992 resultados para Alveolar osteitis


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is a systemic mycosis which can be associated with oral lesions. This study on a group of 14 patients showed oral lesions mainly on the gingival or alveolar mucosa, with pulmonary involvement detectable on chest radiography in most. Microscopic detection of the fungus on a direct smear showed positive results in all 14 patients. Serological investigations including immunodiffusion, counterimmunoelectrophoresis and immunoblot were also positive in 100% of cases. The results suggest that direct smear together with serology may obviate the need for lesional biopsy for the diagnosis of oral paracoccidioidomycosis.


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Background: the purpose of this study was to evaluate, histologically and radiographically, the effect of photodynamic therapy on the progression of experimentally induced periodontal disease in rats.Methods: Ligatures were placed at the first mandibular molar in rats. The animals were divided into four groups: group 1 (C) received no treatment; group 2 was treated topically with methylene blue (MB; 100 mu g/ml); group 3 was treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT); and group 4 was treated topically with methylene blue followed by LLLT (4.5 J/cm(2)) (photodynamic therapy; PDT). Rats were sacrificed 5, 15, or 30 days postoperatively. Standardized radiographs were taken to measure bone loss around the mesial root surface of the first molar. Data were analyzed statistically (analysis of variance and Tukey test; P < 0.05). A scoring system was used to evaluate the connective tissue, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone histologically. Data were analyzed statistically (Kruskal-Wallis test; P < 0.05).Results: Radiographic examination showed that there was significantly less bone loss in Group PDT compared to Group C at 5 and 15 days postoperatively. There was no significant difference in bone loss at 30 days. At 15 days, the histologic results showed significant differences in the extent of inflammatory reaction in the gingival tissue, with a greater extent of chronic inflammatory reaction in Group LLLT.Conclusion: PDT transiently reduced the periodontal tissue destruction.


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Objectives: To compare simulated periodontal bone defect depth measured in digital radiographs with dedicated and non-dedicated software systems and to compare the depth measurements from each program with the measurements in dry mandibles.Methods: Forty periodontal bone defects were created at the proximal area of the first premolar in dry pig mandibles. Measurements of the defects were performed with a periodontal probe in the dry mandible. Periapical digital radiographs of the defects were recorded using the Schick sensor in a standardized exposure setting. All images were read using a Schick dedicated software system (CDR DICOM for Windows v.3.5), and three commonly available non-dedicated software systems (Vix Win 2000 v.1.2; Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Image Tool 3.0). The defects were measured three times in each image and a consensus was reached among three examiners using the four software systems. The difference between the radiographic measurements was analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and by comparing the measurements from each software system with the dry mandibles measurements using Student's t-test.Results: the mean values of the bone defects measured in the radiographs were 5.07 rum, 5.06 rum, 5.01 mm and 5.11 mm for CDR Digital Image and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) for Windows, Vix Win, Adobe Photoshop, and Image Tool, respectively, and 6.67 mm for the dry mandible. The means of the measurements performed in the four software systems were not significantly different, ANOVA (P = 0.958). A significant underestimation of defect depth was obtained when we compared the mean depths from each software system with the dry mandible measurements (t-test; P congruent to 0.000).Conclusions: the periodontal bone defect measurements in dedicated and in three non-dedicated software systems were not significantly different, but they all underestimated the measurements when compared with the measurements obtained in the dry mandibles.


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Accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment plan may constitute very complex tasks, particularly in tooth avulsion, because several variables are involved. In addition to the technical knowledge and clinical experience directed toward the quality of treatment, patient education may favorably influence the survival of replanted teeth. The aim of this study was to analyze the procedures used in the management of tooth avulsion by 100 dental surgeons (DSs). Thus, by means of a descriptive questionnaire, information was obtained about the profile of the professionals interviewed, procedures used in cases of tooth avulsion, and patient orientation and education. One hundred properly filled questionnaires were obtained. Descriptive statistics was used for the data, and the chi-squared statistics was employed (EPI-INFO 3.2 software). According to the results, this type of trauma is part of the routine of 15 DSs, although 71 have reported some experience with avulsed,teeth. Great deficiencies were found regarding root surface treatment and occlusal adjustment. Positive findings were related to socket treatment, adjunctive therapy, and patient education and orientation (extra-alveolar period, storage medium, manipulation of the avulsed tooth, replantation by the own patient). It was possible to conclude that 47.5% of the procedures reported by, 100 professionals interviewed are adequate, and patient education is favorable in 87.7% of cases, a fact that can positively interfere with the prognosis of tooth replantation.


