972 resultados para inversion ankle sprain


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The solution behavior of four chitosans (91% deacetylated chitin) with different molecular weights in 0.2M CH3COOH/0.1M CH3COONa aqueous solution was investigated at 25 degrees C by dynamic laser light scattering (LLS). The Laplace inversion of the precisely measured intensity-intensity time correlation function leads us to an estimate of the line-width distribution G(Gamma), which could be further reduced to a translational diffusion coefficient distribution G(D). By using a combination of static and dynamic LLS results, i.e. Mw and G(D), we were able to establish a calibration of D = k(D)M(-alpha D) with k(D) = (3.14 +/- 0.20) X 10(-4) and alpha(D) = 0.655 +/- 0.015. By using this calibration, we successfully converted G(D) into a molecular weight distribution f(w)(M). The larger alpha(D) value confirms that the chitosan chain is slightly extended in aqueous solution even in the presence of salts. This is mainly due to its backbone and polyelectrolytes nature. As a very sensitive technique, our dynamic LLS results also revealed that even in dilute solution chitosan still forms a small amount of larger sized aggregates that have ben overlooked in previous studies. The calibration obtained in this study will provide another way to characterize the molecular weight distribution of chitosan in aqueous solution at room temperature. (C) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Many mud diapirs have been recognized in southern Okinawa Trough by a multi-channel seismic surveying on R/V KEXUE I in 2001. Gas hydrates have been identified, by the seismic reflection characteristics, the velocity analysis and the impedance inversion. Geothermal heat flow around the central of the mud diapir has been determined theoretically by the Bottom Simulating Reflectors (BSRs). Comparing the BSR derived and the measured heat flow values, we infer that the BSR immediately at the top of the mud diapirs indicate the base of the saturated gas hydrate formation zone (BSGHFZ), but not, as we ordinarily know, the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ), which could be explained by the abnormal regional background heat flow and free gas flux associated with mud diapirs. As a result, it helps us to better understand the generation mechanism of the gas hydrates associated with mud diapirs and to predict the gas hydrate potential in the southern Okinawa Trough. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Based on more than 4000 km 2D seismic data and seismic stratigraphic analysis, we discussed the extent and formation mechanism of the Qiongdongnan deep sea channel. The Qiongdongnan deep sea channel is a large incised channel which extends from the east boundary of the Yinggehai Basin, through the whole Qiongdongnan and the Xisha trough, and terminates in the western part of the northwest subbasin of South China Sea. It is more than 570 km long and 4-8 km wide. The chaotic (or continuous) middle (or high) amplitude, middle (or high) continuity seismic facies of the channel reflect the different lithological distribution of the channel. The channel formed as a complex result of global sea level drop during early Pliocene, large scale of sediment supply to the Yinggehai Basin, inversion event of the Red River strike-slip fault, and tilted direction of the Qiongdongnan Basin. The large scale of sediment supply from Red River caused the shelf break of the Yinggehai Basin to move torwards the S and SE direction and developed large scale of prograding wedge from the Miocene, and the inversion of the Red River strike-slip fault induced the sediment slump which formed the Qiongdongnan deep sea channel.


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A mass of geological, geophysical and geochemical data and information from the Okinawa Trough area are collected for comprehensive research in the study area from East China to Okinawa Trough and then to Ryukyu Island Are region. According to the seismic tomography result (P and S wave) and the processing result of free-air and Bouguer gravity anomaly and magnetic anomaly data in the study area, the comprehensive interpretation is carried out. The Moho depth distribution of the study area is obtained by the inversion calculation based on gravity data using the Harmonious Series method. The crust properties are analyzed. Meantime, some Cenozoic basalt data from Kuandian (NE China), Hannuoba (North China), Minxi (South China), Penghu Islands (Taiwan Strait), Okinawa Trough and Japan Island Arc regions are chosen to make the comparison research on element- isotopes. The result indicates that the lithosphere thickness in the Okinawa Trough area has obviously decreased, where a Low -velocity layer of upper-mantle has reached the Moho interface and the metasometized asthenosphere has formed. The research result on element- isotopes shows that the characteristic of the crust in the Okinawa Trough area is different from that in East China area and the Ryukyu Island Arc area. It is considered that the crust in the Okinawa Trough area belongs to the transition type, which is quite similar to the feature of the oceanic crust.


