954 resultados para socialist societies
Projeto de mestrado apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Theory building is one of the most crucial challenges faced by basic, clinical and population research, which form the scientific foundations of health practices in contemporary societies. The objective of the study is to propose a Unified Theory of Health-Disease as a conceptual tool for modeling health-disease-care in the light of complexity approaches. With this aim, the epistemological basis of theoretical work in the health field and concepts related to complexity theory as concerned to health problems are discussed. Secondly, the concepts of model-object, multi-planes of occurrence, modes of health and disease-illness-sickness complex are introduced and integrated into a unified theoretical framework. Finally, in the light of recent epistemological developments, the concept of Health-Disease-Care Integrals is updated as a complex reference object fit for modeling health-related processes and phenomena.
Medical imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool. Consequently, the number of medical images taken has increased vastly over the past few decades. The most common medical imaging techniques use X-radiation as the primary investigative tool. The main limitation of using X-radiation is associated with the risk of developing cancers. Alongside this, technology has advanced and more centres now use CT scanners; these can incur significant radiation burdens compared with traditional X-ray imaging systems. The net effect is that the population radiation burden is rising steadily. Risk arising from X-radiation for diagnostic medical purposes needs minimising and one way to achieve this is through reducing radiation dose whilst optimising image quality. All ages are affected by risk from X-radiation however the increasing population age highlights the elderly as a new group that may require consideration. Of greatest concern are paediatric patients: firstly they are more sensitive to radiation; secondly their younger age means that the potential detriment to this group is greater. Containment of radiation exposure falls to a number of professionals within medical fields, from those who request imaging to those who produce the image. These staff are supported in their radiation protection role by engineers, physicists and technicians. It is important to realise that radiation protection is currently a major European focus of interest and minimum competence levels in radiation protection for radiographers have been defined through the integrated activities of the EU consortium called MEDRAPET. The outcomes of this project have been used by the European Federation of Radiographer Societies to describe the European Qualifications Framework levels for radiographers in radiation protection. Though variations exist between European countries radiographers and nuclear medicine technologists are normally the professional groups who are responsible for exposing screening populations and patients to X-radiation. As part of their training they learn fundamental principles of radiation protection and theoretical and practical approaches to dose minimisation. However dose minimisation is complex – it is not simply about reducing X-radiation without taking into account major contextual factors. These factors relate to the real world of clinical imaging and include the need to measure clinical image quality and lesion visibility when applying X-radiation dose reduction strategies. This requires the use of validated psychological and physics techniques to measure clinical image quality and lesion perceptibility.
Academic evaluation has been an essential component of modern science since its inception, as science has moved away from personalized patronage toward its contemporary role as an essential enterprise of contemporary, democratic societies. In recent years, Brazil has experienced sustained growth in its scientific output, which is nowadays fully compatible with its status as a high middle-income country striving to become a fully developed, more equitable country in the years to come. Growth usually takes place amidst challenges and dilemmas and, in Brazil as elsewhere, academic evaluation is not exempt from such difficulties. In a large, profoundly heterogeneous country with a national evaluation system and nationwide on-line platforms disseminating information on the most disparate fields of knowledge, the main challenges refer to how to pay attention to detail without losing sight of comprehensiveness and how to handle social and regional diversity while preserving academic excellence as the fundamental benchmark.
Mestrado em Fiscalidade
Mestrado em Fiscalidade
FEBS Letters 579 (2005) 4585–4590
The aim of this report is to highlight the importance of foresight exercises as a necessary tool to help the decision makers, allowing through projections and identification of the main trends, the identification of the key variables of the process and which ones may have more influence in the process of evolution of societies. It will be presented some examples of prospective methods and also scenarios construction. One example is the European project WORKS (Work organization restructuring in the knowledge society) that pretend to built a set of scenarios about the possible evolution of work in Europe in a short, medium and long term, stressing the key variables that may have an important role in the process and their interconnections. Another exemple is the report ‘Future skill needs in Europe’ prepared in 2008 by Cedefop, that presents data about the future development of employment by industry, occupation and qualification by 2015.
The paper will present the central discourse of the knowledge-based society. Already in the 1960s the debate of the industrial society already raised the question whether there can be considered a paradigm shift towards a knowledge-based society. Some prominent authors already foreseen ‘knowledge’ as the main indicator in order to displace ‘labour’ and ‘capital’ as the main driving forces of the capitalistic development. Today on the political level and also in many scientific disciplines the assumption that we are already living in a knowledge-based society seems obvious. Although we still do not have a theory of the knowledge-based society and there still exist a methodological gap about the empirical indicators, the vision of a knowledge-based society determines at least the perception of the Western societies. In a first step the author will pinpoint the assumptions about the knowledge-based society on three levels: on the societal, on the organisational and on the individual level. These assumptions are relied on the following topics: a) The role of the information and communication technologies; b) The dynamic development of globalisation as an ‘evolutionary’ process; c) The increasing importance of knowledge management within organisations; d) The changing role of the state within the economic processes. Not only the differentiation between the levels but also the revision of the assumptions of a knowledge-based society will show that the ‘topics raised in the debates’ cannot be considered as the results of a profound societal paradigm shift. However what seems very impressive is the normative and virtual shift towards a concept of modernity, which strongly focuses on the role of technology as a driving force as well as on the global economic markets, which has to be accepted. Therefore – according to the official debate - the successful adaptation of these processes seems the only way to meet the knowledge-based society. Analysing the societal changes on the three levels, the label ‘knowledge-based society’ can be seen critically. Therefore the main question of Theodor W. Adorno during the 16th Congress of Sociology in 1968 did not loose its actuality. Facing the societal changes he asked whether we are still living in the industrial society or already in a post-industrial state. Thinking about the knowledge-based society according to these two options, this exercise would enrich the whole debate in terms of social inequality, political, economic exclusion processes and at least the power relationship between social groups.
