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A variety of hydrogenated and non-hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films have been characterized by means of grazing-incidence X-ray reflectivity (XRR) to give information about their density, thickness, surface roughness and layering. We used XRR to validate the density of ta-C, ta-C:H and a-C:H films derived from the valence plasmon in electron energy loss spectroscopy measurements, up to 3.26 and 2.39 g/cm3 for ta-C and ta-C:H, respectively. By comparing XRR and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) data, we have been able for the first time to fit a common electron effective mass of m*/me = 0.87 for all amorphous carbons and diamond, validating the `quasi-free' electron approach to density from valence plasmon energy. While hydrogenated films are found to be substantially uniform in density across the film, ta-C films grown by the filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) show a multilayer structure. However, ta-C films grown with an S-bend filter show a high uniformity and only a slight dependence on the substrate bias of both sp3 and layering.


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The conceptual design phase of any project is, by its very nature, a vibrant, creative and dynamic period. It can also be disorganized with much backtracking accompanying the exchange of information between design team members. The transfer of information, ideas and opinion is critical to the development of concepts and as such, rather than being recognized as merely a component of conceptual design activity, it needs to be understood and, ultimately, managed. This paper describes an experimental workshop involving fifteen design professionals in which conceptual design activity was tracked, and subsequently mapped, in order to test and validate a tentative design framework (phase and activity model). The nature of the design progression of the various teams is captured and analyzed, allowing a number of conclusions to be drawn regarding both the iterative nature of this phase of design and how teams of professionals actually design together.


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Chromosomal homologies were established between human and two Chinese langurs (Semnopithecus francoisi, 2n=44, and S. phayrei, 2n=44) by chromosome painting with chromosome-specific DNA probes of all human chromosomes except the Y. Both langur species showed identical hybridization patterns in addition to similar G-banding patterns. In total, 23 human chromosome-specific probes detected 30 homologous chromosome segments in a haploid langur genome. Except for human chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 16 and 19 probes, which each gave signals on two non-homologous langur chromosomes respectively, all other probes each hybridized to a single chromosome. The results indicate a high degree of conservation of chromosomal synteny between human and these two Chinese langurs. The human chromosome 2 probe painted the entire euchromatic regions of langur chromosomes 14 and 19. Human chromosome 1 probe hybridized to three regions on langur autosomes, one region on langur chromosome 4 and two regions on langur chromosome 5. Human 19 probe hybridized on the same pattern to one region on chromosome 4 and to two regions on langur chromosome 5, where it alternated with the human chromosome 1 probe. Human 6 and 16 probes both hybridized to one region on each of the two langur autosomes 15 and 18. Only two langur chromosomes (12 and 21) were each labelled by probes specific for two whole human chromosomes (14 and 15 and 21 and 22 respectively). Comparison of the hybridization patterns of human painting probes on these two langurs with the data on other Old World primates suggests that reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations as will as inversions could have occurred since the divergance of human and the langurs from a common ancestor. This comparison also indicates that Asian colobines are karyotypically more closely related to each other that to African colobines.


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We have made a set of chromosome-specific painting probes for the American mink by degenerate oligonucleotide primed-PCR (DOP-PCR) amplification of flow-sorted chromosomes. The painting probes were used to delimit homologous chromosomal segments among human, red fox, dog, cat and eight species of the family Mustelidae, including the European mink, steppe and forest polecats, least weasel, mountain weasel, Japanese sable, striped polecat, and badger. Based on the results of chromosome painting and G-banding, comparative maps between these species have been established. The integrated map demonstrates a high level of karyotype conservation among mustelid species. Comparative analysis of the conserved chromosomal segments among mustelids and outgroup species revealed 18 putative ancestral autosomal segments that probably represent the ancestral chromosomes, or chromosome arms, in the karyotype of the most recent ancestor of the family Mustelidae. The proposed 2n = 38 ancestral Mustelidae karyotype appears to have been retained in some modern mustelids, e.g., Martes, Lutra, ktonyx, and Vormela. The derivation of the mustelid karyotypes from the putative ancestral state resulted from centric fusions, fissions, the addition of heterochromatic arms, and occasional pericentric inversions. Our results confirm many of the evolutionary conclusions suggested by other data and strengthen the topology of the carnivore phylogenetic tree through the inclusion of genome-wide chromosome rearrangements. Copyright (C) 2002 S. KargerAG, Basel.


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The black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons, 2n = 8 female/9 male) is a critically endangered mammalian species that is confined to a narrow region of southeastern China. Male black muntjacs have an astonishing X1X2Y1Y2Y3 sex chromosome system, unparalleled i


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The Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis) has a karyotype of 2n=6 in the female and 7 in the male, the karyotypic evolution of which through extensive tandem fusions and several centric fusions has been well-documented by recent molecular cytogenetic studies. In an attempt to define the fusion orientations of conserved chromosomal segments and the molecular mechanisms underlying the tandem fusions, we have constructed a highly redundant (more than six times of whole genome coverage) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Indian muntjac. The BAC library contains 124,800 clones with no chromosome bias and has an average insert DNA size of 120 kb. A total of 223 clones have been mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization onto the chromosomes of both Indian muntjac and Chinese muntjac and a high-resolution comparative map has been established. Our mapping results demonstrate that all tandem fusions that occurred during the evolution of Indian muntjac karyotype from the acrocentric 2n=70 hypothetical ancestral karyotype are centromere-telomere (head-tail) fusions.


