949 resultados para DETAILED ANALYSIS
This dissertation presents a comparative study of three factories in Cork Harbour area, Sunbeam Wolsey (1927-90), Irish Steel (1939-2001) and the Ford Marina Plant (1917-84). All three factories were significant industrial employers in both a domestic (Irish) and a local (Cork) context and are broadly representative of the Irish manufacturing industry that was developed under the policies of tariff protection introduced in the 1930s and gradually phased out between the late 1950s and the mid-1980s. Sunbeam Wolsey was a textile and clothing concern located on the north side of Cork City that possessed a borderline monopoly within its economic sector and was among the largest private employers of female labour in twentieth century Ireland. Irish Steel was the country’s only steel mill, located on Haulbowline island, a brief ferry-ride from the seaside town of Cobh, and was unusual in being one of the few manufacturing concerns operated as a nationalised industry under the auspices of the state. The Ford Marina plant predated the introduction of protectionism by more than a decade and began as the centre of the Ford empire’s tractor manufacturing business, before switching to the production of private motor vehicles for the Irish market in 1932. All three industries were closed or sold off when the state withdrew support, either in the form of tariff protection (Ford, Sunbeam) or direct funding (Irish Steel). While devoting much attention to the three firms, the central concern of this dissertation is not the companies themselves (though the economic history portion of the dissertation is substantial), but the workers they employed, examining the lives of these individuals both as members of the Irish working class, and, more specifically, as employees of the three factories under consideration. The project can be best described as a comparative factory study, comparing and contrasting the three workforces, focusing primarily on industrial relation and the experience of work. This dissertation utilises both documentary evidence and a significant quantity of oral testimony, breaking new ground by making the workplace the central focus of its investigation. The principal aims of the study are: 1. To document the lives of those who worked in these factories, capturing through oral testimony their subjective experiences of social class and factory life, as well as differences among narrators in terms of gender and status. In achieving this aim, the study will provide a broader social context for its detailed analysis of work and industrial relations in each firm. 2. To analyse the three workplaces and determine how and why each developed such distinct systems of industrial relations at the factory level, as well as to compare and contrast these systems. 3. To examine the nature of work in each factory and to determine how work and industrial relations in each firm developed over time, relating these changes both to internal and external factors. Additionally, the project will provide a comparative analysis of these changes.
This paper compares continuity and change in homelessness policy in Ireland, Scotland and Norway with a particular focus on the period of post-crisis austerity measures (2008-2016). The analytical approach draws on institutional theory and the notion of path dependency, which has rarely been applied to comparative homelessness research. The paper compares welfare and housing systems in the three countries prior to presenting a detailed analysis of the conceptualisation and measurement of homelessness; the institutions which address homelessness; and the evidence of change in the post-2008 period. The analysis demonstrates that challenges remain in comparing the nature of homelessness and policy responses across nation states, even where they have a number of similar characteristics, and despite some EU influence towards homelessness policy convergence. Similarly, national-level homelessness policy change could not be interpreted as entirely a result of the external shock of the 2008 general financial crisis, as existing national policy goals and programmes were also influential. Overall, embedded national frameworks and institutions were resilient, but sufficiently flexible to deliver longer term policy shifts in response to the changing nature of the homelessness problem and national policy goals. Institutionalism and path dependency were found to be useful in developing the comparative analysis of homelessness policy change and could be fruitfully applied in future longitudinal, empirical research across a wider range of countries.
