983 resultados para A-type zeolite membrane


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Background Several prospective studies have suggested that gait and plantar pressure abnormalities secondary to diabetic peripheral neuropathy contributes to foot ulceration. There are many different methods by which gait and plantar pressures are assessed and currently there is no agreed standardised approach. This study aimed to describe the methods and reproducibility of three-dimensional gait and plantar pressure assessments in a small subset of participants using pre-existing protocols. Methods Fourteen participants were conveniently sampled prior to a planned longitudinal study; four patients with diabetes and plantar foot ulcers, five patients with diabetes but no foot ulcers and five healthy controls. The repeatability of measuring key biomechanical data was assessed including the identification of 16 key anatomical landmarks, the measurement of seven leg dimensions, the processing of 22 three-dimensional gait parameters and the analysis of four different plantar pressures measures at 20 foot regions. Results The mean inter-observer differences were within the pre-defined acceptable level (<7 mm) for 100 % (16 of 16) of key anatomical landmarks measured for gait analysis. The intra-observer assessment concordance correlation coefficients were > 0.9 for 100 % (7 of 7) of leg dimensions. The coefficients of variations (CVs) were within the pre-defined acceptable level (<10 %) for 100 % (22 of 22) of gait parameters. The CVs were within the pre-defined acceptable level (<30 %) for 95 % (19 of 20) of the contact area measures, 85 % (17 of 20) of mean plantar pressures, 70 % (14 of 20) of pressure time integrals and 55 % (11 of 20) of maximum sensor plantar pressure measures. Conclusion Overall, the findings of this study suggest that important gait and plantar pressure measurements can be reliably acquired. Nearly all measures contributing to three-dimensional gait parameter assessments were within predefined acceptable limits. Most plantar pressure measurements were also within predefined acceptable limits; however, reproducibility was not as good for assessment of the maximum sensor pressure. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the reproducibility of several biomechanical methods in a heterogeneous cohort.


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Background Located in the Pacific Ocean between Australia and New Zealand, the unique population isolate of Norfolk Island has been shown to exhibit increased prevalence of metabolic disorders (type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease) compared to mainland Australia. We investigated this well-established genetic isolate, utilising its unique genomic structure to increase the ability to detect related genetic markers. A pedigree-based genome-wide association study of 16 routinely collected blood-based clinical traits in 382 Norfolk Island individuals was performed. Results A striking association peak was located at chromosome 2q37.1 for both total bilirubin and direct bilirubin, with 29 SNPs reaching statistical significance (P < 1.84 × 10−7). Strong linkage disequilibrium was observed across a 200 kb region spanning the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase family, including UGT1A1, an enzyme known to metabolise bilirubin. Given the epidemiological literature suggesting negative association between CVD-risk and serum bilirubin we further explored potential associations using stepwise multivariate regression, revealing significant association between direct bilirubin concentration and type-2 diabetes risk. In the Norfolk Island cohort increased direct bilirubin was associated with a 28 % reduction in type-2 diabetes risk (OR: 0.72, 95 % CI: 0.57-0.91, P = 0.005). When adjusted for genotypic effects the overall model was validated, with the adjusted model predicting a 30 % reduction in type-2 diabetes risk with increasing direct bilirubin concentrations (OR: 0.70, 95 % CI: 0.53-0.89, P = 0.0001). Conclusions In summary, a pedigree-based GWAS of blood-based clinical traits in the Norfolk Island population has identified variants within the UDPGT family directly associated with serum bilirubin levels, which is in turn implicated with reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes within this population.


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Episodic Ataxia type 2 (EA2) is a rare autosomal dominantly inherited neurological disorder characterized by recurrent disabling imbalance, vertigo and episodes of ataxia lasting minutes to hours. EA2 is caused most often by loss of function mutations of the calcium channel gene CACNA1A. In addition to EA2, mutations in CACNA1A are responsible for two other allelic disorders: familial hemiplegic migraine type1 (FHM1) and spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6). Herein, we have utilised Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to screen the coding sequence, exon-intron boundaries and UTRs of five genes where mutation is known to produce symptoms related to EA2, including CACNA1A. We performed this screening in a group of 31 unrelated patients with EA2 symptoms. Both novel and known mutations were detected through NGS technology, and confirmed through Sanger sequencing. Genetic testing showed in total 15 mutation bearing patients (48%), of which 9 were novel mutations (6 missense and 3 small frameshift deletion mutations) and six known mutations (4 missense and 2 nonsense).These results demonstrate the efficiency of our NGS-panel for detecting known and novel mutations for EA2 in the CACNA1A gene, also identifying a novel missense mutation in ATP1A2 which is not a normal target for EA2 screening.


