934 resultados para Accidental poisoning
In the present work, a multi physics simulation of an innovative safety system for light water nuclear reactor is performed, with the aim to increase the reliability of its main decay heat removal system. The system studied, denoted by the acronym PERSEO (in Pool Energy Removal System for Emergency Operation) is able to remove the decay power from the primary side of the light water nuclear reactor through a heat suppression pool. The experimental facility, located at SIET laboratories (PIACENZA), is an evolution of the Thermal Valve concept where the triggering valve is installed liquid side, on a line connecting two pools at the bottom. During the normal operation, the valve is closed, while in emergency conditions it opens, the heat exchanger is flooded with consequent heat transfer from the primary side to the pool side. In order to verify the correct system behavior during long term accidental transient, two main experimental PERSEO tests are analyzed. For this purpose, a coupling between the mono dimensional system code CATHARE, which reproduces the system scale behavior, with a three-dimensional CFD code NEPTUNE CFD, allowing a full investigation of the pools and the injector, is implemented. The coupling between the two codes is realized through the boundary conditions. In a first analysis, the facility is simulated by the system code CATHARE V2.5 to validate the results with the experimental data. The comparison of the numerical results obtained shows a different void distribution during the boiling conditions inside the heat suppression pool for the two cases of single nodalization and three volume nodalization scheme of the pool. Finaly, to improve the investigation capability of the void distribution inside the pool and the temperature stratification phenomena below the injector, a two and three dimensional CFD models with a simplified geometry of the system are adopted.
This thesis provides efficient and robust algorithms for the computation of the intersection curve between a torus and a simple surface (e.g. a plane, a natural quadric or another torus), based on algebraic and numeric methods. The algebraic part includes the classification of the topological type of the intersection curve and the detection of degenerate situations like embedded conic sections and singularities. Moreover, reference points for each connected intersection curve component are determined. The required computations are realised efficiently by solving quartic polynomials at most and exactly by using exact arithmetic. The numeric part includes algorithms for the tracing of each intersection curve component, starting from the previously computed reference points. Using interval arithmetic, accidental incorrectness like jumping between branches or the skipping of parts are prevented. Furthermore, the environments of singularities are correctly treated. Our algorithms are complete in the sense that any kind of input can be handled including degenerate and singular configurations. They are verified, since the results are topologically correct and approximate the real intersection curve up to any arbitrary given error bound. The algorithms are robust, since no human intervention is required and they are efficient in the way that the treatment of algebraic equations of high degree is avoided.
Domoinsäure ist ein von mehreren Arten mariner Kieselalgen der Gattung Pseudonitzschia produziertes Toxin, welches während einer Algenblüte in Molluscen wie z.B. der Miesmuschel Mytilus sp. akkumuliert werden kann. Beim Verzehr solch kontaminierter Muscheln können sowohl beim Menschen als auch bei Tieren erhebliche Vergiftungserscheinungen auftreten, die von Übelkeit, Kopfschmerzen und Orientierungsstörungen bis hin zum Verlust des Kurzzeitgedächtnisses (daher auch als amnesic shellfish poisoning bekannt) reichen und in einigen Fällen tödlich enden. rnDie heute gängigen Methoden zur Detektion von Domoinsäure in Muschelgewebe wie Flüssigkeitschromatographie und Maus-Bioassay sind zeit- und kostenintensiv bzw. in Anbetracht einer Verbesserung des Tierschutzes aus ethischer Sicht nicht zu vertreten. Immunologische Testsysteme stellen eine erstrebenswerte Alternative dar, da sie sich durch eine vergleichsweise einfache Handhabung, hohe Selektivität und