963 resultados para processo-s,MACS,n_TOF,AGB,C ,Docker,continuous integration
Continuous condensation particle (CP) observations were conducted from 1984 through 2009 at Neumayer Station under stringent contamination control. During this period, the CP concentration (median 258 1/cm**3) showed no significant long term trend but exhibited a pronounced seasonality characterized by a stepwise increase starting in September and reaching its annual maximum of around 10**3/cm**3 in March. Minimum values below 10**2/cm**3 were observed during June/July. Dedicated time series analyses in the time and frequency domain revealed no significant correlations between inter-annual CP concentration variations and atmospheric circulation indices like Southern Annular Mode (SAM) or Southern Ocean Index (SOI). The impact of the Pinatubo volcanic eruption and strong El Niño events did not affect CP concentrations. From thermodenuder experiments we deduced that the portion of volatile (at 125 °C) and semi-volatile (at 250 °C) particles which could be both associated with biogenic sulfur aerosol, was maximum during austral summer, while during winter non-volatile sea salt particles dominated. During September through April we could frequently observe enhanced concentrations of ultrafine particles within the nucleation mode (between 3 nm and 7 nm particle diameter), preferentially in the afternoon.
Sea ice and dust flux increased greatly in the Southern Ocean during the last glacial period. Palaeorecords provide contradictory evidence about marine productivity in this region, but beyond one glacial cycle, data were sparse. Here we present continuous chemical proxy data spanning the last eight glacial cycles (740,000 years) from the Dome C Antarctic ice core. These data constrain winter sea-ice extent in the Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean biogenic productivity and Patagonian climatic conditions. We found that maximum sea-ice extent is closely tied to Antarctic temperature on multi-millennial timescales, but less so on shorter timescales. Biological dimethylsulphide emissions south of the polar front seem to have changed little with climate, suggesting that sulphur compounds were not active in climate regulation. We observe large glacial-interglacial contrasts in iron deposition, which we infer reflects strongly changing Patagonian conditions. During glacial terminations, changes in Patagonia apparently preceded sea-ice reduction, indicating that multiple mechanisms may be responsible for different phases of CO2 increase during glacial terminations. We observe no changes in internal climatic feedbacks that could have caused the change in amplitude of Antarctic temperature variations observed 440,000 years ago.
Fossil, facies, and isotope analyses of an early high-paleolatitude (55°S) section suggests a highly unstable East Antarctic Ice Sheet from 32 to 27 Myr. The waxing and waning of this ice sheet from 140% to 40% of its present volume caused sea level changes of ±25 m (ranging from -30 to +50 m) related to periodic glacial (100,000 to 200,000 years) and shorter interglacial events. The near-field Gippsland sea level (GSL) curve shares many similarities to the far-field New Jersey sea level (NJSL) estimates. However, there are possible resolution errors due to biochronology, taphonomy, and paleodepth estimates and the relative lack of lowstand deposits (in NJSL) that prevent detailed correlations with GSL. Nevertheless, the lateral variations in sea level between the GSL section and NJSL record that suggest ocean siphoning and antisiphoning may have propagated synchronous yet variable sea levels.