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My doctoral dissertation in sociology and Russian studies, Social Networks and Everyday Practices in Russia, employs a "micro" or "grassroots" perspective on the transition. The study is a collection of articles detailing social networks in five different contexts. The first article examines Russian birthdays from a network perspective. The second takes a look at health care to see whether networks have become obsolete in a sector that is still overwhelmingly public, but increasingly being monetarised. The third article investigates neighbourhood relations. The fourth details relationships at work, particularly from the vantage point of internal migration. The fifth explores housing and the role of networks and money both in the Soviet and post-Soviet era. The study is based on qualitative social network and interview data gathered among three groups, teachers, doctors and factory workers, in St. Petersburg during 1993-2000. Methodologically it builds on a qualitative social network approach. The study adds a critical element to the discussion on networks in post-socialism. A considerable consensus exists that social networks were vital in state socialist societies and were used to bypass various difficulties caused by endemic shortages and bureaucratic rigidities, but a more debated issue has been their role in post-socialism. Some scholars have argued that the importance of networks has been dramatically reduced in the new market economy, whereas others have stressed their continuing importance. If a common denominator in both has been a focus on networks in relation to the past, a more overlooked aspect has been the question of inequality. To what extent is access to networks unequally distributed? What are the limits and consequences of networks, for those who have access, those outside networks or society at large? My study provides some evidence about inequalities. It shows that some groups are privileged over others, for instance, middle-class people in informal access to health care. Moreover, analysing the formation of networks sheds additional light on inequalities, as it highlights the importance of migration as a mechanism of inequality, for example. The five articles focus on how networks are actually used in everyday life. The article on health care, for instance, shows that personal connections are still important and popular in post-Soviet Russia, despite the growing importance of money and the emergence of "fee for service" medicine. Fifteen of twenty teachers were involved in informal medical exchange during a two-week study period, so that they used their networks to bypass the formal market mechanisms or official procedures. Medicines were obtained through personal connections because some were unavailable at local pharmacies or because these connections could provide medicines for a cheaper price or even for free. The article on neighbours shows that "mutual help" was the central feature of neighbouring, so that the exchange of goods, services and information covered almost half the contacts with neighbours reported. Neighbours did not provide merely small-scale help but were often exchange partners because they possessed important professional qualities, had access to workplace resources, or knew somebody useful. The article on the Russian work collective details workplace-related relationships in a tractor factory and shows that interaction with and assistance from one's co-workers remains important. The most interesting finding was that co-workers were even more important to those who had migrated to the city than to those who were born there, which is explained by the specifics of Soviet migration. As a result, the workplace heavily influenced or absorbed contexts for the worker migrants to establish relationships whereas many meeting-places commonly available in Western countries were largely absent or at least did not function as trusted public meeting places to initiate relationships. More results are to be found from my dissertation: Anna-Maria Salmi: Social Networks and Everyday Practices in Russia, Kikimora Publications, 2006, see www.kikimora-publications.com.
Depression in / by / for Women: Agency, Feminism and Self-Help in Groups on ensimmäinen väitöstasoinen tutkimus feministisestä terapiasta Suomessa sijoittuen psykologian, sosiaalitieteellisen mielenterveystutkimuksen sekä feministisen tutkimuksen alueille. Perinteisen näkemyksen mukaan feministisen tutkimuksen tulee olla ”naisista, naisten tekemää ja naisille kohdistettua”. Naiset ja masennus -projektitutkimus keskittyy naisten kokemaan masennukseen sisältäen mahdollisen miesten sekä patriarkaalisen hyvinvointivaltion osuuden masennukseen. Masennusta kokevat naiset ovat tutkimuksessa sekä tutkimuksen kohteena että aktiivisia osanottajia, mikä tuo heidän äänensä kuuluville. Tutkimus perustuu vuosien 1994-2000 välisenä aikana kerättyyn 11 ryhmän osallistujia koskevaan kvalitatiivisiin ja kvantitatiivisiin aineistoon. Irmeli Laitinen on ollut suunnittelemassa, keräämässä ja analysoimassa sitä yhdessä projektin muiden jäsenten kanssa. Tutkimuksessa mitattiin kuinka ryhmiin osallistuvien seka masennuksen tunteet että toiminnat muuttuivat yhden vuoden aikana. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli sekä masennuksesta kärsivien naisten osallistuminen feministiseen toimintatutkimukseen että ammatillisesti ohjatun oma-apuryhmämenetelmän kehittäminen suomalaiseen mielenterveyspalveluun. Projektin tutkimustulosten mukaan siihen osallistuneet naiset voimaantuivat ymmärtämään itseään sekä saivat luottamusta sosiaaliisiin taitoihinsa. Pidemmällä aikavälillä naisten tunteet muuttuivat myönteisiksi, heidän suhteensa itseensä positiivisemmaksi ja he aktivoituivat fyysisesti. Lisäksi tutkimustulokset viittaavat siihen, että masennus voi johtua näkymättömästä, sukupuolisesti virittyneestä jännitteestä naisystävällisessä hyvinvointivaltiossa paljastaen ”hyvinvointimasennusoireilun”. Suomalaisen sosiologi Erik Allardtin hyvinvointitypologian - having, loving, being – mukaisesti nämä ryhmään osallistuvat naiset eivät koe puutteita niinkään materiaalisessa hyvinvoinnissa (having) vaan pikeminkin suhteiden, sosiaalisen ja emotionaalisen hyvinvoinnin ulottuvuuksilla (loving ja being). Se, että masentuneet naiset pystyvät tuomaan esille pitkään vaiennettuja kokemuksiaan, voi merkitä paljon heidän paranemisessaan ja voimaantumisessaan. Ammatillisesti ohjatut oma-apuryhmät ja naisystävälliset hoitokäytännöt mahdollistivat tämänkaltaisen paranemisprosessin alkamisen tutkimukseen osallistuneissa ryhmissä.
