951 resultados para noise exposure level
Indoor air quality recently entered legislation in Portugal. Several parameters must be evaluated and kept within limits in order to obtain a certification for air quality and energy consumption. Certification parameters were analyzed in two Portuguese archives in order to assess indoor air quality both for people attending or working on these premises and for maintenance of a written heritage that must be retained for future generations. Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde, and fungal counts were kept within stipulated limits. Relative humidity (RH), volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate matter (PM10), and ozone (O3) showed values above legislated levels and justified the implementation of corrective measures. In terms of conservation, studies on the limit values are still needed, but according to the available international guidelines, some of the analyzed parameters such as PM10, O3, and RH were also above desirable values. Corrective measures were proposed to these institutions. Although this study was only of a short duration, it proved valuable in assessing potential eventual problems and constitutes the first Portuguese indoor air quality assessment taking into consideration both aspects of an archive such as human health and heritage safekeeping.
Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) has been recognized to produce cancer in human liver. In addition, epidemiological and laboratory studies demonstrated that the respiratory system was a target for AFB1. Exposure occurs predominantly through the food chain, but inhalation represents an additional route of exposure. The present study aimed to examine AFB1 exposure among poultry workers in Portugal. Blood samples were collected from a total of 31 poultry workers from six poultry farms. In addition, a control group (n = 30) was included comprised of workers who undertook administrative tasks. Measurement of AFB1 in serum was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For examining fungi contamination, air samples were collected through an impaction method. Air sampling was obtained in pavilion interior and outside the premises, since this was the place regarded as the reference location. Using molecular methods, toxicogenic strains (aflatoxin-producing) were investigated within the group of species belonging to Aspergillus flavus complex. Eighteen poultry workers (59%) had detectable levels of AFB1 with values ranging from <1 ng/ml to4.23 ng/ml and with a mean value of 2 ± 0.98ng/ml. AFB1 was not detected in the serum sampled from any of the controls. Aspergillus flavus was the fungal species third most frequently found in the indoor air samples analyzed (7.2%) and was the most frequently isolated species in air samples containing only Aspergillus genus (74.5%). The presence of aflatoxigenic strains was only confirmed in outdoor air samples from one of the units, indicating the presence of a source inside the building in at least one case. Data indicate that AFB1 inhalation represents an additional risk in this occupational setting that needs to be recognized, assessed, and prevented.
The production of MVOC by fungi has been taken into account especially from the viewpoint of indoor pollution with microorganisms but the relevance of fungal metabolites in working environments has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this study was to assess exposure to MVOCs in a waste-handling unit. It was used Multirae equipment (RAE Systems) to measured MVOCs concentration with a 10.6 eV lamps. The measurements were done near workers nose and during the normal activities. All measurements were done continuously and had the duration of 5 minutes at least. It was consider the higher value obtained in each measurement. In addition, for knowing fungi contamination, five air samples of 50 litres were collected through impaction method at 140 L/minute, at one meter tall, on to malt extract agar with the antibiotic chloramphenicol (MEA). MVOCs results range between 4.7 ppm and 8.9 ppm in the 6 locations consider. These results are eight times higher than normally obtained in indoor settings. Considering fungi results, two species were identified in air, being the genera Penicillium found in all the samples in uncountable colonies and Rhizopus only in one sample (40 UFC/m3). These fungi are known as MVOCs producers, namely terpenoids, ketones, alcohols and others. Until now, there has been no evidence that MVOCs are toxicologically relevant, but further epidemiological research is necessary to elucidate their role on human’s health, particularly in occupational settings where microbiological contamination is common. Additionally, further research should concentrate on quantitative analyses of specific MVOCs.
The idiomatic expression “In Rome be a Roman” can be applied to leadership training and development as well. Leaders who can act as role models inspire other future leaders in their behaviour, attitudes and ways of thinking. Based on two examples of current leaders in the fields of Politics and Public Administration, I support the idea that exposure to role models during their training was decisive for their career paths and current activities as prominent characters in their profession. Issues such as how students should be prepared for community or national leadership as well as cross-cultural engagement are raised here. The hypothesis of transculturalism and cross-cultural commitment as a factor of leadership is presented. Based on current literature on Leadership as well as the presented case studies, I expect to raise a debate focusing on strategies for improving leaders’ training in their cross-cultural awareness.
