944 resultados para Alternatives to incarceration


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A modelação matemática de Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) tem sido uma ferramenta de enorme utilidade nas fases de projeto e de exploração destas estruturas de tratamento. O presente estudo teve por objetivo principal construir um modelo matemático da ETAR de Bragança, em particular do seu tratamento biológico de lamas ativadas, com vista a avaliar, compreender e otimizar o seu desempenho. A construção do modelo foi efetuada com recurso ao ambiente de simulação WRc STOAT 5.0. O processo de lamas ativadas foi descrito pelo modelo de referência ASAL3. O modelo construído foi calibrado e validado com base em dados experimentais de 2015, obtidos no âmbito do programa de controlo analítico da ETAR. O modelo foi ainda utilizado para avaliar a qualidade do efluente em resposta a alterações do caudal e composição do afluente, a alterações de condições operacionais e a outras alternativas de tratamento. O modelo mostrou-se bastante adequado na descrição da evolução mensal da qualidade do efluente final da ETAR relativamente aos parâmetros Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST) e Carência Bioquímica de Oxigénio (CBO5), embora apresente uma tendência para os subestimar em 1,5 e 3,5 mg/L, respetivamente. Em relação ao azoto total, os valores simulados aproximaram-se dos valores reais, quando se aumentaram as taxas de recirculação interna para 400%, um fator de cerca de 4 vezes superior. Os resultados do modelo e dos cenários mostram e reforçam o bom desempenho e a operação otimizada da ETAR em relação a remoção de SST e CBO5. Em relação ao azoto total, a ETAR não assegura de forma sistemática uma eficiência elevada, mas apresenta um bom desempenho, face ao que o modelo consegue explicar para as mesmas condições operacionais. Através do estudo de cenários procurou-se encontrar alternativas de tratamento eficientes e viáveis de remoção de azoto total, mas não se identificaram soluções que assegurassem decargas de azoto abaixo dos limites legais. Os melhores resultados que se alcançaram para a remoção deste contaminante estão associados ao aumento das taxas de recirculação interna do sistema pré-anóxico existente e a uma configuração do tipo Bardenpho de quatro estágios com alimentação distribuída, em proporções iguais, pelos dois estágios anóxicos. Outras soluções que envolvam tecnologias distintas podem e devem ser equacionadas em projetos futuros que visem a melhoria de eficiência de remoção de azoto da ETAR.


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En las últimas décadas hemos asistido a un importante impulso en las investigaciones centradas en el análisis de las masculinidades. Este hecho no es casual y se debe fundamentalmente a dos razones. Una de carácter político, relacionada con el cuestionamiento de una sociedad representada exclusivamente en términos masculinos. Una segunda razón de carácter científico, ¿si la feminidad debía ser explicada por qué no la masculinidad? Ambas razones han incidido en la desnaturalización de una supuesta masculinidad de carácter universal y en la profusión de investigaciones tendentes a desvelar: las formas sociales de construir a los hombres, los mecanismos de reproducción del poder inscritos en los cuerpos, los desiguales modelos sociales en torno a lo masculino, las relaciones de dominación que se producen entre hombres y mujeres, y entre los propios hombres. Este cuestionamiento teórico de “lo masculino” ha estado muy vinculado al papel de los movimientos sociales y especialmente del feminismo y los movimientos de liberación sexual, que han jugado un papel central en la redefinición del papel de hombres y mujeres, y por tanto en la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas a los modelos tradicionales, también entre los propios hombres. En las páginas siguientes nos aproximaremos precisamente a la noción de masculinidad y masculinidades, incidiendo en su carácter relacional y cambiante, así como en sus distintas significaciones.


