904 resultados para resíduo animal


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Several initiatives, including research and development, increasing stakeholders' awareness and application of legislation and recommendation, have been carried out in Latin America to promote animal welfare and meat quality. Most activities focused on the impact of pre-slaughter conditions (facilities, equipment and handling procedures) on animal welfare and meat quality. The results are encouraging; data from Brazil, Chile and Uruguay showed that the application of the improved pre-slaughter handling practices reduced aggressive handling and the incidence of bruised carcasses at slaughter in cattle and pigs. These outcomes stimulated some to apply animal welfare concepts in livestock handling within the meat production chain as shown by the increasing demand for personnel training on the best. To attend this demand is important to expand local studies on farm animal welfare and to set up (or maintain) an efficient system for knowledge transfer to all stakeholders in the Latin America meat production chains. However, it is clear that to promote the long-term progress in this field is important to deliver practical solutions, assuring that they match the technical and financial conditions of those who are the target of training programs. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Utilizaram-se 17.767 registros de peso de 4.210 cordeiros da raça Santa Inês com o objetivo de comparar modelos de regressão aleatória com diferentes estruturas para modelar a variância residual em estudos genéticos da curva de crescimento. Os efeitos fixos incluídos na análise foram: grupo contemporâneo e idade da ovelha no parto. As regressões fixas e aleatórias foram ajustadas por meio de polinômios de Legendre de ordens 4 e 3, respectivamente. A variância residual foi ajustada por meio de classes heterogêneas e por funções de variância empregando polinômios ordinários e de Legendre de ordens 2 a 8. O modelo considerando homogeneidade de variâncias residuais mostrou-se inadequado. de acordo com os critérios utilizados, a variância residual contendo sete classes heterogêneas proporcionou melhor ajuste, embora um mais parcimonioso, com cinco classes, pudesse ser utilizado sem perdas na qualidade de ajuste da variância nos dados. O ajuste de funções de variância com qualquer ordem foi melhor que o obtido por meio de classes. O polinômio ordinário de ordem 6 proporcionou melhor ajuste entre as estruturas testadas. A modelagem do resíduo interferiu nas estimativas de variâncias e parâmetros genéticos. Além da alteração da classificação dos reprodutores, a magnitude dos valores genéticos preditos apresenta variações significativas, de acordo com o ajuste da variância residual empregado.


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Foi avaliada a digestibilidade in vitro/gás da matéria seca (MS) de quatro volumosos, exclusivos e suas combinações, na proporção de 50% na MS. Foram incubados 100 mg de amostra por tratamento, em triplicatas, em 48 h de digestão. As digestibilidades da MS e a produção de gás foram: cana-de-açúcar = 60,6%, 17,3 mL; cana-de-açúcar + silagem de milho = 63,9%, 19,6 mL; cana-de-açúcar + capim-elefante com 60 dias = 60,5%, 16,9 mL; cana-de-açúcar + capim-elefante com 180 dias = 48,6%, 14,1 mL; silagem de milho = 66,3%; silagem de milho + capim-elefante com 60 dias = 62,1%, 16,7 mL; silagem de milho + capim-elefante com 180 dias = 52,7%, 15,8 mL; capim-elefante com 60 dias = 61,5%, 16,9 mL; capim-elefante com 180 dias = 34,6%, 11,7 mL. Constatou-se que a combinação de volumosos, em alguns casos, pode diminuir a digestibilidade da MS dos volumosos de melhor qualidade.


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Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em rações para frangos de corte, formuladas com base nas proteínas bruta e ideal no período de 43 a 49 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 600 frangos machos distribuídos em arranjo fatorial 2x2+1, com duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino), dois conceitos de formulação (proteínas bruta e ideal) e uma ração testemunha à base de milho e de farelo de soja, com quatro repetições cada. As características avaliadas foram ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimento de carcaça, peito e porcentagem de gordura abdominal. Os melhores ganho em peso e conversão alimentar foram obtidos quando a dieta à base de milho e farelo de soja foi utilizada. As farinhas de vísceras e de sangue e os conceitos de formulação não exerceram influência sobre as características avaliadas.


