987 resultados para Bandas de Congo


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The mesoporous molecular sieves of the MCM-41 and FeMCM-41 type are considered promissory as support for metals used as catalysts in oil-based materials refine processes and as adsorbents for environmental protection proposes. In this work MCM-41 and FeMCM41 were synthesized using rice husk ash - RHA as alternative to the conventional silica source. Hydrothermal synthesis was the method chosen to prepare the materials. Pre-defined synthesis parameters were 100°C for 168 hours, later the precursor was calcinated at 550°C for 2 hours under nitrogen and air flow. The sieves containing different proportions of iron were produced by two routes: introduction of iron salt direct synthesis; and a modification post synthesis consisting in iron salt 1 % and 5% impregnation in the material followed by thermal decomposition. The molecular sieves were characterized by X ray diffraction XRD, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR, X ray fluorescence spectroscopy XFR, scanning electronic microscopy SEM, specific surface area using the BET method, Termogravimetry TG. The kinetic model of Flynn Wall was used with the aim of determining the apparent activation energy of the surfactant remove (CTMABr) in the MCM- 41 porous. The analysis made possible the morphology characterization, identifying the presence of hexagonal structure typical for mesoporous materials, as well as observation of the MCM41 and iron of characteristic bands.


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In the ceramics industry are becoming more predominantly inorganic nature pigments. Studies in this area allow you to develop pigments with more advanced properties and qualities to be used in the industrial context. Studies on synthesis and characterization of cobalt aluminate has been widely researched, cobalt aluminate behavior at different temperatures of calcinations, highlighting especially the temperatures of 700, 800 and 900° C that served as a basis in the development of this study, using the method of polymerization of complex (CPM), economic, and this method applied in ceramic pigment synthesis. The procedure was developed from a fractional factorial design 2 (5-2) in order to optimize the process of realization of the cobalt aluminate (CoAl2O4), having as response surfaces the batch analysis data of Uv-vis spectroscopy conducted from the statistic software 7.0, for this were chosen five factors as input variables: citric acid (stoichiometric manner), puff or pyrolysis time (h), temperature (° C), and calcinations (° C/min), at levels determined for this study. By applying statistics in the process of obtaining the CoAl2O4 is possible the study of these factors and which may have greater influence in getting the synthesis. The pigments characterized TG/DSC analyses, and x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS) in order to establish the structural and morphological aspects of pigment CoAl2O4, among the factors studied it were found to statically with increasing calcinations temperature 700°< 800 <900 °C, the bands of Uv-vis decrease with increasing intensity of absorbance and that with increasing time of puff or pyrolysis (h) there is an increase in bands of Uv-vis proportionally, the generated model set for the conditions proposed in this study because the coefficient of determination can explain about 99.9% of the variance (R²), response surfaces generated were satisfactory, so it s possible applicability in the ceramics industry of pigments


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On Rio Grande do Norte northern coast the process of sediment transport are intensely controlled by wind and sea (waves and currents) action, causing erosion and shoreline morphological instability. Due to the importance of such coastal zone it was realized the multi-spectral mapping and physical-chemical characterization of mudflats and mangroves aiming to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process on the oil fields of Macau and Serra installed at the study area. The multi-spectral bands of 2000 and 2008 LANDSAT 5 TM images were submitted on the several digital processing steps and RGB color compositions integrating spectral bands and Principal Components. Such processing methodology was important to the mapping of different units on surface, together with field works. It was possible to make an analogy of the spectral characteristics of wetlands with vegetations areas (mangrove), showing the possibility to make a restoration of this area, contributing with the environmental monitoring of that ecosystem. The maps of several units were integrated in GIS environment at 1:60,000 scale, including the classification of features according to the presence or absence of vegetation cover. Thus, the strategy of methodology established that there are 10.13 km2 at least of sandy-muddy and of these approximately 0.89 km2 with the possibility to be used in a reforestation of typical flora of mangrove. The physical-chemical characterization showed areas with potential to introduce local species of mangrove and they had a pH above neutral with a mean of 8.4. The characteristic particle size is sand in the fine fractions, the high levels of carbonate, organic matter and major and trace element in general are concentrated where the sediment had the less particles size, showing the high correlation that those elements have with smaller particles of sediment. The application of that methodological strategy is relevant to the better understanding of features behavior and physical-chemical data of sediment samples collected on field allow the analysis of efficiency/capability of sandy-muddy to reforestation with local mangrove species for mitigation of the erosive action and coastal processes on the areas occupied by the oil industry


