1000 resultados para Bebida de fruta
Apple is a fruit that offers promising prospect for industrialization as it has favorable characteristics for this purpose and can obtain products with good acceptance. In Brazil, approximately 15% of the production is processed into juice, and a portion is exported. Among the fresh fruit and juice, apple adds US$ 30 million annually to the Brazilian foreign exchange earnings. The aim of this study was to characterize, using chemical analysis, concentrated juices, commercial apple juice, nectar, and soft drink. In addition, to compare them with their respective Quality and Identity Standards (PIQ) published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and Codex Alimentarius. Concentrated juices and commercial beverages were analyzed in triplicate for soluble solids content (Brix), pH, total acidity (AT), and ratio. In concentrated juices, the Total Sugar Reducer (ART) was also assessed. The results obtained in the laboratory were compared with the PIQ and Codex Alimentarius to verify compliance with applicable regulations. Seven concentrate juices, five juices, six nectars, and three apple-flavoured soft drinks were analyzed. The Brix of pulpy and clarified concentrated juices were, respectively, 71.16±1.29 and 40.40±0.57°Brix. In all concentrated juices, the Brix was in accordance with Codex Alimentarius. The Brix and AT in sweetened clarified juices were 11.50±0.14°Brix and 0.18±0.04g of malic acid/100g sample. In pulpy whole juices the values were 11.20±0.70°Brix and 0.30±0.06g of malic acid/100g sample. The values of Brix and AT in apple-flavoured soft drinks were 11.03±0.93°Brix and 0.18±0.04g of malic acid/100ml sample. Commercial juices and soft drinks also presented °Brix and AT in accord with the PIQ established by MAPA. The apple nectars could not be compared with the standards because they are not published by MAPA or Codex Alimentarius. The definition of the PIQ is an important tool for quality control of beverages manufacture in Brazil. Therefore, it is recommended for the control agencies to define the parameters that are not established.
Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) is a fruit with a great potential for technological uses, which could be employed to manufacture of syrups, ice cream, candies, yoghurts, beverages, jam, etc. Only the leaf from mulberry trees is commercially used for silkworm feeding. This tree is cultivated on many agricultural environments such as small rural proprieties and settlements. Small farmers waste a great amount of their production for not knowing about mulberry technology. Thus, the objective of this work was to access extraction yield and physical-chemical properties of mulberry whole juice from ripe, green and a mixture of both by using press and depulper. Statistical analysis of results was carried by media and standard deviation calculations. 173 kg of mulberry were picked being 49.31% ripe and 50.68% green. Press delivered greater extraction yield of whole juice (80.50% to 81.60%) when compared to press (71.43% to 77.50%). Whole juice obtained from both equipments has shown the following values: soluble solids 7.45% - 12.11%, titrable acidity 0.45 – 1.23%, ratio 6.03 – 26.84, pH 3.69 – 4.35, total reducing sugar 4.05% – 9.96%, reducing sugar 3.95% - 9.15%, sucrose 0.00% - 0.04%, turbidity 221.25 NTU - >4,000 NTU. Whole juices obtained from both equipments has shown similar physical-chemical characteristics except turbidity. The authors concluded that press was the best extraction equipment due to its greater yield and whole juice quality regarding turbidity
The Brazilian wine industry has a remarkable characteristic that distinguishes from other markets, while the foreign market only accepts products originating from European varieties (Vitis vinifera), in Brazil, products originating from American varieties (Vitis labrusca and Vitis bourquina) and hybrids are also accepted. Dry and sweet varietal wines from varieties Bordô (dry and sweet), Isabel (sweet) e Máximo (dry) were analyzed, by the following chemical standard analyses: alcohol content; density; total and reduced dry matter; alcohol/reduced dry extract ratio; reducing sugars; total, volatile and fixed acidity; pH; total and free sulfur dioxide; and energy value. All analyzed wines presented results within the parameters set forth by Brazilian law, a positive fact, once they are commercialized. The varietal wine Máximo presented a low content of total and free sulfur dioxide, which may cause future problems with its sanity.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
