981 resultados para Bacalhau salgado (Gadus morhua)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Many studies had described the morbi-mortality related to medicines. As for the strategies to reduce the possible risks for medicine therapy is very important to readvise the pharmaceutical activity, once the pharmacist has potential for constitute an essential part for the solution of problems related to the utilization of medicines. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate that the therapeutic subdosage and the microbiological contamination may be directly involved with the inappropriate manipulation of medicines stored in residences. Liquid dosage forms containing dipyrone market in Brazil and stored at homes in Araraquara (SP) were analyzed regarding quantitative and microbiological analysis. Only in 57% from 128 samples analyzed the drug quantity was in accordance. Moreover, 26.2% from 128 samples analyzed presented S. aureus, E. coli and Salmonella sp. These results demonstrated clear reduction in their quality, as well as the presence of molds and/or bacteria in some medicines that still agreed with the expirations dates, showing the importance of the pharmacist in advising the correct use and store of medicines.


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Female broiler breeder productivity is based on the principles of thermal comfort that are directly related with the microclimate inside the housing. This research had the objective of monitoring the behavior of female broiler breeders, using the technology of radio-frequency, injectable transponders and readers in different existing microclimates inside a small scale distorted housing model. Eight birds with electronic identification were used. Three readers were used, in three different points inside the model: on the floor of the nest, in the passage besides the lateral wall and below the water facility. Dry bulb (DBT), wet bulb (WBT) and black globe (BGT) temperature were measured continuously. The results point out a distinct behavioral pattern of the birds regarding the environment exposition during the experiment. Three probabilistic models of behavior were developed from the recorded data: probabilistic model for the passage use: FP = 1.10 - 0.244 ln(DBT), probabilistic model for the water facility use: FB = 0.398 + 0.00866(DBT), and probabilistic model for the nest use: FN = 2.22 - 0.272 DBT + 0,011 DBT 2 - 0.000144 DBT 3.


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A variety of effects is attributed to the photo stimulation of tissues, such as improved healing of ulcers, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of the proliferation of cells of different origins and stimulation of bone repair. Some investigations that make qualitative evaluations, like wound healing and evaluation of pain and edema, can be conducted in human subjects. However, deeper investigations on the mechanisms of action of the light stimulus and other quantitative works that requires biopsies or destructive analysis has to be carried out in animal models or in cell cultures. In this work, we propose the use of planarians as a model to study laser-tissue interaction. Contrasting with cell cultures and unicellular organisms, planarians are among the simplest organism having tissue layers, central nerve system, digestive and excretory system that might have been platforms for the evolution of the complex and highly organized tissues and organs found in higher organisms. For the present study, 685 nm laser radiation was employed. Planarians were cut transversally, in a plane posterior to the auricles. The body fragments were left to regenerate and the proliferation dynamics of stem cells was studied by using histological analysis. Maximum cell count was obtained for the laser treated group at the 4th experimental day. At that experimental time, we also had the largest difference between the irradiated and the non-irradiated control group. We concluded that the studied flatworm could be an interesting animal model for in vivo studies of laser-tissue interactions.


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Studies of the hemoglobin pattern in Brazilian reptiles are important for determining ecological and phylogenetic relationships, but they are scarce. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 7 males and 18 females of Rhinoclemmys punctularia. The hematological profile was based on the total hemoglobin and hematocrit values. The hemoglobin profile was obtained using electrophoretic procedures at different pH, isoelectric focusing, globin chain electrophoresis, and HPLC. The hematocrit (31 ± 2%) and total hemoglobin (7.5 ± 0.2 g/dL) values did not indicate gender variations. Alkaline pH electrophoresis of the total blood samples treated with 1% saponin demonstrated the presence of four well-defined hemoglobin fractions, one major component (fraction I), showing cathodic migration and three others faster than fraction I with anodic migration. When the samples were precipitated with chloroform, only two hemoglobin fractions were observed, similar to fractions I and III from the first procedure. Isoelectric focusing and HPLC showed the same pattern. With acid and neutral pH electrophoresis, two fractions with anodic migration were observed. The globin chain identification at alkaline pH showed two fractions, but four fractions were observed at acidic pH, suggesting that different polypeptide chains are involved in the hemoglobin molecule. The chromatographic separation of the total blood sample demonstrated that the major fraction comprised 81.9% and the minor 18.1%. The results obtained demonstrated a similarity between these hemoglobin components and those of some Chelidae reported in the literature for both land and aquatic animals, reflecting the adaptation to environmental conditions. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The animal experimentation in the scientific research has contributed excessively for the development of science and technology, promoting to long of the years the discovery of prophylactic measures and treatments for diseases that attack the humans. Animals of some species have been used in the last times, being the mouse the more intensely used and more deeply known scientifically. The objective of this work was to carry through a bibliographical survey including data of our research group, about the use of mice in the animal experimentation, approaching its general biology, reproduction physiology, creation systems, genetics, habitation, feeding, handling, pain and euthanasia, techniques of risk developed in the experimentation, blood collection, pharmacological and toxicological experiments. Although current trends praise the use of alternative methods (in vitro studies, cells cultures, etc.), the animal models, as the mouse, present as main advantage the supply of information on the organism as a whole, fact that is not obtained with other methods, what still it makes possible its utilization in scientific research.