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No contexto da utilização de solventes alternativos mais sustentáveis e eficientes, capazes de substituir solventes orgânicos convencionais que apresentam várias desvan-tagens tais como toxicidade, inflamabilidade, volatilidade, etc., foram propostos na lite-ratura várias alternativas entre as quais os solventes eutécticos de origem natural. Para potenciar a sua aplicação em diversas áreas, incluindo a tecnologia biomédica, é necessário estudar as suas propriedades físicas dada a ainda insuficiente base de dados disponível. Assim, o principal objetivo deste trabalho é efetuar a medição da massa vo-lúmica, da viscosidade e do índice de refração de solventes eutécticos de origem natural, formados por cloreto de colina e açúcares, ácidos orgânicos ou álcoois. Para isso, foram escolhidos quatro sistemas modelo, já propostos na literatura: glicerol + cloreto de coli-na + água (proporção molar 2:1:1); glucose + cloreto de colina + água (2:5:5); sacarose + cloreto de colina + água (1:4:4); ácido málico + cloreto de colina + água (1:1:2). Fo-ram ainda avaliados os efeitos da adição de água e/ou da temperatura nas diferentes propriedades físicas. A viscosidade dos solventes eutécticos foi medida entre 293,15 K e 323,15 K, para valores de fração mássica de água entre 5% e 30%. Nesta gama de temperatura, os da-dos experimentais foram modelizados de forma satisfatória por uma equação do tipo Arrhenius. Como esperado, a viscosidade diminuiu com o aumento da temperatura e com o aumento de conteúdo em água. De facto, um aumento da temperatura de 20 °C para 50 °C traduz-se numa diminuição muito significativa da viscosidade dos solventes estudados. O índice de refração foi medido à temperatura de 298,15 K, obtendo-se valores na gama 1,41-1,50. Finalmente, a massa volúmica foi medida entre 298,15 K e 333,15 K. Verifica-se que, nas condições estudadas, a massa volúmica diminui linearmente com a temperatura e com o aumento da fração mássica de água, sendo muito menos sensível ao conteúdo em água ou à temperatura do que a viscosidade.


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Wild mushrooms are mainly collected during the rainy season and valued as a nutritious food and sources of natural medicines and nutraceuticals. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition and bioactive properties (antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxicity) of Polyporus squamosus from two different origins, Portugal and Serbia. The sample from Portugal showed higher contents of as protein (17.14 g/100 g), fat (2.69 g/100 g), ash (3.15 g/100 g) and carbohydrates (77.02 g/100 g); the same sample gave the highest antioxidant activity: highest reducing power, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and lipid peroxidation inhibition in both β-carotene/linoleate and TBARS assay. These results could be related to its higher content in total tocopherols (1968.65 μg/100 g) and phenolic compounds (1.29 mg/100 g). Both extracts exhibited antibacterial activity against all the tested organisms. The samples from Serbia gave higher overall antibacterial activity and showed excellent antibiofilm activity (88.30 %). Overall, P. squamosus methanolic extracts possessed antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibiofilm and anti-quorum sensing activity, and without toxicity for liver cells. This investigation highlights alternatives to be explored for the treatment of bacterial infections, in particular against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This study provides important results for the chemical and bioactive properties, especially antimicrobial activity of the mushroom P. squamosus. Moreover, to the authors’ knowledge this is the first report on sugars, organic acids, and individual phenolic compounds in P. squamosus.


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The particular characteristics of growth and development of mushrooms in nature result in the accumulation of a variety of secondary metabolites, several of them with biological activities. The genus Pleurotus is a cosmopolitan group of mushrooms with high nutritional value and therapeutic properties, besides a wide array of biotechnological and environmental applications. Scope and approach: The present report aims to provide a critical review on aspects related to chemical compounds isolated from the genus Pleurotus with possible biotechnological, nutritional and therapeutic uses. Investigations on the genus have immensely accelerated during the last ten years, so that only reports published after 2005 have been considered. Key findings and conclusions: The most important Pleurotus species cultivated in large scale are P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius. However, more than 200 species have already been investigated to various degrees. Both basidiomata and mycelia of Pleurotus are a great renewable and easily accessible source of functional foods/nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals with antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and immunomodulatory effects. A series of compounds have already been precisely defined including several polysaccharides, phenolics, terpenes and sterols. However, intensification of structure determination is highly desirable and demands considerable efforts. Further studies including clinical trials need to be carried out to ascertain the safety of these compounds as adequate alternatives to conventional drugs. Not less important is to extend the search for novel bioactives to less explored Pleurotus species.


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[ES] el objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar las características generales de la actual realidad penitenciaria en cuanto a la pena de prisión y las penas alternativas. Se analiza la pena de prisión desde una perspectiva crítica dando a conocer las limitaciones que presenta la prisión en cuanto a los derechos de las personas presas y haciendo una descripción sobre los principales efectos negativos que genera sobre estas personas. Desde la consolidación del Código Penal de 1995 hasta la última reforma penal de 2015 se ha dado un incremento constante de la dureza de las penas, aumentando la duración de la pena de prisión y su cumplimiento dentro de la prisión. Consecuentemente, se reduce la aplicación de las penas alternativas a la prisión, contrariando así el principio constitucional descrito en el artículo 25.2 orientado a la resocialización del penado y el principio de intervención mínima o ultima ratio del Derecho Penal.