Background: The national resuscitation guidelines were published in Finland in 2002 and are based on international guidelines published in 2000. The main goal of the national guidelines, available on the Internet free of charge, is early defibrillation by nurses in an institutional setting. Aim: To study possible changes in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) practices, especially concerning early defibrillation, nurses and students attitudes of guideline implementation and nurses and students ability to implement the guideline recommendations in clinical practices after publication of the Current Care (CC) guidelines for CPR 2002. Material and methods: CPR practices in Finnish health centres; especially concerning rapid defibrillation programmes, as well as the implementation of CC guidelines for CPR was studied in a mail survey to chief physicians of every health centre in Finland (Study I). The CPR skills using an automated external defibrillator (AED) were compared in a study including Objective stuctured clinical examination (OSCE) of resuscitation skills of nurses and nursing students in Finnish and Swedish hospital and institution (Studies II, III). Attitudes towards CPR-D and CPR guidelines among medical and nursing students and secondary hospital nurses were studied in surveys (Studies IV, V). The nurses receiving different CPR training were compared in a randomized trial including OSCE of CPR skills of nurses in Finnish Hospital (Study VI). Results: Two years after the publication, 40.7% of Finnish health centres used national resuscitation guidelines. The proportion of health centres having at least one AED (66%) and principle of nurse-performed defibrillation without the presence of a physician (42%) had increased. The CPR-D training was estimated to be insufficient regarding basic life support and advanced life support in the majority of health centres (Study I). CPR-D skills of nurses and nursing students in two specific Swedish and Finnish hospitals and institutions (Study II and III) were generally inadequate. The nurses performed better than the students and the Swedish nurses surpassed the Finnish ones. Geriatric nurses receiving traditional CPR-D training performed better than those receiving an Internet-based course but both groups failed to defibrillate within 60 s. Thus, the performance was not satisfactory even two weeks after traditional training (Study VI). Unlike the medical students, the nursing students did not feel competent to perform procedures recommended in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines including the defibrillation. However, the majority of nursing students felt confident about their ability to perform basic life support. The perceived ability to defibrillate correlated significantly with a positive attitude towards nurse-performed defibrillation and negatively with fear of damaging the patient s heart by defibrillation (Study IV). After the educational intervention, the nurses found their level of CPR-D capability more sufficient than before and felt more confident about their ability to perform defibrillation themselves. A negative attitude toward defibrillation correlated with perceived negative organisational attitudes toward cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines. After CPR-D education in the hospital, the majority (64%) of nurses hesitated to perform defibrillation because of anxiety and 27 % hesitated because of fear of injuring the patient. Also a negative personal attitude towards guidelines increased markedly after education (Study V). Conclusions: Although a significant change had occurred in resuscitation practices in primary health care after publication of national cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines the participants CPR-D skills were not adequate according to the CPR guidelines. The current way of teaching is unlikely to result in participants being able to perform adequate and rapid CPR-D. More information and more frequent training are needed to diminish anxiety concerning defibrillation. Negative beliefs and attitudes toward defibrillation affect the nursing students and nurses attitudes toward cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines. CPR-D education increased the participants self-confidence concerning CPR-D skills but it did not reduce their anxiety. AEDs have replaced the manual defibrillators in most institutions, but in spite of the modern devices the anxiety still exists. Basic education does not provide nursing students with adequate CPR-D skills. Thus, frequent training in the workplace has vital importance. This multi-professional program supported by the administration might provide better CPR-D skills. Distance learning alone cannot substitute for traditional small-group learning, tutored hands-on training is needed to learn practical CPR-D skills. Standardized testing would probably help controlling the quality of learning. Training of group-working skills might improve CPR performance.
Theoretical expressions for stresses and displacements have been derived for bending under a ring load of a free shell, a shell embedded in a soft medium, and a shell containing a soft core. Numerical work has been done for typical cases with an Elliot 803 Digital Computer and influence lines are drawn therefrom.
Free convection heat transfer from vertical long cylinders and wires were investigated experimentally. The experiments were designed to check the analytical results and the radius of curvature criteria formulated by the same authors. The results for water, the fluid medium used in the present set of experiments, are in excellent agreement with the theory. The results of Hama, Recesso and Christiaens, Kyte, Madden and Piret, in air are also shown to be in close agreement with proposed correlations.