A região Amazônica, detentora de grande potencial hídrico, tem atraído indústrias que promovem uso intensivo de água, por isso, existe uma emergência por instrumentos que administrem essa tendência. Neste trabalho foi diagnosticado o nível de racionalização do uso da água pelo setor industrial de produção de bebidas no estado do Pará, assim como as causas do comportamento do setor. As variáveis dependentes (de comportamento) foram classificadas de acordo com quatro dimensões (gestão ambiental, manejo da água, manejo dos efluentes e medidas avançadas de racionalização) que compõe o nível de racionalização da gestão industrial hídrica. As variáveis independentes foram associadas ao: porte, ramo, tipo de embalagem utilizada, disponibilidade hídrica e valor econômico da água. Os dados levantados mostraram que a produção de bebidas tem uma grande pegada hídrica operacional total (acima de) 15.250 m3/dia, com as pequenas empresas apresentando o maior consumo relativo por unidade produzida (maior que 7 L de água/L de bebida). O setor como um todo apresenta baixo nível de racionalização do uso da água, a dimensão mais eficiente é a de gerenciamento da água; entretanto algumas medidas avançadas podem ser visualizadas, especialmente a recirculação da água em torres de resfriamento. A análise das variáveis de estudo demonstra que o nível de racionalização é dependente diretamente do ramo e do porte da empresa. Conclui-se que o consumo tende ao desperdício; em resposta a este quadro, devem ser priorizadas políticas públicas voltadas para internalização dos custos ambientais embutidos no processo.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
The scope of this paper is to analyze delays in locating health services for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in Ribeirao Preto in 2009. An epidemiological and cross-sectional study was conducted with 94 TB patients undergoing treatment. A structured questionnaire, based on the Primary Care Assessment Tool adapted for TB care was used. A median (15 days or more) was established to characterize delay in health attendance. Using the Prevalence Ratio, the variables associated with longer delay were identified. The first healthcare services sought were the Emergency Services (ES) (57.5%). The longest period between seeking assistance occurred among males, aged between 50 and 59, who earned less than five minimum wages, had pulmonary TB, were new cases, were not co-infected with TB/HIV, did not consume alcohol, had satisfactory knowledge about TB before diagnosis (with a statistically significant association with delay) and who did not seek healthcare close to home before developing TB. There is a perceived need for training healthcare professionals about the signs and symptoms of the disease, reducing barriers of access to timely diagnosis of TB and widely disseminating it to the community in general.
Peatlands form in areas where net primary of organic matter production exceeds losses due to the decomposition, leaching or disturbance. Due to their chemical and physical characteristics, bogs can influence water dynamics because they can store large volumes of water in the rainy season and gradually release this water during the other months of the year. In Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, a peatland in the environmental protection area of Pau-de-Fruta ensures the water supply of 40,000 inhabitants. The hypothesis of this study is that the peat bogs in Pau-de-Fruta act as an environment for carbon storage and a regulator of water flow in the Corrego das Pedras basin. The objective of this study was to estimate the water volume and organic matter mass in this peatland and to study the influence of this environment on the water flow in the Corrego das Pedras basin. The peatland was mapped using 57 transects, at intervals of 100 m. Along all transects, the depth of the peat bog, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates and altitude were recorded every 20 m and used to calculate the area and volume of the peatland. The water volume was estimated, using a method developed in this study, and the mass of organic matter based on samples from 106 profiles. The peatland covered 81.7 hectares (ha), and stored 497,767 m(3) of water, representing 83.7 % of the total volume of the peat bog. The total amount of organic matter (OM) was 45,148 t, corresponding to 552 t ha(-1) of OM. The peat bog occupies 11.9 % of the area covered by the Corrego das Pedras basin and stores 77.6 % of the annual water surplus, thus controlling the water flow in the basin and consequently regulating the water course.
This study evaluates social inequalities in health according to level of schooling in the male population. This was a cross-sectional, population-based study with a sample of 449 men ranging from 20 to 59 years of age and living in Campinas, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The chi-square test was used to verify associations, and a Poisson regression model was used to estimate crude and adjusted prevalence ratios. Men with less schooling showed higher rates of alcohol consumption and dependence, smoking, sedentary lifestyle during leisure time, and less healthy eating habits, in addition to higher prevalence of bad or very bad self-rated health, at least one chronic disease, hypertension, and other health problems. No differences were detected between the two schooling strata in terms of use of health services, except for dental services. The findings point to social inequality in health-related behaviors and in some health status indicators. However, possible equity was observed in the use of nearly all types of health services.