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Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte de 22 a 42 dias de idade, formuladas com base nos conceitos de proteína bruta e proteína ideal. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, ou seja, duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino), dois conceitos de formulação (proteína bruta e proteína ideal) e uma dieta controle à base de milho e farelo de soja, com quatro repetições. As características avaliadas foram ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimentos de carcaça e de peito e gordura abdominal. O ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar não foram afetados pelas fontes de proteína e conceitos de formulação, no entanto, o teor de gordura abdominal foi menor nas aves alimentadas com farinha de vísceras que naquelas alimentadas com dieta contendo farinha de sangue.


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O experimento foi realizado objetivando-se caracterizar o subproduto concentrado da produção de lisina (SPL) e avaliar o desempenho e as características de carcaça de tourinhos Santa Gertrudes confinados recebendo níveis crescentes desse subproduto na dieta. O SPL resulta do processo de produção de lisina e é parcialmente seco. Apresentou aproximadamente 38% de matéria seca e 85% de proteína bruta na matéria seca, sendo que 79% desse nitrogênio encontrava-se na forma não-protéica. Não foram observados metais pesados em níveis tóxicos. Vinte e sete animais, com dez meses de idade e peso inicial de 242 kg, receberam silagem de milho, 80% de concentrado e 0; 4,5 ou 9,0% de SPL na matéria seca da dieta. O período experimental foi de 115 dias, após 56 dias de adaptação. A inclusão do SPL na dieta determinou efeito quadrático sobre o ganho de peso, o consumo diário de matéria seca, o peso final e o peso de carcaça; efeito linear decrescente sobre a eficiência alimentar e o rendimento de carcaça; e aumento da espessura de gordura de cobertura e do peso do fígado. Não foram observadas diferenças entre tratamentos para a área de olho de lombo. As diferenças no desempenho não foram associadas ao menor consumo de alimentos ou ao teor de enxofre das dietas. O nível de 3,7% de SPL na matéria seca da dieta foi considerado o máximo recomendado para tourinhos em terminação recebendo dietas com alto teor de energia, quando o ganho diário de peso esperado seria de 1,23 kg/animal.


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O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o consumo, a digestibilidade total e parcial da matéria seca (MS) e dos nutrientes e os parâmetros ruminais de novilhos alimentados com rações à base de resíduo do processamento do caroço de algodão (RPCA) suplementado com levedura seca de cana-de-açúcar. Foram utilizados seis novilhos Nelore canulados no rúmen e duodeno, alimentados com rações compostas de 80% RPCA e 20% concentrado, composto de milho, ureia e levedura nos níveis de 0, 20 ou 40%. O delineamento experimental adotado para análise do consumo e da digestibilidade foi em blocos casualisados e a análise dos parâmetros ruminais foi em parcela subdividida. Os consumos e a digestibilidade de nutrientes não foram influenciados pela suplementação com levedura, fato que pode estar relacionado ao alto valor da fração C do resíduo do processamento do RPCA (44,51% MS) e à baixa fração proteica de lenta degradação da levedura, que impediu a sincronização energia/nitrogênio para maior degradação do resíduo. O pH do líquido ruminal decresceu linearmente nos animais mantidos com as dietas suplementadas com levedura. em todas as dietas, o pH e a concentração de N-NH3 foram adequados para o crescimento microbiano. As concentrações ruminais de acetato, propionato, butirato e ácidos graxos voláteis totais e a relação acetato:propionato não foram influenciadas pela suplementação com levedura. O resíduo do processamento do caroço de algodão é uma opção a ser utilizada no arraçoamento de bovinos.