Introduction : Une proportion importante des individus ayant recours à des services de réadaptation physique vit avec de la douleur et des incapacités locomotrices. Plusieurs interventions proposées par les professionnels de la réadaptation afin de cibler leurs difficultés locomotrices nécessitent des apprentissages moteurs. Toutefois, très peu d’études ont évalué l’influence de la douleur sur l’apprentissage moteur et aucune n’a ciblé l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle tâche locomotrice. L’objectif de la thèse était d’évaluer l’influence de stimulations nociceptives cutanée et musculaire sur l’acquisition et la rétention d’une adaptation locomotrice. Méthodologie : Des individus en santé ont participé à des séances de laboratoire lors de deux journées consécutives. Lors de chaque séance, les participants devaient apprendre à marcher le plus normalement possible en présence d’un champ de force perturbant les mouvements de leur cheville, produit par une orthèse robotisée. La première journée permettait d’évaluer le comportement des participants lors de la phase d’acquisition de l’apprentissage. La seconde journée permettait d’évaluer leur rétention. Selon le groupe expérimental, l’apprentissage se faisait en présence d’une stimulation nociceptive cutanée, musculaire ou d’aucune stimulation (groupe contrôle). Initialement, l’application du champ de force provoquait d’importantes déviations des mouvements de la cheville (i.e. erreurs de mouvement), que les participants apprenaient graduellement à réduire en compensant activement la perturbation. L’erreur de mouvement moyenne durant la phase d’oscillation (en valeur absolue) a été quantifiée comme indicateur de performance. Une analyse plus approfondie des erreurs de mouvement et de l’activité musculaire a permis d’évaluer les stratégies motrices employées par les participants. Résultats : Les stimulations nociceptives n’ont pas affecté la performance lors de la phase d’acquisition de l’apprentissage moteur. Cependant, en présence de douleur, les erreurs de mouvement résiduelles se trouvaient plus tard dans la phase d’oscillation, suggérant l’utilisation d’une stratégie motrice moins anticipatoire que pour le groupe contrôle. Pour le groupe douleur musculaire, cette stratégie était associée à une activation précoce du muscle tibial antérieur réduite. La présence de douleur cutanée au Jour 1 interférait avec la performance des participants au Jour 2, lorsque le test de rétention était effectué en absence de douleur. Cet effet n’était pas observé lorsque la stimulation nociceptive cutanée était appliquée les deux jours, ou lorsque la douleur au Jour 1 était d’origine musculaire. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette thèse démontrent que dans certaines circonstances la douleur peut influencer de façon importante la performance lors d’un test de rétention d’une adaptation locomotrice, malgré une performance normale lors de la phase d’acquisition. Cet effet, observé uniquement avec la douleur cutanée, semble cependant plus lié au changement de contexte entre l’acquisition des habiletés motrices et le test de rétention (avec vs. sans douleur) qu’à une interférence directe avec la consolidation des habiletés motrices. Par ailleurs, malgré l’absence d’influence de la douleur sur la performance des participants lors de la phase d’acquisition de l’apprentissage, les stratégies motrices utilisées par ceux-ci étaient différentes de celles employées par le groupe contrôle.
El presente trabajo de grado se define desde el punto de vista metodol6gico como una aproximaci6n significativa al modelo organizacional transformacional y transaccional de la empresa, mediante un proceso de implementaci6n concreta en un estudio de caso de la empresa colombiana HB & CIA. LTDA, con miras al mejoramiento cualitativo y cuantitativo ideal de la misma. Desde esta perspectiva, el proyecto se divide en tres grandes ejes: la formulaci6n y delimitaci6n del problema, en donde se presenta un analisis detallado de todos los problemas relacionados con el cambio organizaci6n y con la necesidad de un trabajo de liderazgo, como una via para la soluci6n de los mismos. El segundo eje, presenta el desarrollo del estudio de caso, partiendo del diagn6stico de la empresa, con el fin de que se identificaran las debilidades, oportunidades, amenazas y fortalezas. El estudio de caso se circunscribe al marco te6rico en terminos del deber ser y hacer de la organizaci6n, de la visi6n y la misi6n que debe orientar la organizaci6n y del liderazgo transformacional como un medio para solucionar problemas de gesti6n y optimizaci6n de los recursos dentro de una organizaci6n.
