971 resultados para Boswell, James, 1740-1795.
14th President 1973-1982 (Nov.)
However, there was an obstacle on the court, namely James Clark McReynolds, an avowed racist. In fact, during the hearing, McReynolds turned his chair around and faced the wall when Houston presented his argument.
1929-1930 Queen of the Quill
Inclui bibliografia.
Certain HLA-B antigens have been associated with lack of progression to AIDS. HLA-B alleles can be divided into two mutually exclusive groups based on the expression of the molecular epitopes HLA-Bw4 and HLA-Bw6. Notably, in addition to its role in presenting viral peptides for immune recognition, the HLA-Bw4, but not HLA-Bw6, motif functions as a ligand for a natural killer cell inhibitory receptor (KIR). Here, we show that profound suppression of HIV-1 viremia is significantly associated with homozygosity for HLA-B alleles that share the HLA-Bw4 epitope. Furthermore, homozygosity for HLA-Bw4 alleles was also significantly associated with the ability to remain AIDS free and to maintain a normal CD4 T cell count in a second cohort of HIV-1-infected individuals with well defined dates of seroconversion. This association was independent of the presence of a mutation in CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) associated with resistance to HIV-1 infection, and it was independent of the presence of HLA alleles that could potentially confound the results. We conclude that homozygosity for HLA-Bw4-bearing B alleles is associated with a significant advantage and that the HLA-Bw4 motif is important in AIDS pathogenesis.
"This paper discusses the work of contemporary artist James Turrell as framed by the philosophy of the sublime. Focusing on the artist’s use of the medium of light, it addresses Turrell’s scientific approach to creating artworks and discusses his resolution of the problematic relationship between science and spirituality. This relationship is discussed through the examination of the artist’s use of total visual fields known as ganzfelden and other perceptual phenomena, such as those encountered while piloting aircraft"
"Although famous for his paintings and etchings today, James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) was also an important interior designer in the nineteenth-century British Aesthetic movement. Whistler‘s most famous and only extant interior design is Harmony in Blue and Gold: The Peacock Room (1876-77). It is also his most puzzling interior. Long considered an exception to the rule of Whistler‘s other interiors, the Peacock Room has often been overlooked in the few studies of the artist‘s interior designs"
This review is part of a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ref. FFI 2008-02165).
Reconocido como una de las figuras clave en la difusión de la inoculación contra la viruela en España, el médico de origen irlandés Timoteo O'Scanlan dejó publicadas 3 obras y numerosos artículos de prensa en los que plasmó su pericia e interés por una práctica que se inició de forma tardía en nuestro país. Aceptado como miembro de la Real Academia Médica de Madrid en noviembre de 1778, leyó su discurso de ingreso en abril de 1779. El texto, que constituye la primera aproximación de O'Scanlan a la inoculación, que venía practicando con éxito desde 1771, fue incluido con algunas modificaciones y sin citar la fecha de redacción en la introducción de su primera obra, Práctica moderna de la inoculación (1784). El manuscrito se encuentra en el Archivo del Conde de Campomanes (Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid).
En aquest Treball Fi de Grau (TFG) farem una anàlisi comparativa de James and the Giant Peach i les seues traduccions al català i al castellà. Pararem especial atenció al fet que es tracta d’un exemple de literatura juvenil, a l’hora d’analitzar els elements típics d’aquest gènere, com ara noms propis, elements culturals, expressions pragmàtiques, etc. El nostre objectiu principal serà extraure unes conclusions ben fonamentades sobre les tendències pel que fa a la traducció de literatura juvenil.