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Background: program for phonological remediation in developmental dyslexia. Aim: to verify the efficacy of a program for phonological remediation in students with developmental dyslexia. Specific goals of this study involved the comparison of the linguistic-cognitive performance of students with developmental dyslexia with that of students considered good readers; to compare the results obtained in pre and post-testing situations of students with dyslexia who were and were not submitted to the program; and to compare the results obtained with the phonological remediation program in students with developmental dyslexia to those obtained in good readers. Method: participants of this study were 24 students who were divided as follows: Group I (GI) was divided in two other groups - Gle with 6 students with developmental dyslexia who were submitted to the program; and Glc with 6 students with developmental dyslexia who were not submitted to the program; Group II (GII) was also divided in two other groups - GIIe with 6 good readers who were submitted to the program, and GIIc with 6 good readers who were not submitted to the program. The phonological remediation program (Gonzalez & Rosquete, 2002) was developed in three stages: pre-testing, training and post-testing. Results: results indicate that GI presented a lower performance in phonological skills, reading and writing when compared to GII in the pre-testing situation. However, GIe presented a similar performance to that of GII in the post-testing situation, indicating the effectiveness of the phonological remediation program in students with developmental dyslexia. Conclusion: this study made evident the effectiveness of the phonological remediation program in students with developmental dyslexia.


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BACKGROUND. This study aimed to evaluate clinical characteristics of epidural anesthesia performed with 0.75% ropivacaine associated with dexmedetomidine. METHODS. Forty patients scheduled for hernia repair or varicose vein surgeries under epidural anesthesia participated in this study. They were assigned to: Control Group (n = 20), 0.75% ropivacaine, 20 ml (150 mg); and Dexmedetomidine Group (n = 20), 0.75% ropivacaine, 20 ml (150 mg), plus dexmedetomidine, 1 μg.kg -1. The following variables were studied: total analgesic block onset time, upper level of analgesia, analgesic and motor block duration time, intensity of motor block, state of consciousness, hemodynamics, postoperative analgesia and incidence of side-effects. RESULTS. Epidural dexmedetomidine did not affect onset time or upper level of anesthesia (p > 0.05) however it prolonged sensory and motor block duration time (p < 0.05) and postoperative analgesia (p < 0.05), and also resulted in a more intense motor block, 1 (p < 0.05). Values of bispectral index were lower in Dexmedetomidine Group (p < 0.05). There was no difference in incidence of hypotension and bradycardia (p > 0.05). Occurrence of side-effects (shivering, vomiting and SpO 2 < 90%) was low and similar between groups (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION. There is clear synergism between epidural dexmedetomidine and ropivacaine, further this drug association does not bring about additional morbidity.


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A collaborative work was carried out by the Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group with a PCR multiplex for X chromosome STRs. Markers were selected among those described as polymorphic in humans and that have been used by some laboratories in forensics. Primers and various technical methods were investigated with the aim of optimizing a multiplex for the 10 selected X-STRs. Primer mix stock solutions were sent to the laboratories that were asked to analyse two female bloodstains, taking as reference the genetic profiles from 9947A, 9948 and NA3657 samples. In this work, we report the results obtained by 30 GEP-ISFG laboratories, using this Decaplex, as well as alternative technical conditions that also produced good results. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of laboratory animals in conjunction with research on the human organism provides a basis for on understanding of several important physiological and pathological processes. Besides, the results of experimental studies enable technical and safety improvements to be made in surgical techniques used in the medical clinic. As living biological material is involved, we should guarantee its physical well-being, taking into account microbiological contamination and the genetics, nutrition and correct manipulation of the animals, in order to avoid incorrect conclusions from the experiments or unnecessarily large numbers of animals being used. In parallel with the concerns and legislation on the use of laboratory animals, there is also a growing preoccupation with the welfare and safety of those who handle the laboratory animals, since they run the risk of acquiring occupational diseases through contact with zoonotic pathogens or developing allergies. Prevention requires the application of modern technological advances in the design of the animal house and in the work routines. Unfortunately, few establishments in Brazil possess staff with adequate training and a basic infrastructure of research that includes the laboratory animal breeding centers, equivalent to those existing ones in the United States and Europe.


