909 resultados para idrossiapatite, cranioplastica, protesi, biomimetiche, microonde, DoE
The taxonomic composition and types of particles comprising the downward particle flux were examined during the mesoscale artificial iron fertilisation experiment LOHAFEX. The experiment was conducted in low-silicate waters of the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean during austral summer (January-March 2009), and induced a bloom dominated by small flagellates. Downward particle flux was low throughout the experiment, and not enhanced by addition of iron; neutrally buoyant sediment traps contained mostly faecal pellets and faecal material apparently reprocessed by mesozooplankton. TEP fluxes were low, <5 mg GX eq/m**2/day, and a few phytodetrital aggregates were found in the sediment traps. Only a few per cent of the POC flux was found in the traps consisting of intact protist plankton, although remains of taxa with hard body parts (diatoms, tintinnids, thecate dinoflagellates and foraminifera) were numerous, far more so than intact specimens of these taxa. Nevertheless, many small flagellates and coccoid cells, belonging to the pico- and nanoplankton, were found in the traps, and these small, soft-bodied cells probably contributed the majority of downward POC flux via mesozooplankton grazing and faecal pellet export. TEP likely played an important role by aggregating these small cells, and making them more readily available to mesozooplankton grazers.
Benthic cyanobacterial mats (BCMs) are impacting coral reefs worldwide. However, the factors and mechanisms driving their proliferation are unclear. We conducted a multi-year survey around the Caribbean island of Curaçao, which revealed highest BCM abundance on sheltered reefs close to urbanised areas. Reefs with high BCM abundance were also characterised by high benthic cover of macroalgae and low cover of corals. Nutrient concentrations in the water-column were consistently low, but markedly increased just above substrata (both sandy and hard) covered with BCMs. This was true for sites with both high and low BCM coverage, suggesting that BCM growth is stimulated by a localised, substrate-linked release of nutrients from the microbial degradation of organic matter. This hypothesis was supported by a higher organic content in sediments on reefs with high BCM coverage, and by an in situ experiment which showed that BCMs grew within days on sediments enriched with organic matter (Spirulina). We propose that nutrient runoff from urbanised areas stimulates phototrophic blooms and enhances organic matter concentrations on the reef. This organic matter is transported by currents and settles on the seabed at sites with low hydrodynamics. Subsequently, nutrients released from the organic matter degradation fuel the growth of BCMs. Improved management of nutrients generated on land should lower organic loading of sediments and other benthos (e.g. turf and macroalgae) to reduce BCM proliferation on coral reefs.
Global warming and ocean acidification are among the most important stressors for aquatic ecosystems in the future. To investigate their direct and indirect effects on a near-natural plankton community, a multiple-stressor approach is needed. Hence, we set up mesocosms in a full-factorial design to study the effects of both warming and high CO2 on a Baltic Sea autumn plankton community, concentrating on the impacts on microzooplankton (MZP). MZP abundance, biomass, and species composition were analysed over the course of the experiment. We observed that warming led to a reduced time-lag between the phytoplankton bloom and an MZP biomass maximum. MZP showed a significantly higher growth rate and an earlier biomass peak in the warm treatments while the biomass maximum was not affected. Increased pCO2 did not result in any significant effects on MZP biomass, growth rate, or species composition irrespective of the temperature, nor did we observe any significant interactions between CO2 and temperature. We attribute this to the high tolerance of this estuarine plankton community to fluctuations in pCO2, often resulting in CO2 concentrations higher than the predicted end-of-century concentration for open oceans. In contrast, warming can be expected to directly affect MZP and strengthen its coupling with phytoplankton by enhancing its grazing pressure.