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Cold in-place recycling (CIR) and cold central plant recycling (CCPR) of asphalt concrete (AC) and/or full-depth reclamation (FDR) of AC and aggregate base are faster and less costly rehabilitation alternatives to conventional reconstruction for structurally distressed pavements. This study examines 26 different rehabilitation projects across the USA and Canada. Field cores from these projects were tested for dynamic modulus and repeated load permanent deformation. These structural characteristics are compared to reference values for hot mix asphalt (HMA). A rutting sensitivity analysis was performed on two rehabilitation scenarios with recycled and conventional HMA structural overlays in different climatic conditions using the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design (MEPDG). The cold-recycled scenarios exhibited performance similar to that of HMA overlays for most cases. The exceptions were the cases with thin HMA wearing courses and/or very poor cold-recycled material quality. The overall conclusion is that properly designed CIR/FDR/CCPR cold-recycled materials are a viable alternative to virgin HMA materials.


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The direct use of natural gas makes the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) potentially more competitive with the current energy conversions technologies. The Intermediate Temperature SOFC (IT-SOFC) offer several advantages over the High Temperature SOFC (HT-SOFC), which includes better thermal compatibility among components, fast start with lower energy consumption, manufacture and operation cost reduction. The CeO2 based materials are alternatives to the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) to application in SOFC, as they have higher ionic conductivity and less ohmic losses comparing to YSZ, and they can operate at lower temperatures (500-800°C). Ceria has been doped with a variety of cations, although, the Gd3+ has the ionic radius closest to the ideal one to form solid solution. These electrolytes based in ceria require special electrodes with a higher performance and chemical and termomechanical compatibility. In this work compounds of gadolinia-doped ceria, Ce1-xGdxO2-δ (x = 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3), used as electrolytes, were synthesized by polymeric precursors method, Pechini, as well as the composite material NiO - Ce0,9Gd0,1O1,95, used as anode, also attained by oxide mixture method, mixturing the powders of the both phases calcinated already. The materials were characterized by X ray diffraction, dilatometry and scanning electronic microscopy. The refinement of the diffraction data indicated that all the Ce1-xGdxO2-δ powders were crystallized in a unique cubic phase with fluorite structure, and the composite synthesized by Pechini method produced smaller crystallite size in comparison with the same material attained by oxide mixture method. All the produced powders had nanometric characteristics. The composite produced by Pechini method has microstructural characteristics that can increase the triple phase boundaries (TPB) in the anode, improving the cell efficiency, as well as reducing the mass transport mechanism effect that provokes anode degradation


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Nowadays the environmental issues are increasingly highlighted since the future of humanity is dependent on the actions taken by man. Major efforts are being expended in pursuit of knowledge and alternatives to promote sustainable development without compromising the environment. In recent years there has been a marked growth in the development of reinforced composite fiber plants, as an alternative for economic and ecological effects, especially in the substitution of synthetic materials such as reinforcement material in composites. In this current study the chemical- physical or (thermophysics )characteristics of the babassu coconut fiber, derived from the epicarp of the fruit (Orbignyda Phalerata), which the main constituents of the fiber: Klason lignin, insoluble, cellulose, holocellulose, hemicellulose and the content of ash and moisture will be determined. A study was conducted about the superficial modification of the fibers of the epicarp babassu coconut under the influence of chemical treatment by alkalinization, in an aqueous solution of NaOH to 2.5% (m/v) and to 5.0% to improve the compatibility matrix / reinforcement composite with epoxy matrix. The results of the changes occurred in staple fibers through the use of the techniques of thermogravimetric analyses (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results found on thermal analysis on samples of fiber without chemical treatment (alkalinities), and on fiber samples treated by alkalinization show that the proposed chemical treatment increases the thermal stability of the fibers and provides a growth of the surface of area fibers, parameters that enhance adhesion fiber / composite. The findings were evaluated and compared with published results from other vegetable fibers, showing that the use of babassu coconut fibers has technical and economic potential for its use as reinforcement in composites


