917 resultados para vienna
This paper presents our work on analysing the high level search within a graph based hyperheuristic. The graph based hyperheuristic solves the problem at a higher level by searching through permutations of graph heuristics rather than the actual solutions. The heuristic permutations are then used to construct the solutions. Variable Neighborhood Search, Steepest Descent, Iterated Local Search and Tabu Search are compared. An analysis of their performance within the high level search space of heuristics is also carried out. Experimental results on benchmark exam timetabling problems demonstrate the simplicity and efficiency of this hyperheuristic approach. They also indicate that the choice of the high level search methodology is not crucial and the high level search should explore the heuristic search space as widely as possible within a limited searching time. This simple and general graph based hyperheuristic may be applied to a range of timetabling and optimisation problems.
The role of the double bass in Vienna during the eighteenth century evolved significantly between 1760 and 1812. During these years, Viennese composers began to view the double bass less as an accompanimental instrument and more as a solo voice. Despite the abundance of music written for the double bass during this time, few of these compositions are regularly performed today. This dissertation serves three purposes. I explore how learning eighteenth-century Viennese compositions in the original tuning can influence modern performances of these works. Secondly, I document the arrangement of a lesser-know work for the modern tuned bass using the manuscript as the source material. Finally, by performing a variety of eighteenth-century bass works, I bring this music to the public's attention. The research for this dissertation has been presented in two forms. The recitals present both solo and chamber works from eighteenth-century Vienna. The repertoire for the three recitals was chosen so that each recital addresses one of the three purposes mentioned above. The research paper presents performance practices of the eighteenth century, challenges the modern double bassist faces when playing this literature, as well as a look into how to arrange one of these works for the modern tuned double bass. The three recitals were performed on the campus of the University of Maryland in the Leah M. Smith Hall, Gildenhorn Recital Hall and the Ulrich Recital Hall, respectively. Recordings of all three recitals can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).
Abstract not available
Antonio Salieri’s La calamita de’ cuori (1774) warrants musicological attention for what it can tell us about Salieri’s compositional craft and what it reveals about the development of form in Viennese Italian-language comic opera of the mid- and late-eighteenth century. In Part I of this dissertation, I explore the performance history of La calamita, present the first plot synopsis and English translation of the libretto, and describe the variants between Carlo Goldoni’s 1752 libretto and the revised version created for Salieri’s opera. I have collated Salieri’s holograph score, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Mus. Hs. 16.508, with four copies having different relationships to it, and I propose a stemma that represents the relationships between these five sources. The analyses in Part II contribute to our understanding of formal practices in eighteenth-century drammi giocosi. My study of Salieri’s La calamita reveals his reliance on a clearly defined binary structure, referred to in this dissertation as “operatic binary form,” in almost half of the arias, ensembles, and instrumental movements of this opera. Salieri’s consistent use of operatic binary form led me to explore its use in drammi giocosi by other prominent composers of this time, including Baldassare Galuppi’s La calamita de’ cuori (1752), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Il dissoluto punito, ossia Il Don Giovanni (1787), and selected arias by Pasquale Anfossi, Florian Leopold Gassmann, Giuseppe Gazzaniga, Franz Joseph Haydn, Giovanni Paisiello, and Niccolò Piccinni dating from 1760 to 1774. This study showed that Salieri and his peers adhered to a recognizable tonal plan and set of design elements in their operatic binary forms, and that their arias fall into three distinct categories defined by the tonality at the beginning of the second half of the binary structure. The analysis presented here adds to our present understanding of operatic form in mid- and late-century drammi giocosi and shows that in La calamita de’ cuori, Salieri was following the normative formal procedures of his time.
In the context of active control of rotating machines, standard optimal controller methods enable a trade-off to be made between (weighted) mean-square vibrations and (weighted) mean-square currents injected into magnetic bearings. One shortcoming of such controllers is that no concern is devoted to the voltages required. In practice, the voltage available imposes a strict limitation on the maximum possible rate of change of control force (force slew rate). This paper removes the aforementioned existing shortcomings of traditional optimal control.
El siguiente articulo tiene por objetivo las bases epistemologicas que fundamentan la regulación estatal en el ambito de la economia libre de mercado a partir de las ideas del Laissez-faire compartidas por la escuela de Viena.