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We constructed a high redundancy bacterial artificial chromosome library of a seriously endangered Old World Monkey, the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) from China. This library contains a total of 136 320 BAC clones. The average insert size of BAC clones was estimated to be 148 kb. The percentage of small inserts (50-100 kb) is 2.74%, and only 2.67% non-recombinant clones were observed. Assuming a similar genome size with closely related primate species, the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey BAC library has at least six times the genome coverage. By end sequencing of randomly selected BAC clones, we generated 201 sequence tags for the library. A total of 139 end-sequenced BAC clones were mapped onto the chromosomes of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey by fluorescence in-situ hybridization, demonstrating a high degree of synteny conservation between humans and Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys. Blast search against human genome showed a good correlation between the number of hit clones and the size of the chromosomes, an indication of unbiased chromosomal distribution of the BAC library. This library and the mapped BAC clones will serve as a valuable resource in comparative genomics studies and large-scale genome sequencing of nonhuman primates. The DNA sequence data reported in this paper were deposited in GenBank and assigned the accession number CG891489-CG891703.


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The industrial landscape is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic, with innovative technologies stimulating the emergence of new industries and business models. This paper presents a preliminary framework for mapping industrial emergence, based on roadmapping principles, in order to understand the nature and characteristics of such phenomena. The focus at this stage is on historical examples of industrial emergence, with the preliminary framework based on observations from 20 'quick scan' maps, one of which is used to illustrate the framework. The learning from these historical cases, combined with further industrial consultation and literature review, will be used to develop practical methods for strategy and policy application. The paper concludes by summarising key learning points and further work needed to achieve these outcomes. © 2009 PICMET.


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This study document effects of short-term (96h) sublethal levels of copper, cadmium and their mixture on the amino acid composition of postlarvae of the penaeid shrimp, P.monodon and P.penicillatus . All experimental conditions were kept constant, temperature between 25-27•C and salinity 21-22 ppt. The estimated LD50 for Cu was 200 ug/L, for Cd 177.5 ug/L and for Cu.Cd mixture 250ug/L. In P. penicillatus at the same concentration of each metal, there was significant reduction in amino acid content, which was 8.01% higher than the control. Almost similar reduction in some amino acids was observed in P.monodon. At the maximum concentration of 400 ug/L, cadmium caused higher reduction in amino acid composition than did copper. Thus, amino acid composition may be regarded as a sensitive biochemical indicator of Cu and Cd toxicity because of the effect of these metals on protein synthesis, a signal of physiological stress in marine organisms subjected to heavy metal pollution.


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In the present study, Indian fisheries growth rate and fish consumption have been analyzed through GIS mapping. The analyses were based on the state-level fisheries data of India collected from the secondary sources. Accordingly, the paper contains one thematic map containing two layers. To achieve this, all the data have been brought into a tabular form through Microsoft Excel and then joined to Map Info Professional Version 8.0 GIS software with digitized map of India for further analysis to generate thematic maps. In this thematic map, the first Jayer represents the growth-rate of fish production for the period 1990-2004 and the second layer represents fish consumption for the year 2003. The thematic map represented in graphic form presents inland, marine and total growth rates, and also the rural and urban fish consumption at the state levels. This study will be useful to fish traders, planners, researchers and administrators in fisheries policy formulation for sustainable development.


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Discriminative mapping transforms (DMTs) is an approach to robustly adding discriminative training to unsupervised linear adaptation transforms. In unsupervised adaptation DMTs are more robust to unreliable transcriptions than directly estimating adaptation transforms in a discriminative fashion. They were previously proposed for use with MLLR transforms with the associated need to explicitly transform the model parameters. In this work the DMT is extended to CMLLR transforms. As these operate in the feature space, it is only necessary to apply a different linear transform at the front-end rather than modifying the model parameters. This is useful for rapidly changing speakers/environments. The performance of DMTs with CMLLR was evaluated on the WSJ 20k task. Experimental results show that DMTs based on constrained linear transforms yield 3% to 6% relative gain over MLE transforms in unsupervised speaker adaptation. © 2011 IEEE.


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Drained weight of canned prawn depends on moisture content of blanched meat and equilibrium moisture (EM) content of processed meat. The greater the difference between the two values the more is the fluctuation in drained weight. EM is a fixed value with particular reference to the species of prawn, which has been justified mathematically and by material balance of can contents before and after processing.


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Forest mapping over mountainous terrains is difficult because of high relief Although digital elevation models (DEMs) are often useful to improve mapping accuracy, high quality DEMs are seldom available over large areas, especially in developing countries


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Cytosine methylation is important for transposon silencing and epigenetic regulation of endogenous genes, although the extent to which this DNA modification functions to regulate the genome is still unknown. Here we report the first comprehensive DNA methylation map of an entire genome, at 35 base pair resolution, using the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a model. We find that pericentromeric heterochromatin, repetitive sequences, and regions producing small interfering RNAs are heavily methylated. Unexpectedly, over one-third of expressed genes contain methylation within transcribed regions, whereas only approximately 5% of genes show methylation within promoter regions. Interestingly, genes methylated in transcribed regions are highly expressed and constitutively active, whereas promoter-methylated genes show a greater degree of tissue-specific expression. Whole-genome tiling-array transcriptional profiling of DNA methyltransferase null mutants identified hundreds of genes and intergenic noncoding RNAs with altered expression levels, many of which may be epigenetically controlled by DNA methylation.


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A very little work is reported on the methionine content of Indian fishes. This work was therefore undertaken to determine the methionine content of some of the important varieties of Indian fishes.