987 resultados para media bias


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[ES] El objetivo de este artículo es Mostrar un aspecto particular de la Retórica en la Alta Edad Media, a saber, la vinculación de esta "Ars" con la práctica judicial y los estudios de Derecho. Para ello, hemoss analizado un documento relativamente "raro" en tanto que es casi el único de sus características en la Hispania del siglo IX: una defensa judicial incluída en el «Epistolario» de Álvaro de Córdoba (n.c. 800), uno de los mejores escritores en lengua latina de su época. La elección del citado documento tiene su razón de ser en la oscuridad e incertidumbre que rodean nuestro conocimiento de las fuentes y de los procedimientos jurídicos de dicha época.


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[es] El presente trabajo se ha realizado con el propósito de conocer mejor una de las realidades del ámbito educativo: la participación de las familias en los centros escolares. Para ello, nos hemos centrado en las relaciones de comunicación entre la familia y la escuela, teniendo en cuenta a ambos colectivos como contextos de socialización fundamentales en el desarrollo del niño. Así, partiendo de un marco teórico basado en la conceptualización de la participación a partir de diferentes aproximaciones teóricas y del marco jurídico que regula este ámbito a nivel estatal, hemos realizado un trabajo de campo en un centro concertado de clase media que busca sondear las formas y la práctica de participación de las familias a fin de obtener un diagnóstico sobre los niveles de participación existentes hoy en día en este tipo de centros.


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Estimating the abundance of cetaceans from aerial survey data requires careful attention to survey design and analysis. Once an aerial observer perceives a marine mammal or group of marine mammals, he or she has only a few seconds to identify and enumerate the individuals sighted, as well as to determine the distance to the sighting and record this information. In line-transect survey analyses, it is assumed that the observer has correctly identified and enumerated the group or individual. We describe methods used to test this assumption and how survey data should be adjusted to account for observer errors. Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were censused during aerial surveys in the summer of 1997 in Southeast Alaska (9844 km survey effort), in the summer of 1998 in the Gulf of Alaska (10,127 km), and in the summer of 1999 in the Bering Sea (7849 km). Sightings of harbor porpoise during a beluga whale (Phocoena phocoena) survey in 1998 (1355 km) provided data on harbor porpoise abundance in Cook Inlet for the Gulf of Alaska stock. Sightings by primary observers at side windows were compared to an independent observer at a belly window to estimate the probability of misidentification, underestimation of group size, and the probability that porpoise on the surface at the trackline were missed (perception bias, g(0)). There were 129, 96, and 201 sightings of harbor porpoises in the three stock areas, respectively. Both g(0) and effective strip width (the realized width of the survey track) depended on survey year, and g(0) also depended on the visibility reported by observers. Harbor porpoise abundance in 1997–99 was estimated at 11,146 animals for the Southeast Alaska stock, 31,046 animals for the Gulf of Alaska stock, and 48,515 animals for the Bering Sea stock.


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Most fisheries select the size of fish to be caught (are size selective), and many factors, including gear, market demands, species distributions, fishery laws, and the behavior of both fishermen and fish, can contribute to that selectivity. Most fishing gear is size-selective and some, such as gill nets, are more so than others. The targeting behavior of fishermen is another key reason commercial and recreational fisheries tend to be size-selective. The more successful fishermen constantly seek areas and methods that yield larger or more profitable sizes of fish. Fishery regulations, especially size limits, produce size-selective harvests. Another factor with the potential to cause selectivity in a hook-and-line fishery is the different behavioral responses of fish to the bait or lure, whether the different responses arise among different fish sizes or between the sexes.