Objective: One of the factors associated with low rates of compliance in the treatment for alcoholism seems to be the intensity of craving for alcohol. This study aimed to evaluate the associations between alcohol craving and biopsychosocial addiction model-related variables and to verify whether these variables could predict treatment retention. Methods: The sample consisted of 257 male alcoholics who were enrolled in two different pharmacological trials conducted at the Universidade de Sao Paulo in Brazil. Based on four factors measured at baseline - biological (age, race, and family alcoholism), psychiatric (depression symptoms), social (financial and marital status), and addiction (craving intensity, severity of alcohol dependence, smoking status, drinking history, preferential beverage, daily intake of alcohol before treatment) - direct logistic regression was performed to analyze these factors' influence on treatment retention after controlling for medication groups and AA attendance. Results: Increasing age, participation in Alcoholics Anonymous groups, and beer preference among drinkers were independently associated with higher treatment retention. Conversely, higher scores for depression increased dropout rates. Conclusion: Health services should identify the treatment practices and therapists that improve retention. Information about patients' characteristics linked to dropouts should be studied to render treatment programs more responsive and attractive, combining pharmacological agents with more intensive and diversified psychosocial interventions.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of different chewing gum brands on the salivary pH of children with primary dentition. Method: Forty children were selected and assigned to four groups: control (no chewing gum); sugarless chewing gum; chewing gum with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate; and chewing gum with xylitol. The first saliva collection was made after supervised tooth brushing for stabilization of the oral pH. Next, all children were instructed to drink slowly 100 mL of a cola-based soft drink (Coca-Cola®) and a new saliva collection was made 10 min later. Then, each group chewed on the chewing gum for 5 min and discarded it after this time. Saliva was collected again at 5, 10 and 15 min intervals after start using the chewing gum. Measurement of salivary pH was made with colorimetric test papers and a digital pH-meter. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey’s test at a 5% significance level. Results: The use of chewing gums accelerated the increase of salivary pH to considerably alkaline levels after consumption of an acidic beverage, especially within the first minutes. The highest levels were obtained in the groups of children that used chewing gums containing xylitol and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. Conclusion: Children that used the chewing gums after ingestion of an acidic soft drink presented an increase in salivary pH, with the best results in the groups that used chewing gums containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate and xylitol.
Peatlands form in areas where net primary of organic matter production exceeds losses due to the decomposition, leaching or disturbance. Due to their chemical and physical characteristics, bogs can influence water dynamics because they can store large volumes of water in the rainy season and gradually release this water during the other months of the year. In Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, a peatland in the environmental protection area of Pau-de-Fruta ensures the water supply of 40,000 inhabitants. The hypothesis of this study is that the peat bogs in Pau-de-Fruta act as an environment for carbon storage and a regulator of water flow in the Córrego das Pedras basin. The objective of this study was to estimate the water volume and organic matter mass in this peatland and to study the influence of this environment on the water flow in the Córrego das Pedras basin. The peatland was mapped using 57 transects, at intervals of 100 m. Along all transects, the depth of the peat bog, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates and altitude were recorded every 20 m and used to calculate the area and volume of the peatland. The water volume was estimated, using a method developed in this study, and the mass of organic matter based on samples from 106 profiles. The peatland covered 81.7 hectares (ha), and stored 497,767 m³ of water, representing 83.7 % of the total volume of the peat bog. The total amount of organic matter (OM) was 45,148 t, corresponding to 552 t ha-1 of OM. The peat bog occupies 11.9 % of the area covered by the Córrego das Pedras basin and stores 77.6 % of the annual water surplus, thus controlling the water flow in the basin and consequently regulating the water course.
OBJETIVO: investigar se a abreviação do jejum pré-operatório com uma bebida contendo glutamina e dextrinomaltose melhora a resposta orgânica ao trauma cirúrgico. MÉTODOS: trinta e seis pacientes adultas, (18-62 anos) candidatas à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica eletiva foram aleatoriamente divididas em três grupos: grupo jejum convencional (grupo Jejum), ou em dois grupos para receber duas dietas diferentes, oito horas (400ml) e duas horas antes da indução anestésica (200ml): grupo carboidrato (12,5% de dextrinomaltose) e glutamina (12,5% de dextrinomaltose e, respectivamente, 40 e 10g de glutamina). As amostras de sangue foram coletadas no período pré e pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: vinte e oito pacientes completaram o estudo. Nenhuma complicação pulmonar ocorreu durante o estudo. O volume residual gástrico foi similar entre os grupos (p=0,95). No pós-operatório, todas as pacientes do grupo jejum apresentaram glicemia anormal (>110mg/dl), sendo essa anormalidade 50% para o grupo CHO (p=0,14) e, apenas, 22,2% para o grupo GLN (p=0,01). No pós-operatório, todas as pacientes que abreviaram o jejum (grupo CHO + GLN) apresentaram insulinemia normal, contrastando com 66,7% no grupo jejum (p=0,02). A sensibilidade anormal à insulina subiu no pós-operatório de 32,1% para 46,4% dos casos (p=0,24). A sensibilidade anormal à insulina, no pós-operatório, ocorreu em apenas 11,1% das pacientes do grupo GLN comparado com 55,5% do grupo jejum (p=0,02). CONCLUSÃO: a abreviação do jejum pré-operatório para duas horas com glutamina e dextrinomaltose melhora a sensibilidade à insulina de pacientes submetidas à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica eletiva.