934 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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By using a composite semiconductor absorber and an output coupler, we demonstrated a Q-switched and mode-locked diode-pumped microchip Nd:YVO4 laser. With a 350-mu m-thick crystal, the width of the Q-switched envelope was as short as 12 ns; the repetition rate of the mode-locked pulses inside the Q-switched pulse was more than 10 GHz. The average output power was 335 mW at a maximum pump power of 1.6 W. Q-switched envelope widths of 21 and 31 ns were also achieved with crystals 0.7 and 1.0 mm thick, respectively.


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We present a linear-cavity stretched-pulse fibre laser with mode locking by a nonlinear polarization rotation and by semiconductor saturable-absorber mirrors. A Q-switched mode-locking cw train and a mode-locking pulse train are obtained in the experiment. We investigate the effects of the equivalent fast saturable absorber and the slow saturable absorbers in experiment. It is found that neither the nonlinear polarization evolution effect nor a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror is enough to produce the stable cw mode-locking pulses in this experiment. A nonlinear polarization evolution effect controls the cavity loss to literally carve the pulses; semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors provide the self-restarting and maintain the stability of the mode-locking operation.


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A simple cw mode-locked solid-state laser, which is end-pumped by a low-power laser diode, was demonstrated by optimizing the laser-mode size inside the gain medium. The optimum ratio between mode and pump spot sizes inside the laser crystal was estimated for a cw mode-locked laser, taking into account the input pump power. Calculation and experiment have shown that the optimum ratio was about 3 when the pump power is 2 W, which is different from the value regularly used in passively mode-locked solid-state lasers. This conclusion is also helpful in increasing the efficiency of high-power ultrashort lasers. (C) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Low temperature GaAs (LT-GaAs) was successfully grown at the temperature of 550 degrees C by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy on a semi-insular GaAs substrate. With such an absorber as well as an output coupler we obtain Q-switched mode-locked (QML) 1064 nm Nd:GdVO4 laser pumped by diode laser with high repetition rate, formed with a simple flat-flat cavity. The repetition rate of the Q-switched envelope increased from 100 to 660 kHz as the pump power increased from 2.28 to 7.29 W. The mode-locked pulses inside the Q-switched pulse envelope had a repetition rate of similar to 1.36 GHz. A maximum average output power of 953 mW was obtained. The dependence of the operational parameters on the pump power was also investigated experimentally. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have demonstrated an efficient and compact passively Q-switched and mode-locked (QML) 1064 nm Nd:YVO4 laser by using a low temperature grown GaAs (LT-GaAs) saturable absorber as well as an output coupler. Stable QML with envelope duration as short as 10 ns and Q-switched repetition rate of 36 kHz was obtained. It is the shortest envelope duration as far as we know, and it is so short that it can be used as Q-switching pulses directly. At 6.9 W of the incident pump power, average output power of 1.24 W was achieved and the corresponding peak power and energy of a single Q-switched pulse were 3.44 kW and 34.4 mu J, respectively. The mode-locked pulses inside the Q-switched pulse envelope had a repetition rate of 780 MHz. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Simultaneous Q-switching and mode-locking (QML) is accomplished in a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser using low-temperature GaAs (LT-GaAs) as the saturable absorber, which also acts as an output coupler at the same time. The repetition rate of the Q-switched envelope increased from 25 to 40 kHz as the pump power increased from 2.2 to 6.9 W. The mode-locked pulses inside the Q-switched pulse envelope had a repetition rate of 714 MHz. A maximum average output power of 770 mW was obtained. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A passively Q-switched Yb: YAG microchip laser has been constructed by using a doped GaAs as the saturable absorber as well as the output coupler. At 13.5 W of pump power the device produces high-quality 3.4 muJ 52 ns pulses at 1030nm with a pulse repetition rate of 7.8kHz in a TEM00-mode.


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By optimizing the molecule beam epitaxy growth condition, the quality of quantum cascade (QC) material has greatly been improved. The spectrum of double x-ray diffraction indicates that the interface between the constituent layers is very smooth, the lattice mismatch between the epilayer and the substrate is less than 0.1%, and the periodicity fluctuation of the active region is not more than 4.2%. The QC laser with the emission wavelength of about 5.1 mum is operated at the threshold of 0.73 kA/cm(2) at liquid nitrogen temperature with the repetition rate of 10kHz and at a duty cycle of 1%. Meanwhile, the performance of the laser can be improved with suitable post process techniques such as the metallic ohmic contact technology.


