1000 resultados para investigation of piezoelectricity


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Self-assembled InAs quantum dots were prepared on GaAS(100)) substrate in a solid source molecular beam epitaxy system The distribution and topographic images of uncapped dots were studied by atomic force microscope. The statistical result shows that the quantum dots are bimodal distribution. The photoluminescence spectrum results shows that the intensity of small size quantum dots dominated, which may be due to: (1) the state density of large quantum dots lower than that of small quantum dots; (2) the carriers capture rate of large size quantum dots is small relative to that of small ones; (3) there is a large strain barrier between large quantum dots and capping layer, and the large strain is likely to produce the defect and dislocation, resulting in a probability carriers transferring from large quantum dots to small dots that is very small with temperature increasing.


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The dependence of the electronic energy levels on the size of quantum dots (QDs) with the shape of spherical lens is studied by using the B-spline technique for the first time. Within the framework of the effective-mass theory, the values of electronic energy levels are obtained as a function of the height, radius and volume of QDs, respectively. When the height or radius of QDs increases, all the electronic energy levels lower, and the separations between the energy levels decrease. For lens-shape QDs, height is the key factor in dominating the energy levels comparing with the effect of radius, especially in dominating the ground-state level. These computational results are compared with that of other theoretical calculation ways. The B-spline technique is proved to be an effective way in calculating the electronic structure in QDs with the shape of spherical lens.


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The mode characteristics of SOI (silicon-on-insulator) submicron rib waveguides are very different from those of micrometer-sized ones. Using the full-vector film mode matching method, we propose a simple criterion to determine whether a waveguide mode is guided or not. The single-mode condition for deep-etched waveguides is obtained using this criterion. We also obtain the inherent TM mode leakage and sharp cancelation effects due to TE-TM mode coupling in shallow-etched rib waveguides from numerical simulations, which agree well with the analytical results based on total internal reflection and interference theories.


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Mode coupling between the whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) is numerically investigated for a two-dimensional microdisk resonator with an output waveguide. The equilateral-polygonal shaped mode patterns can be constructed by mode coupling in the microdisk, and the coupled modes can still keep high quality factors (Q factors). For a microdisk with a diameter of 4.5 mu m and a refractive index of 3.2 connected to a 0.6-mu m-wide output waveguide, the coupled mode at the wavelength of 1490 nm has a Q factor in the order of 10(4), which is ten times larger than those of the uncoupled WGMs, and the output efficiency defined as the ratio of the energy flux confined in the output waveguide to the total radiation energy flux is about 0.65. The mode coupling can be used to realize high efficiency directional-emission microdisk lasers. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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The in-plane optical anisotropy of several GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well samples with different well widths has been measured at room temperature by reflectance-difference spectroscopy (RDS). The RDS line shapes are found to be similar in all the samples examined here, which dominantly consist of two peak-like signals corresponding to 1HH-->1E and 1LH-->1E transition. As the well width is decreased, or the 1 ML InAs layer is inserted at one interface, the intensity of the anisotropy increases quickly. Our detail analysis shows that the anisotropy mainly arises from the anisotropic interface roughness. The results demonstrate that the RDS technique is sensitive to the interface structures.


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Mn+ irons were implanted to n-type Ge(1 1 1) single crystal at room temperature with an energy of 100 keV and a dose of 3 x 10(16) cm(-2). Subsequently annealing was performed at 400degreesC for 1 h under flowing nitrogen gas. X-ray diffraction measurements show that as-implanted sample is amorphous and the structure of crystal is restored after annealing. Polycrystalline germanium is formed in annealed sample. There are no new phases found except germanium. The samples surface morphologies indicate that annealed sample has island-like feature while there is no such kind of characteristic in as-implanted sample. The elemental composition of annealed sample was analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy. It shows that manganese ions are deeply implanted into germanium substrate and the highest manganese atomic concentration is 8% at the depth of 120 nm. The magnetic properties of samples were investigated by an alternating gradient magnetometer. The annealed sample shows ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A detailed model for semiconductor linear optical amplifiers (LOAs) with gain clamping by a vertical laser field is presented, which accounts the carrier and photon density distribution in the longitudinal direction as well as the facet reflectivity. The photon iterative method is used in the simulation with output amplified spontaneous emission spectrum in the wide band as iterative variables. The gain saturation behaviors and the noise figure are numerically simulated, and the variation of longitudinal carrier density with the input power is presented which is associated with the ON-OFF state of the vertical lasers. The results show that the LOA can have a gain spectrum clamped in a wide wavelength range and have almost the same value of noise figure as that of conventional semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs). Numerical results also show that an LOA can have a noise figure about 2 dB less than that of the SOA gain clamped by a distributed Bragg reflector laser.


