971 resultados para Digital techniques
O projeto MEMORIAMEDIA tem como objetivos o estudo, a inventariação e divulgação de manifestações do património cultural imaterial: expressões orais; práticas performativas; celebrações; o saber-fazer de artes e ofícios e as práticas e conhecimentos relacionados com a natureza e o universo. O MEMORIAMEDIA iniciou em 2006, em pleno debate nacional e internacional das questões do património cultural imaterial. Este livro cruza essas discussões teóricas, metodológicas e técnicas com a caracterização do MEMORIAMEDIA. Os resultados do projeto, organizados num inventário nacional, estão publicados no site www.memoriamedia.net, onde se encontram disponíveis para consulta e partilha. Filomena Sousa é investigadora de pós-doutoramento em antropologia (FCSH/UNL) e doutorada em sociologia (ISCTE-IUL). Membro integrado no Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição - patrimónios, artes e culturas (IELT) da FCSH/UNL e consultora da Memória Imaterial CRL – organização não-governamental autora e gestora do projeto MEMORIAMEDIA. Desenvolve investigação no âmbito das políticas e instrumentos de identificação, documentação e salvaguarda do património cultural imaterial e realizou vários documentários sobre expressões culturais.
Esta dissertação pretende analisar as práticas de dois artistas contemporâneos, Ryan Trecartin e Jacolby Satterwhite, nomeadamente a nível do modo como trabalham a intersecção do vídeo digital e da performance como forma de manifestação de corporalizações queer através do corpo masculino. Mais concretamente, interessa-nos focar processos de “queerificação” e de produção de corpos que emergem intrinsecamente pelo médium digital, e que exploram as possibilidades transformativas do médium tanto a nível de representação, criação e mutação de formas, como a nível comunicacional e de possibilidades de subjectivação e corporalizações múltiplas. Para tal, partimos dos dois campos teóricos que se mostraram mais pertinentes relativamente aos processos artísticos em análise, nomeadamente: a teoria queer pelo modo como definiu o carácter performativo das normas de género e as categorizações identitárias sexuais como suporte da heteronormatividade, identificando estratégias para a sua re-significação; e o pensamento sobre a relação do corpo com o médium digital, pelo modo como delineou processos de corporalização através da tecnologia digital. A análise dos processos artísticos de Ryan Trecartin e Jacolby Satterwhite demonstra como a arte contemporânea é um território fértil não apenas para a exposição de matrizes normativas de opressão, mas também para a criação de mundos radicalmente queer em que, fazendo uso do potencial transformativo do médium digital, se manifestam realidades e corpos onde a normatividade é totalmente implodida.
In the following text I will develop three major aspects. The first is to draw attention to those who seem to have been the disciplinary fields where, despite everything, the Digital Humanities (in the broad perspective as will be regarded here) have asserted themselves in a more comprehensive manner. I think it is here that I run into greater risks, not only for what I have mentioned above, but certainly because a significant part, perhaps, of the achievements and of the researchers might have escaped the look that I sought to cast upon the past few decades, always influenced by my own experience and the work carried out in the field of History. But this can be considered as a work in progress and it is open to criticism and suggestions. A second point to note is that emphasis will be given to the main lines of development in the relationship between historical research and digital methodologies, resources and tools. Finally, I will try to make a brief analysis of what has been the Digital Humanities discourse appropriation in recent years, with very debatable data and methods for sure, because studies are still scarce and little systematic information is available that would allow to go beyond an introductory reflection.