The monochloroacetates of lanthanum, praseodymium and neodymium of the composition M(ClCH2COO)3·2H2O have been prepared and characterised. The compounds behave as non-electrolytes in dimethylformamide. The infrared spectra are consistent with bidentate coordination of the carboxylate group and show the presence of two types of water molecules, coordinated, and free. With six oxygen atoms from the three acetato groups and one from the water bonded to the metal, a coordination number of seven has been assigned to the rare earths in these compounds. On pyrolysis, the chloroacetates lose water at ~130 °C and yield the oxychlorides at ~500 °C. The X-ray powder patterns of the chloroacetates have been indexed for the monoclinic system, with four molecules per unit cell.
The boxicity of a graph G, denoted box(G), is the least integer d such that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional (axis-parallel) boxes. The cubicity, denoted cub(G), is the least dsuch that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional unit cubes. An independent set of three vertices is an asteroidal triple if any two are joined by a path avoiding the neighbourhood of the third. A graph is asteroidal triple free (AT-free) if it has no asteroidal triple. The claw number psi(G) is the number of edges in the largest star that is an induced subgraph of G. For an AT-free graph G with chromatic number chi(G) and claw number psi(G), we show that box(G) <= chi(C) and that this bound is sharp. We also show that cub(G) <= box(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2) <= chi(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2). If G is an AT-free graph having girth at least 5, then box(G) <= 2, and therefore cub(G) <= 2 [log(2) psi(G)] + 4. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is well known that the analysis of vibration of orthogonally stiffened rectangular plates and grillages may be simplified by replacing the actual structure by an orthotropic plate. This needs a suitable determination of the four elastic rigidity constants Dx, Dy, Dxy, D1 and the mass {Mathematical expression} of the orthotropic plate. A method is developed here for determining these parameters in terms of the sectional properties of the original plate-stiffener combination or the system of interconnected beams. Results of experimental work conducted on aluminium plates agree well with the results of the theory developed here.
An enzyme which catalyzes the oxidative conversion of o-aminophenol to 2-amino-3-H-isophenoxazin-3-one has been purified 396-fold by using standard fractionation procedures. The enzyme is specific for o-aminophenol and has pH and temperature optima at 6.2 and 40 °, respectively. It is insensitive to metal chelating agents but is inhibited by several reducing substances. There is no cofactor or metal ion requirement for the reaction. A competitive type of inhibition was observed with structural analogs such as anthranilic acid and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid. There are no free sulfhydryl groups in the enzyme, but preincubation of the enzyme with substrate or substrate analogs resulted in the liberation of titratable free sulfhydryl groups. The mechanism of biosynthesis of isophenoxazine ring is discussed.
Evidence for the presence and possible participation of a flavoprotein, coenzyme Q, and a cytochrome in the oxidation of NADH in the cell-free extracts of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was presented. Coenzyme Q10 was established as the homologue by several criteria. The characteristics of the cytochrome showed that it was different from the b and c groups of cytochromes. Amytal, antimycin A, and cyanide inhibited the oxidation of NADH, and from their effects on the electron transport components the following sequence has been proposed: NADH → flavoprotein → coenzyme Q10 → cytochrome oxygen.
It is shown that the systems of definite actions described by polar and axial tensors of the second rank and their combinations during the superposition of their elements of complete symmetry with the elements of complete symmetry of the "grey" cube, result in 11 cubic crystallographical groups of complete symmetry. There are 35 ultimate groups (i.e., the groups having the axes of symmetry of infinite order) in complete symmetry of finite figures. 14 out of these groups are ultimate groups of symmetry of polar and axial tensors of the second rank and 24 are new groups. All these 24 ultimate groups are conventional groups since they cannot be presented by certain finite figures possessing the axes of symmetry {Mathematical expression}. Geometrical interpretation for some of the groups of complete symmetry is given. The connection between complete symmetry and physical properties of the crystals (electrical, magnetic and optical) is shown.
Free convection heat transfer in vertical concentric, cylindrical annuli is investigated analytically and experimentally. The approximate double boundary layer model used by Emery and Chu for the case of vertical parallel plates is extended to the present case in obtaining heat transfer correlations in laminar free convection. Different correlations for the inner cylinder depending on the radius to the length ratio of the inner cylinder and the Rayleigh number, were used in the derivation of correlations for the annuli. The results for the case of short cylinders inside tubes are in agreement (within about 10 per cent) with the existing correlations. For other cases, namely long cylinders in annuli and wires in annuli, experiments conducted show the agreement of the analysis with experiments.
An exact solution for the free vibration problem of non-linear cubic spring mass system with Coulomb damping is obtained during each half cycle, in terms of elliptic functions. An expression for the half cycle duration as a function of the mean amplitude during the half cycle is derived in terms of complete elliptic integrals of the first kind. An approximate solution based on a direct linearization method is developed alongside this method, and excellent agreement is obtained between the results gained by this method and the exact results. © 1970 Academic Press Inc. (London) Limited.