961 resultados para pig-tailed macaques


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In a recent experimental study, the beam intensity profile of the Vulcan petawatt laser beam was measured; it was found that only 20% of the energy was contained within the full width at half maximum of 6.9 mu m and 50% within 16 mu m, suggesting a long-tailed non-Gaussian transverse beam profile. A q-Gaussian distribution function was suggested therein to reproduce this behavior. The spatial beam profile dynamics of a q-Gaussian laser beam propagating in relativistic plasma is investigated in this article. A non-paraxial theory is employed, taking into account nonlinearity via the relativistic decrease of the plasma frequency. We have studied analytically and numerically the dynamics of a relativistically guided beam and its dependence on the q-parameter. Numerical simulation results are shown to trace the dependence of the focusing length on the q-Gaussian profile.


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All extra-solar planet masses that have been derived spectroscopically are lower limits since the inclination of the orbit to our line-of-sight is unknown except for transiting systems. In theory, however, it is possible to determine the inclination angle, i, between the rotation axis of a star and an observer's line-of-sight from measurements of the projected equatorial velocity (v sin i), the stellar rotation period (P(rot)) and the stellar radius (R(*)). For stars which host planetary systems this allows the removal of the sin i dependency of extra-solar planet masses derived from spectroscopic observations under the assumption that the planetary orbits lie perpendicular to the stellar rotation axis.
We have carried out an extensive literature search and present a catalogue of v sin i, P(rot) and R(*) estimates for stars hosting extra-solar planets. In addition, we have used Hipparcos parallaxes and the Barnes-Evans relationship to further supplement the R(*) estimates obtained from the literature. Using this catalogue, we have obtained sin i estimates using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo analysis. This technique allows proper 1 Sigma two-tailed confidence limits to be placed on the derived sin i's along with the transit probability for each planet to be determined.
While we find that a small proportion of systems yield sin i's significantly greater than 1, most likely due to poor P(rot) estimations, the large majority are acceptable. We are further encouraged by the cases where we have data on transiting systems, as the technique indicates inclinations of similar to 90 degrees and high transit probabilities. In total, we are able to estimate the true masses of 133 extra-solar planets. Of these 133 extra-solar planets, only six have revised masses that place them above the 13M(J) deuterium burning limit; four of those six extra-solar planet candidates were already suspected to lie above the deuterium burning limit before correcting their masses for the sin i dependency. Our work reveals a population of high-mass extra-solar planets with low eccentricities, and we speculate that these extra-solar planets may represent the signature of different planetary formation mechanisms at work. Finally, we discuss future observations that should improve the robustness of this technique.


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From defensive skin secretions acquired from two species of African hyperoliid frogs, Kassina maculata and Kassina senegalensis, we have isolated two structurally related, C-terminally amidated tridecapeptides of novel primary structure that exhibit a broad spectrum of biological activity. In reflection of their structural novelty and species of origin, we named the peptides kassorin M (FLEGLLNTVTGLLamide; 1387.8 Da) and kassorin S (FLGGILNTITGLLamide; 1329.8 Da), respectively. The primary structure and organisation of the biosynthetic precursors of kassorins M and S were deduced from cloned skin secretion-derived cDNA. Both open-reading frames encoded a single copy of kassorin M and S, respectively, located at the C-terminus. Kassorins display limited structural similarities to vespid chemotactic peptides (7/13 residues), temporin A (5/13 residues), the N-terminus of Lv-ranaspumin, a foam nest surfactant protein of the frog, Leptodactylus vastus, and an N-terminal domain of the equine sweat surfactant protein, latherin. Both peptides elicit histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells. However, while kassorin S was found to possess antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, kassorin M was devoid of such activity. In contrast, kassorin M was found to contract the smooth muscle of guinea pig urinary bladder (EC50 = 4.66 nM) and kassorin S was devoid of this activity. Kassorins thus represent the prototypes of a novel family of peptides from the amphibian innate immune system as occurring in defensive skin secretions.