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A modified self-consistent method is introduced for the design of AlxGa1-xN/GaN step quantum well (SQW) with the position and energy-dependent effective mass. The effects of nonparabolicity are included. It is shown that the nonparabolicity effect is minute for the lowest subband energy level and grows in size for the higher subband states. The effects of nonparabolicity have significant influence on the transition energies and the oscillator strengths and should be taken into account in the investigation of the optical transitions. The strong asymmetric property introduced by the step quantum well magnifies the weak intersubband transition from the ground state to the third state (1 -> 3). It is shown that in an appropriate scope, the intersubband transition (1 -> 3) has the comparable oscillator strength with transition from the ground state to the second one (1 -> 2), which suggests the possible application of the two-color photodetectors. The results of this work should provide useful guidance for the design of optically pumped asymmetric quantum well lasers and quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Low-temperature photoluminescence measurement is performed on an undoped AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure. Temperature-dependent Hall mobility confirms the formation of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) near the heterointerface. A weak photoluminescence (PL) peak with the energy of similar to 79meV lower than the free exciton (FE) emission of bulk GaN is related to the radiative recombination between electrons confined in the triangular well and the holes near the flat-band region of GaN. Its identification is supported by the solution of coupled one-dimensional Poisson and Schrodinger equations. When the temperature increases, the red shift of the 2DEG related emission peak is slower than that of the FE peak. The enhanced screening effect coming from the increasing 2DEG concentration and the varying electron distribution at two lowest subbands as a function of temperature account for such behaviour.


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Using a solution-based chemical method, we have prepared ZnS nanocrystals doped with high concentration of Mn2+. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed a zinc blende structure. The average size was about 3 nm. Photoluminescence spectrum showed room temperature emission in the visible spectrum, which consisted of the defect-related emission and the T-4(1)-(6)A(1) emission of Mn2+ ions. Compared with the undoped sample, the luminescence of the ZnS:Mn sample is enhanced by more than an order of magnitude, which indicated that the Mn2+ ions can efficiently boost the luminescence of ZnS nanocrystals.


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The PL spectra for the 10, 4. 5, 3. 5, 3, 1 nm sized ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles and corresponding bulk material under different pressures were investigated. The orange emission band originated from the T-4(1)-(6)A(1) transition of Mn2+ ions showed obvious red shift with the increasing of pressures. The pressure coefficients of Mn-related emissions measured from bulk, 10, 4. 5, 3.5 and 3 nm samples are -29.4 +/- 0.3, -30.1 +/- 0.3, -33.3 +/- 0.6, -34.6 +/- 0.8 and -39 +/- 1 meV/GPa, respectively. The absolute value of the pressure coefficient increases with the decrease of the size of particles. The size dependence of crystal field strength Dq and Racah parameter B accounts for the size behavior of the Mn-related emission in ZnS:Mn nanoparticles. The pressure behavior of Mn-related emission in the 1 nm sized sample is somewhat different from that of other nanoparticles. It may be due to smaller size of 1 nm sample and the special surface condition since ZnS nanoparticles are formed in the cavities of ziolite-Y for the 1 nm sample.


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Mn ions were implanted to n-type Si(0 0 1) single crystal by low-energy ion beam deposition technique with an energy of 1000 eV and a dose of 7.5 x 10(17) cm(-2). The samples were held at room temperature and at 300degreesC during implantation. Auger electron spectroscopy depth profiles of samples indicate that the Mn ions reach deeper in the sample implanted at 300degreesC than in the sample implanted at room temperature. X-ray diffraction measurements show that the structure of the sample implanted at room temperature is amorphous while that of the sample implanted at 300degreesC is crystallized. There are no new phases found except silicon both in the two samples. Atomic force microscopy images of samples indicate that the sample implanted at 300degreesC has island-like humps that cover the sample surface while there is no such kind of characteristic in the sample implanted at room temperature. The magnetic properties of samples were investigated by alternating gradient magnetometer (AGM). The sample implanted at 300degreesC shows ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature. (C) 2004 Elsevier BN. All rights reserved.


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The fluctuations of the strained layer in a superlattice or quantum well can broaden the width of satellite peaks in double crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) pattern. It is found that the width of the 0(th) peak is directly proportional to the fluctuation of the strained layer if the other related facts are ignored. By this method, the Ge-Si atomic interdiffusion in Ge nano-dots and wetting layers has been investigated by DCXRD. It is found that thermal annealing can activate Ge-Si atomic interdiffusion and the interdiffusion in the nano-dots area is much stronger than that in the wetting layer area. Therefore the fluctuation of the Ge layer decreases and the distribution of Ge atoms becomes homogeneous in the horizontal Ge (GeSi actually) layer, which make the width of the 0(th) peak narrow after annealing.


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ZnO films prepared at different temperatures and annealed at 900 degrees C in oxygen are studied by photoluminescence (PL) and x-ray photoelection spectroscopy (XPS). It is observed that in the PL of the as-grown films the green luminescence (GL) and the yellow luminescence (YL) are related, and after annealing the GL is restrained and the YL is enhanced. The O 1s XPS results also show the coexistence of oxygen vacancy (Vo) and interstitial oxygen (O-i) before annealing and the quenching of the V-o after annealing. By combining the two results it is deduced that the GL and YL are related to the V-o and O-i defects, respectively.


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In undoped high-resistivity GaN epilayers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire, deep levels are investigated by persistent photoconductivity (PPC) and optical quenching (OQ) of photoconductivity (PC) measurements. The PPC and OQ are studied by exciting the samples with two beams of radiation of various wavelengths and intensities. When the light wavelengths of 300 and 340 nm radiate the GaN epilayer, the photocurrent without any quenching effect is rapidly increased because the band gap transition only occurs. If the background light is 340 nm and the quenching light is 564 or 828 nm, the quenching of a small photocurrent generates but clearly. Two broad quenching bands that extend from 385 to 716 nm and from 723 to 1000 nm with a maximum at approximately 2.2 eV (566 nm) is observed. These quenching bands are attributed to hole trap level's existence in the GaN epilayer. We point out that the origin of the defects responsible for the optical quenching can be attributed to nitrogen antisite and/or gallium vacancy. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.