900 resultados para write


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Abstract: Quantitative Methods (QM) is a compulsory course in the Social Science program in CEGEP. Many QM instructors assign a number of homework exercises to give students the opportunity to practice the statistical methods, which enhances their learning. However, traditional written exercises have two significant disadvantages. The first is that the feedback process is often very slow. The second disadvantage is that written exercises can generate a large amount of correcting for the instructor. WeBWorK is an open-source system that allows instructors to write exercises which students answer online. Although originally designed to write exercises for math and science students, WeBWorK programming allows for the creation of a variety of questions which can be used in the Quantitative Methods course. Because many statistical exercises generate objective and quantitative answers, the system is able to instantly assess students’ responses and tell them whether they are right or wrong. This immediate feedback has been shown to be theoretically conducive to positive learning outcomes. In addition, the system can be set up to allow students to re-try the problem if they got it wrong. This has benefits both in terms of student motivation and reinforcing learning. Through the use of a quasi-experiment, this research project measured and analysed the effects of using WeBWorK exercises in the Quantitative Methods course at Vanier College. Three specific research questions were addressed. First, we looked at whether students who did the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who did written exercises. Second, we looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. Finally, we used a self-report survey to find out what students’ perceptions and opinions were of the WeBWorK and the written exercises. For the first research question, a crossover design was used in order to compare whether the group that did WeBWorK problems during one unit would score significantly higher on that unit test than the other group that did the written problems. We found no significant difference in grades between students who did the WeBWorK exercises and students who did the written exercises. The second research question looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises would get significantly higher grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. The straight-line relationship between number of WeBWorK exercises completed and grades was positive in both groups. However, the correlation coefficients for these two variables showed no real pattern. Our third research question was investigated by using a survey to elicit students’ perceptions and opinions regarding the WeBWorK and written exercises. Students reported no difference in the amount of effort put into completing each type of exercise. Students were also asked to rate each type of exercise along six dimensions and a composite score was calculated. Overall, students gave a significantly higher score to the written exercises, and reported that they found the written exercises were better for understanding the basic statistical concepts and for learning the basic statistical methods. However, when presented with the choice of having only written or only WeBWorK exercises, slightly more students preferred or strongly preferred having only WeBWorK exercises. The results of this research suggest that the advantages of using WeBWorK to teach Quantitative Methods are variable. The WeBWorK system offers immediate feedback, which often seems to motivate students to try again if they do not have the correct answer. However, this does not necessarily translate into better performance on the written tests and on the final exam. What has been learned is that the WeBWorK system can be used by interested instructors to enhance student learning in the Quantitative Methods course. Further research may examine more specifically how this system can be used more effectively.


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No âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, parte integrante do plano de estudos do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar, foi solicitada a elaboração do Relatório de Estágio que evidenciasse a prática e a aprendizagem profissional desenvolvida nos contextos de Creche e de Educação Pré-Escolar. Neste sentido, a mestranda expõe o seu percurso nas duas valências, tendo este permitido o conhecimento e posterior desenvolvimento de saberes e competências em prol da construção e edificação de um perfil na profissão docente, suportado por um quadro teórico e concetual. A prática pedagógica da mestranda desenvolveu-se mediante uma aproximação à metodologia de investigação-ação, assente sobre quatro etapas fundamentais: observação, planificação, ação e reflexão/avaliação. Esta metodologia, suporte basilar da sua prática, possibilita a articulação entre saberes e atitudes, culminando numa co construção de saberes entre os diversos atores envolvidos na prática pedagógica. Os contextos e processos de estágio revelaram-se cruciais nos processos educativos de qualidade na educação de infância, no que concerne ao desenvolvimento de competências para a educação, constituindo estes, bases importantes na formação docente. Por fim, a mestranda está consciente que para responder aos desafios advindos da sociedade atual, deve procurar a formação constante, atualizando e desenvolvendo novas aprendizagens, quer a nível pessoal, quer a nível profissional.