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The effect of different anatomic shapes and materials of posts in the stress distribution on an endodontically treated incisor was evaluated in this work. This study compared three post shapes (tapered, cylindrical and two-stage cylindrical) made of three different materials (stainless steel, titanium and carbon fibre on Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate (Bis-GMA) matrix). Two-dimensional stress analysis was performed using the Finite Element Method. A static load of 100N was applied at 45degrees inclination with respect to the incisor's edge. The stress concentrations did not significantly affect the region adjacent to the alveolar bone crest at the palatine portion of the tooth, regardless of the post shape or material. However, stress concentrations on the post/dentin interface on the palatine side of the tooth root presented significant variations for different post shapes and materials. Post shapes had relatively small impact on the stress concentrations while post materials introduced higher variations on them. Stainless steel posts presented the highest level of stress concentration, followed by titanium and carbon/Bis-GMA posts.


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Background: Bacterial constituents, such as Gram-negative derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS), can initiate inflammatory bone loss through induction of host-derived inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to establish a model of aggressive inflammatory alveolar bone loss in rats using LPS derived from the periodontal pathogen Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans.Methods: Eighteen female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into LPS test (N = 12) and saline control (N = 6) groups. All artimals received injections to the palatal molar gingiva three times per week for 8 weeks. At 8 weeks, linear and volumetric alveolar bone loss was measured by micro-computed tomography (mu CT). The prevalence of inflammatory infiltrate, proinflammatory cytokines, and osteoclasts was assessed from hematoxylin and eosin, immunohistochemical, or tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-stained sections. Statistical analysis was performed.Results: A. actinomycetemcomitans LPS induced severe bone loss over 8 weeks, whereas control groups were unchanged. Linear and volumetric analysis of maxillae by mu CT indicated significant loss of bone with LPS, administration. Histologic examination revealed increased inflammatory infiltrate, significantly increased immunostaining for interleukin IL-6 and -1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and more TRAP-positive osteoclasts in the LPS group compared to controls.Conclusion: Oral injections of LPS derived from the periodontal pathogen A. actinomycetemcomitans can induce severe alveolar bone loss and proinflammatory cytokine production in rats by 8 weeks.


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Recently, the Tei-index, a noninvasive index that combines systolic and diastolic time intervals, has been proposed to assess global cardiac performance. However, the effects of isoflurane on the Tei-index have not been characterized. This study aimed at studying the effects of 1.0 minimal alveolar concentration isoflurane anesthesia on the pre-ejection period (PEP), left ventricular ejection time (LVET), PEP/LVET ratio, isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), stroke index (SI), cardiac index (CI), heart rate (HR), and the Tei-index in healthy unpremedicated dogs. We observed significant increases in PEP, PEP/LVET ratio, IVRT, and TEI, whose maximal increases obtained throughout the study were 47%, 48%, 78%, and 56%, respectively. The LVET and HR did not change significantly, whereas the SI and CI decreased during anesthesia (29% and 26%, respectively). In conclusion, isoflurane produced direct effects on the Tei-index. The changes in systolic and diastolic parameters were supportive of this finding and were consistent with an overall impairment of left ventricular function during anesthesia.


