Paleoenvironmental changes in the western Mediterranean since the last glacial maximum: High resolution multiproxy record from the Algero-Balearic basin

Autoria(s): Jiménez-Espejo, Francisco J; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca C; Sakamoto, Tatsuhiko; Iijima, Koichi; Gallego-Torres, David; Harada, Naomi

LATITUDE: 38.896400 * LONGITUDE: 4.509930 * DATE/TIME START: 1995-05-14T07:30:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1995-05-16T01:45:00




The present study uses a multiproxy approach in order to further understand the evolution of climate responses in the western Mediterranean as of the Last Glacial Maximum. Sediments from ODP Site 975 in the Algero-Balearic basin have been analysed at high resolution, both geochemically andmineralogicallly. The resulting data have been used as proxies to establish a sedimentary regime, primary marine productivity, the preservation of the proxies and oxygen conditions. Fluctuations in detrital element concentrations were mainly the consequence of wet/arid oscillations. Productivity has been established using Ba excess, according to which marine productivity appears to have been greatest during cold events Heinrich 1 and Younger Dryas. The S1 time interval was not as marked by increases in productivity as was the eastern Mediterranean. In contrast, the S1 interval was first characterized by a decreasing trend and then by a fall in productivity after the 8.2 ky BP dry-cold event. Since then productivity has remained low. Here we report that there was an important redox event in this basin, probably a consequence of the major oceanographic circulation change occurring in the western Mediterranean at 7.7 ky BP. This circulation change led to reventilation as well as to diagenetic remobilization of redox-sensitive elements and organic matter oxidation. Comparisons between our paleoceanographic reconstruction for this basin and those regarding other Mediterranean basins support the hypothesis that across the Mediterranean there were different types of responses to climate forcing mechanism. The Algero-Balearic basin is likely to be a key area for further understanding of the relationships between the North Atlantic and the eastern Mediterranean basins.


application/zip, 4 datasets








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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Jiménez-Espejo, Francisco J; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca C; Sakamoto, Tatsuhiko; Iijima, Koichi; Gallego-Torres, David; Harada, Naomi (2007): Paleoenvironmental changes in the western Mediterranean since the last glacial maximum: High resolution multiproxy record from the Algero-Balearic basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 246(2-4), 192-306, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.10.005

Palavras-Chave #>125 µm; 161-975B; Age; AGE; Age, 14C AMS; Age, 14C calibrated; Age, dated; Age, dated, error to older; Age, dated, error to younger; Age dated; Age e -; Age e +; Al; Aluminium; Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), Perkin-Elmer; Ba; Ba/Al; Barium; Barium/Aluminium ratio; Barium excess; Ba xs; Cal; Calcite; Calendar years; Calendar years, standard deviation; calibrated, Calib 5.0 software; Cal yrs; Cal yrs std dev; Carbon, organic, total; Chromium/Aluminium ratio; Co/Al; Cobalt/Aluminium ratio; conventional age; Cr/Al; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Element analyser CHN; Fe/Al; G. bulloides d13C; G. bulloides d18O; Globigerina bulloides, d13C; Globigerina bulloides, d18O; ICP-MS, conc. HNO3 (Reimann et al., 1998, NGU-GTK-CKE spec.publ. Trondheim); Iron/Aluminium ratio; Isotope ratio mass spectrometry; Joides Resolution; K/Al; Label; Label 2; Leg161; Manganese/Aluminium ratio; Mn/Al; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Potassium/Aluminium ratio; Quartz; Qz; Sample code/label; Sample code/label 2; Sample mass; Samp m; Ti/Al; Ti(mean)/Al; Titanium/Aluminium ratio; TOC; U/Al; Uranium/Aluminium ratio; Western Basin; X-ray diffraction (XRD); Zirconium/Aluminium ratio; Zr/Al