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In this work, biodiesel was produced from castor oil that was a byproduct glycerin. The molar ratio between oil and alcohol, as well as the use of (KOH) catalyst to provide the chemical reaction is based on literature. The best results were obtained using 1 mol of castor oil (260g) to 3 moles of methyl alcohol (138g), using 1.0% KOH as catalyst at a temperature of 260 ° C and shaken at 120 rpm. The oil used was commercially available, the process involves the reaction of transesterification of a vegetable oil with methyl alcohol. The product of this reaction is an ester, biodiesel being the main product and the glycerin by-product which has undergone treatment for use as raw material for the production of allyl alcohol. The great advantage of the use of glycerin to obtain allyl alcohol is that its use eliminates the large amount of waste of the biodiesel and various forms of insult to the environment. The reactions for the formation of allyl alcohol was conducted from formic acid and glycerin in a ratio 1/1, at a temperature of 260oC in a heater blanket, being sprayed by a spiral condenser for a period of 2 hours and the product obtained contains mostly the allylic alcohol .. The monitoring of reactions was performed by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer: FTIR Fourier transform, the analysis showed that these changes occur spectrometer indicating the formation of the product allylic alcohol (prop-2-en-1-ol) in the presence of water, This alcohol was appointed Alcohol GL. The absorption bands confirms that the reaction was observed in (υ C = C) 1470 -1600 cm -1 and (υ CO), 3610-3670 attributed to C = C groups and OH respectively. The thermal analysis was carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer SDT Q600, where the mass and temperature are displayed against time, that allows checking the approximate rate of heating. The innovative methodology developed in the laboratory (LABTAM, UFRN), was able to treat the glycerine produced by transesterification of castor oil and used as raw material for production of allyl alcohol, with a yield of 80%, of alcohol, the same is of great importance in the manufacture of polymers, pharmaceuticals, organic compounds, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals


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Flavobacterium columnare é o agente etiológico da columnariose em peixes de água doce, ocasionando enfermidade na pele e nas brânquias, provocando freqüentemente um grande número de mortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi o isolamento e a caracterização de Flavobacterium columnare em peixes tropicais no Brasil. Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e cascudo (Hypostomus plecostomus) foram examinados externamente com relação a sinais característicos de columnariose, como manchas acinzentadas na cabeça, região dorsal e pedúnculo caudal dos peixes. A amostragem compreendeu a coleta de 50 exemplares de peixes, representando as quatro diferentes espécies escolhidas para este estudo. Amostras para o isolamento foram obtidas através de raspado com swab estéril das lesões e do rim dos peixes clinicamente diagnosticados como acometidos por columnarios e imediatamente semeados em meios de culturas artificiais (líquido e sólido) próprios para o estudo de Flavobacterium segundo Carlson e Pacha (1968). No meio líquido, houve o desenvolvimento de microrganismos que observados em gota pendente apresentaram a forma de bacilos finos, longos, móveis por deslizamento. Através da coloração de Gram, apresentaram morfologia de bacilos finos, Gram negativos, agrupados em colunas. em meio sólido, as colônias eram pequenas, cinza-amareladas, com borda em forma de raiz. No total, foram obtidos quatro isolamentos: 01 cepa de Brycon orbignyanus; 01 cepa de Piaractus mesopotamicus; 01 cepa de Colossoma macropomum; e 01 cepa de Hypostomus plecostomus. A caracterização bioquímica das amostras, como absorção do vermelho Congo, produção de flexirrubina, produção de H2S e redução do nitrato, sugere que os isolamentos poderiam ser classificados como Flavobacterium columnare.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Trypanosoma cruzi infection was evaluated in 390 resident individuals in different rural communities of Caicó municipality, State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Of 28 investigated communities the soroprevalence of T. cruzi infection was 2.8% in eight rural communities individuals. The epidemiological characteristics of seropositive shown that the age ranged from 22 to 64 years, being significantly raised from 31 years (90.9%). The female gender was predominant and low education degree. Those individuals reported that they never donated blood, but they had direct contact with triatomines bug. The isolation of the parasite was performed by blood culture and xenoculture methods to determine the genetic variability of the samples. Twenty seven T. cruzi isolates were analyzed by RAPD as genetic marker using three random primers (M13-40, gt11-F and L15996). The T. cruzi isolates showed 73.7% of shared bands considering the average obtained with the three primers, and were genetically well correlated. Using this marker it was possible to separate the populations of the parasite in three distinct groups. The first group composed by isolates obtained of triatomines and humans from four different districts (Caicó, Caraúbas, Serra Negra doNorte and Governador Dix-Sept Rosado); the second contained isolates obtained of triatomines of two different species (T. brasiliensis and P. lutzi) captured in Caraúbas and Serra Negra do Norte. The third grouped isolates obtained from humans of Angicos and Caicó municipalities. In different localities of distinct mesoregions, State of RN, a profile genetic well correlated was identified among all isolates and the presence of three distinct groups of the parasite circulating among vertebrate and invertebrate hosts