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A recent genome-wide association study reported association between schizophrenia and the ZNF804A gene on chromosome 2q32.1. We attempted to replicate these findings in our Irish Case-Control Study of Schizophrenia (ICCSS) sample (N=1021 cases, 626 controls). Following consultation with the original investigators, we genotyped three of the most promising single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the Cardiff study. We replicate association with rs1344706 (trend test one-tailed P=0.0113 with the previously associated A allele) in ZNF804A. We detect no evidence of association with rs6490121 in NOS1 (one-tailed P=0.21), and only a trend with rs9922369 in RGRIP1L (one-tailed P=0.0515). On the basis of these results, we completed genotyping of 11 additional linkage disequilibrium-tagging SNPs in ZNF804A. Of 12 SNPs genotyped, 11 pass quality control criteria and 4 are nominally associated, with our most significant evidence of association at rs7597593 (P=0.0013) followed by rs1344706. We observe no evidence of differential association in ZNF804A on the basis of family history or sex of case. The associated SNP rs1344706 lies in approximately 30 bp of conserved mammalian sequence, and the associated A allele is predicted to maintain binding sites for the brain-expressed transcription factors MYT1l and POU3F1/OCT-6. In controls, expression is significantly increased from the A allele of rs1344706 compared with the C allele. Expression is increased in schizophrenic cases compared with controls, but this difference does not achieve statistical significance. This study replicates the original reported association of ZNF804A with schizophrenia and suggests that there is a consistent link between the A allele of rs1344706, increased expression of ZNF804A and risk for schizophrenia.


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Aqueous semi-solid polymeric gels, such as those based on hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) and polyacrylic acid (e.g. Carbopol®), have a long history of use in vaginal drug delivery. However, despite their ubiquity, they often provide sub-optimal clinical performance, due to poor mucosal retention and limited solubility for poorly water-soluble actives. These issues are particularly pertinent for vaginal HIV microbicides, since many lead candidates are poorly water-soluble and where a major goal is the development of a coitally independent, once daily gel product. In this study, we report the use of a non-aqueous silicone elastomer gel for vaginal delivery of the HIV-1 entry inhibitor maraviroc. In vitro rheological, syringeability and retention studies demonstrated enhanced performance for silicone gels compared with a conventional aqueous HEC gel, while testing of the gels in the slug model confirmed a lack of mucosal irritancy. Pharmacokinetic studies following single dose vaginal administration of a maraviroc silicone gel in rhesus macaques showed higher and sustained MVC levels in vaginal fluid, vaginal tissue and plasma compared with a HEC gel containing the same maraviroc loading. The results demonstrate that non-aqueous silicone gels have potential as a formulation platform for coitally independent vaginal HIV microbicides.


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Zearalenone (ZEN) is a mycotoxin with endocrine disrupting effects having vast economic implications in e.g. pig farming. Structurally, ZEN resembles 17b-estradiol, and thus is able to bind to estrogen receptors (ER) in target cells. Because of this, it is also classified as a non-steroidal estrogen, a phytoestrogen, a mycoestrogen, and a growth promoter. Quantitative proteomic analysis was undertaken using stable-isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) upon exposure of the steroidogenesis cell model H295R with ZEN to elucidate its effect on protein regulation. ZEN significantly regulated 21 proteins, including proteins with known endocrine disrupting effects and several oncogenes. In addition, network analysis using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis showed that ZEN affected the oxidative phosphorylation pathway and the mitochondrial dysfunction pathway, both previously reported to be involved in endocrine dysfunction.


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Measles virus (MV) is highly infectious, and has long been thought to enter the host by infecting epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. However, epithelial cells do not express signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (CD150), which is the high-affinity cellular receptor for wild-type MV strains. We have generated a new recombinant MV strain expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), based on a wild-type genotype B3 virus isolate from Khartoum, Sudan (KS). Cynomolgus macaques were infected with a high dose of rMV(KS)EGFP by aerosol inhalation to ensure that the virus could reach the full range of potential target cells throughout the entire respiratory tract. Animals were euthanized 2, 3, 4 or 5 days post-infection (d.p.i., n?=?3 per time point) and infected (EGFP(+)) cells were identified at all four time points, albeit at low levels 2 and 3 d.p.i. At these earliest time points, MV-infected cells were exclusively detected in the lungs by fluorescence microscopy, histopathology and/or virus isolation from broncho-alveolar lavage cells. On 2 d.p.i., EGFP(+) cells were phenotypically typed as large mononuclear cells present in the alveolar lumen or lining the alveolar epithelium. One to two days later, larger clusters of MV-infected cells were detected in bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) and in the tracheo-bronchial lymph nodes. From 4 d.p.i. onward, MV-infected cells were detected in peripheral blood and various lymphoid tissues. In spite of the possibility for the aerosolized virus to infect cells and lymphoid tissues of the upper respiratory tract, MV-infected cells were not detected in either the tonsils or the adenoids until after onset of viremia. These data strongly suggest that in our model MV entered the host at the alveolar level by infecting macrophages or dendritic cells, which traffic the virus to BALT or regional lymph nodes, resulting in local amplification and subsequent systemic dissemination by viremia.