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Double X-ray diffraction has been used to investigate InGaAs/InAlAs quantum cascade (QC) laser grown on InP substrate by molecule beam epitaxy, by means of which, excellent lattice matching, the interface smoothness, the uniformity of the thickness and the composition of the epilayer are disclosed. What is more, these results are in good agreement with designed value. The largest lattice mismatch is within 0.18% and the intersubband absorption wavelength between two quantized energy levels is achieved at about lambda = 5.1 mum at room temperature. At 77 K, the threshold density of the QC laser is less than 2.6 kA/cm(2) when the repetition rate is 5 kHz and the duty cycle is 1%. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A KrF (248 nm) excimer laser with a 38 ns pulse width was used to study pulsed laser annealing (PLA) on Mg-doped cubic GaN alms. The laser-induced changes were monitored by photoluminescence (PL) measurement. It indicated that deep levels in as-grown cubic GaN : Mg films were neutralized by H and PLA treatment could break Mg-H-N complex. The evolution of emissions around 426 and 468 nm with different PLA conditions reflected the different activation of the involved deep levels. Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in N-2 atmosphere reverts the luminescence of laser annealed samples to that of the pre-annealing state. The reason is that most H atoms still remained in the epilayers after PLA due to the short duration of the pulses and reoccupied the original locations during RTA. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 61.72.Vv; 61.72.Cc; 18.55. -m.


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A novel ultra-wideband electromagnetic pulse generating method based on the photoconductive semiconductor switches (PCSS) is presented. Gallium arsenide is used to develop the PCSS for an ultrashort electromagnetic pulse source. The pulse generated by such PCSS is within picosecond (ps) time scale, and can yield power pulse with an voltage over 10 kV. The experimental results show that the pulses are stable, with the peak-peak amplitude change of 6% and the time jitter within several picoseconds. The radiations of the PCSS triggered by the picosecond laser and fenitosecond laser pulse series illustrate that the electromagnetic pulses would have high repetition of more than 80 MHz and frequency bandwidth of DC-6 GHz. The radiations of "lock-on " mode of the PCSS are also analyzed here. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The strong absorption of gold nanoparticles in the visible spectral range allows the localized generation of heat in a volume of only a few tens of nanometer. The efficient conversion of strongly absorbed light by plasmonic gold nanoparticles to heat energy and their easy bioconjugation suggest that the gold nanoparticles can be used as selective photothermal agents in molecular cell targeting. The selective destruction of alkaline phosphatase, the permeabilization of the cell membrane and the selective killing of cells by laser irradiating gold nanoparticles were demonstrated. The potential of using this selective technique in molecularly targeted photothermal therapy and transfection is discussed.


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We present a novel high-energy, single-mode, all-fiber-based master-oscillator-power-amplifier (MOPA) laser system operating in the C-band with 3.3-ns pulses and a very widely tunable repetition rate, ranging from 30 kHz to 50 MHz. The laser with a maximum pulse energy of 25 mu J and a repetition rate of 30 kHz is obtained at, a wavelength of 1548 nm by using a double-clad, single-mode, Er:Yb co-doped fiber power amplifier.


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We present a broadly tunable active mode- locked. bre ring laser based on a semiconductor optical ampli. er ( SOA), with forward injection optical pulses. The laser can generate pulse sequence with pulsewidth about 12 ps and high output power up to 8.56dBm at 2.5 GHz stably. Incorporated with a wavelength- tunable optical bandpass. lter, the pulse laser can operate with a broad wavelength tunable span up to 37nm with almost constant pulsewidth. A detailed experimental analysis is also carried out to investigate the relationship between the power of the internal cavity and the pulsewidth of the output pulse sequence. The experimental con. guration of the pulse laser is very simple and easy to setup with no polarization- sensitive components.


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An actively mode-locked fiber ring laser based on cross-gain modulation (XGM) in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is demonstrated to operate stably with a simple configuration. By forward injecting an easily-generated external pulse train, the mode-locked fiber laser can generate an optical-pulse sequence with pulsewidth about 6 ps and average output power about 7.9 mW. The output pulses show an ultra-low RMS jitter about 70.7 fs measured by a RF spectrum analyzer. The use of the proposed forward-injection configuration can realize the repetition-rate tunability from I to 15 GHz for the generated optical-pulse sequences. By employing a wavelength-tunable optical band-pass filter in the laser cavity, the operation wavelength of the designed SOA-based actively mode-locked fiber laser can be tuned continuously in a wide span between 1528 and 1565 nm. The parameters of external-injection optical pulses are studied experimentally to optimize the mode-locked fiber laser. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.