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The extraction, chemical and structural characterization of a wide variety of compounds derived from plants has been a major source of bioactive molecules. Several proteases have been isolated in the plant kingdom, with numerous pharmacological and biotechnological applications. Among the proteases isolated from plants, are the fibrinogenolytic, with relevant application in the treatment of disorders in the coagulation cascade, in addition to potential use as a tool in clinical laboratories. In this study, in addition to evaluating the effects of the protein extract of Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur (Euphorbiaceae) in the coagulation cascade also investigates the presence of antimicrobial activity and characterizes the proteolytic activity detected in this extract, aiming to determine their potential pharmacological and biotechnological application. In this way, crude protein extracts obtained from the leaves of C. urens in Tris-HCl 0.05M, NaCl 0.15M, pH 7.5, were precipitated in different concentrations of acetone, and assessed for the presence of proteolytic activity in azocaseína and fibrinogen. The most active fraction (F1.0) in these tests was chosen for assessment of biological activity and biochemical characterization. The Aα chain and Bβ of fibrinogen were completely cleaved at a concentration of 0.18 μg/μL of protein fraction in 4 minutes. Fibrinogenolytic activity presented total inhibition in the presence of E-64 and partial in the presence of EDTA. The fraction demonstrated coagulant activity in plasm and reduced the APTT, demonstrating acting on the factors coagulation of the intrinsic pathway and common, not exerting effects on the PT. Fibrinolytic activity on plasma clot was detected only in SDS-PAGE in high concentrations of fraction, and there were no defibrinating. Although several proteases isolated from plants and venomous animals are classically toxic, the fraction F1.0 of C. urens not expressed hemorrhagic nor hemolytic activities. Fraction F1.0 also showed no antimicrobial activity. In proteolytic activity on the azocasein, the optimal pH was 5.0 and optimum temperature of 60ºC. The enzyme activity has been shown to be sensitive to the presence of salts tested, with inhibition for all compounds. The surfactant triton did not influence the enzyme activity, but the tween-20 and SDS inhibited the activity. In the presence of reducing agents increase in enzyme activity occurred, a typical feature of enzymes belonging to the class of cysteine proteases. Several bands with proteolytic activity were detected in zymogram, in the region of high-molecular-weight, which were inhibited by E-64. In this study, we found that C. urens presents in its constitution cysteine proteases with fibrinogenolytic and procoagulant activity, which may be isolated, with potential application in treatment of bleeding disorders, thrombolytic and clinical laboratory