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The West Philippine basin (WPB) is a currently inactive marginal basin belonging to Philippine Sea plate, which has a complex formation history and various crust structures. Based on gravity, magnetic and seismic data, the tectonics in West Philippine basin is characterized by amagma spreading stage and strike slip fractures. NNE trending Okinawa-Luzon fracture zone is a large fracture zone with apparent geomorphology and shows a right-handed movement. The results of joint gravity-magnetic-seismic inversion suggest that the Okinawa-Luzon fracture zone has intensive deformation and is a transform fault. Western existence of the NW trending fractures under Ryukyu Islands Arc is the main cause of the differences between south and north Okinawa Trough. The Urdaneta plateau is not a remained arc, but remnant of mantle plume although its lava chemistry is similar to oceanic island basalt (OIB).


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The Jiyang superdepression is one of the richest hydrocarbon accumulations in the Bohai Bay basin, eastern China. Comprehensive seismic methods have been used in buried hill exploration in Jiyang to describe these fractured reservoirs better. Accurate seismic stratigraphic demarcation and variable-velocity mapping were applied to reveal the inner structure of the buried hills and determine the nature of the structural traps more precisely. Based on the analysis of rock properties and the characteristics of well-developed buried hill reservoirs, we have successfully linked the geology and seismic response by applying seismic forward technology. Log-constrained inversion, absorption coefficient analysis and tectonic forward-inversion with FMI loggings were applied to analyse and evaluate the buried hill reservoirs and gave satisfying results. The reservoir prediction was successful, which confirmed that the comprehensive utilization of these methods can be helpful in the exploration of buried hill reservoirs.


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A new wave retrieval method for the Along-Track Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (AT-InSAR) phase image is presented. The new algorithm, named parametric retrieval algorithm (PRA), uses the full nonlinear mapping relations. It differs from previous retrieval algorithms in that it does not require a priori information about the sea state or the wind vector from scatterometer data. Instead, it combines the observed AT-InSAR phase spectrum and assumed wind vector to estimate the wind sea spectrum. The method has been validated using several C-band and X-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR observations collocated with spectral buoy measurements. In this paper, X-band and C-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR phase images of ocean waves are first used to study AT-InSAR wave imaging fidelity. The resulting phase spectra are quantitatively compared with forward-mapped in situ directional wave spectra collocated with the AT-InSAR observations. Subsequently, we combine the parametric retrieval algorithm (PRA) with X-band and C-band HH-polarized AT-InSAR phase images to retrieve ocean wave spectra. The results show that the ocean wavelengths, wave directions, and significant wave heights estimated from the retrieved ocean wave spectra are in agreement with the buoy measurements.


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C band RADARSAT-2 fully polarimetric (fine quad-polarization mode, HH+VV+HV+VH) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are used to validate ocean surface waves measurements using the polarimetric SAR wave retrieval algorithm, without estimating the complex hydrodynamic modulation transfer function, even under large radar incidence angles. The linearly polarized radar backscatter cross sections (RBCS) are first calculated with the copolarization (HH, VV) and cross-polarization (HV, VH) RBCS and the polarization orientation angle. Subsequently, in the azimuth direction, the vertically and linearly polarized RBCS are used to measure the wave slopes. In the range direction, we combine horizontally and vertically polarized RBCS to estimate wave slopes. Taken together, wave slope spectra can be derived using estimated wave slopes in azimuth and range directions. Wave parameters extracted from the resultant wave slope spectra are validated with colocated National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoy measurements (wave periods, wavelengths, wave directions, and significant wave heights) and are shown to be in good agreement.


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A parametric method that extracts the ocean wave directional spectra from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image is presented. The 180 degrees ambiguity of SAR image and the loss of information beyond the azimuthal cutoff can be overcome with this method. The ocean wave spectra can be obtained from SAR image directly by using iteration inversion mapping method with forward nonlinear mapping. Some numerical experiments have been made by using ERS-1 satellite SAR imagette data. The ocean wave direction retrieved from SAR imagette data is in agreement with the wind direction from the scatterometer data.