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This study was aimed at investigating the in vitro biocompatibility of a novel membrane of the composite poly(vinylidene-trifluoroethylene)/barium titanate (P(VDF-TrFE)/BT). Osteoblastic cells were obtained from human alveolar bone fragments and cultured under standard osteogenic condition until subconfluence. First passaged cells were cultured on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE - control) membranes in 24-well plates. Cell adhesion and spreading were evaluated at 30 min, and 4 and 24 h. For proliferation assay, cells were cultured for 1, 7, and 10 days. Cell viability was detected by trypan blue at 7 and 10 days. Total protein content and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were measured at 7, 14, and 21 days. Cultures were stained with Alizarin red at 21 days, for detection of mineralized matrix. Data were compared by ANOVA and Student t test. Cell attachment (p = 0.001), cell number (p = 0.001), and ALP activity (p = 0.0001) were greater on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT. Additionally, doubling time was greater on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT (p = 0.03), indicating a decreased proliferation rate. Bone-like nodule formation took place only on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT. The present results showed that both membranes are biocompatible. However, P(VDF-TrFE)/BT presented a better in vitro biocompatibility and allowed bone-like nodule formation. Therefore, P(VDF-TrFE)/BT could be an alternative membrane to be used in guided tissue regeneration. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background: Maxillary sinus floor augmentation procedures are currently the treatment of choice when the alveolar crest of the posterior maxilla is insufficient for dental implant anchorage. This procedure aims to obtain enough bone with biomaterial association with the autogenous bone graft to create volume and allow osteo conduction. The objective of this study was to histologically and histometrically evaluate the bone formed after maxillary sinus floor augmentation by grafting with a combination of autogenous bone, from the symphyseal area mixed with DFDBA or hydroxyapatite.Methods: Ten biopsies were taken from 10 patients 10 months after sinus floor augmentation using a combination of 50% autogenous bone plus 50% dernineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA group) or 50% autogenous bone plus 50% hydroxyapatite (HA group). Routine histological processing and staining with hernatoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome were performed.Results: the histomorphometrical analysis indicated good regenerative results in both groups for the bone tissue mean in the grafted area (50.46 +/- 16.29% for the DFDBA group and 46.79 +/- 8.56% for the HA group). Histological evaluation revealed the presence of mature bone with compact and cancellous areas in both groups. The inflammatory infiltrate was on average nonsignificant and of mononuclear prevalence. Some biopsies showed blocks of the biomaterial in the medullary spaces close to the bone wall, with absence of osteogenic activity.Conclusions: the results indicated that both DFDBA and HA associated with an autogenous bone graft were biocompatible and promoted osteoconduction, acting as a matrix for bone formation. However, both materials were still present after 10 months.


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There have been numerous surgical techniques developed for removing the epulis fissuratum lesions in order to improve alveolar ridge contour and improving adaptation of full prostheses. Most of these techniques can cause postoperative complications, such as oedema, pain, difficulty in swallowing and jaw movements, haemorrhage, infections and slow placement of final prostheses. The use of carbon dioxide (CO2) laser for the surgical removal of epulis lesions has resulted in many significant improvements including convenient mucosa removal, no bleeding or need for sutures, and minimal postoperative pain and oedema. This study is of 15 cases of removal of extensive epulis with vestibuloplasty in the maxilla and mandible that was carried out with CO2 laser, with no postoperative complications, rapid healing, and excellent aesthetic and functional outcome, all of which allowed for more rapid placement of final prosthesis.


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Tacrolimus is used for transplant patients with refractory graft rejection and those with intolerance to cyclosporin (CsA), without the disfiguring adverse effects frequently attributed to CsA therapy. Since we have shown that CsA-associated bone loss can also affect alveolar bone, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of conversion of monotherapy from CsA to tacrolimus on alveolar bone loss in rats. Groups of rats were treated with either CsA (10 mg/kg/day, s.c.), tacrolimus (I mg/kg/day, s.c.), or drug vehicle for 60 and 120 days, and an additional group received CsA for 60 days followed by conversion to tacrolimus for a further 60-day period. Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP), tartrate-resistent acid phosphatase (TRAP-5b), calcium (Ca2+), interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) concentrations were evaluated in the serum. Analyses of bone volume, bone surface, number of osteblasts, and osteoclasts were performed. Treatment with CsA for either 60 or 120 days was associated with bone resorption, represented by lower bone volume and increased number of osteoclasts; serum BALP, TRAP-5b, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha were also higher in these animals. After conversion from CsA to tacrolimus, all the altered serum markers returned to control values in addition to a significant increase of bone volume and a lower number of osteoclasts. This study shows that conversion from CsA to tacrolimus therapy leads to a reversal of the CsA-induced bone loss, which can probably be mediated by downregulation of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha production.