La economía mundial cambia a un ritmo vertiginoso y exponencial gracias a la rápida transformación de la tecnología. Diferentes dinámicas como el crecimiento en cobertura del internet; la creciente facilidad de obtención de una tarjeta de crédito; la popularización del uso de smartphones; y el crecimiento en uso del comercio electrónico; han dado cabida a la aparición de nuevos tipos de negocio, como el de servicios electrónicos y aplicaciones, que hace algunas décadas atrás eran inviables. Teniendo en cuenta estos cambios, el presente documento plantea tres diferentes modelos de aplicación para smartphones, se hace un análisis detallado de la viabilidad para cada uno para identificar así el que cuenta con mayores probabilidades de éxito. Finalmente se profundiza en este con un análisis financiero y de mercadotecnia para así hacer las respectivas correcciones al modelo inicial y obtener como resultado la versión más viable del modelo seleccionado.
our distinct nocturnal surface ozone (NSO) enhancement events were observed, with NSO concentration exceeding 80μg/m3, at multiple ozone (O3) monitoring stations (32 sites) in January, November and December between year 2000–2010, in Portugal. The reasonable explanation for the observed bimodal pattern of surface ozone with enhanced NSO concentration during nighttime has to be transport processes, as the surface ozone production ceases at nighttime. Simultaneous measurements of O3 at multiple stations during the study period in Portugal suggest that horizontal advection alone cannot explain the observed NSO enhancement. Thus, detailed analysis of the atmospheric conditions, simulated with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, were performed to evaluate the atmospheric mechanisms responsible for NSO enhancement in the region. Simulations revealed that each event occurred as a result of one or the combination of different atmospheric processes such as, passage of a cold front followed by a subsidence zone; passage of a moving surface trough, with associated strong horizontal wind speed and vertical shear; combination of vertical and horizontal transport at the synoptic scale; formation of a low level jet with associated vertical mixing below the jet stream. The study confirmed that large-scale flow pattern resulting in enhanced vertical mixing in the nocturnal boundary layer, plays a key role in the NSO enhancement events, which frequently occur over Portugal during winter months.
Il lavoro verifica l’ipotesi dell’esistenza, durante la tarda repubblica romana (133-44 a.C.), di uno stile oratorio riconoscibile come proprio dei populares. Per identificarne le caratteristiche tecniche distintive si procede, previa revisione e aggiornamento dell’edizione critica di riferimento (Malcovati 19764), alla traduzione delle testimonianze e dei frammenti oratori relativi ai 25 principali esponenti della pars popularis (da P. Licinio Crasso Divite Muciano a G. Scribonio Curione il Giovane) e al commento di tali testi. Nell’introduzione vengono discussi, alla luce di un’esposizione dettagliata dei relativi status quaestionis e di una rilettura delle fonti, i seguenti punti: esistenza dei populares; identificazione degli oratori populares; modalità di selezione e trasmissione del materiale oratorio e caratteristiche della sua tradizione; stato del materiale e modalità migliori di edizione; eloquentia popularis in Cicerone (impiegata anche dagli ottimati); stile oratorio di Gaio Gracco, di Giulio Cesare e degli oratori graccani, mariani e cesariani; riformulazione della categoria critica (eloquentia popularium) e conclusioni storiche e stilistiche. Nella trattazione sono integrati i risultati della ricerca, che consentono di formulare di volta in volta un giudizio autonomo. I dati vengono proposti anche in forma di tabelle in tre appendici, che presentano: l’attività politico-legislativa di G. Gracco, Saturnino, Clodio e Cesare a confronto (1), le figure e gli aspetti retorici rilevati nei frammenti (2.1), i giudizi sullo stile e le qualità retoriche riscontrati nelle testimonianze (2.2). Nel commento si rende ragione delle principali questioni filologiche, storiche e storiografiche relative a ciascun passo, mentre il focus è posto sugli aspetti linguistici e retorici. Vengono messe in luce le indicazioni offerte dalla fonte sul contesto performativo, per poi passare all’analisi puntuale (sinora un desideratum della critica) degli argumenta e dello stile oratorio e studiare, infine, come tali dati si inseriscano nel quadro complessivo dell’eloquenza di questo gruppo di oratori.