PEDRINI, Aldomar; WESTPHAL, F. S.; LAMBERT, R.. A methodology for building energy modelling and calibration in warm climates. Building And Environment, Australia, n. 37, p.903-912, 2002. Disponível em:
La sostituzione totale d’anca è uno degli interventi chirurgici con le più alte percentuali di successo. Esistono due varianti di protesi d’anca che differiscono in base al metodo di ancoraggio all’osso: cementate (fissaggio tramite cemento osseo) e non cementate (fissaggio tramite forzamento). Ad oggi, i chirurghi non hanno indicazioni quantitative di supporto per la scelta fra le due tipologie di impianto, decidendo solo in base alla loro esperienza. Due delle problematiche che interessano le protesi non cementate sono la possibilità di frattura intra-operatoria durante l’inserimento forzato e il riassorbimento osseo nel periodo di tempo successivo all’intervento. A partire da rilevazioni densitometriche effettuate su immagini da TC di pazienti sottoposti a protesi d’anca non cementata, sono stati sviluppati due metodi: 1) per la valutazione del rischio di frattura intra-operatorio tramite analisi agli elementi finiti; 2) per la valutazione della variazione di densità minerale ossea (tridimensionalmente attorno alla protesi) dopo un anno dall’operazione. Un campione di 5 pazienti è stato selezionato per testare le procedure. Ciascuno dei pazienti è stato scansionato tramite TC in tre momenti differenti: una acquisita prima dell’operazione (pre-op), le altre due acquisite 24 ore (post 24h) e 1 anno dopo l’operazione (post 1y). I risultati ottenuti hanno confermato la fattibilità di entrambi i metodi, riuscendo inoltre a distinguere e a quantificare delle differenze fra i vari pazienti. La fattibilità di entrambe le metodologie suggerisce la loro possibilità di impiego in ambito clinico: 1) conoscere la stima del rischio di frattura intra-operatorio può servire come strumento di guida per il chirurgo nella scelta dell’impianto protesico ottimale; 2) conoscere la variazione di densità minerale ossea dopo un anno dall’operazione può essere utilizzato come strumento di monitoraggio post-operatorio del paziente.
Una Brain Computer Interface (BCI) è un dispositivo che permette la misura e l’utilizzo di segnali cerebrali al fine di comandare software e/o periferiche di vario tipo, da semplici videogiochi a complesse protesi robotizzate. Tra i segnali attualmente più utilizzati vi sono i Potenziali Evocati Visivi Steady State (SSVEP), variazioni ritmiche di potenziale elettrico registrabili sulla corteccia visiva primaria con un elettroencefalogramma (EEG) non invasivo; essi sono evocabili attraverso una stimolazione luminosa periodica, e sono caratterizzati da una frequenza di oscillazione pari a quella di stimolazione. Avendo un rapporto segnale rumore (SNR) particolarmente favorevole ed una caratteristica facilmente studiabile, gli SSVEP sono alla base delle più veloci ed immediate BCI attualmente disponibili. All’utente vengono proposte una serie di scelte ciascuna associata ad una stimolazione visiva a diversa frequenza, fra le quali la selezionata si ripresenterà nelle caratteristiche del suo tracciato EEG estratto in tempo reale. L’obiettivo della tesi svolta è stato realizzare un sistema integrato, sviluppato in LabView che implementasse il paradigma BCI SSVEP-based appena descritto, consentendo di: 1. Configurare la generazione di due stimoli luminosi attraverso l’utilizzo di LED esterni; 2. Sincronizzare l’acquisizione del segnale EEG con tale stimolazione; 3. Estrarre features (attributi caratteristici di ciascuna classe) dal suddetto segnale ed utilizzarle per addestrare un classificatore SVM; 4. Utilizzare il classificatore per realizzare un’interfaccia BCI realtime con feedback per l’utente. Il sistema è stato progettato con alcune delle tecniche più avanzate per l’elaborazione spaziale e temporale del segnale ed il suo funzionamento è stato testato su 4 soggetti sani e comparato alle più moderne BCI SSVEP-based confrontabili rinvenute in letteratura.
The Revised Iowa Energy Conservation Plan: 1979-1980 is a blue print for the state's continued participation. The original Plan contained descriptions of more than 70 programs underway or conceived for state implementation with federal dollars. The Revised Plan contains only those programs to be funded in Federal dollars. The projects include five mandatory programs identified by DOE and several projects selected for funding by the Iowa Energy Policy Council (EPC), the policy making board which governs the state energy agency. The 18-member Council selected the conservation programs at its March 20-21, 1979 meeting. The Council retains the right to amend both the Plan and the budget at any time for the duration of the three-year program.