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Introduction: The epidemic of obesity has been accompanied by an increase in the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, not all obese subjects develop these metabolic abnormalities. Hepatic fat accumulation is related to hepatic insulin resistance, which in turn leads to hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and a low HDL cholesterol con-centration. The present studies aimed to investigate 1) how intrahepatic as compared to intramyocellular fat is related to insulin resistance in these tissues and to the metabolic syndrome (Study I); 2) the amount of liver fat in subjects with and without the metabolic syndrome, and which clinically available markers best reflect liver fat content (Study II); 3) the effect of liver fat on insulin clearance (Study III); 4) whether type 2 diabetic patients have more liver fat than age-, gender-, and BMI-matched non-diabetic subjects (Study IV); 5) how type 2 diabetic patients using exceptionally high doses of insulin respond to addition of a PPARγ agonist (Study V). Subjects and methods: The study groups consisted of 45 (Study I), 271 (Study II), and 80 (Study III) non-diabetic subjects, and of 70 type 2 diabetic patients and 70 matched control subjects (Study IV). In Study V, a total of 14 poorly controlled type 2 diabetic patients treated with high doses of insulin were studied before and after rosiglitazone treatment (8 mg/day) for 8 months. In all studies, liver fat content was measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and sub-cutaneous and intra-abdominal fat content by MRI. In addition, circulating markers of insulin resistance and serum liver enzyme concentrations were determined. Hepatic (i.v. insulin infusion rate 0.3 mU/kg∙min combined with [3-3H]glucose, Studies I, III, and V) and muscle (1.0 mU/kg min, Study I) insulin sensitivities were measured by the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Results: Fat accumulation in the liver rather than in skeletal muscle was associated with features of insulin resistance, i.e. increased fasting serum (fS) triglycerides and decreased fS-HDL cholesterol, and with hyperinsulinemia and low adiponectin concentrations (Study I). Liver fat content was 4-fold higher in subjects with as compared to those without the metabolic syndrome, independent of age, gender, and BMI. FS-C-peptide was the best correlate of liver fat (Study II). Increased liver fat was associated with both impaired insulin clearance and hepatic insulin resistance independent of age, gender, and BMI (Study III). Type 2 diabetic patients had 80% more liver fat than age-, weight-, and gender-matched non-diabetic subjects. At any given liver fat content, S-ALT underestimated liver fat in the type 2 diabetic patients as compared to the non-diabetic subjects (Study IV). In Study V, hepatic insulin sensitivity increased and glycemic control improved significantly during rosiglitazone treatment. This was associated with lowering of liver fat (on the average by 46%) and insulin requirements (40%). Conclusions: Liver fat is increased both in the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes independent of age, gender, and BMI. A fatty liver is associated with both hepatic insulin resistance and impaired insulin clearance. Rosi-glitazone may be particularly effective in type 2 diabetic patients who are poorly controlled despite using high insulin doses.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is considered to be an autoimmune disease. In T1D insulin producing pancreatic β cells are destroyed. The disease process begins years before the clinical diagnosis of T1D. During the pathogenesis of T1D, pancreatic islets are infiltrated by cells of the immune system and T-lymphocytes are considered to be the main mediators of the β-cell destruction. In children with an active β-cell destruction process, autoantibodies against β-cell antigens appear in the blood. Individuals at increased risk of developing T1D can often be identified by detecting serum autoantibodies against β-cell antigens. Immunological aberrancies associated with T1D are related to defects in the polarization of T cells and in the function of regulatory mechanisms. T1D has been considered as an organ-specific autoimmune disease mediated by uncontrolled Th1-responses. In human T1D, the evidence for the role of over-expression of cytokines promoting cytotoxicity is controversial. For the past 15 years, regulatory T cells (Tregs) have been recognized as having a key role in the initiation and maintenance of tolerance, limiting harmful autoantigen-specific inflammation processes. It is possible that, if regulatory mechanisms fail to be initiated, the subtle inflammation targeting β cells lead to insulitis and eventually to overt T1D in some individuals. In the present thesis, we studied the induction of Tregs during the generation of T-cell responses in T1D. The results suggest that the generation of regulatory mechanisms and effector mechanisms upon T-cell activation is aberrant in children with T1D. In our studies, an in vitro cytotoxic environment inhibited the induction of genes associated with regulatory functions upon T-cell activation. We also found T1D patients to have an impaired cytotoxic response against coxsackievirus B4. Ineffective virus clearance may increase the apoptosis of β cells, and thus the risk of β-cell specific autoimmunity, due to the increased presentation of β-cell-derived peptides by APCs to T cells in pancreatic lymph nodes. Recently, a novel T helper cell subset called Th17 has been discovered. Animal models have associated Th17 cells and especially co-producers of IL-17 and IFN-γ with the pathogenesis of T1D. We aimed to characterize the role of Th17 immunity in human T1D. We demonstrated IL-17 activation to be a major alteration in T1D patients in comparison to healthy children. Moreover, alterations related to the FOXP3-mediated regulatory mechanisms were associated with the IL-17 up-regulation seen in T1D patients. These findings may have therapeutic implications for the treatment and prevention of T1D.