Understanding why market manipulation is conducted, under which conditions it is the most profitable and investigating the magnitude of these practices are crucial questions for financial regulators. Closing price manipulation induced by derivatives’ expiration is the primary subject of this thesis. The first chapter provides a mathematical framework in continuous time to study the incentive to manipulate a set of securities induced by a derivative position. An agent holding a European-type contingent claim, depending on the price of a basket of underlying securities, is considered. The agent can affect the price of the underlying securities by trading on each of them before expiration. The elements of novelty are at least twofold: (1) a multi-asset market is considered; (2) the problem is solved by means of both classic optimisation and stochastic control techniques. Both linear and option payoffs are considered. In the second chapter an empirical investigation is conducted on the existence of expiration day effects on the UK equity market. Intraday data on FTSE 350 stocks over a six-year period from 2015-2020 are used. The results show that the expiration of index derivatives is associated with a rise in both trading activity and volatility, together with significant price distortions. The expiration of single stock options appears to have little to no impact on the underlying securities. The last chapter examines the existence of patterns in line with closing price manipulation of UK stocks on option expiration days. The main contributions are threefold: (1) this is one of the few empirical studies on manipulation induced by the options market; (2) proprietary equity orderbook and transaction data sets are used to define manipulation proxies, providing a more detailed analysis; (3) the behaviour of proprietary trading firms is studied. Despite the industry concerns, no evidence is found of this type of manipulative behaviour.
Il lavoro descritto in questo elaborato indaga la presenza dei tratti dell’italiano neostandard in un corpus di produzioni scolastiche scritte, con particolare attenzione all’uso di indicativo e congiuntivo nelle frasi completive. In particolare, delle tendenze di ristandardizzazione selezionate si osservano gli usi linguistici di alunni/e, le correzioni imposte dai/dalle docenti e le indicazioni delle grammatiche per la scuola; questa ricognizione permette di tracciare un quadro generale degli atteggiamenti della scuola nei confronti dei tratti del neostandard. La seconda parte dell’elaborato è dedicata a un’analisi dell’alternanza modale nelle subordinate completive; in primo luogo, si espone una revisione della letteratura sulla complementazione, sulla modalità e sul congiuntivo in italiano, con un focus particolare sulla sua recessione; in seguito, si procede all’analisi del fenomeno sulla base dei dati appositamente raccolti nelle scuole che hanno partecipato all'indagine. In secondo luogo, l’accettabilità dell’indicativo pro congiuntivo in testi scritti a scuola viene ulteriormente indagata tramite la somministrazione di un compito di correzione ai/alle docenti. L’ultima parte dell’elaborato accoglie un’analisi approfondita delle grammatiche per la scuola, la cui trattazione del congiuntivo è messa in relazione con le osservazioni della letteratura specialistica; ciò permette di completare il quadro riguardo agli atteggiamenti della scuola e di proporre riflessioni di natura glottodidattica.
The urgent need for alternative solutions mitigating the impacts of human activities on the environment has strongly opened new challenges and opportunities in view of the energy transition. Indeed, the automotive industry is going through a revolutionary moment in its quest to reduce its carbon footprint, with biofuels being one of the viable alternatives. The use of different classes of biofuels as fuel additives/standalone components has attracted the attention of many researchers. Despite their beneficial effects, biofuel’s combustion can also result in the production of undesirable pollutants, requiring complete characterization of the phenomena occurring during their production and consumption. Industrial scale-up of biomass conversion is challenging owing to the complexity of its chemistry and transport phenomena involved in the process. In this view, the role of solid-phase and gas-phase chemistry is paramount. Thus, this study is devoted to detailed analysis of physical-chemical phenomena characterizing biomass pyrolysis and biofuel oxidation. The pyrolysis mechanism has been represented by 20 reactions whereas, the gas-phase kinetic models; manually upgraded model (KiBo_MU) and automated model (KiBo_AG), comprises 141 species and 453 reactions, and 631 species and 28329 reactions, respectively. The accuracy of the kinetic models was tested against experimental data and the models captured experimental trends very well. While the development and validation of detailed kinetic mechanisms is the main deliverable of this project, the realized procedure integrating schematic classifications with methodologies for the identification of common decomposition pathways and intermediates represents an additional source of novelty. Besides, the fundamentally oriented nature of the adopted method allows the identification of most relevant reactions and species under the operating conditions different industrial applications, paving the way for reduced kinetic mechanisms. Ultimately, the resulting detailed mechanisms can be used to integrate with more complex fluid dynamics model to accurately reproduce the behavior of real systems and reactors.
