969 resultados para Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986 -- Criticism and interpretation


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The discovery and interpretation of microscopic residues on stone artefacts is an expanding front within archaeological science, allowing reconstructions of the past use of specific tools. With notable exceptions, however, the field has seen little theoretical development, relying largely on a rationale in which either individual findings are widely generalized or the age of the site determines the importance of the results. Here an approach to residue interpretation is proposed that draws on notions of narrative, scale, action and agency as one means of expanding the theoretical scope and application of residue studies. It is suggested that the individual resonance of the findings of residue analyses with people in the present day can be used to provide a more nuanced understanding of past actions, which in turn allows both better integration and communication of those findings within and outside the archaeological comm unity, and begins to overcome the problems associated with the typically small sample sizes analysed in stone-tool residue studies.


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Hainge examines Shakespeare's play The Tempest, which was used in the allusions of Louis-Ferdinand Céline's novel Guignol's Band and Peter Greenaway's 1991 film Prospero's Book. He hypothesizes that Céline's novel Feerie pour une autre fois can be conceived of as a response to and interpretation of the The Tempest in the same way that Greenaway's film can be conceived of not as a representation of Shakespeare's play, a simple staging of it, but rather as a subjective response to it, an adaptation in the truest sense of the term.


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Culture is a central but debated concept in many disciplines and its complexity may become an even bigger source of argument in Suicidology. In spite of the intricacy of the study of this construct, the paper illustrates that various scholars have recognised the relevance of culture and ethnicity in the understanding of suicidal behaviour. The author provides evidence of the need to pay more attention to the meaning and interpretation of suicide in cross-cultural research and underlines the necessity to establish cultural-sensitive prevention strategies. The paper closes by providing methodological considerations and suggestions for future research on cultural aspects of suicidal behaviour.


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In the context of a hostile funding environment, universities are increasingly asked to justify their output in narrowly defined economic terms, and this can be difficult in Humanities or Arts faculties where productivity is rarely reducible to a simple financial indicator. This can lead to a number of immediate consequences that I have no need to rehearse here, but can also result in some interesting tensions within the academic community itself. First is that which has become known as the ‘Science Wars’: the increasingly acrimonious exchanges between scientists and scientific academics and cultural critics or theorists about who has the right to describe the world. Much has already been said—and much remains to be said—about this issue, but it is not my intention to discuss it here. Rather, I will look at a second area of contestation: the incorporation of scientific theory into literary or cultural criticism. Much of this work comes from a genuine commitment to interdisciplinarity, and an appreciation of insights that a fresh perspective can bring to a familiar object. However, some can be seen as cynical attempts to lend literary studies the sort of empirical legitimacy of the sciences. In particular, I want to look at a number of critics who have applied information theory to the literary work. In this paper, I will examine several instances of this sort of criticism, and then, through an analysis of a novel by American author Richard Powers, Three Farmers on Their Way to a Dance, show how this sort of criticism merely reduces the meaningful analysis of a complex literary text.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado em Literatura e Religião no Mundo Bíblico tem por objetivo realizar um comentário exegético e hermenêutico de um texto reconhecido como profético e sua relação no plano teológico, antropológico e literário com o universo sapiencial israelita no período pós-exílico. Trata-se do estudo de Miquéias 6,1-8, cujo foco de investigação desenvolveu-se a partir da análise do discurso e da hipótese de confluência de gêneros literários, a saber, o profético e o sapiencial. Considerado sob os aspectos formais, contextuais e de conteúdo antropo teológico, o texto estudado apresenta-se como resultado da composição de diversos gêneros literários e manifesta, internamente, conflitos de teologias que vão desde a interpretação da própria história de Israel até a prática religiosa com suas concepções de Deus. Miquéias 6,1-8, interpretado aqui a partir de metodologias exegéticas modernas e abordagens contextuais e antropológicas, configura-se como uma verdadeira síntese de interpretação deuteronomista não hegemônica dos eventos do êxodo e da mensagem dos profetas bíblicos do século VIII aeC Miquéias, Amós, Oséias e Isaías. Estamos diante de um texto que se apresenta, ao mesmo tempo, coeso e portador de diferentes universos e vozes em sua composição. Seu discurso, cujo teor nasce do conflito entre projetos e grupos no período pós-exílico, resgata memórias antigas de um êxodo que passa por sujeitos marginais e reinterpreta a crítica profética em sua função de discernimento ético e teológico, porém, no formato sapiencial. Pela profundidade sócio teológica e pela proposta não sacrificial de seu discurso, Miquéias 6,1-8 tem sido um texto continuamente revisitado no interior da Teologia da Libertação na América Latina, inspirando boa parte de sua produção.