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Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) enables a set of parties to collaboratively compute, using cryptographic protocols, a function over their private data in a way that the participants do not see each other's data, they only see the final output. Typical MPC examples include statistical computations over joint private data, private set intersection, and auctions. While these applications are examples of monolithic MPC, richer MPC applications move between "normal" (i.e., per-party local) and "secure" (i.e., joint, multi-party secure) modes repeatedly, resulting overall in mixed-mode computations. For example, we might use MPC to implement the role of the dealer in a game of mental poker -- the game will be divided into rounds of local decision-making (e.g. bidding) and joint interaction (e.g. dealing). Mixed-mode computations are also used to improve performance over monolithic secure computations. Starting with the Fairplay project, several MPC frameworks have been proposed in the last decade to help programmers write MPC applications in a high-level language, while the toolchain manages the low-level details. However, these frameworks are either not expressive enough to allow writing mixed-mode applications or lack formal specification, and reasoning capabilities, thereby diminishing the parties' trust in such tools, and the programs written using them. Furthermore, none of the frameworks provides a verified toolchain to run the MPC programs, leaving the potential of security holes that can compromise the privacy of parties' data. This dissertation presents language-based techniques to make MPC more practical and trustworthy. First, it presents the design and implementation of a new MPC Domain Specific Language, called Wysteria, for writing rich mixed-mode MPC applications. Wysteria provides several benefits over previous languages, including a conceptual single thread of control, generic support for more than two parties, high-level abstractions for secret shares, and a fully formalized type system and operational semantics. Using Wysteria, we have implemented several MPC applications, including, for the first time, a card dealing application. The dissertation next presents Wys*, an embedding of Wysteria in F*, a full-featured verification oriented programming language. Wys* improves on Wysteria along three lines: (a) It enables programmers to formally verify the correctness and security properties of their programs. As far as we know, Wys* is the first language to provide verification capabilities for MPC programs. (b) It provides a partially verified toolchain to run MPC programs, and finally (c) It enables the MPC programs to use, with no extra effort, standard language constructs from the host language F*, thereby making it more usable and scalable. Finally, the dissertation develops static analyses that help optimize monolithic MPC programs into mixed-mode MPC programs, while providing similar privacy guarantees as the monolithic versions.


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Introdução: A ecografia é sempre o meio diagnóstico de primeira linha na avaliação das doentes com endometriose. Dada a discrepância de critérios para o diagnóstico desta patologia por esta técnica, o objetivo deste trabalho foi recolher os dados da bibliografia mais recente relativa a este tema e redigir uma compilação sucinta das conclusões dos respectivos autores. Material e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo retrospetivo dos artigos publicados nas revistas científicas sobre o tema Endometriose, quer sobre endometriomas quer sobre endometriose profunda. Resultados: Estão descritos os resultados de achados ecográficos de endometriomas, endometriose da parede abdominal e endometriose profunda publicados por diferentes autores nos últimos anos. Documentamos com imagens recolhidas no Serviço de Radiologia do IPOLFG. Conclusões: Os estudos demonstram que a ecografia transvaginal é, pelo menos, tão sensível e específica como a RM na detecção de implantes profundos de endometriose, sendo portanto o exame de primeira linha em casos de suspeita de endometriose.


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Uma ostomia de eliminação intestinal resulta de um procedimento cirúrgico que consiste na ligação de uma parte do intestino delgado ou grosso, a um orifício externo na cavidade abdominal designado de estoma. O utente portador de uma ostomia de eliminação intestinal, devido à sua situação clínica, manifesta um misto de emoções resultante do enorme impacto físico e emocional devido à doença e ao tratamento. A sua própria vida vai desencadear alterações profundas no seu EU, nos estilos de vida, nas relações familiares e sociais, na sua imagem corporal e na autoestima (Pinto, 2012). Foi objetivo deste estudo analisar a perceção que a pessoa portadora de ostomia de eliminação intestinal, seguida na Unidade Local de Saúde Nordeste (ULSNE), tem sobre a sua qualidade de vida (QV). A investigação enquadra-se no domínio da investigação observacional, optando-se pela realização de um estudo descritivo, analítico e transversal, de abordagem quantitativa. Como instrumento de colheita de dados foi utilizado um formulário com questões relativas às características sociodemográficas, a escala de Graffar e a escala de avaliação da qualidade de vida do utente ostomizado. Aceitaram participar no estudo 105 utentes portadores de eliminação intestinal. O sexo predominante é o masculino (50,5%). A classe etária mais representativa é a dos 65 aos 92 anos (78,1%) e o estado civil predominante antes (67,6%) e depois (55,2%) da cirurgia é o de casado. Quanto à atividade laboral, o abandono do trabalho a tempo inteiro, devido à nova situação clínica, foi referido por 94,3% dos inquiridos. Em relação às habilitações académicas, 46,7% sabe ler e escrever, enquadrando-se na classe social média (57,1%). A consulta de estomaterapia na ULSNE ainda não está implementada, mas os inquiridos consideram que a sua implementação seria pertinente (93,3%), facilitando principalmente a adaptação à nova realidade (40%), a ultrapassar dificuldades (28,6%), a evitar complicações/resolver os problemas (9,5%). A média da QV dos participantes neste estudo é de 279,92, superior à média teórica da escala (215), indicando os inquiridos evidenciam um bom nível de qualidade de vida. O enfermeiro estomaterapeuta é o profissional que melhor pode proporcionar toda a informação e suportes necessários, que permitam ultrapassar os problemas e as limitações sentidas pelo ostomizado e pelas pessoas significativas na sua vida.


