992 resultados para financial interest


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This paper examines the monetary policy followed during the current financial crisisfrom the perspective of the theory of the lender of last resort. It is argued that standardmonetary policy measures would have failed because the channels through whichmonetary policy is implemented depend upon the well functioning of the interbankmarket. As the crisis developed, liquidity vanished and the interbank market collapsed,central banks had to inject much more liquidity at low interest rates than predicted bystandard monetary policy models. At the same time, as the interbank market did notallow for the redistribution of liquidity among banks, central banks had to design newchannels for liquidity injection.


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The degree of connection between tax and financial reporting is regarded as a key factor in the study of international accounting differences. The position for Spain is briefly outlined in previous research but without examination of any specific accounting issues except, in outline only, depreciation and the tax-free revaluation of assets from 1977 to 1983. The absence of a detailed study of the major tax/accounting linkages for Spain is of particular importance because the relationship is regarded as having changed dramatically in the early 1990s, from a position of tax dominance. In order to measure the links between tax and financial reporting, we adopt the methodology of Lamb et al. (1998) by assessing major accounting topics using a five-case classification shown as Table 1. We refute the proposition that suggests that the link between tax/accounting has been reduced substantially.


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This paper studies the effects of financial liberalization and banking crises on growth. It shows that financial liberalization spurs on average economic growth. Banking crises are harmful for growth, but to a lesser extent in countries with open financial systems and good institutions. The positive effect of financial liberalization is robust to different definitions. While the removal of capital account restrictions is effective by increasing financial depth, equity market liberalization affects growth directly. The empirical analysis is performed through GMM dynamic panel data estimations on a panel of 90 countries observed in the period 1975-1999.


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O desmantelamento das barreiras ao comércio mundial traduziu-se no aumento das operações comerciais e financeiras, na crescente necessidade de capitais, na utilização de novos instrumentos financeiros e no consequente desenvolvimento dos mercados de capitais com empresas cotadas em diversos mercados. Este fenómeno contribuiu ainda para a globalização da informação financeira que, para suprir as exigências de um mercado abrangente, teve de encontrar novas formas de difusão, sem contudo descurar as suas qualidades, nomeadamente a compreensibilidade, a comparabilidade e a fiabilidade. O interesse do desenvolvimento deste tema ressalta-se pela importância que a contabilidade nas organizações, recomenda-se ser organizada de forma a possibilitar o conhecimento claro e inequívoco dos elementos necessários ao cálculo do imposto, bem como a permitir o seu controlo, comportando todos os dados necessários ao preenchimento das declarações periódicas dos impostos. A parte prática do trabalho, em resumo, demonstra que, o ponto de partida para o apuramento do lucro tributável é o resultado contabilístico determinado com base nas suas regras próprias. Em Cabo Verde, a lei fiscal, apesar de desactualizada com o SNCRF, estabelece algumas regras próprias para ajustar o resultado contabilístico ao resultado fiscal. Em conclusão, a aplicação do novo normativo contabilístico cabo-verdiano (SNCRF) na correcção e determinação da matéria colectável em sede do IUR veio dar e construir uma base contabilística comum como ponto de partida para o estabelecimento de uma matéria colectável comum, e se concluir neste TFC, que tem todo o sentido. Sendo as demonstrações financeiras elaboradas com base nas NRF e subsidiariamente às NIC´s constituem o ponto de partida neutro para qualquer discussão sobre uma matéria colectável comum. The dismantling of barriers to world trade has resulted in increased commercial and financial transactions, the growing need for capital, and the use of new financial instruments and the consequent development of capital markets with listed companies in various markets. This phenomenon has also contributed for the globalization of financial information to meet the requirements of a comprehensive market had to find new ways of making, without neglecting their qualities, namely understandability, comparability and reliability. The interest of the development of this theme it emphasizes the importance of accounting in organizations, it is recommended to be organized in order to enable the clear and unambiguous understanding of the elements necessary for calculating the tax, as well as to allow its control, behaving all data needed to fill in of the periodic declarations of taxes. The practical part of the work, in short, shows that the starting point to determining taxable income is the accounting income determined based on its own rules. In Cape Verde, the tax law, although outdated with SNCRF establishes some rules themselves to adjust accounting income to taxable income. In conclusion, the application of new accounting standards Cape Verde (SNCRF) in the correction and determination of the tax base in the headquarters of the IUR to come and build a common basis of accounting as a starting point for the establishment of a common tax base, and conclude TFC this, which makes sense. Being the financial statements prepared in accordance with NRF 'and secondarily to NIC's are the neutral starting points for any discussion about a common tax base.


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This paper studies the apparent contradiction between two strands of the literature on the effects of financial intermediation on economic activity. On the one hand, the empirical growth literature finds a positive effect of financial depth as measured by, for instance, private domestic credit and liquid liabilities (e.g., Levine, Loayza, and Beck 2000). On the other hand, the banking and currency crisis literature finds that monetary aggregates, such as domestic credit, are among the best predictors of crises and their related economic downturns (e.g., Kaminski and Reinhart 1999). The paper accounts for these contrasting effects based on the distinction between the short- and long-run impacts of financial intermediation. Working with a panel of cross-country and time-series observations, the paper estimates an encompassing model of short- and long-run effects using the Pooled Mean Group estimator developed by Pesaran, Shin, and Smith (1999). The conclusion from this analysis is that a positive long-run relationship between financial intermediation and output growth co-exists with a, mostly, negative short-run relationship. The paper further develops an explanation for these contrasting effects by relating them to recent theoretical models, by linking the estimated short-run effects to measures of financial fragility(namely, banking crises and financial volatility), and by jointly analyzing the effects of financial depth and fragility in classic panel growth regressions.