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Esta dissertação é o resultado da pesquisa sobre a teologia de Dietrich Bonhoeffer a partir de seus próprios escritos e da recepção e interpretação de seu pensamento por teólogos que se dedicaram ao estudo de sua reflexão teológica após sua morte, especialmente no que diz respeito à sua proposta de um cristianismo arreligioso. Dentre estes teólogos destacam-se Eberhard Bethge, autor de uma detalhada biografia de Bonhoeffer, além de Robinson e Hamilton, autores que participam do movimento que ficou conhecido como Teologia Radical . O objetivo da pesquisa é exatamente esclarecer o significado da proposta de um cristianismo arreligioso em Bonhoeffer, bem como analisar suas críticas à religião e as possibilidades encontradas em sua compreensão cristológica para uma vivência cristã autêntica num mundo que se tornou adulto. (AU)


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The role of information in high-technology markets is critical (Dutta, Narasimhan and Rajiv 1999; Farrell and Saloner 1986; Weiss and Heide 1993). In these markets, the volatility and volume of information present managers and researchers with the considerable challenge of monitoring such information and examining how potential customers may respond to it. This article examines the effects of the type and volume of information on the market share of different technological standards in the Local Area Networks (LAN) industry. We identify three different types of information: technological, availability and adoption. Our empirical application suggests that all three types of information have significant effects on the market share of a technological standard, but their direction and magnitude differ. More specifically, technology-related information is negatively related to market share as it demonstrates that the underlying technology is immature and still evolving. Both availability and adoption-related information have a positive effect on market share, but the former is larger than the latter. We conclude that high-tech firms should emphasize the dissemination of information, especially availability-related, as part of their promotional strategy for a new technology. Otherwise, they may risk missing an opportunity to achieve a higher share and establish their market presence.


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Objective: To assess and explain deviations from recommended practice in National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines in relation to fetal heart monitoring. Design: Qualitative study. Setting: Large teaching hospital in the UK. Sample: Sixty-six hours of observation of 25 labours and interviews with 20 midwives of varying grades. Methods: Structured observations of labour and semistructured interviews with midwives. Interviews were undertaken using a prompt guide, audiotaped, and transcribed verbatim. Analysis was based on the constant comparative method, assisted by QSR N5 software. Main outcome measures: Deviations from recommended practice in relation to fetal monitoring and insights into why these occur. Results: All babies involved in the study were safely delivered, but 243 deviations from recommended practice in relation to NICE guidelines on fetal monitoring were identified, with the majority (80%) of these occurring in relation to documentation. Other deviations from recommended practice included indications for use of electronic fetal heart monitoring and conduct of fetal heart monitoring. There is evidence of difficulties with availability and maintenance of equipment, and some deficits in staff knowledge and skill. Differing orientations towards fetal monitoring were reported by midwives, which were likely to have impacts on practice. The initiation, management, and interpretation of fetal heart monitoring is complex and distributed across time, space, and professional boundaries, and practices in relation to fetal heart monitoring need to be understood within an organisational and social context. Conclusion: Some deviations from best practice guidelines may be rectified through straightforward interventions including improved systems for managing equipment and training. Other deviations from recommended practice need to be understood as the outcomes of complex processes that are likely to defy easy resolution. © RCOG 2006.