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Several researchers have shown that invented spelling activities in kindergarten foster preschool children’s early literacy skills. However, few studies have assessed its impact on learning to read and write in the first year of primary school. Our goal was to analyse the impact of an invented spelling programme with kindergarteners on their literacy skills until the end of Grade 1. A follow-up study was conducted with 45 five-year-old Portuguese children attending two classes of two schools in Lisbon. The teaching effect was controlled as children from each class were randomly assigned into two groups (experimental/control) — equivalent on letter knowledge, cognitive abilities and phonological awareness. The participants were assessed in kindergarten with a pre-test, immediate post-test and delayed post-test (spelling; reading; phonemic awareness) and at the end of Grade 1 (spelling; reading). The experimental group participated in invented spelling sessions, while control children participated in storytelling activities. Data analysis revealed statistically significant differences between the two groups. The experimental group scored higher, not only in kindergarten but also in the follow-up year for all literacy measures.


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O presente relatório tem como objectivo descrever as actividades desenvolvidas no estágio curricular realizado na empresa Odisseias, no âmbito da conclusão do mestrado em marketing digital da Universidade Europeia. A primeira parte do relatório é constituída pelo enquadramento teórico, que é iniciado com uma abordagem ao conceito geral de marketing digital, passando em, seguida, para as redes sociais, dando uma breve definição das redes pela qual fui responsável na Odisseias e a importância destas para o marketing. De seguida, falo sobre o que é a marca e como esta é vista pelo consumidor. Abordo também as compras colectivas, mercado onde está inserido a Odisseias e o e-commerce, que é onde se centra a grande receita de vendas da empresa. A segunda parte do presente relatório é constituída pelo enquadramento prático, ou seja, pela apresentação da empresa, descrição das tarefas desempenhadas no estágio e por uma conclusão sobre as aprendizagens e sugestões para melhorar, na minha perspectiva, o funcionamento da empresa.


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Memristive switching serves as the basis for a new generation of electronic devices. Memristors are two-terminal devices in which the current is turned on and off by redistributing point defects, e.g., vacancies, which is difficult to control. Memristors based on alternative mechanisms have been explored, but achieving both the high On/Off ratio and the low switching energy desirable for use in electronics remains a challenge. Here we report memristive switching in a La_(0.7)Ca_(0.3)MnO_(3)/PrBa_(2)Cu_(3)O_(7) bilayer with an On/Off ratio greater than 103 and demonstrate that the phenomenon originates from a new type of interfacial magnetoelectricity. Using results from firstprinciples calculations, we show that an external electric-field induces subtle displacements of the interfacial Mn ions, which switches on/off an interfacial magnetic “dead” layer, resulting in memristive behavior for spin-polarized electron transport across the bilayer. The interfacial nature of the switching entails low energy cost about of a tenth of atto Joule for write/erase a “bit”. Our results indicate new opportunities for manganite/cuprate systems and other transition-metal-oxide junctions in memristive applications.


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This thesis talks about the influence and impact of the folk and oral literature have in the women writers, especially the manipulations by two Argentine authors: Ana María Shua and Silvina Ocampo. Before analyzing the texts of these women, I begin with a reflection about the canon and writers who compose, to study the first women who approach it and they start with male models to write their texts. Therefore, each women writer has taken on elements of texts have been written by men, for example, themes, writing models, types of characters, etc., manipulating the canon to get a female voice from the concept of perversion, because everything is not standard it is perverse. One could say that the women writers start from male texts to pervert them, because these women steel male literatures language, especially in the twentieth century. They select different elements of male novels to get through the muses to produce own texts. They try to write something new from the known, and the Known is the male literature...