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Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte, formuladas com base na proteína bruta ou proteína ideal. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, com duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino), dois conceitos de formulação (proteína bruta e proteína ideal) e uma dieta testemunha à base de milho e farelo de soja, com quatro repetições. As características avaliadas foram ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. Houve efeito significativo das interações entre fontes de proteína de origem animal e conceitos de formulação para consumo de ração e ganho de peso. Quanto à conversão alimentar, não houve diferença significativa na interação e os melhores valores de conversão alimentar foram encontrados quando se incorporou a farinha de vísceras às dietas. Os melhores ganhos de peso foram obtidos com as dietas com farinha de sangue formuladas com base na proteína bruta e com farinha de vísceras de aves com base na proteína ideal.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate animal performance and carcass characteristics of 64 Nellore young bulls at 22 months of age finished in a feedlot and slaughtered at five body weights (350; 455; 485; 555 and 580 kg) fed diets containing coated or uncoated urea. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized, set in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement, and for the variables assessed in the control animals, it was 5 × 2. No effect of interaction between slaughter weights and diets were observed, so the variables were analyzed separately, compared by polynomial contrasts and by the F test, respectively. The time animals remained in the feedlot to reach slaughter weights was 66, 88, 145 and 194 days. Average daily gain (ADG) showed quadratic behavior, with a maximum of 1.44 kg/day with animals of 491.7 kg. Dry matter intake (DMI) (kg/day) was similar in all the treatments, but it decreased linearly as body weight increased. The bionutritional efficiency worsened linearly as body weight rose. The elevation in slaughter weight resulted in linear decrease in the percentage of beef round and increase in forequarter. Backfat thickness and rib eye area of the longissimus increased linearly and the percentages of muscle and protein in the carcass reduced and those of fat and ether extract increased linearly as body weight increased. Average daily gain, DMI, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics were not affected by diets containing coated or uncoated urea. However, animals fed coated urea presenter better crude fiber and neutral detergent fiber intake.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The world market of Kaolin has been growing as new investments for better quality of materials have been applied. This market produces amounts of dross that are put in the environment in a wrong way, causing damages to it. Trying to reduce these damages, researches have been done in an attempt to use kaolin dross in ceramic. The disposal of kaolin dross in the environment by the industries of the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba have great impact in society. Usually this dross is disposed clandestinely in places like roads, river banks and lands of small cities. The present work shows the characteristics of the kaolin produced by the mining company in Junco do Seridó, Paraiba state, western Seridó, 300 km from Natal, in the border of both states. After that, researches were done to study its physical and the chemistry characteristics, trying to see if it can be used in white ceramic. The samples got were bolted in fabric of 325# . The technological characteristics tried to use it as a product in white ceramic. For that, it was made a haracterization of the subject matter through enlargement analyses, ATG and ATD, elaborating three formulations that were burned in four different temperatures, 1175, 1200, 1250 and 1300 degrees centigrade up to 30 minutes. After the burning, the subjects were submitted to water absorbing tests, linear retreating, apparent porosity, apparent specific mass, resistance to flexibility and MEV. For one of the mixtures it was obtained demanded properties for a semi porous material


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Companies involved in kaolin mining and treatment represent an important area of industrial development in Brazil, significantly contribution to the worldwide production of such mineral. As a result, large volumes of kaolin residue are constantly generated and abandoned in the environment, negatively contributing to its preservation. In this scenario, the objective of the present study was to characterize the residue generated from kaolin mining as well as to assess its potential use as raw material for the production of ceramic tiles. Ceramic mixtures were prepared from raw materials characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, particle size analysis and thermal analysis. Three compositions were prepared using kaolin residue contents of 10%, 20% and 30%. Samples were uniaxially pressed, fired at 1200ºC and characterized aiming at establishing their mineralogical composition, water absorption, apparent porosity, specific mass, linear retraction and modulus of rupture. The results showed that the residue basically consisted of kaolinite and successfully replaced raw kaolin in the preparation of ceramic title formulations without significantly affecting the properties of the fired material