Reproduzierbarkeit auszeichnen.rnDas Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein solches immunologisches Testsystem zur Detektion von Domoinsäure zu entwickeln. Hierfür wurden zunächst Antikörper gegen Domoinsäure gewonnen, wofür das Toxin wiederum als erstes über die Carbodiimid-Methode an das Trägerprotein keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) gekoppelt wurde, um eine Immunantwort auslösen zu können. Kaninchen und Mäuse wurden mit KLH-DO-Konjugaten nach vorgegebenen Immunisierungsschemata immunisiert. Nach vier Blutabnahmen zeigte das polyklonale Kaninchenantiserum eine ausreichend hohe Sensitivität zum Antigen; das nachfolgende Detektionssystem wurde mit Hilfe dieses polyklonalen Antikörpers aufgebaut. Zwar ist es gegen Ende der Arbeit auch gelungen, einen spezifischen monoklonalen Antikörper aus der Maus zu gewinnen, jedoch konnte dieser aus zeitlichen Gründen nicht mehr im Detektionssystem etabliert werden, was durchaus wünschenswert gewesen wäre. rnWeiterhin wurde Domoinsäure im Zuge der Entwicklung eines neuartigen Testsystems an die Trägerproteine Ovalbumin, Trypsininhibitor und Casein sowie an Biotin konjugiert. Die Kopplungserfolge wurden im ELISA, Western Blot bzw. Dot Blot nachgewiesen. Die Ovalbumin-gekoppelte sowie die biotinylierte Domoinsäure dienten im Folgenden als die zu messenden Größen in den Detektionsassays- die in einer zu untersuchenden Probe vorhandende, kompetitierende Domoinsäure wurde somit indirekt nachgewiesen. rnDer zulässige Höchstwert für Domoinsäure liegt bei 20 µg/g Muschelgewebe. Sowohl mit Biotin-DO als auch mit OVA-DO als den zu messenden Größen waren Domoinsäurekonzentrationen unterhalb dieses Grenzwertes nachweisbar; allerdings erwies sich der Aufbau mit Biotin-DO um das ca. 20-fache empfindlicher als jener mit OVA-DO. rnDie in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse könnten als Grundlage zur Etablierung eines kommerzialisierbaren immunologischen Testsystems zur Detektion von Domoinsäure und anderen Biotoxinen dienen. Nach erfolgreicher Validierung wäre ein solches Testsystem in seiner Handhabung einfacher als die gängige Flüssigkeitschromatographie und besser reproduzierbar als der Maus-Bioassay.rn
Lo studio della deidrogenazione catalitica di idrocarburi affronta uno dei problemi principali per l'applicazione delle fuel cells in aeromobili. La conversione di miscele di idrocarburi in H2 può essere eseguita in loco, evitando le difficoltà di stoccaggio dell'idrogeno: l'H2 prodotto è privo di CO e CO2 e può essere alimentato direttamente alle celle a combustibile per dare energia ai sistemi ausiliari, mentre i prodotti deidrogenati, mantenendo le loro originali caratteristiche possono essere riutilizzati come carburante. In questo un lavoro è stato effettuato uno studio approfondito sulla deidrogenazione parziale (PDH) di diverse miscele di idrocarburi e carburante avio JetA1 desolforato utilizzando Pt-Sn/Al2O3, con l'obiettivo di mettere in luce i principali parametri (condizioni di reazione e composizione di catalizzatore) coinvolti nel processo di deidrogenazione. Inoltre, la PDH di miscele idrocarburiche e di Jet-A1 ha evidenziato che il problema principale in questa reazione è la disattivazione del catalizzatore, a causa della formazione di residui carboniosi e dell’avvelenamento da zolfo. Il meccanismo di disattivazione da residui carboniosi è stato studiato a fondo, essendo uno dei principali fattori che influenzano la vita del catalizzatore e di conseguenza l'applicabilità processo. Alimentando molecole modello separatamente, è stato possibile discriminare le classi di composti che sono coinvolti principalmente nella produzione di H2 o nell’avvelenamento del catalizzatore. Una riduzione parziale della velocità di disattivazione è stata ottenuta modulando l'acidità del catalizzatore al fine di ottimizzare le condizioni di reazione. I catalizzatori Pt-Sn modificati hanno mostrato ottimi risultati in termini di attività, ma soffrono di una disattivazione rapida in presenza di zolfo. Così, la sfida finale di questa ricerca era sviluppare un sistema catalitico in grado di lavorare in condizioni reali con carburante ad alto tenore di zolfo, in questo campo sono stati studiati due nuove classi di materiali: Ni e Co fosfuri supportati su SiO2 e catalizzatori Pd-Pt/Al2O3.