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O flamboyanzinho (Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Fabaceae) é muito utilizado como cerca-viva e na arborização de ruas, parques e jardins. de florescimento exuberante, suas flores podem apresentar coloração rosa, laranja ou amarela, conforme a variedade. Como características florais são essenciais para a definição do valor comercial de espécies ornamentais, o objetivo principal do trabalho foi verificar a existência de polimorfismo entre plantas de C. pulcherrima, que produzem flores de diferentes colorações, por marcadores moleculares RAPD. Foram escolhidas aleatoriamente 30 plantas adultas, cultivadas no município de Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo, para a retirada de amostras foliares para a extração de DNA. Dentre essas matrizes, 20 possuem flores alaranjadas, oito, flores amarelas, e apenas duas produzem flores de coloração rosa. Dos 140 primers de RAPD avaliados, 94 foram capazes de ampliar fragmentos definidos, gerando 246 bandas, das quais se observou 100% de bandas monomórficas, indicando que nenhum dos primers utilizados detectou polimorfismo entre os tratamentos. Concluiu-se que a técnica para detecção de polimorfismo por marcadores RAPD não foi eficiente, e que existe a necessidade de se testarem marcadores moleculares mais específicos. Além disso, a característica morfológica cor de flor é, possivelmente, controlada por vários genes ou pela combinação deles.


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A alface-d'água (Pistia stratiotes) é uma das principais entre as macrófitas aquáticas que causam problemas em corpos hídricos no Brasil e são consideradas como plantas daninhas. O presente trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos de conhecer melhor a variabilidade genética dessa macrófita e relacionar essa variabilidade com a resposta à aplicação do herbicida glyphosate. Para isso, foram coletados indivíduos em 12 corpos hídricos em diferentes cidades do território nacional (Americana, Cambaratiba, Curitiba, Itapura, Jaboticabal, Lagoa Santa, Piraí, Rio Grande, Rubinéia, Salto Grande, Santa Gertrudes e Três Lagoas). Os acessos foram caracterizados pelo uso de marcadores RAPD (DNA Polimórfico Amplificado ao Acaso), que permitiram, com o auxílio de iniciadores aleatórios, a caracterização dos locos polimórficos identificados por uma matriz de ausência e presença de bandas. Utilizando essa matriz, a análise de agrupamento permitiu nítida classificação dos acessos em três grupos com diferenças genéticas entre eles. Um ensaio de controle químico, com plantas mantidas em vasos plásticos (5 L) e pulverizadas com o herbicida glyphosate nas concentrações de 0,0, 0,6, 1,2, 1,8 e 2,4 kg ha-1, identificou, utilizando avaliações aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após aplicação, que as duas maiores doses promoveram melhor efeito herbicida. Foi verificado também que os acessos de Curitiba e Cambaratiba apresentaram menor suscetibilidade ao herbicida glyphosate. Não houve correspondência entre a estrutura de grupos dos acessos pela análise multivariada de agrupamento com a técnica RAPD e a suscetibilidade da alface-d'água ao glyphosate.


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A S. Pullorum (SP) é muito semelhante à S. Gallinarum (SG), agentes da Pulorose e Tifo aviário, respectivamente, sendo que as duas enfermidades são responsáveis por perdas econômicas no setor avícola. SP e SG são de difícil diferenciação em procedimento laboratorial rotineiro, mas uma prova bioquímica muito utilizada na distinção das duas refere-se à capacidade de assimilar o aminoácido ornitina: SP descarboxila este aminoácido enquanto SG não. No entanto, o isolamento de cepas com comportamento bioquímico atípico, tem dificultado tal diferenciação. Um dos genes relacionados à assimilação do aminoácido ornitina, denomina-se gene speC, o qual está presente nos dois sorovares. Analisando 21 amostras de SP e 15 de SG com a utilização da PCR não foi possível realizar a diferenciação dos dois sorovares pois os fragmentos gerados eram idênticos. Posteriormente, com o uso da técnica de tratamento enzimático com a enzima de restrição Eco RI, foi possível observar que o padrão de bandas gerado em cada sorovar era diferente, mesmo quando amostras que apresentavam comportamento bioquímico atípico eram analisadas. Tal fato permitiu a padronização da técnica para ser utilizada na diferenciação entre os sorovares Pullorum e Gallinarum de maneira rápida e segura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)