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An increasing number of neuroimaging studies are concerned with the identification of interactions or statistical dependencies between brain areas. Dependencies between the activities of different brain regions can be quantified with functional connectivity measures such as the cross-correlation coefficient. An important factor limiting the accuracy of such measures is the amount of empirical data available. For event-related protocols, the amount of data also affects the temporal resolution of the analysis. We use analytical expressions to calculate the amount of empirical data needed to establish whether a certain level of dependency is significant when the time series are autocorrelated, as is the case for biological signals. These analytical results are then contrasted with estimates from simulations based on real data recorded with magnetoencephalography during a resting-state paradigm and during the presentation of visual stimuli. Results indicate that, for broadband signals, 50-100 s of data is required to detect a true underlying cross-correlations coefficient of 0.05. This corresponds to a resolution of a few hundred milliseconds for typical event-related recordings. The required time window increases for narrow band signals as frequency decreases. For instance, approximately 3 times as much data is necessary for signals in the alpha band. Important implications can be derived for the design and interpretation of experiments to characterize weak interactions, which are potentially important for brain processing.


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A literature review of work carried out on batch and continuous chromatographic biochemical reactor-separators has been made. The major part of this work has involved the development of a batch chromatographic reactor-separator for the production of dextran and fructose by the enzymatic action of the enzyme dextransucrase on sucrose. In this reactor, simultaneous reaction and separation occurs thus reducing downstream processing and isolation of products as compared to the existing industrial process. The chromatographic reactor consisted of a glass column packed with a stationary phase consisting of cross linked polysytrene resin in the calcium form. The mobile phase consisted of diluted dextransucrase in deionised water. Initial experiments were carried out on a reactor separtor which had an internal diameter of 0.97cm and length of 1.5m. To study the effect of scale up the reactor diameter was doubled to 1.94cm and length increased to 1.75m. The results have shown that the chromatographic reactor uses more enzyme than a conventional batch reactor for a given conversion of sucrose and that an increase in void volume results in higher conversions of sucrose. A comparison of the molecular weight distribution of dextran produced by the chromatographic reactor was made with that from a conventional batch reactor. The results have shown that the chromatographic reactor produces 30% more dextran of molecular weight greater than 150,000 daltons at 20% w/v sucrose concentration than conventional reactors. This is because some of the fructose molecules are prevented as acting as acceptors in the chromatographic reactor due to their removal from the reaction zone. In the conventional reactor this is not possible and therefore a greater proportion of low molecular weight dextran is produced which does not have much clinical use. A theoretical model was developed to describe the behaviour of the reactor separator and this model was simulated using a computer. The simulation predictions showed good agreement with experimental results at high eluent flowrates and low conversions.


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The present work studies the overall structuring of radio news discourse via investigating three metatextual/interactive functions: (1) Discourse Organizing Elements (DOEs), (2) Attribution and (3) Sentential and Nominal Background Information (SBI & NBI). An extended corpus of about 73,000 words from BBC and Radio Damascus news is used to study DOEs and a restricted corpus of 38,000 words for Attribution and S & NBI. A situational approach is adopted to assess the influence of factors such as medium and audience on these functions and their frequence. It is found that: (1) DOEs are organizational and their frequency is determined by length of text; (2) Attribution Function in accordance with the editor's strategy and its frequency is audience sensitive; and (3) BI provides background information and is determined by audience and news topics. Secondly, the salient grammatical elements in DOEs are discourse deictic demonstratives, address pronouns and nouns referring to `the news'. Attribution is realized in reporting/reported clauses, and BI in a sentence, a clause or a nominal group. Thirdly, DOEs establish a hierarchy of (1) news, (2) summary/expansion and (3) item: including topic introduction and details. While Attribution is generally, and SBI solely, a function of detailing, NBI and proper names are generally a function of summary and topic introduction. Being primarily addressed to audience and referring metatextually, the functions investigated support Sinclair's interactive and autonomous planes of discourse. They also shed light on the part(s) of the linguistic system which realize the metatextual/interactive function. Strictly, `discourse structure' inevitably involves a rank-scale; but news discourse also shows a convention of item `listing'. Hence only within the boundary of variety (ultimately interpreted across language and in its situation) can textual functions and discourse structure be studied. Finally, interlingual variety study provides invaluable insights into a level of translation that goes beyond matching grammatical systems or situational factors, an interpretive level which has to be described in linguistic analysis of translation data.


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