891 resultados para public institutions


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In the late 1900s, suitable key lengths were determined by cryptographers who considered four main features based on implementation, expected lifespan and associated security. By 2010, recommendations are aimed at governmental and commercial institutions, which take into consideration practical implementations that provide data security. By aggregating the key length predictive data since 1985, we notice that while the figures proposed between 1990 and 2010 increase linearly, those proposed for 2010 to 2050 do not. This motivates us to re-think the factors used as a basis for key length predictions and we initiate this re-evaluation in this paper. Focusing first on implementation, we clarify the meaning of Moore’s Law by going back to his original papers and commentary. We then focus on the period 2010-2015, when non-linearity appears, and test Moore’s Law based on three different hardware platforms. Our conclusion is that current assumptions about Moore’s law are still reasonable and that non-linearity is likely to be caused by other factors which we will investigate in future work.


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The main aim of this work was to investigate the availability and capacity of educational programmes at different levels at European Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) that are directly related to disaster resilience. This investigation was important since education in disaster resilience for citizens, communities, public administrators and decision makers is vital for improving preparedness, mitigation, resistance, absorption and recovery as a result of natural disasters. For this purpose, a study on the capacity of HEIs across Europe to address the threats imposed by natural hazards has been carried out. The study was performed by using a web-based survey tool which ran for 1 year with participants from 28 European countries. Findings of this work showed a great lack of educational programmes in disaster resilience across Europe. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in such programmes mainly at postgraduate level. At undergraduate level, there is only a very limited number of such programmes, which might be related to the multidisciplinary nature of these programmes. The cohort size of the ongoing programmes indicates that they are in good health despite their young age, suggesting the potential and need for many more. The results of this study are valuable for HEIs, policy makers, decision makers and governments as it provides an insight into the existing situation across Europe with regard to educational programmes directly related to disaster resilience which can help them to focus, direct and promote education in disaster resilience according to the needs at national and European level.


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This paper describes a research which main purpose was identifying and characterizing the use of Communication Technologies by Portuguese Public Higher Education Institutions to support learning activities. An analysis model was created and used to develop a nationwide online survey used to collect data from students, teachers and institutional managers. The results show that institutional policies and resources are in place and being used to support learning; learning management systems and interpersonal communication technologies are intensely used and widely adopted; and that there are gender differences as far as the students' use of Communication Technologies is concerned. The results of this project provide a useful insight on the use of Communication Technologies by Portuguese Public Higher Education Institutions and give valuable information for ongoing decision making processes regarding the institutional adoption and development of learning models that take advantage of these technologies.


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With the booming street food industry in the developing world there is an urgent need to ensure food vendors adhere to hygienic practices to protect public health. This study assessed the adherence to food hygiene practices by food vendors in educational institutions in Konongo, Ghana. Structured questionnaires, extensive observation and interviews were used for the study involving 60 food vendors from 20 basic schools. Attributable to the influence of school authorities and the level of in-training of food vendors, the study points out that food vendors in educational institutions generally adhered to good food hygiene practices, namely, regular medical examination (93%), protection of food from flies and dust (55%); proper serving of food (100%); good hand hygiene (63%); and the use of personal protective clothing (52%). The training of food vendors on food hygiene, instead of the level of education had a significant association (p < 0.05) with crucial food hygiene practices such as medical examination, hand hygiene and protection of food from flies and dust. Further, regulatory bodies legally mandated to efficiently monitor the activities of food vendors lacked the adequate capacity to do so. The study proposes that efforts should be geared towards developing training programmes for food vendors as well as capacity building of the stakeholders.


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This is a questionnaire devised by the author that was sent state colleges as well as colleges in the Southeast concerned the inventory of the institution, sources and amounts of income, expenditures for 1912-24, types of schools, departments and courses at the institution and general information. Graphs was designed with the answers supplied by the institution.


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La recension des écrits scientifiques à laquelle nous avons procédé a souligné clairement de très hautes fréquences de redoublement chez les jeunes d’âge scolaire relevant des enseignements primaire et post-primaire, dans les ex-colonies françaises d’Afrique occidentale et centrale (Burkina-Faso, Sénégal, Gabon). Au Burkina Faso, le taux moyen de redoublement observé au post-primaire a été d’environ 30 % au cours du quinquennat 2007/2008 à 2012/2013. La région du Centre-Ouest est celle qui en a enregistré le taux le plus élevé (33,1 %) sur les treize régions administratives du pays au cours de la période mentionnée, ce qui a justifié son choix dans le cadre de cette étude. L’objectif général visait à déterminer, dans le microsystème qu’est l’école au post-primaire général public, les caractéristiques des représentations sociales (RS) et des modèles d’intervention éducative (MIE) valorisés chez des enseignants et des directions d’écoles qui sont en relation avec le redoublement d’élèves habitant la région ciblée. L’étude menée est quantitative et de type descriptif. Dans le cadre de celle-ci nous avons fait usage d’une démarche d’enquête par questionnaire auprès d’un échantillon de convenance, stratifié et pondéré constitué de 199 enseignantes et enseignants, incluant un membre du personnel de direction pour chacune des institutions de provenance des sujets (N = 14 directions). Le résultat majeur est spécifique aux enseignants titulaires du CAPES (diplôme pédagogique le plus élevé) qui travaillent dans les communes urbaines où les écoles présentent un seuil élevé de redoublement (21 % et plus). Il suggère des caractéristiques qui correspondent à des profils de valorisation élevés de la représentation positive du redoublement d’une part, et de celle de l’externalité des causes du phénomène, d’autre part. Les principales caractéristiques des MIE privilégiés par ces derniers rapportent, quant à elles, une valorisation moyenne ou faible du MIE 3 (hétérostructuration coactive) et concomitamment une valorisation élevée du MIE 4 (interstructuration cognitive). Cependant, les données recueillies auprès des directions d’écoles dont la taille sous-échantillonnale demeure restreinte n’ont permis qu’une interprétation limitée hors de laquelle notre discours s’avérerait hautement spéculatif. Les enseignants et les directions d’école pourront bénéficier de l’intégration des données issues de l’étude au plan de la formation continue. Ils pourront par conséquent questionner leurs pratiques pédagogiques et leurs attitudes au regard des causes et des effets réels du redoublement sur la réussite et la persévérance scolaire des jeunes au post-primaire. Cela dans un contexte, où la scolarisation de base obligatoire de 10 ans constitue un objectif visé à l’horizon 2025 par le gouvernement du Burkina Faso dans le cadre de la réforme éducative engagée depuis 2007.