Die vorliegende Arbeit nahm sich vor, das Bild des Afroamerikaners in jeweils zwei kubanischen und brasilianischen Romanen des 19. Jahrhunderts zu analysieren: El negro Francisco, Cecilia Valdés, A escrava Isaura und O mulato. Das Hauptziel war es, zu untersuchen, wie das Bild des Afroabstammenden von den Autoren angeeignet und instrumentalisiert wurde, um Veränderungen in ihren Gesellschaften zu erzielen. Darüber hinaus, versuchte man darzustellen, wie der Afroamerikaner und seine Kultur aus dem kubanischen und brasilianischen nationalen Projekt ausgeschlossen wurden. Zunächst wurden die Haupttheorien über die Konstruktion von Auto- und Heterostereotypen vorgestellt und auf die Relevanz der Stereotypenbildung im kolonialen Kontext hingewiesen. Daraufhin wurde der historische Kontext der Sklaverei und der Abolition in Kuba und in Brasilien dargelegt. Auf diese Basis wurden die Werke analysiert. Im letzten Kapitel wurde auf die Resultate der Fragestellungen eingegangen, die die vorliegende Arbeit geleitet haben. Solche wie: Welche Bilder der Weißen und der Schwarzen wurden in den Werken kreiert? Wie positioniert sich der Autor bezüglich der Abolition und der Vermischung der Ethnien? Welche Bedeutung hatten die ethnischen Diskurse im kubanischen und brasilianischen kollektiven Gedächtnis des 19. Jahrhunderts? Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Bild des Afroamerikaners in den Romanen verwendet wurde, um die Zukunft der eigenen Nation zu projizieren, von der der Schwarze nur ein Teil werden könnte, wenn er die weiße Kultur und Hautfarbe annehmen würde, das heißt, wenn er sich dem Prozess eines physischen und kulturellen „branqueamento“ unterziehen würde. Die abolitionistische Narrative, auch wenn sie nach außen hin dem Schwarzen zu verteidigen scheint, trug in Wahrheit zur Fixierung und Perpetuierung der ethnischen Stereotype bei, die die Schwarzen in den marginalen Sphären der Gesellschaft verewigten und die Macht in den Händen der Weißen konsolidierten.
O presente relatório de projeto explicita as etapas da elaboração e os resultados obtidos através da realização de um projeto de reabilitação energética de um complexo de piscinas interiores. Esta reabilitação energética tem por objetivo a redução dos custos energéticos através da subtração de consumos supérfluos de energia ou da melhoria da eficiência energética dos equipamentos. Para alcançar estes objetivos recorreu-se à simulação dinâmica do edifício de modo a estimar múltiplas variáveis energéticas e identificar quais os setores e equipamentos que maior influência têm no consumo energético do complexo em estudo. Para a realização da simulação, recorreu-se a um software desenvolvido pelo DOE dos Estados Unidos da América, o Energy Plus, com o auxílio do Design Builder, que permite a criação e edição do modelo de forma mais fácil e acessível. Os valores retirados da simulação foram posteriormente comparados com valores reais. Com o complexo caraterizado e os principais consumidores identificados foi possível iniciar o estudo das medidas de melhoria da eficiência energética. As principais medidas estudadas incidiram na instalação de coberturas isotérmicas nas piscinas para reduzir a perda de energia através da evaporação e da radiação, a introdução de fontes de energia renovável como alternativa energética, substituição de elementos do sistema de iluminação e o aproveitamento de energia dissipada em equipamentos. Com este estudo, a entidade gestora do complexo encontra-se mais informada e pronta a tomar decisões que influenciem de forma significativa o consumo de energia no complexo, podendo optar pela instalação de alguma das medidas propostas.
PEDRINI, Aldomar; WESTPHAL, F. S.; LAMBERT, R.. A methodology for building energy modelling and calibration in warm climates. Building And Environment, Australia, n. 37, p.903-912, 2002. Disponível em:
Isocyanates are included into a class with an extreme commercial importance because their use in the manufacture of polyurethanes. Polyurethanes are used in several applications such as adhesives, coatings, foams, thermoplastics resins, printing inks, foundry moulds and rubbers. Agglomerated cork stoppers are currently used for still wines, semi-sparkle and gaseous wines, beer and cider. Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) is presently the isocyanate used in the production of polyurethane based adhesive in use due to its lowest toxicity comparing with toluene diisocyanate (TDI) previously employed. However, free monomeric TDI or MDI, depending on the based polyurethane, can migrate from agglomerated cork stoppers to beverages therefore it needs to be under control. The presence of these compounds are usually investigated by HPLC with Fluorescence or UV-Vis detector depending on the derivatising agent. Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detector (UPLC-DAD) method is replacing HPLC. The objective of this study is to determine which method is better to analyze isocyanates from agglomerated cork stoppers, essentially TDI to quantify its monomer. A Design of Experiments (DOE) with three factors, column temperature, flow and solvent, at two levels was done. Eight experiments with three replications and two repetitions were developed. Through an ANOVA the significance of the factors was evaluated and the best level’s factors were selected. As the TDI has two isomers and in this method these two isomers were not always separated an ANOVA with results of resolution between peaks was performed. The Design of Experiments reveals to be a suitable statistical tool to determine the best conditions to quantified free isocyanates from agglomerated cork stoppers to real foodstuff. The best level’s factors to maximize area was column temperature at 30ºC, flow to 0,3 mL/min and solvent 0,1% Ammonium Acetate, to maximize resolution was the same except the solvent that was 0,01% Ammonium Acetate.