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A new method to measure ocean wave slope spectra using fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (POLSAR) data was developed without the need for a complex hydrodynamic modulation transform function. There is no explicit use of a hydrodynamic modulation transfer function. This function is not clearly known and is based on hydrodynamic assumptions. The method is different from those developed by Schuler and colleagues or Pottier but complements their methods. The results estimated from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) C-band polarimetric SAR data show that the ocean wavelength, wave direction, and significant wave height are in agreement with buoy measurements. The proposed method can be employed by future satellite missions such as RADARSAT-2.


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In this letter, a new wind-vector algorithm is presented that uses radar backscatter sigma(0) measurements at two adjacent subscenes of RADARSAT-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, with each subscene having slightly different geometry. Resultant wind vectors are validated using in situ buoy measurements and compared with wind vectors determined from a hybrid wind-retrieval model using wind directions determined by spectral analysis of wind-induced image streaks and observed by colocated QuikSCAT measurements. The hybrid wind-retrieval model consists of CMOD-IFR2 [applicable to C-band vertical-vertical (W) polarization] and a C-band copolarization ratio according to Kirchhoff scattering. The new algorithm displays improved skill in wind-vector estimation for RADARSAT-1 SAR data when compared to conventional wind-retrieval methodology. In addition, unlike conventional methods, the present method is applicable to RADARSAT-1 images both with and without visible streaks. However, this method requires ancillary data such as buoy measurements to resolve the ambiguity in retrieved wind direction.


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本文依据收集到的392个地面验潮站8个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1及Q1)的调和常数,对现有7个全球大洋潮汐模式的准确度进行了检验,结果显示各模式在深海区域均达到了比较高的准确度,相互之间差别也不大。经验模式GOT00和CSR4.0、同化模式NAO99、反演同化模式TPXO7.0、数值同化模式FES2002和FES2004的M2分潮均方根偏差在3 cm左右,其它分潮(S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1及Q1)大约在1~2 cm。本文还依据中国近海18个岛屿的调和常数对其中的5个大洋潮汐模式的准确度进行了检验,结果表明,M2分潮均方根偏差在6~14 cm,明显高于大洋部分的偏差,其中日本国家天文台的潮汐模式NAO99在中国近海的结果相对较准确。 我们利用1992年8月至2008年8月的TOPEX/POSEIDON和JASON-1(T/P-J)卫星高度计资料,对沿卫星轨道的302816个站点进行了14个分潮的潮汐调和分析,得到了全球大洋潮汐的8个主要分潮以及2个气象分潮Sa、Ssa的经验同潮图。主要结果有:(1)各分潮在卫星上升轨道与下降轨道的交叉点(约7000个)相关性分析表明:M2分潮的振幅和迟角的相关系数很高(分别为0.9965和0.9961);S2,K1,O1和Sa分潮也有较好的相关性(相关系数为0.94~0.99);(2)该结果与392地面个验潮站吻合较好,其中M2分潮的振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差分别为:1.73 cm,2.340和2.93 cm;S2,K1和O1分潮的振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差为1 cm左右,5.250~7.270和1.5~2.1 cm,该精度与最近几年国际上的主要大洋潮汐模式的准确度相近;(3)首次通过卫星资料获得了Sa、Ssa分潮的同潮图。周期为1年的Sa分潮与大洋105个地面站相比,振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差分别为1.50 cm、18.360和2.16 cm。在此基础上,进一步分析了构成Sa、Ssa气象分潮的两个主要因素(海水密度以及海面气压)在全球的分布。 在T/P-J等卫星资料无法覆盖到南大洋和北冰洋,本文利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM)进行了数值模拟,模拟结果与162个地面实测站(其中南大洋30个,北冰洋132个)的观测比较一致。基于卫星资料分析的结果和数值模拟结果合并得到了全球大洋的8个主要分潮同潮图。在此基础上通过全球潮汐能量耗散的计算得到潮能通量的分布,并得到全球M2、S2、K1和O1分潮的潮汐能量耗散率为2.431TW、0.401TW、0.336TW和0.176TW。 本文还利用卫星资料对南海潮汐进行了研究,在中国南海,获得了主要的半日潮、全日潮、四分日分潮和长周期分潮(M2,S2,N2,K2,K1,O1,P1,Q1,M4, MS4,Sa, Ssa)的经验同潮图。与南海沿岸94个地面验潮站的数据符合得比较好,M2,S2,K1及O1等4个主要分潮的平均振幅差为2~4 cm,均方根偏差分别是9~11 cm.其它4个主要分潮N2,K2,P1,Q1的平均振幅差为1~2 cm,均方根偏差为2~4 cm。此外,本文还利用卫星高度计资料潮汐分析结果沿卫星轨道进行高通滤波,分离得出中国近海的M2,S2,K1及O1分潮的内潮信息。