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Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease characterized by accumulation of lipids in the inner layer of the arterial wall. During atherogenesis, various structures that are recognized as non-self by the immune system, such as modified lipoproteins, are deposited in the arterial wall. Accordingly, atherosclerotic lesions and blood of humans and animals with atherosclerotic lesions show signs of activation of both innate and adaptive immune responses. Although immune attack is initially a self-protective reaction, which is meant to destroy or remove harmful agents, a chronic inflammatory state in the arterial wall accelerates atherosclerosis. Indeed, various modulations of the immune system of atherosclerosis-prone animals have provided us with convincing evidence that immunological mechanisms play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This thesis focuses on the role of complement system, a player of the innate immunity, in atherosclerosis. Complement activation via any of the three different pathways (classical, alternative, lectin) proceeds as a self-amplifying cascade, which leads to the generation of opsonins, anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a, and terminal membrane-attack complex (MAC, C5b-9), all of which regulate the inflammatory response and act in concert to destroy their target structures. To prevent uncontrolled complement activation or its attack against normal host cells, complement needs to be under strict control by regulatory proteins. The complement system has been shown to be activated in atherosclerotic lesions, modified lipoproteins and immune complexes containing oxLDL, for instance, being its activators. First, we investigated the presence and role of complement regulators in human atherosclerotic lesions. We found that inhibitors of the classical and alternative pathways, C4b-binding protein and factor H, respectively, were present in atherosclerotic lesions, where they localized in the superficial proteoglycan-rich layer. In addition, both inhibitors were found to bind to arterial proteoglycans in vitro. Immunohistochemical stainings revealed that, in the superficial layer of the intima, complement activation had been limited to the C3 level, whereas in the deeper intimal layers, complement activation had proceeded to the terminal C5b-9 level. We were also able to show that arterial proteoglycans inhibit complement activation in vitro. These findings suggested to us that the proteoglycan-rich layer of the arterial intima contains matrix-bound complement inhibitors and forms a protective zone, in which complement activation is restricted to the C3 level. Thus, complement activation is regulated in atherosclerotic lesions, and the extracellular matrix is involved in this process. Next, we studied whether the receptors for the two complement derived effectors, anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a, are expressed in human coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Our results of immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR analysis showed that, in contrast to normal intima, C3aR and C5aR were highly expressed in atherosclerotic lesions. In atherosclerotic plaques, the principal cells expressing both C3aR and C5aR were macrophages. Moreover, T cells expressed C5aR, and a small fraction of them also expressed C3aR, mast cells expressed C5aR, whereas endothelial cells and subendothelial smooth muscle cells expressed both C3aR and C5aR. These results suggested that intimal cells can respond to and become activated by complement-derived anaphylatoxins. Finally, we wanted to learn, whether oxLDL-IgG immune complexes, activators of the classical complement pathway, could have direct cellular effects in atherogenesis. Thus, we tested whether oxLDL-IgG immune complexes affect the survival of human monocytes, the precursors of macrophages, which are the most abundant inflammatory cell type in atherosclerotic lesions. We found that OxLDL-IgG immune complexes, in addition to transforming monocytes into foam cells, promoted their survival by decreasing their spontaneous apoptosis. This effect was mediated by cross-linking Fc receptors with ensuing activation of Akt-dependent survival signaling. Our finding revealed a novel mechanism by which oxLDL-IgG immune complexes can directly affect the accumulation of monocyte-macrophages in human atherosclerotic lesions and thus play a role in atherogenesis.