In a industrial environment, to know the process one is working with is crucial to ensure its good functioning. In the present work, developed at Prio Biocombustíveis S.A. facilities, using process data, collected during the present work, and historical process data, the methanol recovery process was characterized, having started with the characterization of key process streams. Based on the information retrieved from the stream characterization, Aspen Plus® process simulation software was used to replicate the process and perform a sensitivity analysis with the objective of accessing the relative importance of certain key process variables (reflux/feed ratio, reflux temperature, reboiler outlet temperature, methanol, glycerol and water feed compositions). The work proceeded with the application of a set of statistical tools, starting with the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) from which the interactions between process variables and their contribution to the process variability was studied. Next, the Design of Experiments (DoE) was used to acquire experimental data and, with it, create a model for the water amount in the distillate. However, the necessary conditions to perform this method were not met and so it was abandoned. The Multiple Linear Regression method (MLR) was then used with the available data, creating several empiric models for the water at distillate, the one with the highest fit having a R2 equal to 92.93% and AARD equal to 19.44%. Despite the AARD still being relatively high, the model is still adequate to make fast estimates of the distillate’s quality. As for fouling, its presence has been noticed many times during this work. Not being possible to directly measure the fouling, the reboiler inlet steam pressure was used as an indicator of the fouling growth and its growth variation with the amount of Used Cooking Oil incorporated in the whole process. Comparing the steam cost associated to the reboiler’s operation when fouling is low (1.5 bar of steam pressure) and when fouling is high (reboiler’s steam pressure of 3 bar), an increase of about 58% occurs when the fouling increases.
[EU]"Arku fazial birtualaren balidazioa eta optimizazioa". Odontologian eta, oro har, medikuntzan, prozesu birtualek geroz eta indar handiagoa hartzen dabiltza, bai espezialista baita pazienteei erraztasuna emateko asmoz. Ildo horretatik jarraituz, protesien eta hortz-errestaurazioen kasuan, ikerketa sakonak burutu dira, prozesuaren ahalik eta zatirik handiena digitalizatzeko. Digitalizazio prozesu honetan CAD/CAM sistemaren aurrerapenek ere zeresan handia izan dute; izan ere, protesi eta errestaurazioen prozesu tradizionala ordezkatzea ahalbidetu du. Prozesu digitalek hainbat onura suposatu arren, zein fidagarriak diren konprobatzea ezinbestekoa da, prozesuarentzat metodologiarik egokiena aukeratu ahal izateko. Horretan zentratzen da hain zuzen proiektu hau. Protesien diseinu birtuala egin ahal izateko, beharrezkoa da horzduren kokapen birtuala lortzea, artikulagailu birtualean kokatu ahal izateko. Horretarako arku fazial birtuala erabiliko da, baina oraindik ez da metodologiarik egokiena zein den konprobatu. Beraz, proiektu honen helburua arku fazial birtual egokiena zein den zehaztea da, horretarako metodologia ezberdinak konparatuko direlarik bai modelo ez-erreala erabiliz (in vitro) baita paziente errealekin (in vivo). Horrela, prozesu ezberdinen zehaztasuna zein den konprobatu ahal izango da, bakoitzaren egiazkotasuna eta doitasuna aztertuz. Emaitzetan oinarrituz, arku fazial birtual gisa metodologiarik egokiena zein den ondorioztatu ahal izango da.
With the advances in medicine, life expectancy of the world population has grown considerably in recent decades. Studies have been performed in order to maintain the quality of life through the development of new drugs and new surgical procedures. Biomaterials is an example of the researches to improve quality of life, and its use goes from the reconstruction of tissues and organs affected by diseases or other types of failure, to use in drug delivery system able to prolong the drug in the body and increase its bioavailability. Biopolymers are a class of biomaterials widely targeted by researchers since they have ideal properties for biomedical applications, such as high biocompatibility and biodegradability. Poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a biopolymer used as a biomaterial and its monomer, lactic acid, is eliminated by the Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle). It is possible to synthesize PLA through various synthesis routes, however, the direct polycondensation is cheaper due the use of few steps of polymerization. In this work we used experimental design (DOE) to produce PLAs with different molecular weight from the direct polycondensation of lactic acid, with characteristics suitable for use in drug delivery system (DDS). Through the experimental design it was noted that the time of esterification, in the direct polycondensation, is the most important stage to obtain a higher molecular weight. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrograms obtained were equivalent to the PLAs available in the literature. Results of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showed that all PLAs produced are semicrystalline with glass transition temperatures (Tgs) ranging between 36 - 48 °C, and melting temperatures (Tm) ranging from 117 to 130 °C. The PLAs molecular weight characterized from Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), varied from 1000 to 11,000 g/mol. PLAs obtained showed a fibrous morphology characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)