987 resultados para idrocarburi non convenzionali, shale gas, approvvigionamenti energetici, olio non convenzionale
An abstract theory on general synchronization of a system of several oscillators coupled by a medium is given. By generalized synchronization we mean the existence of an invariant manifold that allows a reduction in dimension. The case of a concrete system modeling the dynamics of a chemical solution on two containers connected to a third container is studied from the basics to arbitrary perturbations. Conditions under which synchronization occurs are given. Our theoretical results are complemented with a numerical study.
Two groups of patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) maintenance were evaluated for their antibody response to non-structural c100/3 protein and structural core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Forty-six patients (Group 1) never presented liver abnormalities during HD treatment, while 52 patients (Group 2) had either current or prior liver enzyme elevations. Prevalence rates of 32.6% and 41.3% were found for anti-c100/3 and anti-HCV core antibodies, respectively, in patients with silent infections (Group 1). The rate of anti-c100/3 in patients of Group 2 was 71.15% and reached 86.5% for anti-HCV core antibodies. The recognition of anti-c100/3 and anti-core antibodies was significantly higher in Group 2 than in Group 1. A line immunoassay composed of structural and non-structural peptides was used as a confirmation assay. HBV infection, measured by the presence of anti-HBc antibodies, was observed in 39.8% of the patients. Six were HBsAg chronic carriers and 13 had naturally acquired anti-HBs antibodies. The duration of HD treatment was correlated with anti-HCV positivity. A high prevalence of 96.7% (Group 2) was found in patients who underwent more than 5 years of treatment. Our results suggest that anti-HCV core ELISA is more accurate for detecting HCV infection than anti-c100/3. Although the risk associated with the duration of HD treatment and blood transfusion was high, additional factors such as a significant non-transfusional spread of HCV seems to play a role as well. The identification of infective patients by more sensitive methods for HCV genome detection should help to control the transmission of HCV in the unit under study.
Wireless communications had a great development in the last years and nowadays they are present everywhere, public and private, being increasingly used for different applications. Their application in the business of sports events as a means to improve the experience of the fans at the games is becoming essential, such as sharing messages and multimedia material on social networks. In the stadiums, given the high density of people, the wireless networks require very large data capacity. Hence radio coverage employing many small sized sectors is unavoidable. In this paper, an antenna is designed to operate in the Wi-Fi 5GHz frequency band, with a directive radiation pattern suitable to this kind of applications. Furthermore, despite the large bandwidth and low losses, this antenna has been developed using low cost, off-the-shelf materials without sacrificing quality or performance, essential to mass production. © 2015 EurAAP.
A new family of eight ruthenium(II)-cyclopentadienyl bipyridine derivatives, bearing nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorous and carbonyl sigma bonded coligands, has been synthesized. Compounds bearing nitrogen bonded coligands were found to be unstable in aqueous solution, while the others presented appropriate stabilities for the biologic assays and pursued for determination of IC50 values in ovarian (A2780) and breast (MCF7 and MDAMB231) human cancer cell lines. These studies were also carried out for the [5: HSA] and [6: HSA] adducts (HSA=human serum albumin) and a better performance was found for the first case. Spectroscopic, electrochemical studies by cyclic voltammetry and density functional theory calculations allowed us to get some understanding on the electronic flow directions within the molecules and to find a possible clue concerning the structural features of coligands that can activate bipyridyl ligands toward an increased cytotoxic effect. X-ray structure analysis of compound [Ru(η(5)-C5H5)(bipy)(PPh3)][PF6] (7; bipy=bipyridine) showed crystallization on C2/c space group with two enantiomers of the [Ru(η(5)-C5H5)(bipy)(PPh3)](+) cation complex in the racemic crystal packing.
The prevalence of rubella antibodies was evaluated through a ramdom Seroepidemiological survey in 1400 blood samples of 2-14 year old children and in 329 samples of umbilical cord serum. Rubella IgG antibodies were detected by ELISA, and the sera were collected in 1987, five years before the mass vaccination campaign with measles-mumps-rubella vaccine carried out in the city of São Paulo in 1992. A significant increase in prevalence of rubella infection was observed after 6 years of age, and 77% of the individuals aged from 15 to 19 years had detectable rubella antibodies. However, the seroprevalence rose to 90.5% (171/189) in cord serum samples from children whose mothers were 20 to 29 years old, and reached 95.6% in newborns of mothers who were 30 to 34 years old, indicating that a large number of women are infected during childbearing years. This study confirms that rubella infection represents an important Public Health problem in São Paulo city. The data on the seroprevalence of rubella antibodies before the mass vaccination campaign reflects the baseline immunological status of this population before any intervention and should be used to design an adequate vaccination strategy and to assess the Seroepidemiological impact of this intervention.
A cepa WSL (Wild São Lorenço) de T. cruzi, isolada de um cobaio proveniente de São Lorenço da Mata (Nordeste do Brasil) foi caracterizada através da análise do seu comportamento morfobiológico e perfil isoenzimático. Para o estudo do comportamento morfobiológico, tripomastigotas sanguíneos (1 x 10 5) da cepa WSL foram inoculados por via intraperitonal em camundongos albinos Swiss. Como controle a cepa Y (Tipo I) foi usada. Durante o curso da infecção os seguintes parâmetros foram analisados: parasitemia, mortalidade, morfologia dos parasitas no sangue periférico e tropismo tissular. O perfil isoenzimático foi analisado em relação às enzimas ALAT, GPI e PGM usando como controle de referência as cepas Peruana (Tipo I), 21SF (Tipo II) e Colombiana (Tipo III). A cepa WSL apresentou as seguintes características biológicas: 1) multiplicação lenta e pico parasitêmico entre 21 - 25 dias pós-infecção; 2) mortalidade de 3,3% 40 dias pós-infecção; 3) predominância de formas largas no sangue periférico e 4) miotropismo com predominante envolvimento cardíaco. A análise isoenzimática mostrou um padrão de zimodema 2 (Z2) que corresponde às cepas biológicas Tipo II. Os resultados mostram que a cepa WSL apresenta baixa virulência e patogenicidade.