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The growing demand for stable, safe and effective cosmetics has required increasingly complex studies by the scientific community and the use of more efficient techniques to determine the stability of these products. The use of active principles from the Brazilian flora has led to the development of numerous products, in the most varied pharmaceutical forms, making it, even more difficult to standardize experimental protocols to certify the stability of cosmetic preparations. While in Brazil there is no one protocol that standardizes the tests that should be carried out to determine product stability, several studies have been conducted in academic laboratories to determine the stability of specific raw materials. The rheological properties of topical use products have to be taken into account in their manufacture, storage and application. The determination of the rheological behavior of a formulation helps in evaluating the physicochemical nature of the vehicle, allowing early signs of physical instability to be detected and thus enabling quality control of the constituents, test formulations and final products. Thermal analysis has also been used to assist in the study of cosmetic stability and differential scanning calorimetry to guide the development of new products. Other tools, such as fluorimetry and laser granulometry can be used to help the study and development of both emulsified and non-emulsified systems. The aim of the present study is to develop a protocol for the investigation of the physical and chemical stability of phytocosmetics - systems containing active compounds extracted from the Brazilian biodiversity.


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Since bovine teeth have been used as substitutes for human teeth in in vitro dental studies, the aim of this study was to compare the radiographic density of bovine teeth with that of human teeth to evaluate their usability for radiographic studies. Thirty bovine and twenty human teeth were cut transversally in 1 millimeter-thick slices. The slices were X-rayed using a digital radiographic system and an intraoral X-ray machine at 65 kVp and 7 mA. The exposure time (0.08 s) and the target-sensor distance (40 cm) were standardized for all the radiographs. The radiographic densities of the enamel, coronal dentin and radicular dentin of each slice were obtained separately using the histogram tool of Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software. The mean radiographic densities of the enamel, coronal dentin and radicular dentin were calculated by the arithmetic mean of the slices of each tooth. One-way ANOVA demonstrated statistically significant differences for the densities of bovine and human enamel (p < 0.05) and for bovine and human coronal dentin (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found for the bovine and human radicular dentin (p > 0.05). Based on the results, the authors concluded that: a) the radiographic density of bovine enamel is significantly higher than that of human enamel; b) the radiodensity of bovine coronal dentin is statistically lower than the radiodensity of human coronal dentin; bovine radicular dentin is also less radiodense than human radicular dentin, although this difference was not statistically significant; c) bovine teeth should be used with care in radiographic in vitro studies.


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The aim of this paper is to verify the correlation between environmental indicators and behaviors expressed by laying hens kept in cages. The birds react to a severe environment through their behaviors, end the behaviors can be monitored to identify the birds' welfare conditions. The behaviors birds display ere the result of stress caused by the combination of environmental temperature, relative humidity, radiant heat, and air speed (environmental temperature being the most important). In order to check the influence of the environment, an experiment was carried out on a commercial poultry farm, located in the city of Bastos. The study was initiated in March 2007, during four non-consecutive weeks. The birds' behaviors were recorded using video, by cameras installed in the cages. The birds behaviors were identified and noted for the frequency of occurrence for each bird, and the average duration of each behavior (in seconds), using video samples of 15 minutes recorded from 1 PM to 4 PM. The environmental variables collected were: air temperature, concentration of ammonia, relative air humidity, velocity of the air, noise, roof temperature, and light intensity. The observed behaviors were: opening wings, stretching, threatening, ruffling feathers, drinking water, aggressive pecking, eating, running, lying down, stretching head out of the cage, preening, mounting and prostrating. Principal Components Analysis was used to determine associations between the behavior variables and environmental variables described above. In this experiment, there were no significant correlations between behavioral variables and environmental variables.


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Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 years of age and the elderly, causing annual disease outbreaks during the fall and winter. Multiple lineages of the HRSVA and HRSVB serotypes co-circulate within a single outbreak and display a strongly temporal pattern of genetic variation, with a replacement of dominant genotypes occurring during consecutive years. In the present study we utilized phylogenetic methods to detect and map sites subject to adaptive evolution in the G protein of HRSVA and HRSVB. A total of 29 and 23 amino acid sites were found to be putatively positively selected in HRSVA and HRSVB, respectively. Several of these sites defined genotypes and lineages within genotypes in both groups, and correlated well with epitopes previously described in group A. Remarkably, 18 of these positively selected tended to revert in time to a previous codon state, producing a flipflop phylogenetic pattern. Such frequent evolutionary reversals in HRSV are indicative of a combination of frequent positive selection, reflecting the changing immune status of the human population, and a limited repertoire of functionally viable amino acids at specific amino acid sites.


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Despite efforts to the contrary, some cosmetic products can cause undesirable side effects in the users. These may often be due to individual factors or inappropriate use of the product. Thus, biological assays to assess the safety of a new cosmetic must precede its being placed on the market. Historically, these tests have always been carried out in vivo, in animals, since such tests can be used to evaluate many of the potential risks, such as irritation, allergy or systemic effects; but, recently, some research centers have been adopting in vitro alternatives, in order to replace the animal tests. This review emphasizes the need to employ biological assays to test the safety of cosmetic products, and reviews the main in vivo and in vitro tests used, focusing on the need to develop and use alternatives to the in vivo assays of product safety, so as to offer the consumers the maximum safety with the least possible risk, while ensuring the best conditions of use of the product.