990 resultados para Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)


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Based on a high-resolution sediment record from a submarine meandering canyon system offshore the present-day hyperarid Saharan Africa, two phases of turbidity-current activity can be distinguished during the past 13,000 years. Frequent, siliciclastic turbidity currents can be related to deglacial sea-level history, whereas rhythmically recurring fine-grained and carbonate-rich turbidity currents with recurrence times of roughly 900 years are inferred for the Holocene. Various trigger mechanisms can be considered to initiate turbidity currents, but only a few can explain a periodic turbidite activity. A comparison of Holocene turbidite recurrence times and basic cycles of 900 and 1,800 years found in various Holocene paleoclimate studies suggests that a previously unrecognized climate-related coupling may be active.


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The importance of intermediate water masses in climate change and ocean circulation has been emphasized recently. In particular, Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters (SOIW), such as Antarctic Intermediate Water and Subantarctic Mode Water, are thought to have acted as active interhemispheric transmitter of climate anomalies. Here we reconstruct changes in SOIW signature and spatial and temporal evolution based on a 40 kyr time series of oxygen and carbon isotopes as well as planktic Mg/Ca based thermometry from Site GeoB12615-4 in the western Indian Ocean. Our data suggest that SOIW transmitted Antarctic temperature trends to the equatorial Indian Ocean via the "oceanic tunnel" mechanism. Moreover, our results reveal that deglacial SOIW carried a signature of aged Southern Ocean deep water. We find no evidence of increased formation of intermediate waters during the deglaciation.


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An early Holocene record from the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) reveals climatic and hydrologic changes during the interval from 10.5 to 7 thousand calendar years before present from paired analyses of Mg/Ca and d18O on foraminiferal calcite. The sea surface temperature record based on foraminiferal Mg/Ca contains six oscillations and an overall ~1.5°C warming that appears to be similar to the September-March insolation difference. The d18O of seawater in the GOM (d18OGOM) record contains six oscillations, including a -0.8 per mil excursion that may be associated with the "8.2 ka climate event" or a broader climate anomaly. Faunal census records from three GOM cores exhibit similar changes, suggesting subcentennial-scale variability in the incursions of Caribbean waters into the GOM. Overall, our results provide evidence that the subtropics were characterized by decadal- to centennial-scale climatic and hydrologic variability during the early Holocene.


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Recent studies have shown that the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO) was preceded by a series of short-lived global warming events, known as hyperthermals. Here we present high-resolution benthic stable carbon and oxygen isotope records from ODP Sites 1262 and 1263 (Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic) between ~54 and ~52 million years ago, tightly constraining the character, timing, and magnitude of six prominent hyperthermal events. These events, which include Eocene Thermal Maximum (ETM) 2 and 3, are studied in relation to orbital forcing and long-term trends. Our findings reveal an almost linear relationship between d13C and d18O for all these hyperthermals, indicating that the eccentricity-paced co-variance between deep-sea temperature changes and extreme perturbations in the exogenic carbon pool persisted during these events towards the onset of the EECO, in accord with previous observations for the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and ETM2. The covariance of d13C and d18O during H2 and I2, which are the second pulses of the "paired" hyperthermal events ETM2-H2 and I1-I2, deviates with respect to the other events. We hypothesize that this could relate to a relatively higher contribution of an isotopically heavier source of carbon, such as peat or permafrost, and/or to climate feedbacks/local changes in circulation. Finally, the d18O records of the two sites show a systematic offset with on average 0.2 per mil heavier values for the shallower Site 1263, which we link to a slightly heavier isotopic composition of the intermediate water mass reaching the northeastern flank of the Walvis Ridge compared to that of the deeper northwestern water mass at Site 1262.


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Gridded multibeam bathymetry from Poseidon cruise 408 and Pelagia cruises 64PE350 and 64PE351 within the Jeddah Transect Project. The raw-data were post-processed and gridded at a resolution of 30 m with QPS Fledermaus Pro. For smaller file size and better handling 11 tiles were created with GlobalMapper (5 columns, 5 lines).


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A high resolution mixed carbonate and siliciclastic sequence from DSDP Site 594 contains a detailed record of climate change in the late Pliocene. The sequence can be accurately dated by the LAD of Nitzschia weaveri, the LAD of Thalassiosira insigna, the LAD of T. vulnifica and the LAD of T. kolbei diatom datums. Carbonate content and delta18O signatures provide added resolution and place the sequence between isotope stage 100 and 92. The sequence contains well-preserved and diverse dinoflagellate cyst floras. Use of principal component (PCA) and canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) identifies changes in the assemblages that principally reflect warming and cooling trends. Species association with warmer climates included Impagidinium patulum, I. paradoxum and I. sp. cf. paradoxum while those from cooler climates include Invertecysta tabulata and I. velorum. CCA is shown to be a valuable method of determining the past environmental preferences of extinct species such as I. tabulata.


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The present study uses a multiproxy approach in order to further understand the evolution of climate responses in the western Mediterranean as of the Last Glacial Maximum. Sediments from ODP Site 975 in the Algero-Balearic basin have been analysed at high resolution, both geochemically andmineralogicallly. The resulting data have been used as proxies to establish a sedimentary regime, primary marine productivity, the preservation of the proxies and oxygen conditions. Fluctuations in detrital element concentrations were mainly the consequence of wet/arid oscillations. Productivity has been established using Ba excess, according to which marine productivity appears to have been greatest during cold events Heinrich 1 and Younger Dryas. The S1 time interval was not as marked by increases in productivity as was the eastern Mediterranean. In contrast, the S1 interval was first characterized by a decreasing trend and then by a fall in productivity after the 8.2 ky BP dry-cold event. Since then productivity has remained low. Here we report that there was an important redox event in this basin, probably a consequence of the major oceanographic circulation change occurring in the western Mediterranean at 7.7 ky BP. This circulation change led to reventilation as well as to diagenetic remobilization of redox-sensitive elements and organic matter oxidation. Comparisons between our paleoceanographic reconstruction for this basin and those regarding other Mediterranean basins support the hypothesis that across the Mediterranean there were different types of responses to climate forcing mechanism. The Algero-Balearic basin is likely to be a key area for further understanding of the relationships between the North Atlantic and the eastern Mediterranean basins.