La tesi affronta il concetto di esposizione al rischio occupazionale e il suo scopo è quello di indagare l’ambiente di lavoro e il comportamento dei lavoratori, con l'obiettivo di ridurre il tasso di incidenza degli infortuni sul lavoro ed eseguire la riduzione dei rischi. In primo luogo, è proposta una nuova metodologia denominata MIMOSA (Methodology for the Implementation and Monitoring of Occupational SAfety), che quantifica il livello di "salute e sicurezza" di una qualsiasi impresa. Al fine di raggiungere l’obiettivo si è reso necessario un approccio multidisciplinare in cui concetti d’ingegneria e di psicologia sono stati combinati per sviluppare una metodologia di previsione degli incidenti e di miglioramento della sicurezza sul lavoro. I risultati della sperimentazione di MIMOSA hanno spinto all'uso della Logica Fuzzy nel settore della sicurezza occupazionale per migliorare la metodologia stessa e per superare i problemi riscontrati nell’incertezza della raccolta dei dati. La letteratura mostra che i fattori umani, la percezione del rischio e il comportamento dei lavoratori in relazione al rischio percepito, hanno un ruolo molto importante nella comparsa degli incidenti. Questa considerazione ha portato ad un nuovo approccio e ad una seconda metodologia che consiste nella prevenzione di incidenti, non solo sulla base dell'analisi delle loro dinamiche passate. Infatti la metodologia considera la valutazione di un indice basato sui comportamenti proattivi dei lavoratori e sui danni potenziali degli eventi incidentali evitati. L'innovazione consiste nell'applicazione della Logica Fuzzy per tener conto dell’"indeterminatezza" del comportamento umano e del suo linguaggio naturale. In particolare l’applicazione è incentrata sulla proattività dei lavoratori e si prefigge di impedire l'evento "infortunio", grazie alla generazione di una sorta d’indicatore di anticipo. Questa procedura è stata testata su un’azienda petrolchimica italiana.
Marine sediments are the main accumulation reservoir of organic recalcitrant pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In the anoxic conditions typical of these sediments, anaerobic bacteria of the phylum Chloroflexi are able to attack these compounds in a process called microbial reductive dechlorination. Such activity and members of this phylum were detected in PCB-impacted sediments of the Venice Lagoon. The aim of this work was to investigate microbial reductive dechlorination and design bioremediation approaches for marine sediments of the area. Three out of six sediment cultures from different sampling areas exhibited dechlorination activities in the same conditions of the site and two phylotypes (VLD-1 and VLD-2) were detected and correlated to this metabolism. Biostimulation was tested on enriched dechlorinating sediment cultures from the same site using five different electron donors, of which lactate was the best biostimulating agent; complementation of microbial and chemical dechlorination catalyzed by biogenic zerovalent Pd nanoparticles was not effective due to sulfide poisoning of the catalyst. A new biosurfactant-producing strain of Shewanella frigidimarina was concomitantly obtained from hydrocarbon-degrading marine cultures and selected because of the low toxicity of its product. All these findings were then exploited to develop bioremediation lab-scale tests in shaken reactors and static microcosms on real sediments and water of the Venice lagoon, testing i) a bioaugmentation approach, with a selected enriched sediment culture from the same area, ii) a biostimulation approach with lactate as electron donor, iii) a bioavailability enhancement with the supplementation of the newly-discovered biosurfactant, and iv) all possible combinations of the afore-mentioned approaches. The best bioremediation approach resulted to be a combination of bioaugmentation and bioremediation and it could be a starting point to design bioremediation process for actual marine sediments of the Venice Lagoon area.