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The red ceramics and structural ceramics, as they are known, include ceramic materials made by blocks of seals and structures, bricks, tiles, smail flagstones manacles, rustic floors and ornamental materials. Their fabrication uses raw material such as clay and clay sites, with some content of impurity. It has good durability and mechanical strength to compression, low cost, making it one of the mainly used materials in civil engineering. The incorporation of many industrial activities residue to ceramic products is a technological alternative for reducing the environmental impact caused by its carefree disposal. This incorporation can promote chemical change and inertness of metals from residue, by fixation in the glassy phase of ceramic during the burning stage. The main aim of this project is to study the technical feasibility of the addition of ceramic oven ash into formulations of mass for structural ceramics. In this project two kinds of clay (plastic and non-plastic) were used, as well as the ash from firewood used in the process of burning of structural ceramics. A group of experiments was outlined, which permitted the evaluation of the influence of the burning cycle in different temperatures of the ash content in formulations for ceramic blocks through technological properties, mechanical behavior and microstructure. Five samples were processed of each one of the masses of plastic and non-plastic clay without addition of ash and with addition of ash on the percentages of 10 % and 20 %, for temperatures of 850 °C, 950 °C, 1050 °C and 1150 °C, obtained through sinterization process. Among the studied compositions, the one which presented best performance was the mass of clay with 10 % of ash, at temperature of 1150 °C, with the smallest absorption of water, the smallest apparent porosity, specific apparent mass a bit over the others and greatest mechanical resistance to flexion. The composition made confirmed the technical feasibility of the use of ash in the mass for structural ceramics with maintenance of its necessary characteristics for its purposes


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In the execution of civil engineering works, either by wasting during the coating of wall or demolition of gypsum walls, the generation of the gypsum waste involves serious environmental concerns. These concerns are increased by the high demand of this raw material in the sector and by the difficulties of proper disposal byproduct generated. In the search for alternatives to minimize this problem, many research works are being conducted, giving emphasis in using gypsum waste as fillers in composites materials in order to improve the acoustic, thermal and mechanical performances. Through empirical testing, it was observed that the crystallization water contained in the residue (CaSO4.2H2O) could act like primary agent in the expanding of the polyurethane foam. Considering that polyurethane produced from vegetable oils are biodegradable synthetic polymers and that are admittedly to represent an alternative to petrochemical synthetic polyurethane, this research consist an analysis of the thermal behavior of a composite whose matrix obtained from a resin derived from the expansive castor oil seed, with loads of 4%, 8%, 12% and 16% of gypsum waste replacing to the polyol prepolymer blend. Contributors to this analysis: a characterization of the raw material through analysis of spectroscopy by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), chemical analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and mineralogical analysis by X Ray Diffraction (XRD), complemented by thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA). In order to evaluate the thermo physical properties and thermal behavior of the composites manufactured in die closed with expansion contained, were also carried tests to determine the percentage of open pore volume using a gas pycnometer, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), in addition to testing of flammability and the resistance to contact with hot surfaces. Through the analysis of the results, it appears that it is possible to produce a new material, which few changes in their thermo physical properties and thermal performance, promotes significant changes and attractive to the environment


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Companies involved in emerald mining and treatment represent an important area of industrial development in Brazil, with significative contribution to the worldwide production of such mineral. As a result, large volumes of emerald waste are constantly generated and abandoned in the environment, negatively contributing to its preservation. By the other side the interest of the use of mining waste as additive in ceramic products has been growing from researchers in recent years. The ceramic industry is constantly seeking to the marked amplification for the sector and perfecting the quality of the products and to increase the variety of applications. The technology of obtaining of ceramic tiles that uses mining residues assists market niches little explored. In this scenario, the objective of the present study was to characterize the residue generated from emerald mining as well as to assess its potential use as raw material for the production of ceramic tiles. Ceramic mixtures were prepared from raw materials characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, particle size analysis and thermal analysis. Five compositions were prepared using emerald residue contents of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Samples were uniaxially pressed, fired at 1000, 1100 and 1200ºC and characterized aiming at establishing their mineralogical composition, water absorption, apparent porosity, specific mass, linear retraction and modulus of rupture. The results shows that the emerald residue, basically consisted of 73% of (SiO2 + Al2O3) and 17,77% of (MgO + Na2O+ K2O) (that facilitates sintering), can be added to the ceramic tile materials with no detrimental effect on the properties of the sintered products