Introdução: O medicamento citotóxico é definido pelas suas características de genotoxicidade, mutagenicidade, carcinogenicidade, teratogenicidade, toxicidade reprodutiva e toxicidade orgânica em baixas doses. Deste modo, existe uma grande preocupação no que concerne ao manuseamento deste tipo de medicamentos, devido aos riscos ocupacionais que podem surtir da exposição a que os profissionais de farmácia envolvidos estão sujeitos. Objectivos: Analisar a realidade da farmácia hospitalar face ao cumprimento das normas e procedimentos preconizados pelas actuais guidelines para o manuseamento seguro de medicamentos citotóxicos, e identificar as lacunas existentes, conduzindo à promoção de práticas centradas na minimização do risco de exposição/contaminação dos profissionais e do ambiente. Material e Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sistemática sobre o tema, utilizando-se como instrumento de recolha de dados um inquérito por questionário, em que os TDT de Farmácia foram abordados sobre os procedimentos verificados no hospital onde exercem actividade profissional. Resultados: Face ao cumprimento das normas na recepção, armazenamento e transporte de medicamentos citotóxicos, verifica-se que todos os hospitais se encontram acima da média. Apesar desta evidência, é na fase de transporte que se verifica um menor cumprimento. As principais lacunas detectadas foram ao nível da não utilização de EPI nas fases de recepção e armazenamento; a recepção de medicamentos citotóxicos em conjunto com outros medicamentos; a falta de um sistema de ventilação no local de armazenamento e, ainda, ausência de portas de correr e/ou gavetas fechadas nos carros de transporte de medicamentos citotóxicos. Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo revelam alguma heterogeneidade de procedimentos nos hospitais Portugueses, sugerindo a necessidade de intervenção e reformulação do programa de segurança e gestão de risco desenvolvidos para o manuseamento de citotóxicos.
Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Mestre Carlos Manuel Antunes Mendes
The increase of distributed generation (DG) has brought about new challenges in electrical networks electricity markets and in DG units operation and management. Several approaches are being developed to manage the emerging potential of DG, such as Virtual Power Players (VPPs), which aggregate DG plants; and Smart Grids, an approach that views generation and associated loads as a subsystem. This paper presents a multi-level negotiation mechanism for Smart Grids optimal operation and negotiation in the electricity markets, considering the advantages of VPPs’ management. The proposed methodology is implemented and tested in MASCEM – a multiagent electricity market simulator, developed to allow deep studies of the interactions between the players that take part in the electricity market negotiations.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Proteção contra Radiações.
Between November 2001 and December 2002, 600 dog fecal samples were collected in main squares and public parks of 13 cities in Chile, from the extreme north to the extreme south of the country. The samples were processed in the laboratory by centrifugal sedimentation and the Harada-Mori methods. T. canis eggs were found in 12 cities. Detection rates ranged from 1.9 to 12.5% with an average of 5.2%. Seven percent of the samples had eggs and 9.5% had rhabditoid and/or filariform larvae of Ancylostomatidae. Strongyloides stercoralis were not found. Squares and public parks in Chile pose a potential risk of exposure to visceral, ocular, and/or cutaneous larva migrans syndromes.
Dust is a complex mixture of particles of organic and inorganic origin and different gases absorbed in aerosol droplets. In a poultry unit include dried faecal matter and urine, skin flakes, ammonia, carbon dioxide, pollens, feed and litter particles, feathers, grain mites, fungi spores, bacteria, viruses and their constituents. Dust particles vary in size and differentiation between particle size fractions is important in health studies in order to quantify penetration within the respiratory system. A descriptive study was developed in order to assess exposure to particles in a poultry unit during different operations, namely routine examination and floor turn over. Direct-reading equipment was used (Lighthouse, model 3016 IAQ). Particle measurement was performed in 5 different sizes (PM0.5; PM1.0; PM2.5; PM5.0; PM10). The chemical composition of poultry litter was also determined by neutron activation analysis. Normally, the litter of poultry pavilions is turned over weekly and it was during this operation that the higher exposure of particles was observed. In all the tasks considered PM5.0 and PM10.0 were the sizes with higher concentrations values. PM10 is what turns out to have higher values and PM0.5 the lowest values. The chemical element with the highest concentration was Mg (5.7E6 mg.kg-1), followed by K (1.5E4 mg.kg-1), Ca (4.8E3 mg.kg-1), Na (1.7E3 mg.kg-1), Fe (2.1E2 mg.kg-1) and Zn (4.2E1 mg.kg-1). This high presence of particles in the respirable range (<5–7μm) means that poultry dust particles can penetrate into the gas exchange region of the lung. Larger particles (PM10) present a range of concentrations from 5.3E5 and 3.0E6 mg/m3.