Organophosphate können chronische Lungenerkrankungen und Vergiftungen hervorrufen. Bei der Vergiftung erfolgt eine Immunreaktion, welche noch nicht erforscht ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden Toxizitätsstudien an dendritischen Zellen und einem bronchialen Triple-Kultur-Modell durchgeführt. Dendritische Zellen spielen bei der ersten Immunabwehr in der Lunge eine große Rolle. Aus der Zell-Linie THP-1 und primären Monozyten wurden reife dendritische Zellen differenziert und mittels Durchflusszytometrie und Immunfluoreszenz auf spezifische Zellmarker, wie zum Beispiel CD11c, CD83 oder auch CD209, charakterisiert und etabliert. Durch die Vergiftung der Zellen mit Dimethoat und Chlorpyrifos konnte eine Erhöhung des Zelltodes, die Sekretion von proinflammatorischen Mediatoren, Veränderungen in der Morphologie der Zellen und ein Effekt auf den Proteinkinase-Signalweg festgestellt werden. Spezifische dendritische Zellmarker (CD83, CD209) wurden inhibiert und die Dendriten der Dendritischen Zellen kürzer und beschädigt. Die Schädigung von Chlorpyrifos war erheblich größer, als die bei Dimethoat.rnDie weiteren Toxizitätsstudien wurden an einem bronchialen Triple-Kultur-Modell durchgeführt. Hierzu wurden auf Transwell-Filtermembranen bronchiale Epithelzellen, Fibroblastenzellen und Dendritische Zellen verwendet. Die bronchialen Epithelzellen und Fibroblastenzellen waren hier physiologisch voneinander getrennt, konnten aber durch Poren in der Membran miteinander interagieren. Die Etablierung des Triple-Kultur-Modells erfolgte durch die Untersuchung von Entzündungsprozessen, durch Stimulation mit LPS, TNF-alpha und Interferon-gamma. In der Ko-Kultur konnten Zell-Zell-Kontakt Schädigungen und Erhöhung von proinflammatorischen Markern, wie zum Beispiel IL-1ß, IL-6 oder auch IL-8 gemessen werden. Versuche in der Triple-Kultur zeigten den positiven Effekt von Dendritischen Zellen. Bei höheren Konzentrationsbereichen von Dimethoat und Chlorpyrifos konnte ein Wandern der Zellen zu den geschädigten Zell-Zell-Kontakten nachgewiesen werden. Die Ausschüttung der proinflammatorischen Mediatoren wurde inhibiert, vor allem bei IL-10 war eine deutliche Reduktion, um mehr als 70% messbar. Ebenso konnten Veränderungen in dem Apoptose-Signalblick festgestellt werden. Vor allem anti-apoptotische Proteine wurden nach einer Vergiftung der Triple-Kultur induziert. Interventionsstudien mit Vitamin C zeigten allerdings keinen positiven Effekt.
The chemical industry has to face safety problems linked to the hazards of chemicals and the risks posed by the plants where they are handled. However, their transport may cause significant risk values too: it’s not totally possible to avoid the occurrence of accidents. This work is focused on the emergency response to railway accidents involving hazardous materials, that is what has to be done once they happen to limit their consequences. A first effort has been devoted to understand the role given to this theme within legislations: it has been found out that often it’s not even taken into account. Exceptionally a few countries adopt guidelines suggesting how to plan the response, who is appointed to intervene and which actions should be taken first. An investigation has been made to define the tools available for the responders, with attention on the availability of chemical-specific safety distances. It has emerged that the ERG book adopted by some American countries has suggestions and the Belgian legislation too establishes criteria to evaluate these distances. An analysis has been conducted then on the most recent accidents occurred worldwide, to understand how the response was performed and which safety distances were adopted. These values were compared with the numbers reported by the ERG book and the results of two devoted software tools for consequence analysis of accidental spills scenarios. This comparison has shown that there are differences between them and that a more standardized approach is necessary. This is why further developments of the topic should focus on promoting uniform procedures for emergency response planning and on a worldwide adoption of a guidebook with suggestions about actions to reduce consequences and about safety distances, determined following finer researches. For this aim, the development of a detailed database of hazardous materials transportation accidents could be useful.