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地球物理方法是目前海域天然气水合物和游离气识别与预测分析的重要手段,并且已经由早期主要研究地层的速度和振幅信息发展到利用波形特征进行叠前反演,提取多种属性、多种弹性参数进行综合分析的阶段,因此对水合物地层进行综合地球物理属性研究具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。 本文通过对2001年东海973航次在冲绳海槽取得的多道地震数据进行有针对性的特殊处理,并通过精细地地震地层解释,发现海槽南部存在大量的泥底辟构造并伴生天然气水合物。针对DMS01-5测线上的泥底辟构造,分别从叠加速度分析、砂泥岩比分析、计算海底热流与实测海底热流对比分析、流体势能分析和波阻抗反演分析等几方面探讨了泥底辟型天然气水合物的地球物理特征,并对该处底辟顶部和其周围岩层中似海底反射(BSR)的成因进行了探讨,认为这里的BSR并不代表天然气水合物稳定带的底界,而分别对应于天然气水合物生成带的底界和游离气的顶界。 基于波动方程的一维半空间叠前全波形反演可以求取多个弹性参数,同时可以获得水合物沉积层精细的速度结构,这对天然气水合物和游离气的识别进而估算天然气水合物和游离气的含量至关重要。本文系统讨论了在Kennett广义反射透射系数矩阵正演基础上叠前全波形反演的遗传算法。Kennett广义反射透射系数矩阵正演算法包含了自由表面反射、薄互层层间多次反射波、透射反射波以及P-SV波之间的相互转换波,适合水合物层精细速度结构研究。采用遗传算法进行全波形反演克服了传统局部线性最优化方法依赖初始模型,需要利用目标函数导数信息的不足之处,算法收敛速度较快并且具有一定的稳定性。