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The prevalence of variegate porphyria (VP) (2.1:100 000, in 2006 n=108) was higher in Finland than elsewhere in European countries due to a founder effect (R152C). The incidence of VP was estimated at 0.2:1 000 000 based on the number of new symptomatic patients yearly. The prevalence of porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) was 1.2:100 000 (in 2006 n=63), which is only one fourth of the numbers reported from other European countries. The estimated incidence of PCT was 0.5:1 000 000. Based on measurements of the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity in erythrocytes, the proportion of familial PCT was 49% of the cases. The prevalence of erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) was at 0.8:100 000 (in 2006 n=39) including asymptomatic carriers of a mutation in the ferrochelatase (FECH) gene. The incidence of EPP was estimated at 0.1:1 000 000. After 1980 the penetrance was 37% among patients with VP. Of the mutation carriers (n=57) 30% manifested with skin symptoms. Frequency of skin symptom as only clinical sign was stable before or after 1980 (22% vs. 21%), but acute attacks became infrequent (29% vs. 7%). Of the symptomatic patients 30% had both acute attacks and skin symptoms and 80% had skin symptoms. Fragility (95%) and blistering (46%) of the skin in the backs of the hands were the most common skin symptoms. Transient correction of porphyrin metabolism using eight haem arginate infusions within five weeks had no effect on the skin symptoms in three of four patients with VP. In one case skin symptoms disappeared transiently. One patient with homozygous VP had severe photosensitivity since birth. Sensory polyneuropathy, glaucoma and renal failure developed during the 25-year follow-up without the presence of acute attacks. The I12T mutation was detected in both of his alleles in the protoporphyrinogen oxidase gene. Lack of skin symptoms and infrequency of acute attacks (1/9) in the patients with I12T mutation at the heterozygous stage indicate a mild phenotype (the penetrance 11%). Four mutations (751delGAGAA, 1122delT, C286T, C343T) in the FECH gene were characterised in four of 15 families with EPP. Burning pain (96%) and swelling (92%) of the sun-exposed skin were the major skin symptoms. Hepatopathy appeared in one of 25 symptomatic patients (4%). Clinical manifestations and associated factors of PCT were similar in the sporadic and familial types of PCT. The majority of the patients with PCT had one to three precipitating factors: alcohol intake (78%), mutations in hemochromatosis associated gene (50%), use of oestrogen (25% of women) and hepatitis B or C infections (25 %). Fatty liver disease (67%) and siderosis (67%) were commonly found in their liver biopsies. The major histopathological change of the sun-exposed skin in the patients with VP (n=20), EPP (n=8) and PCT (n=5) was thickening of the vessel walls of the upper dermis suggesting that the vessel wall is the primary site of the phototoxic reaction in each type of porphyria. The fine structure of the vessel walls was similar in VP, EPP and PCT consisting of the multilayered basement membrane and excess of finely granular substance between the layers which were surrounded by the band of homogenous material. EPP was characterised by amorphous perivascular deposits extending also to the extravascular space. In direct immunofluorescence study homogenous IgG deposits in the vessel walls of the upper dermis of the sun-exposed skin were demonstrated in each type of porphyria. In EPP the excess material around vessel walls consisted of other proteins such as serum amyloid protein, and kappa and lambda light chains in addition to the basement membrane constituents such as collagen IV and laminin. These results suggest that the alterations of the vessel walls are a consequence of the repeated damage and the repairing process in the vessel wall. The microscopic alterations could be demonstrated even in the normal looking but sun-exposed skin of the patients with EPP during the symptom-free phase suggesting that vascular change can be chronic. The stability of vascular changes in the patients with PCT after treatment indicates that circulating porphyrins are not important for the maintenance of the changes.