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The orofacial characteristics of ectodermal dysplasia include anodontia or hypodontia, hypoplastic conical teeth, underdevelopment of the alveolar ridges, frontal bossing, a depressed nasal bridge, protuberant lips, and hypotrichosis. Patients with this disease often need complex prosthetic treatment. The options for a definitive treatment plan may include fixed, removable, or implant-supported prostheses, singly or in combination. However, financial constraints and other priorities can prevent patients from choosing the most desirable treatment. This clinical report describes the diagnosis and treatment of ectodermal dysplasia in an 18-year-old man. The treatment included interim removable partial dentures fabricated to establish an acceptable therapeutic occlusal vertical dimension, followed by definitive overlay removable partial dentures and composite restorations.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is an uncommon, progressive systemic mycosis, virtually only seen in persons who have visited Latin America. Reports of oral lesions are extremely rare in the English-language literature. Thirty-six adults with oral lesions as the first sign of paracoccidioidomycosis are described; this appears to be the largest series in the dental literature. All had chronic proliferative mulberry-like ulcerated oral lesions; the diagnosis was confirmed histologically. The gingiva or alveolar process was the typical site, but lesions were also seen particularly on the palate and lip. Most of the patients proved to have detectable pulmonary involvement. Patients with lesions in the oropharynx, tongue, or floor of mouth all had confirmed pulmonary lesions.


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Background: This study investigated the influence of the period after ovariectomy on femoral and mandibular bone mineral density (BMD) and on induced periodontal disease.Methods: One hundred and twenty-six female Holtzman rats were divided into nine groups: control, sham surgery (SHAM) with and without induction of periodontal disease for 51 and 150 days, and ovariectomy (OVX) with and without induction of periodontal disease for 51 and 150 days. Periodontal disease was induced by placing ligatures on the first lower molars during the last 30 days of each period. BMD was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Vertical bone loss was determined by measuring the distance from the alveolar bone crest to the cemento-enamel junction on the mesial side of the first lower molar.Results: Statistical analyses (Kruskal-Wallis test) revealed a significant difference between the OVX and SHAM groups' global and femoral proximal epiphysis BMD (P < 0.001) for 150 days and in the global evaluation for 51 days. For mandibular BMD, no difference was found between the groups of each period. Influence of the period on femoral BMD was found only for the SHAM groups, with lower BMD for the 51-day period compared to the 150-day period (P < 0.05). In the global evaluation of the mandible, a lower BMD was found after 51 days. The period was a contributing factor for the vertical bone loss, and it resulted in higher values for the 51-day period (P < 0.05).Conclusion: the period influenced the femoral BMD and the vertical bone loss in induced periodontal disease.


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This study analyzed mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as a root canal filling material for the immediate reimplantation of monkey teeth. Four adult capuchin monkeys Cebus apella were used, which had their maxillary and mandibular lateral incisors on both sides extracted and reimplanted after 15 min. During the extra-alveolar period, the teeth were kept in saline solution and after reimplantation retention was performed with a stainless steel wire and composite resin for 14 days. After 7 days, the reimplanted teeth were submitted to endodontic treatment with biomechanics up to file n. 30 and irrigation with a saturated solution of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)(2)], and then divided into two study groups: group I - root canal filled with a Ca(OH)(2) paste, and group II - root canal filled with MTA. Radiographic follow up was performed at 30, 60 and 90 days postoperatively, and after 180 days the animals were killed and specimens were processed for histomorphological analysis. The results revealed that most specimens of both groups presented organized periodontal ligament with no inflammation. The resorptions observed were surface resorptions and were repaired by cementum. Both MTA and Ca(OH)(2) were good root canal filling materials for immediately reimplanted teeth, providing good repair and also allowing biological sealing of some lateral canals. There was no significant difference between the study groups (alpha = 29.60%).