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The present work is to study the characteristics and technological properties of soil-cement bricks made from binary and ternary mixtures of Portland cement, sand, water, with or without addition of gravel from the drilling of oil wells, which could be used by industry, aiming to improve its performance and reduce cost by using the residue and, consequently, increasing its useful life. The soil-cement bricks are one of the alternatives to masonry construction. These elements, after a short curing period, provide compressive strength similar to that of solid bricks and ceramic blocks, and the higher the resistance the higher the amount of cement used. We used the soil from the city of São José do Mipibu / RN, the banks of the River Baldun, cement CPIIZ-32 and residue of drill cuttings from oil wells drilling onshore wells in the town of Mossley, RN, provided Petrobras. To determine the optimum mix, we studied the inclusion of different residues (100%, 80%, 70%, 60% and 50%) where 15 bodies were made of the test piece. The assessment was made of bricks made from simple compression tests, mass loss by immersion and water absorption. The experimental results proved the efficiency and high utilization of the waste from the drilling of oil wells, making the brick-cement-soil residue with a higher strength and lower water absorption. The best result in terms of mechanical strength and water absorption for the ternary mixture was 10% soil, 14% cement and 80% residue. In terms of binary mixtures, we obtained the best result for the mix-cement residue, which was 14% cement incorporated in the residue


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Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy into electricity. Due to the development of new materials, fuel cells are emerging as generating clean energy generator. Among the types of fuel cells, categorized according to the electrode type, the solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) stand out due to be the only device entirely made of solid particles. Beyond that, their operation temperature is relatively high (between 500 and 1000 °C), allowing them to operate with high efficiency. Another aspect that promotes the use of SOFC over other cells is their ability to operate with different fuels. The CeO2 based materials doped with rare earth (TR+3) may be used as alternatives to traditional NiO-YSZ anodes as they have higher ionic conductivity and smaller ohmic losses compared to YSZ, and can operate at lower temperatures (500-800°C). In the composition of the anode, the concentration of NiO, acting as a catalyst in YSZ provides high electrical conductivity and high electrochemical activity of reactions, providing internal reform in the cell. In this work compounds of NiO - Ce1-xEuxO2-δ (x = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) were synthesized from polymeric precursor, Pechini, method of combustion and also by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. The materials were characterized by the techniques of TG, TPR, XRD and FEG-SEM. The refinement of data obtained by X-ray diffraction showed that all powders of NiO - Cex-1EuxO2-δ crystallized in a cubic phase with fluorite structure, and also the presence of Ni. Through the characterizations can be proved that all routes of preparation used were effective for producing ceramics with characteristics suitable for application as SOFC anodes, but the microwave-assisted hydrothermal method showed a significant reduction in the average grain size and improved control of the compositions of the phases


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Doutoramento em Engenharia dos Biossistemas - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Os betões atuais são materiais com custos extremamente competitivos devido ao baixo custo do cimento Portland. Contudo, os elevados níveis de emissões de C02 gerados na sua produção provocam o aumento do custo final do produto, tanto económico como ambiental. Devido a esta situação algumas adições têm sido estudadas como alternativas para substituir parcialmente os conteúdos de cimento no fabrico de betão. Uma vez que existem grandes quantidades de pó de mármore inutilizadas na região de Évora decidiu-se avaliar o seu comportamento. O pó de mármore foi adicionado em certas percentagens de forma a reduzir os conteúdos de cimento, permitindo avaliar se este iria manter e/ou melhorar as características de resistência à compressão e trabalhabilidade do betão. Além de avaliado o comportamento desta adição, o mesmo foi também comparado com a adição de filer calcário nas mesmas percentagens. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a exequibilidade da utilização de ambas as adições. ABSTRACT: Concretes currently used in construction are materials with very competitive costs due to the low cost of Portland cement. However, high levels of C02 emissions generated in its production cause an increase of the final cost of the product, both economically and environmentally. Due to this situation, some additions have been studied as alternatives to replace partially cement contents in concrete production. Since there are large quantities of marble dust in the region of Évora, it was decided to evaluate his behavior. The marble dust was added in known percentages so the cement contents could be reduced, allowing evaluating if it will maintain and/or improve the characteristics of the compressive strength and workability of the concrete. ln addition to evaluating the behavior of marble dust, this addition was also compared with the addition of limestone filler in the same percentages. The results demonstrated the feasibility of using both additions.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016