Mestrado em Ensino Precoce do Inglês
The aim of this essay is to discuss the thesis of the German Sociologist Günter Burkhart that in modern societies a phenomenon appeared which he calls “handymania”, an excessive and nearly addictive use of the mobile phones especially from adolescents. After a short overview about the history of the cell phone, I will relate this development to Jürgen Habermas “theory of communicative action”, more precisely to his diagnosis of a pathological society (“lifeworld”) to find out if the “handymania” could be one expression of it. Adjacent I will present social-psychological theories from E.H.Erikson and Tilmann Habermas to ascertain whether juveniles could really be a high-risk group for this kind of addiction. I will focus on the ability to communicate in an Habermasian way that could be seriously harmed by the unregulated usage of cell phones.
FEMS Yeast Research, Vol. 9, nº 4
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 57, nº 1
A indústria da construção é um setor com grande impacto na economia, no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) e ainda em postos de trabalho diretos e indiretos. No entanto, é um dos setores com maior impacte ambiental. Com a crise económica e financeira que o país atravessa, este setor foi um dos mais afetados, contribuindo para o aumento do desemprego visto tratar-se do setor com maior taxa de empregabilidade. Concomitantemente, ocorre saturação do mercado com a construção nova e desertificação dos centros urbanos com a degradação das habitações. Assim, como impulsionador da economia, surge a aposta na reabilitação do parque edificado que, com a legislação em vigor e com os incentivos dados pela tutela tem tudo para impulsionar o setor. Sabendo que a indústria da construção é um dos setores com maiores impactes ambientais, faz todo o sentido reabilitar-se de uma forma mais sustentável. Aplicando os princípios da sustentabilidade a todo o ciclo de vida do edifício, conseguimos reduzir os recursos na fase de construção (resíduos de construção) e na fase de exploração (consumo de energia e de água). Podemos ainda reduzir os custos de energia para climatização ao termos em conta a orientação do edifício e a envolvente, os recursos naturais e aplicando tecnologias solares passivas. Assim, ao aplicarmos os princípios da construção sustentável na reabilitação urbana podemos diminuir os impactes ambientais, a produção de CO2, as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa, os resíduos de construção e a área impermeabilizada.
Este documento apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da disciplina de “Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio”, do 2º ano do Mestrado em Energias Sustentáveis. O crescente consumo energético das sociedades desenvolvidas e emergentes, associado ao consequente aumento dos custos de energia e dos danos ambientais resultantes, promove o desenvolvimento de novas formas de produção de energia, as quais têm como prioridade a sua obtenção ao menor custo possível e com reduzidos impactos ambientais. De modo a poupar os recursos naturais e reduzir a emissão com gases de efeito de estufa, é necessária a diminuição do consumo de energia produzida a partir de combustíveis fósseis. Assim, devem ser criadas alternativas para um futuro sustentável, onde as fontes renováveis de energia assumam um papel fundamental. Neste sentido, a produção de energia elétrica, através de sistemas solares fotovoltaicos, surge como uma das soluções. A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo a realização do dimensionamento de uma central de miniprodução fotovoltaica, com ligação à rede elétrica, em uma exploração agrícola direcionada à indústria de laticínios, e o seu respetivo estudo de viabilidade económica. A exploração agrícola, que serve de objeto de estudo, está localizada na Ilha Graciosa, Açores, sendo a potência máxima a injetar na Rede Elétrica de Serviço Público, pela central de miniprodução, de 10 kW. Para o dimensionamento foi utilizado um software apropriado e reconhecido na área da produção de energia elétrica através de sistemas fotovoltaicos – o PVsyst –, compreendendo as seguintes etapas: a) definição das caraterísticas do local e do projeto; b) seleção dos módulos fotovoltaicos; c) seleção do inversor; d) definição da potência de ligação à rede elétrica da unidade de miniprodução. Posteriormente, foram estudadas diferentes hipóteses de sistemas fotovoltaicos, que se distinguem na opção de estrutura de fixação utilizada: dois sistemas fixos e dois com eixo incorporado. No estudo de viabilidade económica foram realizadas duas análises distintas a cada um dos sistemas fotovoltaicos considerados no dimensionamento, nomeadamente: uma análise em regime remuneratório bonificado e uma análise em regime remuneratório geral. Os resultados obtidos nos indicadores económicos do estudo de viabilidade económica realizado, serviram de apoio à decisão pelo sistema fotovoltaico mais favorável ao investimento. Conclui-se que o sistema fotovoltaico com inclinação adicional é a opção mais vantajosa em ambos os regimes remuneratórios analisados. Comprova-se, assim, que o sistema fotovoltaico com maior valor de produção de energia elétrica anual, que corresponde ao sistema fotovoltaico de dois eixos, não é a opção com maior rentabilidade em termos económicos, isto porque a remuneração proveniente da sua produção excedente não é suficiente para colmatar o valor do investimento mais acentuado de modo a obter indicadores económicos mais favoráveis, que os do sistema fotovoltaico com inclinação adicional. De acordo com o estudo de viabilidade económica efetuado independentemente do sistema fotovoltaico que seja adotado, é recuperado o investimento realizado, sendo a remuneração efetiva superior à que foi exigida. Assim, mesmo tendo em consideração o risco associado, comprova-se que todos os sistemas fotovoltaicos, em qualquer dos regimes remuneratórios, correspondem a investimentos rentáveis.