This dissertation investigates the relationship between investment and environmental obligations from the perspective of international investment law. In order to do so, the dissertation will consider how these obligations might enter into conflicts and what tools are available to investment tribunals to solve these normative conflicts. The dissertation analyses in order interpretative techniques, conflict resolution tools available in general international law, as expressed in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and finally express clauses in international investment agreements. The dissertation includes the review of some relevant case law arising from investment agreements in investment treaty tribunals, to discover how in practice these conflict resolution tools are applied and to assess their effectiveness. This dissertation places itself squarely within the debate between the unity and the fragmentation of international law; therefore it tackles the issue of normative conflicts resolution in a dispute settlement environment with the view of gauging their value in maintaining the unity of international law and defuse the risk of fragmentation. The dissertation can only conclude that much work remains to be done, including by providing a more comprehensive taxonomy of possible interventions, both on the legal and political sphere.
At the first full conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (Lund, 1999), the decision was ratified to organise activities around three fora. These together represented the pillars on which the European Academy had been founded that same year: education, research and professional practice. Each forum was convened by a chair person and a small group of full members; it was agreed that a forum meeting would take place at each full conference and working groups would be established to move developments forward between conferences. The forum system has proven an effective means by which to channel the energies of individual members, and the institutions that they represent, towards advancements in all three areas of activity in occupational health psychology (OHP) in Europe. During the meeting of the education forum at the third full European Academy conference (Barcelona, 2001), the proposal was made for the establishment of a working party that would be tasked with the production of a strategy document on The Promotion of Education in Occupational Health Psychology in Europe. The proposal was ratified at the subsequent annual business meeting held during the same conference. The draft outline of the strategy document was published for consultation in the European Academy’s e-newsletter (Vol. 3.1, 2002) and the final document presented to the meeting of the education forum at the fourth full conference (Vienna, 2002). The strategy document constituted a seminal piece of literature in so far as it provided a foundation and structure capable of guiding pan-European developments in education in OHP – developments that would ensure the sustained growth of the discipline and assure it of a long-standing embedded place in both the scholarly and professional domains. To these ends, the strategy document presented six objectives as important for the sustained expansion and the promotion of education in the discipline in Europe. Namely, the development of: [1] A core syllabus for education in occupational health psychology [2] A mechanism for identifying, recognising and listing undergraduate and postgraduate modules and courses (programmes) in occupational health psychology [3] Structures to support the extension of the current provision of education in occupational health psychology [4] Ways of enhancing convergence of the current provision of education in occupational health psychology [5] Ways of encouraging regional cooperation between education providers across the regions of Europe [6] Ways of ensuring consistency with North American developments in education and promoting world wide co-operation in education Five years has elapsed since the presentation of these laudable objectives to the meeting of the education forum in Vienna in December 2002. In that time OHP has undergone considerable growth, particularly in Europe and North America. Expansion has been reflected in the evolution of existing, and emergence of new, representative bodies for the discipline on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. As such, it might be considered timely to pause to reflect on what has been achieved in respect of each of the objectives set out in the strategy document. The current chapter examines progress on the six objectives and considers what remains to be done. This exercise is entered into not merely in order to congratulate achievements in some areas and lament slow progress in others. Rather, on the one hand it serves to highlight areas where real progress has been made with a view to the presentation of these areas as ripe for further capitalisation. On the other hand it serves to direct the attention of stakeholders (all those with a vested interest in OHP) to those key parts of the jigsaw puzzle that is the development of a self-sustaining pan-European education framework which remain to be satisfactorily addressed.