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The crystal and molecular structure of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-a-aminoisobutyryl-L-prolyl methylamide, the amino terminal dipeptide fragment of alamethicin, has been determined using direct methods. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with the space group P212-21. Cell dimensions are a = 7.705 A, b = 11.365 A, and c = 21.904 A. The structure has been refined using conventional procedures to a final R factor of 0.054. The molecular structure possesses a 4 - 1 intramolecular N-H--0 hydrogen bond formed between the CO group of the urethane moiety and the NH group of the methylamide function. The peptide backbone adopts the type 111 P-turn conformation, with 42 = -51.0°, +* = -39.7",&j = -65.0', $3 = -25.4'. An unusual feature is the occurrence of the proline residue at position 3 of the P-turn. The observed structure supports the view that Aib residues initiate the formation of type 111 @-turn conformations. The pyrrolidine ring is puckered in Cy-exo fashion.


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DNA topoisomerases are ubiquitous nuclear enzymes that govern the topological interconversions of DNA by transiently breaking/rejoining the phosphodiester backbone of one (type I) or both (type II) strands of the double helix. Consistent with these functions, topoisomerases play key roles in many aspects of DNA metabolism. Type II DNA topoisomerase (topo II) is vital for various nuclear processes, including DNA replication, chromosome segregation, and maintenance of chromosome structure. Topo II expression is regulated at multiple stages, including transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and posttranslational levels, by a multitude of signaling factors. Topo II is also the cellular target for a variety of clinically relevant anti-tumor drugs. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the role of topo II in diverse nuclear processes, several important aspects of topo II function, expression, and regulation are poorly understood. We have focused this review specifically on eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase II, with an emphasis on functional and regulatory characteristics.


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Dendritic cells (DC) efficiently phagocytose invading bacteria, but fail to kill intracellular pathogens such as Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium). We analysed the intracellular fate of Salmonella in murine bone marrow-derived DC (BM-DC). The intracellular proliferation and subcellular localization were investigated for wild-type S. Typhimurium and mutants deficient in Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2), a complex virulence factor that is essential for systemic infections in the murine model and intracellular survival and replication in macrophages. Using a segregative plasmid to monitor intracellular cell division, we observed that, in BM-DC, S. Typhimurium represents a static, non-dividing population. In BM-DC, S. Typhimurium resides in a membrane-bound compartment that has acquired late endosomal markers. However, these bacteria respond to intracellular stimuli, because induction of SPI2 genes was observed. S. Typhimurium within DC are also able to translocate a virulence protein into their host cells. SPI2 function was not required for intracellular survival in DC, but we observed that the maturation of the Salmonella-containing vesicle is different in DC infected with wild-type bacteria and a strain deficient in SPI2. Our observations indicate that S. Typhimurium in DC are able to modify normal processes of their host cells.


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Peptides Possessing antibiotic activity isolated from microbial sources have been the subject of intensive structural and biological investigation over the past two decades. Perhaps, the discovery and widespread use of penicillin, a molecule biosynthetically derived from a tripeptide precursor, as a strong antibacterial agent, has provided the necessary impetus for the detailed study of microbial peptides. While many of these peptides have not been used clinically, They show unique metal binding properties and often possess the ability to modify the electrical properties or ion permeabilities of artificial lipid membranes. Hence, these peptides have been used extensively to study transmembrane ion transport processes in model and natural systems like mitochondria, chloroplasts and plasma membranes.


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Pivaloyl-L-Pro-Aib-N-methylamihdaes been shown to possess one intramolecular hydrogen bond in (CD&SO solution, by 'H-nmr methods, suggesting the existence of p-turns, with Pro-Aib as the corner residues. Theoretical conformational analysis suggests that Type II P-turn conformations are about 2 kcal mol-' more stable than Type 111 structures. A crystallographic study has established the Type I1 /%turn in the solid state. The molecule crystallizes in the space group P21 with a = 5.865 8, b = 11.421 A, c = 12.966 A, /3 = 97.55", and 2 = 2. The structure has been refined to a final R value of 0.061. The Type I1 p-turn conformation is stabilized by an intramolecular 4 - 1 hydrogen bond between the methylamide NH and the pivaloyl CO group. The conformational angles are @pro= -57.8", $pro = 139.3', @Aib = 61.4', and $Ajb = 25.1'. The Type 11 /%turn conformation for Pro-Aib in this peptide is compared with the Type I11 structures observed for the same segment in larger peptides.