Self-assembly is a phenomenon that occurs frequently throughout the universe. In this work, two self-assembling systems were studied: the formation of reverse micelles in isooctane and in supercritical CO2 (scCO2), and the formation of gels in organic solvents. The goal was the physicochemical study of these systems and the development of an NMR methodology to study them. In this work, AOT was used as a model molecule both to comprehensively study a widely researched system water/AOT/isooctane at different water concentrations and to assess its aggregation in supercritical carbon dioxide at different pressures. In order to do so an NMR methodology was devised, in which it was possible to accurately determine hydrodynamic radius of the micelle (in agreement with DLS measurements) using diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY), the micellar stability and its dynamics. This was mostly assessed by 1H NMR relaxation studies, which allowed to determine correlation times and size of correlating water molecules, which are in agreement with the size of the shell that interacts with the micellar layer. The encapsulation of differently-sized carbohydrates was also studied and allowed to understand the dynamics and stability of the aggregates in such conditions. A W/CO2 microemulsion was prepared using AOT and water in scCO2, with ethanol as cosurfactant. The behaviour of the components of the system at different pressures was assessed and it is likely that above 130 bar reverse microemulsions were achieved. The homogeneity of the system was also determined by NMR. The formation of the gel network by two small molecular organogelators in toluene-d8 was studied by DOSY. A methodology using One-shot DOSY to perform the spectra was designed and applied with success. This yielded an understanding about the role of the solvent and gelator in the aggregation process, as an estimation of the time of gelation.
A revista de bordo é um produto editorial bem conhecido do passageiro aéreo. Ela faz parte do universo da aviação há várias décadas, servindo tanto o propósito de distrair os passageiros com medo de voar, como o de veicular artigos de viagem de qualidade a amantes deste tipo de narrativa. Mas a crise financeira de 2008 e o aumento do preço do petróleo começaram a mudar a maneira como os gestores das companhias aéreas olham para este produto tão familiar aos passageiros. O novo século traz novos desafios e põe em causa a continuação deste tipo de publicação, pelo custo que representa para as companhias e para o meio ambiente. Mas a evolução da tecnologia e a crise que o próprio jornalismo atravessa na transição para o online podem conter a chave para este problema. Uma publicação de bordo nativa digital pode oferecer potencialidades únicas aos passageiros, ao mesmo tempo que lidera o caminho da inovação jornalística.
A onda de protestos globais de 2011 reacendeu o debate sobre as potencialidades e limitações que derivam da incorporação de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) por parte dos movimentos sociais. Que características diferenciam os movimentos sociais tradicionais dos contemporâneos? Quais os efeitos transformativos da apropriação das novas tecnologias por parte dos grupos de ação coletiva? De que modo as tecnologias digitais podem contribuir para o engajamento cívico e político? Esta dissertação pretende refletir sobre estas questões, através da análise de distintos casos de estudo onde que se incluem os mais mediáticos movimentos sociais dos últimos anos: a revolução tunisina e egípcia enquanto exemplos ilustrativos da “Primavera Árabe”; o caso islandês, onde as manifestações culminaram num inovador projeto de e-democracy; e o movimento espanhol 15M/Indignados, que mobilizou milhares de pessoas em prol de uma renovação do sistema democrático.
Fado was listed as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2011. This dissertation describes a theoretical model, as well as an automatic system, able to generate instrumental music based on the musics and vocal sounds typically associated with fado’s practice. A description of the phenomenon of fado, its musics and vocal sounds, based on ethnographic, historical sources and empirical data is presented. The data includes the creation of a digital corpus, of musical transcriptions, identified as fado, and statistical analysis via music information retrieval techniques. The second part consists in the formulation of a theory and the coding of a symbolic model, as a proof of concept, for the automatic generation of instrumental music based on the one in the corpus.
Al-Cu alloys are widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries due to their high specific strength in some tempered conditions. However, due to poor corrosion and wear resistance, they are often anodized and/or painted. Plasma nitriding has been proposed as an alternative, though the developments in this technique are still in a recent stage for Al alloys. Electrical characterization techniques are well implemented NDTs in the industry because of good accuracy associated with lower cost, compared to other methods. Some, like eddy currents and 4-point probe techniques, are often used in coating inspection. The objective of this study was to perform Al nitriding at low temperatures to minimize the tempering initial condition damage and to assess the feasibility of eddy currents technique as a method for evaluating surface properties. The work developed can be divided in two stages. The first one was the process tuning, done at the Shibaura Institute of Technology, in Tokyo; and the second was the electrical characterization done in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL. Low temperature nitriding of AA2011 alloy specimens was successfully achieved. Electrical conductivity results show that lift-off measurements by eddy currents testing can be related to surface properties.