In this thesis, a TCAD approach for the investigation of charge transport in amorphous silicon dioxide is presented for the first time. The proposed approach is used to investigate high-voltage silicon oxide thick TEOS capacitors embedded in the back-end inter-level dielectric layers for galvanic insulation applications. In the first part of this thesis, a detailed review of the main physical and chemical properties of silicon dioxide and the main physical models for the description of charge transport in insulators are presented. In the second part, the characterization of high-voltage MIM structures at different high-field stress conditions up to the breakdown is presented. The main physical mechanisms responsible of the observed results are then discussed in details. The third part is dedicated to the implementation of a TCAD approach capable of describing charge transport in silicon dioxide layers in order to gain insight into the microscopic physical mechanisms responsible of the leakage current in MIM structures. In particular, I investigated and modeled the role of charge injection at contacts and charge build-up due to trapping and de-trapping mechanisms in the oxide layer to the purpose of understanding its behavior under DC and AC stress conditions. In addition, oxide breakdown due to impact-ionization of carriers has been taken into account in order to have a complete representation of the oxide behavior at very high fields. Numerical simulations have been compared against experiments to quantitatively validate the proposed approach. In the last part of the thesis, the proposed approach has been applied to simulate the breakdown in realistic structures under different stress conditions. The TCAD tool has been used to carry out a detailed analysis of the most relevant physical quantities, in order to gain a detailed understanding on the main mechanisms responsible for breakdown and guide design optimization.
La tesi si concentra sull'analisi del linguaggio economico, prestando particolare attenzione alla sua terminologia. L'importanza della terminologia economica risiede nella sua capacità di facilitare una comunicazione efficace nel campo dell'economia e di permettere una comprensione più ampia dei fenomeni economici da parte del pubblico. Tuttavia, a causa della sua complessità e specificità, essa può risultare difficile da comprendere per il pubblico laico. La ricerca affronta tre questioni chiave: definire la natura della terminologia economica e l'approccio più adatto per descriverla, determinare il livello di comprensione della terminologia economica e le variabili sociali ad essa correlate, e individuare le strategie migliori per diffondere la terminologia economica nella società. Per rispondere a queste domande, l'indagine si avvale di un approccio multidisciplinare che fonde linguistica, sociolinguistica e terminologia. Il risultato è un'analisi profonda del lessico economico e delle sue collocazioni, della comprensione della terminologia da parte del pubblico e delle strategie per migliorare tale comprensione e la sua diffusione.
Rhodamine B (RB) has been successfully exploited in the synthesis of light harvesting systems, but since RB is prone to form dimers acting as quenchers for the fluorescence, high energy transfer efficiencies can be reached only when using bulky and hydrophobic counterions acting as spacers between RBs. In this PhD thesis, a multiscale theoretical study aimed at providing insights into the structural, photophysical and optical properties of RB and its aggregates is presented. At the macroscopic level (no atomistic details) a phenomenological model describing the fluorescence decay of RB networks in presence of both quenching from dimers and exciton-exciton annihiliation is presented and analysed, showing that the quenching from dimers affects the decay only at long times, a feature that can be exploited in global fitting analysis to determine relevant chemical and photophysical information. At the mesoscopic level (atomistic details but no electronic structure) the RB aggregation in water in presence of different counterions is studied with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A new force field has been parametrized for describing the RB flexibility and the RB-RB interaction driving the dimerization. Simulations correctly predict the RB/counterion aggregation only in presence of bulky and hydrophobic counterion and its ability to prevent the dimerization. Finally, at the microscopic level, DFT calculations are performed to demonstrate the spacing action of bulky counterions, but standard TDDFT calculations are showed to fail in correctly describing the excited states of RB and its dimers. Moreover, also standard procedures proposed in literature for obtaining ad hoc functionals are showed to not work properly. A detailed analysis on the effect of the exact exchange shows that its short-range contribution is the crucial quantity for ameliorating results, and a new functional containing a proper amount of such an exchange is proposed and successfully tested.