Nach der Biographie der österreichischen Pädagogin und Psychologin Elsa Köhler (1879-1940) werden in diesem Beitrag ihre Pionierleistungen bei der Grundlegung der empirischen Bildungsforschung beschrieben. Als Lehrerin war sie früh um den Einbezug des Entwicklungsstands von Schülern in die Didaktik im Sinne der Entwicklung differentieller Unterrichtsansätze bemüht. Am Psychologischen Institut der Universität Wien lernte sie bei Karl Bühler die für longitudinale Einzelfallanalysen der Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen konzipierten quantitativen und qualitativen Beobachtungs- und Protokolltechniken kennen und weitete diese Methoden als erste auf die pädagogische Situation im Unterricht, auf Schülergruppen und auf die Analyse der Entwicklung ganzer Schulklassen aus. Sie trug Wesentliches dazu bei, dass empirische Forschungsmethoden in reformpädagogische Ansätze der 1920er und 1930er Jahre Eingang fanden und machte ihre in der pädagogischen Situation durchgeführten Entwicklungsanalysen für die Entwicklungsberatung zur Optimierung der Selbststeuerung von Schülern fruchtbar. Elsa Köhler verband Grundlagenforschung mit einem starken Anwendungsbezug in den klassischen Bereichen der auf die Kindheit und das Jugendalter bezogenen Entwicklungspsychologie sowie in den Bereichen der Pädagogischen Psychologie und Pädagogik, die heute unter der Bildungsforschung subsumiert werden. Die Beschäftigung mit ihr ist von fachhistorischer Bedeutung und kann zudem auch Impulse für die moderne interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Bildungsforschung geben. (DIPF/Orig.)
Part 6: Engineering and Implementation of Collaborative Networks
Developing a robust method to study characteristics of vascular flow using ultrasound may be useful to assess endothelial function and vasodilatation. There are four stages in this proposal. 1.The first stage is to standardise and validate the methodology to enable computational risk flow data and other flow characteristics to be used clinically. (Current Study). Further development of fluid modelling methods will enable particulate haemodynamics to be investigated, and incorporate detailed endothelial structure together with cellular pathways. 2. This should be followed up by studies in different patient groups investigating the association between the derived values and estimated risk (using other methods such as Framingham risk score). 3. Then, associated with underlying cardiovascular risk, prospective studies would be made to establish whether computational flow dynamic data can predict outcome. If successful it could prove to be a very useful marker of benefit following treatment in a clinical setting.
The aim of this paper is to propose a composite indicator to measure ‘familism’, conformed by two main dimensions: values on one hand (duty to take care of the family, importance of the family, sacrifices for the family...) and behaviours, on the other (predominance of married couples instead of cohabitant couples, high frequency of contact among members, family support…). In contrast to this idea of ‘familism’ we find that of individualism, that defends the independence of family members, tolerance to new family models, cohabitation instead of marriage,… , that implies less frequency of interaction among relatives and more governmental intervention towards children and elderly care. We observe that a higher degree of ‘familism’ does not always match with a lower degree of individualism when both dimensions, attitudes and behaviours, are considered. For instance, we find countries which are individualist in values but not in behaviours (such as Spain), whilst others, such as Japan, are ‘familist’ both in values and behaviours and finally, others, such as Sweden, are individualist with regards to both perspectives. We propose two different methodological approaches to the question. First, we use microdata from the Family, Work and Gender Roles module of the International Social Survey Programme-ISSP (years 1994, 2002 and 2012), in which 45 countries have participated. Information for the three rounds is collected for 17 countries with very different family values and welfare systems (for instance, Sweden, Japan, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom or the United States). From this data source, we create a first index on familism that can be related to individual sociodemographic characteristics. Second, we complete it through the inclusion of macro data (such as the divorce rate per country), in order to refine comparison at a country level by adding new variables to the previous index.
El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo principal la elaboración de embutidos emulsionados y no emulsionados, salchicha tipo Viena y chorizos respectivamente, con la sustitución parcial de la grasa de cerdo por inulina, para disminuir el contenido graso de este tipo de productos. Para este fin se realizaron cinco tratamientos, que consistieron en elaborar los embutidos con determinadas concentraciones de inulina, las cuales fueron del 0, 20, 30, 40 y 50%. Mediante pruebas bromatológicas se determinó la calidad del producto terminado, obteniendo porcentajes de los componentes humedad, grasa, proteína y almidón dentro de lo establecido por la normativa. Además se evidenció la acción que tiene la inulina como reemplazante de grasa al disminuir el contenido graso de los productos para cada ensayo realizado. Se realizó además, una clasificación de los embutidos de acuerdo al valor de proteína, clasificándolos como Tipo I, II y III según corresponda.Cada producto cuenta con su informe y semáforo nutricional respectivo. Por su parte, el análisis sensorialdemostró quela concentración de inulina óptima y adecuada para este tipo de embutidoses del 20% para la salchicha tipo Viena y del 50% para los chorizos.