In the early nineties, Mark Weiser wrote a series of seminal papers that introduced the concept of Ubiquitous Computing. According to Weiser, computers require too much attention from the user, drawing his focus from the tasks at hand. Instead of being the centre of attention, computers should be so natural that they would vanish into the human environment. Computers become not only truly pervasive but also effectively invisible and unobtrusive to the user. This requires not only for smaller, cheaper and low power consumption computers, but also for equally convenient display solutions that can be harmoniously integrated into our surroundings. With the advent of Printed Electronics, new ways to link the physical and the digital worlds became available. By combining common printing techniques such as inkjet printing with electro-optical functional inks, it is starting to be possible not only to mass-produce extremely thin, flexible and cost effective electronic circuits but also to introduce electronic functionalities into products where it was previously unavailable. Indeed, Printed Electronics is enabling the creation of novel sensing and display elements for interactive devices, free of form factor. At the same time, the rise in the availability and affordability of digital fabrication technologies, namely of 3D printers, to the average consumer is fostering a new industrial (digital) revolution and the democratisation of innovation. Nowadays, end-users are already able to custom design and manufacture on demand their own physical products, according to their own needs. In the future, they will be able to fabricate interactive digital devices with user-specific form and functionality from the comfort of their homes. This thesis explores how task-specific, low computation, interactive devices capable of presenting dynamic visual information can be created using Printed Electronics technologies, whilst following an approach based on the ideals behind Personal Fabrication. Focus is given on the use of printed electrochromic displays as a medium for delivering dynamic digital information. According to the architecture of the displays, several approaches are highlighted and categorised. Furthermore, a pictorial computation model based on extended cellular automata principles is used to programme dynamic simulation models into matrix-based electrochromic displays. Envisaged applications include the modelling of physical, chemical, biological, and environmental phenomena.
PURPOSE: To analyze the results from using endovascular techniques to place long-term chemotherapy catheters when advancing the catheter using the external jugular vein is difficult due to obstructions or kinking. METHODS: Between July 1997 and August 2000, 320 long-term chemotherapy catheters were placed, and in 220 cases the external jugular vein was used as the primary venous approach. In 18 of these patients, correct positioning was not achieved and several endovascular techniques were then utilized to overcome these obstacles, including manipulation of a J-wire with a moveable core, venography, and the exchange wire technique. RESULTS: In 94.5% of the patients with difficulties in obtaining the correct positioning, we were able to advance the long-term catheter to the desired position with the assistance of endovascular techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Venography and endovascular guidance techniques are useful for the placement of long-term catheters in the external jugular vein.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Fundação Millennium bcp, Direcção Geral do Livro e das Bibliotecas/MC, Instituto de Estudos Medievais – FCSH/UNL
Both culture coverage and digital journalism are contemporary phenomena that have undergone several transformations within a short period of time. Whenever the media enters a period of uncertainty such as the present one, there is an attempt to innovate in order to seek sustainability, skip the crisis or find a new public. This indicates that there are new trends to be understood and explored, i.e., how are media innovating in a digital environment? Not only does the professional debate about the future of journalism justify the need to explore the issue, but so do the academic approaches to cultural journalism. However, none of the studies so far have considered innovation as a motto or driver and tried to explain how the media are covering culture, achieving sustainability and engaging with the readers in a digital environment. This research examines how European media which specialize in culture or have an important cultural section are innovating in a digital environment. Specifically, we see how these innovation strategies are being taken in relation to the approach to culture and dominant cultural areas, editorial models, the use of digital tools for telling stories, overall brand positioning and extensions, engagement with the public and business models. We conducted a mixed methods study combining case studies of four media projects, which integrates qualitative web features and content