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Background: Over the last 10 years, Australia's spontaneous vaginal birth rate has decreased approximately 1% each year and the caesarean section rate has increased approximately 1% each year. This trend has serious implications for the health of women and babies. As midwives we are the caretakers of normal birth and therefore partly responsible for its decline and the solution to its decline. Although antenatal education is in a potentially powerful position to promote normal birth, a structured review conducted as part of this thesis found that it does not realise that potential. Currently framed in pathogenesis, antenatal education in particular and maternity services in general, are in need of reframing. The theory of salutogenesis may offer a new lens as it focuses on health rather than illness. Sense of coherence is the cornerstone of salutogenesis and is a predictive indicator of health. What is unclear is the role pregnant women's sense of coherence plays in their birthing outcomes. This study explored associations between pregnant women's sense of coherence, their pregnancy choices, their anticipated labour choices, their labour and birthing outcomes as well as factors associated with modification to sense of coherence from the antenatal to postnatal periods. Methods: After a comprehensive review of the literature, questionnaire development and psychometric tool testing and modification, a longitudinal survey was conducted where eligible women completed a questionnaire before the 30th week of pregnancy (Phase One) and approximately 8 weeks after birth (Phase Two). Eligible women were less than 30 weeks pregnant with a single fetus, could read and write in English and lived in the Australian Capital Territory in Australia. Phase One provided information on women's sense of coherence scores, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) scores, Support Behaviour Inventory (SBI) scores, pregnancy choices including care proVider, planned place of birth, planned birth type and anticipated epidural use and demographics. Phase Two provided information on women's sense of coherence scores, EPDS scores and their labour and birthing outcomes. Findings: 1074 women completed Phase One representing a 61.3% response rate. 753 women completed Phase Two representing a 70.1% retention rate between phases. Compared to women with low sense of coherence, women with high sense of coherence were older, reported fewer pregnancy conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, were less likely to have depressive symptoms, were more likely to feel well supported, were less likely to experience a caesarean section and more likely to experience an assisted vaginal birth. Sense of coherence was not associated with women's pregnancy choices. Higher EPDS scores, lower sense of coherence and greater satisfaction with birth were associated with an increase in women's sense of coherence from the antenatal to the postnatal period. Decreased birth satisfaction and experiencing epidural anaesthesia in labour and assisted vaginal birth were associated with a decrease in sense of coherence from the antenatal to the postnatal period. Conclusion: Strong sense of coherence in pregnant women halved the likelihood of experiencing caesarean section compared to women with low sense of coherence. Sense of coherence is a modifiable predictor of women's childbearing health and was found to be raised by birth satisfaction and lowered by birth dissatisfaction and labour interventions. These important findings add to the limited body of knowledge about sense of coherence and childbearing.


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Nature and landscape writing includes creative writing about wild places. However, most authors have a literary background and are not outdoor ‘educators’. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, the reasons suggested are a lack of framing of outdoor experiences for this intent, the need for learning the skills of interpretation and lexicon and the offer of prolonged, powerful experiences and time for creative thinking and responses, such as an extended solo. It is suggested that outdoor educators may be too busy ‘experiencing’ to write, that they do not go ‘slow’ enough or that they are encapsulated in the ‘edginess of existence’ through adventure and just pass through their surroundings rather than connect with them. Outdoor educators have much to offer as they experience metaphorical or literal journeys comprising ‘flow’ rather than episodic encounter through lived experience to create rich embodied stories with ideological and social aspects so often overlooked in narrative.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de mest. em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Unidade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Univ. do Algarve, 1995


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília,Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2014.


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El propósito de este proyecto de graduación es dar a conocer cómo la influencia de la tecnología hoy en día puede llegar a ser una herramienta útil a la hora de aprender una lengua extranjera, como lo es en éste caso el Inglés. Mediante la herramienta llamada Storybird los estudiantes tienen la capacidad de crear, imaginar y escribir historias que les ayuda a mejorar su destreza enfocado a la escritura. Para esto se analiza tres estudios de caso, los mismos que utilizan como herramienta principal Storybird. Dichos estudios son realizados en diferentes lugares del mundo, y a la vez dirigidos a estudiantes con diferente tipo de destrezas. El propósito de estos estudios es mejorar su escritura por medio de narraciones digitales, conocidos en el ámbito extranjero como Digital Storytelling, dando asíuna alternativa diferente de enseñanza para los estudiantes. Por último, se desarrolla una Guía de Aprendizaje dirigido a docentes, con el propósito de facilitar y brindar nuevos instrumentos de aprendizaje, con el uso de Storybird, para estudiantes que desempeñan un nivel A2 dentro del Marco de Referencia Europeo para las Lenguas.