroxide/sodium perborate. Materials and methods: Twenty patients presenting endodontically treated central maxillary incisors with color alterations were divided in two groups (n = 10): Group CP + SP: 37% carbamide peroxide + sodium perborate paste; Group HP + SP: 30% hydrogen peroxide + sodium perborate paste. The pH values were measured using a digital microprocessor at different times: Baseline, 2, 7 and 14 days. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results: ANOVA showed p < 0.00 which indicated significant difference between the groups. The mean values (± sd) and the results of the Tukey's test were: HP + SP/14 days-7.98 (±0.58)a; HP + SP/7 days-8.59 (±0.18)b; HP + SP/2 days-8.83 (±0.32)bc; HP + SP/Baseline-8.83 (±0.01)bc; CP + SP/Baseline-8.89 (±0.01)bc; CP + SP/14 days-9.11 (±0.58)cd; CP + SP/7 days-9.54 (±0.16)de; CP + SP/2 days-9.66 (±0.08) de. The group HP + SP resulted in significantly lower pH values compared with group CP + SP. Conclusion: It can be concluded that both associations showed alkaline pH values; however, there was significant reduction in the pH values of the 30% hydrogen peroxide associated with sodium perborate after 14 days. Clinical Significance: The association of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide with sodium perborate paste presented alkaline characteristics during the 14-day evaluated period. Thus, regarding pH changes, both associations can be considered safe as intracoronal bleaching agents.


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The development of various types of cancer results from the interaction among endogenous, environmental and hormonal factors, where the most notable of these factors is diet. The aim of the present study was to determine the antigenotoxic, anticarcinogenic, phagocytic and immunomodulatory activities of Agaricus blazei. The test antigenotoxicity (Comet Assay) and anticarcinogenic (Test of Aberrant Crypt Foci) assess changes in DNA and/or intestinal mucosa that correlate to cancer development. Tests of phagocytosis in the spleen and differential count in blood cells allow the inference of modulation of the immune system as well as to propose a way of eliminating cells with DNA damage. Supplementation with the mushroom was carried out under pre-treatment, simultaneous treatment, post-treatment and pre-treatment. +. continuous conditions. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the mushroom did not have genotoxic activity but showed antigenotoxic activity. Supplementation caused an increase in the number of monocytes and in phagocytic activity, suggesting that supplementation increases a proliferation of monocytes, consequently increasing phagocytic capacity especially in the groups pre-treatment, simultaneous and pre-treatment. +. continuous. The data suggest that A. blazei could act as a functional food capable of promoting immunomodulation which can account for the destruction of cells with DNA alterations that correlate with the development of cancer, since this mushroom was demonstrated to have a preventive effect against pre-neoplastic colorectal lesions evaluated by the aberrant crypt foci assay. According to these results and the literature, it is believed that supplementation with A. blazei can be an efficient method for the prevention of cancer as well as possibly being an important coadjuvant treatment in chemotherapy. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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The objective of this experiment was to test in vitro embryo production (IVP) as a tool to estimate fertility performance in zebu bulls using Bayesian inference statistics. Oocytes were matured and fertilized in vitro using sperm cells from three different Zebu bulls (V, T, and G). The three bulls presented similar results with regard to pronuclear formation and blastocyst formation rates. However, the cleavage rates were different between bulls. The estimated conception rates based on combined data of cleavage and blastocyst formation were very similar to the true conception rates observed for the same bulls after a fixed-time artificial insemination program. Moreover, even when we used cleavage rate data only or blastocyst formation data only, the estimated conception rates were still close to the true conception rates. We conclude that Bayesian inference is an effective statistical procedure to estimate in vivo bull fertility using data from IVP. © 2011 Mateus José Sudano et al.


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4-Methylesculetin (4-ME) is a synthetic derivative of coumarin that displays a potent reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger and metal chelating agent and therefore has been produced to help reduce the risk of human disease. The main objective of this study was to investigate the in vivo genotoxicity of 4-ME and initially to verify its potential antigenotoxicity on doxorubicin (DXR)-induced DNA damage. Different doses of 4-ME (500, 1000 and 2000mgkg -1 body weight) were administered by gavage only or with a simultaneous intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of DXR (80mgkg -1). The following endpoints were analyzed: DNA damage in peripheral blood, liver, bone marrow, brain and testicle cells according to an alkaline (pH>13) comet assay and micronucleus induction in bone marrow cells. Cytotoxicity was assessed by scoring polychromatic (PCE) and normochromatic (NCE) erythrocytes (PCE/NCE ratio). No differences were observed between the negative control and the groups treated with a 4-ME dose for any of the endpoints analyzed, indicating that it lacks genotoxic and cytotoxic effects. Moreover, 4-ME demonstrated protective effects against DXR-induced DNA damage at all tested doses and in all analyzed cell types, which ranged from 34.1% to 93.3% in the comet assay and 54.4% to 65.9% in the micronucleus test.