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Transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels are Ca(2+)-permeable nonselective cation channels implicated in diverse physiological functions, including smooth muscle contractility and synaptic transmission. However, lack of potent selective pharmacological inhibitors for TRPC channels has limited delineation of the roles of these channels in physiological systems. Here we report the identification and characterization of ML204 as a novel, potent, and selective TRPC4 channel inhibitor. A high throughput fluorescent screen of 305,000 compounds of the Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository was performed for inhibitors that blocked intracellular Ca(2+) rise in response to stimulation of mouse TRPC4ß by µ-opioid receptors. ML204 inhibited TRPC4ß-mediated intracellular Ca(2+) rise with an IC(50) value of 0.96 µm and exhibited 19-fold selectivity against muscarinic receptor-coupled TRPC6 channel activation. In whole-cell patch clamp recordings, ML204 blocked TRPC4ß currents activated through either µ-opioid receptor stimulation or intracellular dialysis of guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTP?S), suggesting a direct interaction of ML204 with TRPC4 channels rather than any interference with the signal transduction pathways. Selectivity studies showed no appreciable block by 10-20 µm ML204 of TRPV1, TRPV3, TRPA1, and TRPM8, as well as KCNQ2 and native voltage-gated sodium, potassium, and calcium channels in mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons. In isolated guinea pig ileal myocytes, ML204 blocked muscarinic cation currents activated by bath application of carbachol or intracellular infusion of GTP?S, demonstrating its effectiveness on native TRPC4 currents. Therefore, ML204 represents an excellent novel tool for investigation of TRPC4 channel function and may facilitate the development of therapeutics targeted to TRPC4.


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A radioreceptor assay was developed for the determination of the p-blocker carazolol in porcine muscle and kidney. The method involves a simple alkaline extraction procedure using diethyl ether followed by a competitive assay between carazolol residues and [H-3]-dihydroalprenolol ([H-3]-DHA) using solubilised beta2-adrenoceptors isolated from a transfected cell line. The limit of detection (LOD) was determined using 20 reference blank samples of pig kidney and pig muscle. LODs for muscle (0.93 mug kg(-1)) and kidney (1.47 mug kg(-1)) were well below their respective European community maximum residue limits, (MRLs 5 and 25 mug kg(-1), respectively). The assay was used to investigate if carazolol residues persisted in pig tissues for up to 30 h post-intramuscular injection at the recommended dose rate (10 mug carazolol/kg body weight). The highest mean +/- S.D. concentrations were detected at 1 h post-injection in kidney (10.84 +/- 1.3 mug kg(-1)) and muscle (3.59 +/- 0.2 mug kg(-1)) which were less than the respective MRLs. It is concluded that this method offers a robust and rapid alternative to other methods for the screening of carazolol residues in pig meat. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rapid imununoassay using an optical biosensor (BIAcore(TM)) for determining the presence of sulphadiazine (SDZ) residues in pig bile was developed. SDZ,cas immobilised onto the surface of a dextran-coated silicon chip and a solution containing SDZ antibody, sample and buffer was injected over the chip surface. The level of antibody binding to the chip was determined after 20 s and the surface of the chip was then regenerated over a 1-min period prior to another sample injection taking place. Standard curves were constructed to allow quantification of SDZ presence in sample. Concentrations ranging from 0 to 10.64 mu g ml(-1) SDZ were detected in bile samples taken from experimentally fed pigs and randomly selected pigs taken from a local slaughterhouse. These results were compared to the concentrations of SDZ detected by high-performance liquid chromatography: in associated tissues. When concentrations in bile exceeded 0.6 mu g ml(-1) SDZ, the corresponding edible tissue was above the maximum residue level (MRL), i.e. 0.1 mu g g(-1) in 13 out of 14 cases. Wizen the bile concentration was less than 0.6 mu ml(-1) the associated tissue concentrations never exceeded rite MRL. This experiment has indicated that biosensor analysis of bile is a highly effective method for detecting violative SDZ residues in meat.