analysis, with quantitative web content analysis. Two major general-interest journalistic brands which started as physical newspapers – The Guardian (London, UK) and Público (Lisbon, Portugal) – a magazine specialized in international affairs, culture and design – Monocle (London, UK) – and a native digital media project that was launched by a cultural organization – Notodo, by La Fábrica – were the four case studies chosen. Findings suggest, on one hand, that we are witnessing a paradigm shift in culture coverage in a digital environment, challenging traditional boundaries related to cultural themes and scope, angles, genres, content format and delivery, engagement and business models. Innovation in the four case studies lies especially along the product dimensions (format and content), brand positioning and process (business model and ways to engage with users). On the other hand, there are still perennial values that are crucial to innovation and sustainability, such as commitment to journalism, consistency (to the reader, to brand extensions and to the advertiser), intelligent differentiation and the capability of knowing what innovation means and how it can be applied, since this thesis also confirms that one formula doesn´t suit all. Changing minds, exceeding cultural inertia and optimizing the memory of the websites, looking at them as living, organic bodies, which continuously interact with the readers in many different ways, and not as a closed collection of articles, are still the main challenges for some media.
This work is devoted to the broadband wireless transmission techniques, which are serious candidates to be implemented in future broadband wireless and cellular systems, aiming at providing high and reliable data transmission and concomitantly high mobility. In order to cope with doubly-selective channels, receiver structures based on OFDM and SC-FDE block transmission techniques, are proposed, which allow cost-effective implementations, using FFT-based signal processing. The first subject to be addressed is the impact of the number of multipath components, and the diversity order, on the asymptotic performance of OFDM and SC-FDE, in uncoded and for different channel coding schemes. The obtained results show that the number of relevant separable multipath components is a key element that influences the performance of OFDM and SC-FDE schemes. Then, the improved estimation and detection performance of OFDM-based broadcasting systems, is introduced employing SFN (Single Frequency Network) operation. An initial coarse channel is obtained with resort to low-power training sequences estimation, and an iterative receiver with joint detection and channel estimation is presented. The achieved results have shown very good performance, close to that with perfect channel estimation. The next topic is related to SFN systems, devoting special attention to time-distortion effects inherent to these networks. Typically, the SFN broadcast wireless systems employ OFDM schemes to cope with severely time-dispersive channels. However, frequency errors, due to CFO, compromises the orthogonality between subcarriers. As an alternative approach, the possibility of using SC-FDE schemes (characterized by reduced envelope fluctuations and higher robustness to carrier frequency errors) is evaluated, and a technique, employing joint CFO estimation and compensation over the severe time-distortion effects, is proposed. Finally, broadband mobile wireless systems, in which the relative motion between the transmitter and receiver induces Doppler shift which is different or each propagation path, is considered, depending on the angle of incidence of that path in relation to the direction of travel. This represents a severe impairment in wireless digital communications systems, since that multipath propagation combined with the Doppler effects, lead to drastic and unpredictable fluctuations of the envelope of the received signal, severely affecting the detection performance. The channel variations due this effect are very difficult to estimate and compensate. In this work we propose a set of SC-FDE iterative receivers implementing efficient estimation and tracking techniques. The performance results show that the proposed receivers have very good performance, even in the presence of significant Doppler spread between the different groups of multipath components.
Field lab: Business project
Unilever Food Solutions new digital CRM1 Platform - What is the combination of tools, processes and content that will help Unilever Food Solutions grow his business? Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) intend to create a new online platform to enable it to communicate with segments of the markets, which have previously been too difficult to reach. Specifically targeted at Chefs and other food professionals, the aim is to create an interactive website, which delivers value to its intended users by providing a variety of relevant content and functions, while simultaneously opening up a potential transactional channel to those same users.