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温度跃层是反映海洋温度场的重要物理特性指标,对水下通讯、潜艇活动及渔业养殖、捕捞等有重要影响。本文利用中国科学院海洋研究所“中国海洋科学数据库”在中国近海及西北太平洋(110ºE-140ºE,10ºN-40ºN)的多年历史资料(1930-2002年,510143站次),基于一种改进的温跃层判定方法,分析了该海域温跃层特征量的时空分布状况。同时利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM),对中国近海,特别是东南沿海的水文结构进行了模拟,研究了海洋水文环境对逆温跃层的影响。最后根据历史海温观测资料,利用EOF分解统计技术,提出了一种适于我国近海及毗邻海域,基于现场有限层实测海温数据,快速重构海洋水温垂直结构的统计预报方法,以达到对现场温跃层的快速估计。 历史资料分析结果表明,受太阳辐射和风应力的影响,20°N以北研究海域,温跃层季节变化明显,夏季温跃层最浅、最强,冬季相反,温跃层厚度的相位明显滞后于其他变量,其在春季最薄、秋季最厚。12月份到翌年3月份,渤、黄及东海西岸,呈无跃层结构,西北太平洋部分海域从1月到3月份,也基本无跃层结构。在黄海西和东岸以及台湾海峡附近的浅滩海域,由于风力搅拌和潮混合作用,温跃层出现概率常年较低。夏季,海水层化现象在近海陆架海域得到了加强,陆架海域温跃层强度季节性变化幅度(0.31°C/m)明显大于深水区(约0.05°C/m),而前者温跃层深度和厚度的季节性变化幅度小于后者。20°N以南研究海域,温跃层季节变化不明显。逆温跃层主要出现在冬、春季节(10月-翌年5月)。受长江冲淡水和台湾暖流的影响,东南沿海区域逆温跃层持续时间最长,出现概率最大,而在山东半岛北及东沿岸、朝鲜半岛西及北岸,逆温跃层消长过程似乎和黄海暖流有关。多温跃层结构常年出现于北赤道流及对马暖流区。在黑潮入侵黄、东、南海的区域,多温跃层呈现明显不同的季节变化。在黄海中部,春季多温跃层发生概率高于夏季和秋季,在东海西部,多跃层主要出现在夏季,在南海北部,冬季和春季多温跃层发生概率大于夏季和秋季。这些变化可能主要受海表面温度变化和风力驱动的表层流的影响。 利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM),对中国东南沿海逆温跃层结构进行了模拟,模拟结果显示,长江冲淡水的季节性变化以及夏季转向与实际结果符合较好,基本再现了渤、黄、东海海域主要的环流、温盐场以及逆温跃层的分布特征和季节变化。通过数值实验发现,若无长江、黄河淡水输入,则在整个研究海域基本无逆温跃层出现,因此陆源淡水可能是河口附近逆温跃层出现的基本因素之一。长江以及暖流(黑潮和台湾暖流)流量的增加,均可在不同程度上使逆温跃层出现概率及强度、深度和厚度增加,且暖流的影响更加明显。长江对东南沿海逆温跃层的出现,特别是秋季到冬季初期,有明显的影响,使长江口海域逆温跃层位置偏向东南。暖流对于中国东南沿海的逆温跃层结构,特别是初春时期,有较大影响,使长江口海域的逆温跃层位置向东北偏移。 通过对温跃层长期变化分析得出,黄海冷水团区域,夏季温跃层强度存在3.8年左右的年际变化及18.9年左右的年代际变化,此变化可能主要表现为对当年夏季和前冬东亚地区大气气温的热力响应。东海冷涡区域,夏季温跃层强度存在3.7年的年际变化,在El Nino年为正的强度异常,其可能主要受局地气旋式大气环流变异所影响。谱分析同时表明,该海域夏季温跃层强度还存在33.2年的年代际变化,上世纪70年代中期,温跃层强度由弱转强,而此变化可能与黑潮流量的年代际变化有关。 海洋水温垂直结构的统计预报结果显示,EOF分解的前四个主分量即能够解释原空间点温度距平总方差的95%以上,以海洋表层附近观测资料求解的特征系数推断温度垂直结构分布的结果最稳定。利用东海陆架区、南海深水区和台湾周边海域三个不同区域的实测CTD样本廓线资料,对重构模型的检验结果表明,重构与实测廓线的相关程度超过95%的置信水平。三个区重构与实测温度廓线值的平均误差分别为0.69℃,0.52℃,1.18℃,平均重构廓线误差小于平均气候偏差,统计模式可以很好的估算温度廓线垂直结构。东海陆架海区温度垂直重构廓线与CTD观测廓线获得的温跃层结果对比表明,重构温跃层上界、下界深度和强度的平均绝对误差分别为1.51m、1.36m和0.17℃/m,它们的平均相对误差分别为24.7%、8.9%和22.6%,虽然温跃层深度和强度的平均相对误差较大,但其绝对误差量值较小。而在南海海区,模型重构温跃层上界、下界和强度的平均绝对预报误差分别为4.1m、27.7m和0.007℃/m,它们的平均相对误差分别为16.1%、16.8%和9.5%,重构温跃层各特征值的平均相对误差都在20%以内。虽然南海区温跃层下界深度平均绝对预报误差较大,但相对于温跃层下界深度的空间尺度变化而言(平均温跃层下界深度为168m),平均相对误差仅为16.8%。因此说模型重构的温度廓线可以达到对我国陆架海域、深水区温跃层的较好估算。 基于对历史水文温度廓线观测资料的分析及自主温跃层统计预报模型,研制了实时可利用微机简单、快捷地进行温跃层估算及查询的可视化系统,这是迄今进行大范围海域温跃层统计与实时预报研究的较系统成果。


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In the title compound, [CdCl2(C13H12N2O)(2)], the Cd-II ion is situated on an inversion centre, coordinated by two 0 atoms [Cd-O=2.3878 (17) angstrom] and two N atoms [Cd-N = 2.3404 (15) angstrom] from two N-(2-pyridylmethyl)benzamide ligands, and two Cl atoms [Cd-Cl = 2.5566 (6) angstrom], in a distorted octahedral geometry. In the crystal structure, intermolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot Cl hydrogen bonds [N center dot center dot center dot Cl = 3.1705 (18) angstrom] and pi-pi interactions, with a distance of 3.868 (3) angstrom between the centroids of the phenyl and pyridyl rings of neighbouring molecules, lead to the formation of two-dimensional layers parallel to the bc plane.