The non-technical loss is not a problem with trivial solution or regional character and its minimization represents the guarantee of investments in product quality and maintenance of power systems, introduced by a competitive environment after the period of privatization in the national scene. In this paper, we show how to improve the training phase of a neural network-based classifier using a recently proposed meta-heuristic technique called Charged System Search, which is based on the interactions between electrically charged particles. The experiments were carried out in the context of non-technical loss in power distribution systems in a dataset obtained from a Brazilian electrical power company, and have demonstrated the robustness of the proposed technique against with several others natureinspired optimization techniques for training neural networks. Thus, it is possible to improve some applications on Smart Grids.
Demand response has gained increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets and smart grid environments. In addition to the importance that has been given to the development of business models for integrating demand response, several methods have been developed to evaluate the consumers’ performance after the participation in a demand response event. The present paper uses those performance evaluation methods, namely customer baseline load calculation methods, to determine the expected consumption in each period of the consumer historic data. In the cases in which there is a certain difference between the actual consumption and the estimated consumption, the consumer is identified as a potential cause of non-technical losses. A case study demonstrates the application of the proposed method to real consumption data.
The effects of Corynebacterium parvum on host protection, tissue reaction and "in vivo" chemotaxis in Schistosoma mansoni infected mice were studied. The C. parvum was given intraperitoneally using a dose of 0.7 mg, twice a week (for 4 weeks), thirty days before (prophylactic treatment) or after infection (curative treatment). The host protection was evaluated through the recovery of adult worms by liver perfusion and was lower in the prophylactic group as compared to the control group (p = 0.018), resulting in 44% protection. The "in vivo" leukocyte response in both prophylactic and curative groups was higher as compared to the infected/non treated group (p = 0.009 and p = 0.003, respectively). Tissue reactions were described in the experimental and control groups, but there were not remarkable differences among them. The possible biological implications and relevance of the findings for the defensive response of the host and control of schistosomiasis are discussed.
The electricity demand in Brazil has been growing. Some studies estimate that through 2035 the energy consumption (the power consumption) should increase 78%. Two distinct actions are necessary to meet this growth: the construction of new generating plants and to reduce electrical losses in the country. As the construction of power plants have a high price, coupled with the growth of (current) environmental concern, electric utilities are investing in reducing losses, both technical and non-technical. In this context, this paper aims to present an overview of nontechnical losses in Brazil and to raise a discussion on the reasons that contribute to energy fraud.
The electric utilities have large revenue losses annually due to commercial losses, which are caused mainly by fraud on the part of consumers and faulty meters. Automatic detection of such losses where there is a complex problem, given the large number of consumers and the high cost of each inspection, not to mention the wear of the relationship between company and consumer. Given the above, this paper aims to briefly present some methodologies applied by utilities to identify consumer frauds.
The identification of the major agents causing human hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Viruses) was achieved during the last 30 years. These viruses are responsible for the vast majority of human viral hepatitis cases, but there are still some cases epidemiologically related to infectious agents without any evidence of infection with known virus, designated as hepatitis non A - E. Those cases are considered to be associated with at least three different viruses: 1 - Hepatitis B Virus mutants expressing its surface antigen (HBsAg) with altered epitopes or in low quantities; 2 - Another virus probably associated with enteral transmitted non A-E hepatitis, called Hepatitis F Virus. Still more studies are necessary to better characterize this agent; 3 - Hepatitis G Virus or GB virus C, recently identified throughout the world (including Brazil) as a Flavivirus responsible for about 10% of parenteral transmitted hepatitis non A-E. Probably still other unknown viruses are responsible for human hepatitis cases without evidence of infection by any of these viruses, that could be called as non A-G hepatitis.
A polymerase chain reaction was carried out to detect pathogenic leptospires isolated from animals and humans in Argentina. A double set of primers (G1/G2, B64-I/B64-II), described before, were used to amplify by PCR a DNA fragment from serogroups belonging to Leptospira interrogans but did not allow to detect saprophytic strains isolated from soil and water (L. biflexa). This fact represents an advantage since it makes possible the differentiation of pathogenic from non-pathogenic leptospires in cultures. The sensitivity of this assay has been determined, allowing to detect just only 10 leptospires in the reaction tube. Those sets of primers generated either a 285 bp or 360 bp fragment, depending on the pathogenic strain
Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from a central venous catheter in a non-immunosuppressed patient with systemic tuberculosis. This case report represents a very uncommon form of isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A total improvement was obtained after treatment.
We studied 12 Hb C carriers: 4 homozygotic Hb CC and 8 heterozygotic. We observed the presence of free crystals in the peripheral blood of the homozygotes but in none of the heterozygotes. However, after incubation with 3% NaCl we were able to detect crystals in the heterozygotes (Hb AC and Hb SC), and in the homozygotes (Hb CC). In patient 04 (P04) less crystals formation occurred due to inhibition of the process by the presence of elevated levels of Hb F (12.2%). All the homozygotic patients had a splenomegaly of 3 to 6 fingerbreadths.We believe that the spleen wears off with time, thus allowing the passage of crystals to the peripheral blood. This finding might be associated with splenic insufficiency without a reduction of its dimensions. Finally, the finding of crystals in the peripheral blood permitted the diagnosis of Hb C obviating the need for electrophoresis.