908 resultados para restauro castello carpineta


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Nel presente rapporto tecnico viene illustrato uno studio del dissesto geomorfologico in due aree selezionate dell’Isola di Procida, rispettivamente ubicate nella zona storica di Procida (borgo medievale di Terra Murata lungo la Via Salita Castello-altezza Via S. Domenico) e nell’area costiera che raccorda Punta Pizzaco con Punta Solchiaro (comprensorio Centane-Panoramica). In generale le finalità del rapporto tecnico sono quelle di fornire un inquadramento di queste due zone da un punto di vista geologico, che si differenziano negli aspetti particolari. Infatti, nella zona di Terra Murata, sia nella zona alta del borgo medievale (piazzale oltre le mura) che lungo il costone tufaceo antistante la Marina Corricella (salita Castello all’altezza di Via S. Domenico) sono documentate copiose perdite d’acqua attraverso i terreni vulcanici di natura tufacea e pozzolanica che affiorano nell’area. Tali perdite d’acqua attraverso i terreni interessano anche numerose abitazioni, creando disagi che rendono necessario l’ulteriore accertamento tecnico al fine di individuare, anche tentativamente, le cause di tali dissesti e di proporre soluzioni tecnicamente soddisfacenti a tali problematiche attraverso uno studio approfondito.


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The book analyzes the history of Japanese Architecture between Nara Period (710-784) and Meiji Period (1867-1912). The book is organized in two part: "The History" and "The Cultural Heritage" with a reflexion about the restoration of the Temples and Shrines. The book is the result of an international research work at the Kyoto University.


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The present work was carried out at the Atol das Rocas (3º 51 S; 33º 49 W), the only atoll of the South Atlantic and the first Brazilian marine protected area. It was guided by the following hypothesis: the composition of the fish communities varies in agreement with the position of the pools; in other words, with or without permanent ocean connection. To test the validity of this hypothesis, the fish abundance was estimated in the connected pools (Barretinha/Barreta Falsa) and unconnected ones (Cemiteriozinho/Âncoras), carrying an ecological characterization of the fishes that inhabit these pools. Additionally, the structural complexity of the sampled places was also evaluated intending to verify the variations of the abundance and diversity of fishes in function to this factor. By the fact of this research was being carried out through the limits of a conservation unit, the samples was realized using visual census techniques. The results generated through uni and multivariate analytic techniques allowed the evidence that decisive factor in the density, richness and diversity variations of fishes are linked to the substratum type (Hard / Soft bottom) and not by the fact that the pool are or are not connected permanently to the ocean. In relation to the structural complexity; 58% of the variations in the diversity of fishes were attributed to changes in the structural complexity, while 12% of the variations in the abundance were attributed to the structural complexity


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Segundo Borba de Moraes, é um "compêndio de informações gerais sobre ruas, edifícios, monumentos, comércio, nos dias do Império (principalmente na Capital). Contém muitos dados históricos. Segundo Sacramento Blake, "saiu neste ano [1879] a primeira parte com o retrato do Censelheiro Joaquim Marcelino de Brito a quem é oferecida a obra, contendo uma planta da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e no fim um grande quadro com a geografia histórica do Brasil, e a segunda , em 1882."


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O trabalho foi realizado no Parque Natural Municipal Corredores da Biodiversidade (PNMCBio), em Sorocaba -SP, com o objetivo de avaliar a composição florística do componente arbóreo e o estágio sucessional de uma área de floresta nativa de aproximadamente 31 hectares. Para tanto, foram alocadas 64 parcelas de tamanho 10 x 10 m, distribuídas aleatoriamente na área, sendo coletados todos os indivíduos com CAP igual ou maior que 15 cm. Estimou-se a diversidade por meio do índice de diversidade de Shannon (H’) e a equabilidade por meio do índice de Pielou (J’). As espécies foram caracterizadas nos grupos sucessionais, síndrome de dispersão, categorias de ameaça, amplitude de distribuição e indicadoras do estágio de regeneração. Foram amostrados 1088 indivíduos, distribuídos em 79 espécies, 54 gêneros e 29 famílias, sendo o H’ estimado em 3,421 e o J’ em 0,78, valores próximos aos encontrados em outras áreas de formações vegetacionais similares. Foram identificadas quatro espécies ameaçadas de extinção, 11 espécies endêmicas da Mata Atlântica e duas espécies restritas à Floresta Estacional Semidecidual no domínio da Mata Atlântica. O fragmento encontra-se em estágio médio de regeneração, sendo de suma importância sua conservação e manejo para a manutenção da biodiversidade local e regional.