Die Arbeit untersucht das seuchenartige Auftreten von Besessenheitsfällen in Annaberg (Erzgebirge) in den Jahren 1713-1720, die Auslöser der letzten Hexenprozesse in Kursachsen waren. Zeitgenössische Beobachter stritten intensiv, ob diese sogenannte „Annaberger Krankheit“ durch Zauberei verursacht oder eine psychosomatisch bedingte Massenerkrankung war. In Abkehr von dem Vorurteil, alle Betroffenen einer solchen Massenhysterie litten an derselben Erkrankung, werden diverse Krankengeschichten rekonstruiert. Indem sich dabei Elemente von Rollenspielen (Kinderhexen, Hysterie) und Betrug (Almosenerschleichung, Denunziationen, politisch motivierte Inszenierungen) finden, zeigt sich die wundersame „Krankheit“ als nicht pathologischer sondern sozialer Vorgang. rnAm dessen Beginn stand die Geburt der Interpretation, es gäbe eine außergewöhnliche Krankheit in der Stadt, wozu akzidentielle Ereignisse mehr beitrugen als auffällige Krankheitsfälle. Gerüchtbildung und politische Instrumentalisierung bildeten den Rahmen für den Einstieg von Nachahmern, die das fiktive Krankheitsbild in die Realität eines demonstrativen Schauspiel umsetzten. Dieser Mechanismus eines selbsterfüllenden Menetekels wird vor dem Hintergrund seiner kulturellen, sozialen, ökonomischen und historischen Bedingungen detailliert rekonstruiert.
We report a case of a 78-year-old female with a proximal femur fracture caused by an accidental fall who died suddenly 1h after orthopaedic prosthesis insertion. Post-mortem computed tomography (CT) scan and histological examination of samples obtained with post-mortem percutaneous needle biopsies of both lungs were performed. Analysis of the medical history and the clinical scenario immediately before death, imaging data, and biopsy histology established the cause of death without proceeding to traditional autopsy. It was determined to be acute right ventricular failure caused by massive pulmonary fat embolism. Although further research in post-mortem imaging and post-mortem tissue sampling by needle biopsies is necessary, we conclude that the use of CT techniques and percutaneous biopsy, as additional tools, can offer a viable alternative to traditional autopsy in selected cases and may increase the number of minimally invasive forensic examinations performed in the future.
Background In the 19th century, eminent French sociologist Emile Durkheim found suicide rates to be higher in the Protestant compared with the Catholic cantons of Switzerland. We examined religious affiliation and suicide in modern Switzerland, where assisted suicide is legal. Methods The 2000 census records of 1 722 456 (46.0%) Catholics, 1 565 452 (41.8%) Protestants and 454 397 (12.2%) individuals with no affiliation were linked to mortality records up to December 2005. The association between religious affiliation and suicide, with the Protestant faith serving as the reference category, was examined in Cox regression models. Hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were adjusted for age, marital status, education, type of household, language and degree of urbanization. Results Suicide rates per 100 000 inhabitants were 19.7 in Catholics (1664 suicides), 28.5 in Protestants (2158 suicides) and 39.0 in those with no affiliation (882 suicides). Associations with religion were modified by age and gender (P < 0.0001). Compared with Protestant men aged 35–64 years, HRs (95% CI) for all suicides were 0.80 (0.73–0.88) in Catholic men and 1.09 (0.98–1.22) in men with no affiliation; and 0.60 (0.53–0.67) and 1.96 (1.69–2.27), respectively, in men aged 65–94 years. Corresponding HRs in women aged 35–64 years were 0.90 (0.80–1.03) and 1.46 (1.25–1.72); and 0.67 (0.59–0.77) and 2.63 (2.22–3.12) in women aged 65–94 years. The association was strongest for suicides by poisoning in the 65–94-year-old age group, the majority of which was assisted: HRs were 0.45 (0.35–0.59) for Catholic men and 3.01 (2.37–3.82) for men with no affiliation; 0.44 (0.36–0.55) for Catholic women and 3.14 (2.51–3.94) for women with no affiliation. Conclusions In Switzerland, the protective effect of a religious affiliation appears to be stronger in Catholics than in Protestants, stronger in older than in younger people, stronger in women than in men, and particularly strong for assisted suicides.