A partire dagli anni '20 del XX secolo, con la partecipazione a esposizioni internazionali, l'arte cinese ha intrapreso un'indagine approfondita sulla propria ricchezza e complessità culturale, inserendosi progressivamente nel contesto del panorama artistico globale. In questo quadro, l'adesione della Cina alla Biennale di Venezia si configura come sintesi della ricchezza culturale cinese, in cui l'impiego di opere connesse ai "Caratteri cinesi" si rivela uno strumento di divulgazione privilegiato per la propria cultura. Un'analisi dettagliata del percorso espositivo della Cina evidenzia tre momenti di rilievo legati ai "Caratteri cinesi": il "Book from the Sky" di Xu Bing (1993), "The Boat" di Hsiao Chin (2000) e "United Nations" di Gu Wenda (2017). Il presente lavoro si intende di esaminare criticamente queste tre esperienze, indagando l'interazione tra l'esplorazione culturale e la sua rappresentazione nell'ambito specifico della Biennale. Attraverso un'analisi fondata sul dibattito relativo all'arte globale e al multiculturalismo, all'arte contemporanea cinese e alla sua proiezione internazionale, nonché sullo studio della storia delle partecipazioni cinesi alle mostre internazionali e alla Biennale di Venezia a partire dal XX secolo, la ricerca si concentra sulle suddette partecipazioni legate ai "Caratteri cinesi", valutando l'impatto dei principi curatoriali della Biennale su di esse. Viene esplorato altresì il modo in cui gli artisti hanno investigato e manifestato le loro riflessioni culturali attraverso le loro opere, contribuendo al dialogo sulla diversità culturale e sull'articolazione di valori dalla prospettiva dell'arte globale contemporanea. L'analisi si sofferma sulle strategie culturali realizzate dagli artisti nel contesto delle esposizioni globalizzate, evidenziando uno stato di contaminazione culturale. L'invito è quello ad una riflessione critica e a una valutazione del suo impatto sulla reinvenzione del contributo cinese alla narrazione futura della storia dell'arte globale. In tal modo, lo studio apre nuovi orizzonti investigativi, proponendo direzioni future di ricerca.
Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, die grundlegenden philosophisch-theoretischen Implikationen von Schellings letzter systematischer Darlegung seiner Naturphilosophie nach dem Berliner Textfragment von 1843/44, der “Darstellung des Naturprocesses”, zu untersuchen. Angesichts der sich zwischen den 1830 und den 1860 Jahren in Berlin abzeichnenden neuen intellektuellen Tendenzen und der Entwicklungen in den Naturwissenschaften legt Schelling hier die Grundlagen für eine allgemeine Ontologie des Wirklichen in kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit Kants transzendentalem Idealismus. Innerhalb des systematischen Horizonts der "apriorischen Vernunftwissenschaft" oder "negativen Philosophie" stellt er im ersten Teil seines Werkes die Prinzipien fest, die die „Idee des Existierenden“ ausmachen, und beschreibt die rationale Operation, die durchgeführt werden muss, um zum Gedanken einer „Welt außer der Idee“ zu gelangen. Die philosophisch-systematischen Annahmen, die mit dem Übergang von der bloßen Idee des Existierenden zum Gedanken der außeridealen Welt verbunden sind, werden im ersten Kapitel dieser Dissertation untersucht. Im zweiten Teil seines Werkes definiert Schelling durch eine detaillierte Analyse von Kants Transzendentalen Ästhetik den Raum als diejenige Form, in der uns die Existenzen als voneinander getrennt vorstellen lassen. Obwohl der Zeitbegriff von Schelling nur am Rande behandelt wird, trägt er zusammen mit dem Raum dazu bei, die erste ontologische Grundstruktur der außeridealen Welt zu definieren. Die Analyse von Schellings Konzeption der raumzeitlichen Grundstruktur der außeridealen Welt stellt das Thema des zweiten Kapitels dieser Dissertation dar. Schließlich bestimmt Schelling im dritten Teil seines Werkes die Finalität als diejenige Kausalitätsform, die es ermöglicht, die außerideale Welt als einen werdenden Kontext zu verstehen, dessen Entwicklungsstufen die siderische Welt, die unorganische Welt und die organische Welt sind. Die Schelling‘sche Definition der Teleologie der Natur als zweite ontologische Grundstruktur der außeridealen Welt ist das Thema des dritten Kapitels dieser Dissertation.