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We are pleased to submit the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the State of Iowa for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. As required by State statute, this report has been prepared in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for governments as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The Department of Administrative Services and the Department of Management are responsible for both the accuracy of the presented data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation. We believe the information presented is accurate in all material respects and the necessary disclosures have been made which enable the reader to obtain an understanding of the State’s financial activity.


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Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of the University of Northern Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2007


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O tema do Trabalho de Fim de Curso - “Desenvolvimentos Estimados de Custo Amortizado e Imparidade segundo SNCRF”, insere-se no âmbito da conclusão da Licenciatura em Contabilidade e Administração – Ramo Administração e Controlo Financeiro ministrada pelo ISCEE – Instituto Superior de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais. O trabalho ora apresentado, espelha uma análise sumária das normas internacionais e do novo normativo nacional no que diz respeito aos instrumentos financeiros com foco em tratamento contabilístico dado pelo método de custo amortizado e reconhecimento de perda por imparidade. Foi preparado com base em consulta de bibliografia especializada e normativos estabelecidos no país, pois permitirá ter acesso tanto a conteúdos teóricos como práticos o que implica um estudo mais abrangente de todos os recursos disponíveis. O desenvolvimento da temática foi orientado numa primeira etapa através de pesquisa necessária a construção do referencial teórico centrado por um lado na evolução teórica das normas internacionais sobre os instrumentos financeiros e consequentemente o tratamento dado pela nossa norma. Na segunda etapa, os casos práticos apresentam os principais casos de contabilização dos instrumentos financeiros utilizando o método de custo amortizado, e reconhecimento de imparidade de acordo com o SNCRF, e a conclusão que se chegou é que o custo amortizado implica a utilização do método de taxa de juro efectiva menos qualquer perda por imparidade, sendo que o método de taxa de juro efectiva distribui os pagamentos e recebimentos dos juros ao longo do período do instrumento financeiro aplicando a taxa de juro efectiva ao valor a transportar do activo ou de passivo de cada período, e uma entidade que usa o método de custo amortizado reconhece os activos financeiros e passivos financeiros pelo seu valor líquido no balanço, e à data de cada relato financeiro deve avaliar a imparidade de todos os activos financeiros e reconhecer perdas por imparidade, visto que, a imparidade representa uma redução no valor de um activo financeiro ou seja reflecte a depreciação (perda permanente) do valor de um activo financeiro e verifica quando a quantia recuperável for superior ao seu valor contabilístico.


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Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of the Iowa Public Employees Retirement System (IPERS) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007


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Audit report on the Jackson County Sanitary Disposal Agency for the year ended June 30, 2007


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This paper analyses the empirical interdependences among assetreturns, real activity and inflation from a multicountry and internationalpoint of view. We find that nominal stock returns are significantly relatedto inflation only in the US, that the US term structure of interest ratespredicts both domestic and foreign inflation rates while foreign termstructures do not have this predictive power and that innovations in inflationand exchange rates induce insignificant responses of real and financialvariables. An interpretation of the dynamics and some policy implicationsof the results are provided.


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Understanding the mechanism through which financial globalization affect economic performance is crucial for evaluating the costs and benefits of opening financial markets. This paper is a first attempt at disentangling the effects of financial integration on the two main determinants of economic performance: productivity (TFP)and investments. I provide empirical evidence from a sample of 93 countries observed between 1975 and 1999. The results suggest that financial integration has a positive direct effect on productivity, while it spurs capital accumulation only with some delay and indirectly, since capital follows the rise in productivity. I control for indirect effects of financial globalization through banking crises. Such episodes depress both investments and TFP, though they are triggered by financial integration only to a minor extent. The paper also provides a discussion of a simple model on the effects of financial integration, and shows additional empirical evidence supporting it.


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When long maturity bonds are traded frequently and traders have non-nestedinformation sets, speculative behavior in the sense of Harrison and Kreps (1978) arises.Using a term structure model displaying such speculative behavior, this paper proposesa conceptually and observationally distinct new mechanism generating time varying predictableexcess returns. It is demonstrated that (i) dispersion of expectations about futureshort rates is sufficient for individual traders to systematically predict excess returns and(ii) the new term structure dynamics driven by speculative trade is orthogonal to publicinformation in real time, but (iii) can nevertheless be quantified using only publicly availableyield data. The model is estimated using monthly data on US short to medium termTreasuries from 1964 to 2007 and it provides a good fit of the data. Speculative dynamicsare found to be quantitatively important, potentially accounting for a substantial fractionof the variation of bond yields and appears to be more important at long maturities.


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There are two fundamental puzzles about trade credit: why does it appearto be so expensive,and why do input suppliers engage in the business oflending money? This paper addresses and answers both questions analysingthe interaction between the financial and the industrial aspects of thesupplier-customer relationship. It examines how, in a context of limitedenforceability of contracts, suppliers may have a comparative advantageover banks in lending to their customers because they hold the extrathreat of stopping the supply of intermediate goods. Suppliers may alsoact as lenders of last resort, providing insurance against liquidityshocks that may endanger the survival of their customers. The relativelyhigh implicit interest rates of trade credit result from the existenceof default and insurance premia. The implications of the model areexamined empirically using parametric and nonparametric techniques on apanel of UK firms.


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Audit report on the Wireless E911 Emergency Communication Fund of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division of the Iowa Department of Public Defense for the year ended June 30, 2007