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Two equal batches of pig feed were prepared sequentially in a half-ton mixer. The first was prepared to contain 100-mu-g/g sulphadimidine and the second had not added sulphadimidine. The medicated batch was shown to have 97.2-mu-g/g and the flush 2-mu-g/g. From the conditions of the experiment it was suggested that sulphadimidine was preferentially retained in the mixer.


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It is generally accepted that the reservoir hosts of cowpox virus are wild rodents, although direct evidence for this is lacking for much of the virus's geographic range. Here, through a combination of serology and PCR, we demonstrate conclusively that the main hosts in Great Britain are bank voles, wood mice and short-tailed field voles. However, we also suggest that wood mice may not be able to maintain infection alone, explaining the absence of cowpox from Ireland where voles are generally not found. Infection in wild rodents varies seasonally, and this variation probably underlies the marked seasonal incidence of infection in accidental hosts such as humans and domestic cats.


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The localization and distribution of neuropeptides and an indoleamine (serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine) in the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the pig roundworm, Ascaris suum, have been determined by the application of an indirect immunofluorescence technique in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy. Whole-mount preparations of pharyngeal, intestinal and rectal regions were screened with antisera to 23 vertebrate peptides, 2 invertebrate peptides and serotonin(= 5-HT). Positive immunoreactivity (IR) was obtained with antisera to pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY), FMRFamide, gastrin and serotonin. The only IR observed in the ENS was that evident in the nerve supply to the pharynx and rectal region; no IR was associated with any region of the intestine. The most extensive patterns of IR occurred with antisera to PW, FMRFamide and serotonin. In the pharyngeal component of the ENS, IR was evident in the lateral and dorsal longitudinal pharyngeal nerves, pharyngeal commissures, nerve plexus, and associated nerve cells and fibres. In contrast, the distribution of IR to the PP and gastrin antisera was more restricted and displayed a lower intensity of immunostaining. The other component of the ENS, the rectal enteric system, only yielded immunostaining to FMRFamide. The possible role of neuropeptides and serotonin in the nutritional biology of nematodes is discussed.


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The localisation and distribution of neuropeptides in the peripheral nervous system of the pig roundworm Ascaris suum have been determined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in conjunction with confocal microscopy. Of the 31 antisera tested, immunostaining was obtained only with antisera to peptide YY (PYY), pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and FMRFamide. Immunostaining for PYY and FMRFamide was evident in the amphidial and papillary ganglia associated with the anterior nerve ring and in the nerves from these ganglia that terminated in sensory receptors within the buccal lips of the parasite. The only peptide immunoreactivity (IR) observed in the reproductive system of either sex was that evident in the nerve supply to the distal region of the vagina in the female worm. It took the form of a well-developed plexus of parallel nerve fibres, cross-connectives and looped commissures. The nerve net diminished in the more proximal region of the vagina. PP-IR was less intense than that for PYY and FMRFamide and was more restricted in distribution, being confined to a small number of nerve fibres in the nerve supply to the vagina; it did not occur in the nerves supplying the anterior sensory receptors. The possible roles of neuropeptides in the sensory and reproductive biology of nematodes are discussed.


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The localization and distribution of neuropeptides in the central nervous system of the pig roundworm, Ascaris suum, have been determined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in conjunction with confocal microscopy. Antisera to 25 vertebrate peptides and two invertebrate peptides were used to screen the worm for immunoreactivity (IR). Immunostaining was obtained with antisera to pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY), neuropeptide Y (NPY), gastrin, cholecystokinin (CCK), substance P (SP), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone (SGnRH), mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (MGnRH), chromogranin A (CGA) and FMRFamide. The most extensive patterns of IR occurred with antisera to PYY, FMRFamide and gastrin. IR was evident in nerve cells and fibres in the ganglia associated with the anterior nerve ring and in the main nerve cords and their commissures; IR to FMRFamide also occurred in the posterior nerve ring. Immunostaining for the other peptides was confined to the nerve cords, with the number of immunoreactive nerve fibres varying from peptide to peptide.