Acetaminophen (N-acetyl-para-aminophenol (APAP), paracetamol) is a commonly used analgesic and antipyretic agent. Although considered safe at therapeutic doses, accidental or intentional overdose causes acute liver failure characterized by centrilobular hepatic necrosis with high morbidity and mortality. Although many molecular aspects of APAP-induced cell death have been described, no conclusive mechanism has been proposed. We recently identified TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and c-Jun kinase (JNK)-dependent activation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homolog Bim as an important apoptosis amplification pathway in hepatocytes. In this study, we, thus, investigated the role of TRAIL, c-JNK and Bim in APAP-induced liver damage. Our results demonstrate that TRAIL strongly synergizes with APAP in inducing cell death in hepatocyte-like cells lines and primary hepatocyte. Furthermore, we found that APAP strongly induces the expression of Bim in a c-JNK-dependent manner. Consequently, TRAIL- or Bim-deficient mice were substantially protected from APAP-induced liver damage. This study identifies the TRAIL-JNK-Bim axis as a novel target in the treatment of APAP-induced liver damage and substantiates its general role in hepatocyte death.
[Prophylaxis and therapy of postdural puncture headache--a critical evaluation of treatment options]
Since the first description of spinal and epidural anaesthesia, postdural puncture headache (PDPH) is a well known complication. Its prophylaxis and treatment has been studied and discussed for more than 100 years, but the evidence is still limited. Due to relatively low prevalence of PDPH, prospective RCTs are often missing, and the frequently self-limiting character of PDPH impedes an adequate interpretation of results from studies without a control group. Taking side effects and complications into account, a prophylactic treatment of PDPH cannot be recommended. In case of PDPH, non-opioid analgesics are the first choice treatment. The epidural blood patch remains the mainstay of severe PDPH therapy. Noninvasive therapies like theophylline, sumatriptan and ACTH can be an alternative. However, an evidence-based recommendation is lacking. The development of standard operating procedures for accidental dural punctures and PDPH is recommended.
We report a case of an accidental death or potential suicide by revolver with subsequent injury of another person. A 44-year-old man shot himself in the head while manipulating his.38 caliber special revolver in the kitchen in the presence of his wife, standing approximately 1.5 m next to him. After passing through the husband's head, the lead round-nose bullet entered the region underneath his wife's left eye. When the bullet left the man's head, it retained the energy to penetrate the soft tissue at this distance, including the skin and thin bone plates like the orbital wall. Owing to the low energy of the projectile, the entry wound was of atypical in shape and without loss of tissue. Only a small line-resembling a cut-was externally visible. The man died in the hospital from his injuries; his wife suffered visual loss of her left eye.
We describe a case of exhumation, performed to investigate the circumstances and cause of death, one year after burial. Post mortem computed tomography (PMCT) revealed a mass in the pharynx. Imaging directed the subsequent forensic autopsy to careful retrieval of a foreign body. Histological analysis revealed a non-cellular composition. The detection of foreign material in the pharynx and its composition indicated accidental, rather than natural death, secondary to choking on food. This unusual case illustrates how post mortem imaging can significantly contribute to forensic investigation and stresses the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between forensic pathologists and radiologists.