912 resultados para Back-arc Extension


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In this paper we present an extension of the generalized Birnbaum-Saunders distribution family introduced in [Diaz-Garcia, J.A., Leiva-Sanchez, V., 2005. A new family of life distributions based on the contoured elliptically distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 128 (2), 445-457] with a view to make it even more flexible in terms of its kurtosis coefficient. Properties involving moments and asymmetry and kurtosis indexes are studied for some special members of this family such as the slash Birnbaum-Saunders and slash-t Birnbaum-Saunders. Simulation studies for some particular cases and a real data analysis are also reported, illustrating the usefulness of the extension considered. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Influence diagnostics methods are extended in this article to the Grubbs model when the unknown quantity x (latent variable) follows a skew-normal distribution. Diagnostic measures are derived from the case-deletion approach and the local influence approach under several perturbation schemes. The observed information matrix to the postulated model and Delta matrices to the corresponding perturbed models are derived. Results obtained for one real data set are reported, illustrating the usefulness of the proposed methodology.


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l Suppose that X, Y. A and B are Banach spaces such that X is isomorphic to Y E) A and Y is isomorphic to X circle plus B. Are X and Y necessarily isomorphic? In this generality. the answer is no, as proved by W.T. Cowers in 1996. In the present paper, we provide a very simple necessary and sufficient condition on the 10-tuples (k, l, m, n. p, q, r, s, u, v) in N with p+q+u >= 3, r+s+v >= 3, uv >= 1, (p,q)$(0,0), (r,s)not equal(0,0) and u=1 or v=1 or (p. q) = (1, 0) or (r, s) = (0, 1), which guarantees that X is isomorphic to Y whenever these Banach spaces satisfy X(u) similar to X(p)circle plus Y(q), Y(u) similar to X(r)circle plus Y(s), and A(k) circle plus B(l) similar to A(m) circle plus B(n). Namely, delta = +/- 1 or lozenge not equal 0, gcd(lozenge, delta (p + q - u)) divides p + q - u and gcd(lozenge, delta(r + s - v)) divides r + s - v, where 3 = k - I - in + n is the characteristic number of the 4-tuple (k, l, m, n) and lozenge = (p - u)(s - v) - rq is the discriminant of the 6-tuple (p, q, r, s, U, v). We conjecture that this result is in some sense a maximal extension of the classical Pelczynski`s decomposition method in Banach spaces: the case (1, 0. 1, 0, 2. 0, 0, 2. 1. 1). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we give a sufficient (which is also necessary under a compatibility hypothesis) condition on a set of arrows in the quiver of an algebra A so that A is a split extension of A/M, where M is the ideal of A generated by the classes of these arrows. We also compare the notion of split extension with that of semiconvex extension of algebras.


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Homogeneous polynomials of degree 2 on the complex Banach space c(0)(l(n)(2)) are shown to have unique norm-preserving extension to the bidual space. This is done by using M-projections and extends the analogous result for c(0) proved by P.-K. Lin.


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In this work, we introduce a necessary sequential Approximate-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (AKKT) condition for a point to be a solution of a continuous variational inequality, and we prove its relation with the Approximate Gradient Projection condition (AGP) of Garciga-Otero and Svaiter. We also prove that a slight variation of the AKKT condition is sufficient for a convex problem, either for variational inequalities or optimization. Sequential necessary conditions are more suitable to iterative methods than usual punctual conditions relying on constraint qualifications. The AKKT property holds at a solution independently of the fulfillment of a constraint qualification, but when a weak one holds, we can guarantee the validity of the KKT conditions.


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In order to examine how children's literature might be translated, two different English translations of two Swedish picture books have been analyzed. The original Swedish books are Rävjakten and Pannkakstårtan by Sven Nordqvist. Rävjakten was translated as The Fox Hunt in 1988 and as The Fox Hunt in 2000. Pannkakstårtan was translated as Pancake Pie in 1985 and as The Birthday Cake in 1999. Literary translation in general, specific translation issues for children's literature, and trends in international English style have been considered. Analysis of the four texts has been made, with consideration given to the following areas: changes in illustrations, layout, or format; text changes; lexical choices; and retention, deletion, or modification of names and culturally specific references. The analysis revealed that the following tendencies were true for the later translations: foreignization of the text, word-for-word translation of the text, and a neutral international English variety.


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Background: Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) in pregnancy is distinct from pregnancy-related low back pain (PLBP). However, women with combined PLBP and PGP report more serious consequences in terms of health and function. PGP has been estimated to affect about half of pregnant women, where 25% experience serious pain and 8% experience severe disability. To date there are relatively few studies regarding persistent PLBP/PGP postpartum of more than 3 months, thus the main objective was to identify the prevalence of persistent PLBP and PGP as well as the differences over time in regard to pain status, self-rated health (SRH) and family situation at 12 months postpartum. Methods: The study is a 12 month follow-up of a cohort of pregnant women developing PLBP and PGP during pregnancy, and who experienced persistent pain at 6 month follow-up after pregnancy. Women reporting PLBP/PGP (n = 639) during pregnancy were followed up with a second questionnaire at approximately six month after delivery. Women reporting recurrent or persistent LBP/PGP at the second questionnaire (n = 200) were sent a third questionnaire at 12 month postpartum. Results: A total of 176 women responded to the questionnaire. Thirty-four women (19.3%) reported remission of LBP/PGP, whereas 65.3% (n = 115) and 15.3% (n = 27), reported recurrent LBP/PGP or continuous LBP/PGP, respectively. The time between base line and the 12 months follow-up was in actuality 14 months. Women with previous LBP before pregnancy had an increased odds ratio (OR) of reporting 'recurrent pain' (OR = 2.47) or 'continuous pain' (OR = 3.35) postpartum compared to women who reported 'no pain' at the follow-up. Women with 'continuous pain' reported statistically significant higher level of pain at all measure points (0, 6 and 12 months postpartum). Non-responders were found to report a statistically significant less positive scoring regarding relationship satisfaction compared to responders. Conclusions: The results from this study demonstrate that persistent PLBP/PGP is a major individual and public health issue among women 14 months postpartum, negatively affecting their self-reported health. However, the perceived relationship satisfaction seems to be stable between the groups.


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This article is an analysis of the story of the killing of Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī at Karbalāʾ in 61/680, as it is presented by Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad b. Jarīr al-Ṭabarī (d. 310/923). The main argument is that the notion of the divine covenant, which permeates the Qur’an, constitutes a framework through which al-Ṭabarī views this event. The Qur’anic idea of the covenant is read in structural/thematic continuity with the Hebrew Bible account of the covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrew people, which has, in turn, been traced back in its basic form to Late Bronze Era treaties between rulers and their vassals.   The present study focusses on four speeches ascribed to Ḥusayn during the encounter he and his group had with the vanguard of the Kūfan army led by al-Ḥurr. These are analysed in accordance with their use of Qur’anic covenant vocabulary. They are also categorised within the broader framework of the eight standard characteristics of Ancient West Asian and Biblical covenants, as presented by George Mendenhall and Gary Herion, which have recently been developed in a Qur’anic context by Rosalind Ward Gwynne. This article argues that al-Ṭabarī’s Karbalāʾ narrative presents the pact of loyalty to Ḥusayn as a clear extension of the divine covenant.


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Beloved Colby historian Ernest Cummings Marriner '13 documents Robert E. Lee Strider's nineteen years as president of Colby College. Marriner is also the author of the definitive History of Colby, which covers the period up to the Strider presidency.