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The book collects the Papers (from Europe, Asia and Latin America) presented at the Workshop organized by the ICOMOS International Committee in Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) and by ICOMOS Italy in Palazzo Coppini (branch of Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco) in Florence (March 3-4, 2016) and focus on the comparison of different propositions of digital urban signage to realize a good quality of the “visit experience” in the historical towns, not only as urban marketing, but of a authenticity genuine culture. The urban culture founded on the identity and authenticity of every historical towns and their multilayered history must be the objective of an tourism of culture for the inhabitants and the visitors. The book focused its interest on the outstanding existing urban assets in Europe, Asia and Latin America, and heritage not sufficiently promoted.


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-Resumo Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados da síntese e da caracterização de nano-materiais de hidróxido de cálcio e de hidróxido de magnésio visando a sua aplicação como consolidantes de suportes com pintura mural. Este estudo preliminar constitui a etapa inicial de um projeto em curso e que tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de síntese de nano-materiais inovadores para conservação e restauro de revestimentos antigos. - Abstract In this publication, we report the synthesis and characterization of calcium and magnesium hydroxides nanoparticles for consolidation of mural paintings. Some preliminary results are discussed. This research is the initial part of our ongoing project which aims to develop new synthetic strategies towards novel and innovative materials for preservation and restoration of old rende


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Recurso educativo: reportagem sobre o Az - grupo de investigação em azulejo, no Artis da FLL, sob orientação do Professor Vítor Serrão.


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Le thème du patrimoine culturel architectural et urbain continue d avoir une place importante dans le milieu technique et scientifique. Le concept s est élargi et aujourd hui comprend différentes procédures de projets d intervention. L importance accordée au thème amène à l inclusion de la matière de techniques rétrospectives et aux contenus qui en sont liés: conservation, restauration, restructuration et reconstruction d édifices et ensembles urbains, dans les parcours des cours d architecture et d urbanisme au Brésil établies par le Ministère de l Education Nationale (MEC) dans les années quatre-vingt-dix, postérieurement incorporés dans les directrices disciplinaires nationales. Nous partons des discussions théoriques et conceptuelles du Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel, ainsi que des principales théories pédagogiques d enseignements et d apprentissage articulées au projet. Dans ce contexte les objectifs principaux de cette thèse consistent à systématiser et à analyser les principales procédures méthodologiques contribuant pour la construction de méthodes d enseignement tournée vers des activités pratiques dans ce domaine. Pour cela, la recherche a été systématisée dans une approche à deux niveaux. En ce qui concerne le premier, basé sur des données secondaires, neuf cours d architecture et urbanisme ont étés identifiés entre institutions publiques d enseignement supérieur dont huit brésiliennes et une française, considérées représentatives en ce qui concerne les pratiques d enseignement de projet et de patrimoine culturel. Trente disciplines dédiées à la matière ont été également reconnues initialement, et postérieurement, cinq disciplines qui possèdent un emploi du temps dédié à la pratique de projet ont aussi été reconnues. Dans le deuxième cas, basée sur des données primaires, ont étés analysées les méthodologies et les stratégies d enseignement de projet basées sur les définitions des matières et des autres éléments des plans de travail avec des observations, des entrevues et des questionnaires en trois ateliers. Par rapport aux résultats nous avons constaté que toutes les écoles possèdent les contenus de la matière, mais peu d entre elles privilégient la relation du projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel. Nous avons constaté que les questions des projets dans ce contexte, même s elles sont considérées complexes, ont privilégié le listage et l analyse du site. L atelier qui intègre les fondements des théories de préservation, l histoire de l architecture et urbanisme et techniques anciennes et actuelles, est mis en valeur comme un modèle cohérent avec les propositions d intégration des connaissances théoriques et pratiques du projet appliqué à la discipline. Basé sur ces constatations il est possible de démontrer quatre étapes du projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel: 1ª) les fondements généraux qui concernent les bases théoriques sur la préservation, histoire et technique rétrospective, par exemple, l appropriation de lois et normes et la sensibilisation de l élève sur les questions de patrimoine culturel; 2ª) le contacte avec la réalité qui inclut l appropriation du problème à partir de ces acteurs, de ces échelles, de cette lecture de site et l analyse de l objet d étude; 3ª) le développement de la proposition qui inclut programmes (fonctions existantes et propositions), définitions du partit (types d intervention), conception (hypothèse et discussion) et définition de proposition; 4ª) la finalisation du projet qui consiste à développer la proposition avec sa représentation graphique et sa présentation finale. Nous concluons que le projet en Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel demande une attention spéciale et doit être présent dans les cursus considérant les principes généraux nécessaires à la formation de l élève. Le binôme projet / patrimoine signifie avoir dans le cursus universitaire les contenus et questions nécessaires les connaissances, les variables et possibilités existantes dans le projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel de façon à ce que ces connaissances soient incorporées dans l exercice de projet et n apparaissent pas comme un simple contenu théorique sans articulation avec la pratique. Naturellement ces conclusions n épuisent pas la réflexion sur la question. Nous espérons que les analyses faites contribuent à définir des méthodologies d enseignements capables d êtres vérifiées et testées dans la pratique en salle de cours, et puisse collaborer avec les nouvelles recherches surtout celles qui ont pour but des nouvelles théories pédagogiques d enseignement apprentissage du projet en Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel


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Doutoramento em Restauro e Gestão Fluviais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / Faculdade de Arquitetura / Instituto Superior Técnico - UL


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Mestrado em Arquitectura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitcetura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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The coatings mortars are essential elements of building structures because they execute an important role in protecting walls and are particularly exposed to aggressive action responsible for its degradation over time. The importance of wall coverings has been the subject of discussion and analysis in the conservation and rehabilitation of old buildings. Are sometimes removed and replaced with inappropriate solutions of constructive point of view or architecture. The most commonly used coatings on walls of old buildings is based on traditional hydraulic lime mortars. The present study aims at the formulation of new lime- based mortars and aerial fine aggregate, in order to contribute to a better field of conservation and restoration mortar coating of old buildings. Residue was used for polishing porcelain as fine aggregate, replacing the aggregate (sand), in percentages 05-30% by mass. We conducted a thorough evaluation of the mortar properties in fresh and hardened state by comparing the performance of the same with a reference mortar. The residue used was characterized as the density, bulk density, and particle size laser, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Formulations were produced 7, 6 with residue and one commonly used formulation, which served as a reference. In the formulations of lime mortars air (hydrated lime powder CH-I) has been adopted a stroke volume (1:3) with constant binder, was varied and the water / binder and aggregate and waste. For evaluation of mortars fresh, proceeded to consistency analysis, specific gravity, water retention and air content embedded. In the hardened state assays were performed in specific gravity, water retention, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, water absorption by capillary action, adhesion, tensile strength, resistance to shrinkage and salts by of crystallization trials with resources chloride solution, nitrate and sulfate all sodium in prismatic at 90 days of age, in addition to the micro structural analysis of mortars. Based on the results we can see that the mortar formulated with 10% content of waste and the reference free retraction feature more stable closer to neutrality. The composition of 10% was obtained better performance against the action of the salt crystallization. The mortar with 15% residue obtained better density, lower air content embedded and high capacity for water retention developing good workability. The replacement of 20% of waste generates a satisfactory utilization of resistance to compression, flexion and traction grip the base. And, finally, it can be seen that the mortar with 10, 15 and 20% residual show, in principle, good suitability as coatings, thus enabling a final result consistent with durability, workability and aesthetics developing therefore a material with better performance to repair or replace existing mortars in old buildings


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Se ha realizado un estudio de los riesgos y sus grados, señalando que a la Empresa le falta observar o mejorar los siguientes criterios: mejora en los criterios de evaluación haciéndolo de manera constante y con los instrumentos básicos de medición de riesgos como audiómetros y luxometros; implantar un sistema de evacuación rápida ante posibles hechos. Adecuar y mejorar la señalética para seguridad de todos. Elaborar un Plan de Desarrollo y capacitación, especialmente para trabajadores de alto riesgo. Realizar campañas que incentiven el orden y el aseo de manera general. Apoyarse con la División de Riesgos del Trabajo del IESS, promoviendo una nueva política y cultura de prevención de Riesgos Laborales,au