Farmers are occupationally exposed to many respiratory hazards at work and display higher rates of asthma and respiratory symptoms than other workers. Dust is one of the components present in poultry production that increases risk of adverse respiratory disease occurrence. Dust originates from poultry residues, molds, and feathers and is biologically active as it contains microorganisms. Exposure to dust is known to produce a variety of clinical responses, including asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic airways obstructive disease (COPD), allergic alveolitis, and organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS). A study was developed to determine particle contamination in seven poultry farms and correlate this with prevalence rate of respiratory defects and record by means of a questionnaire the presence of clinical symptoms associated with asthma and other allergy diseases by European Community Respiratory Health Survey. Poultry farm dust contamination was found to contain higher concentrations of particulate matter (PM) PM5 and PM10. Prevalence rate of obstructive pulmonary disorders was higher in individuals with longer exposure regardless of smoking status. In addition, a high prevalence for asthmatic (42.5%) and nasal (51.1%) symptoms was noted in poultry workers. Data thus show that poultry farm workers are more prone to suffer from respiratory ailments and this may be attributed to higher concentrations of PM found in the dust. Intervention programs aimed at reducing exposure to dust will ameliorate occupational working conditions and enhance the health of workers.
Aflatoxins were first isolated about 40 years ago afier outbreaks of disease and death in turkeys and cancer in rainbow trout fed with rations formulated from peanut and cottonseed meals. These toxins are secondary metabolites produced under certain conditions of temperature, p14 and humidity predominantiy by Aspergilius flavus and Aspergilius parasiticus fungi species. Among 18 different types of aflatoxins identified, major members are aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is normaily predominant in cultures as well as in food products. AFB1 was shown to be genotoxic and a potent hepatocarcinogen. This mycotoxin is metabolized by the mixed function oxidase system to a number of hydroxylated metabolites including the 8,9-epoxide. The latter is considered to be the ultimate carcinogen that reacts with cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins to form covalent adducts.
Several studies have shown that human exposures to airbome dust and microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, can cause respiratory diseases. Agricultural workers have been found to be at high risk of exposures to airborne particles. From a human health perspective dust exposure in pig farming is the most important risk because of the large number of workers needed in pig production and the increasing number of working hours inside enclosed buildings. In the pig buildings, particulate matters like dust play a role in not only deteriorating indoor air quality but also can cause an adverse health effect on workers. Generally, dust is recognized to adsorb and transport odorous compounds and biological agents. The aim of this study was to determine particles contamination in 7 swine farms located in Lisbon district, Portugal.
Biological factors associated with airbome dust are the most important hazards in pig buildings and include allergenic and/or toxic compounds, as well as infectious agents such as fungi and their metabolites, like mycotoxins. Inhalation of such agents can be a potential occupationai treat. Exposure of workers from swine confinement buildings to respiratory hazards has been reported elsewhere in Europe, Asia and America. Analogous data has not been reported for Portugal and this omission has hindered the development of policies in the area of occupational health and farm safety. Aspergilius versicolor is known as being the major producer of the hepatotoxic and carcinogenic mycotoxin sterigmatocystin. The toxicity of this mycotoxin is manifested primarily in liver and kidney. This study aimed to determine occupational exposure treat due to fungal contamination caused by A. versicolor in seven Portuguese swine.
Agricultural workers especially poultry farmers, are at increased risk of occupational respiratory diseases. In poultry production besides fungi microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) are also present due to compounds released during fungal metabolism. Dust is also one of the risk factors present in animal housing and is comprised by poultry residues, fungi and feathers. A study was developed aiming to assess occupational exposure to fungi, MVOCs and dust in seven poultry units located in Portugal.