933 resultados para evolving


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Regeneration proposals typically seek to use a range of physical, economic and social initiatives to tackle inequality and improve areas. Often they attempt to change the image of places, making them more attractive to tourists, investors, and residents. The role of tourism in these regeneration processes is complex and contested. Tourism elements are often not well understood by decision-makers and sometimes create tensions with wider social regeneration aspirations. Using concepts from complexity theory, this paper interrogates the relationship between tourism and wider regeneration aspirations connected with the 2012 Olympic Games. It uses complexity theory to explore the context within which policies are developed, and the relationships between different policy initiatives. Both are highly complex, constantly evolving and sometimes ambiguous. It argues complexity concepts might be used to help to develop deeper understanding of the relationships between tourism and regeneration.


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This article reflects growing academic interest in the careers and historical significance of professional women town planners, an interest clearly registered in Planning Perspectives and other publications. Unlike other women town planners, however, the career of Monica Felton remains largely obscure. It was certainly short-lived, beginning as it did on the London County Council in 1937 and ending spectacularly while she was Chairman of Stevenage Development Corporation in 1951. Felton became an outcast from both her profession and her country when she gave up on new town development to campaign against British and American involvement in the Korean War in 1951. This article emphasizes her distinctive contribution to the evolving roles of women in British town planning during the mid-twentieth century and shows how this contribution was obscured by her fall from grace.


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This work describes how genetic programming is applied to evolving controllers for the minimum time swing up and inverted balance tasks of the continuous state and action: limited torque acrobot. The best swing-up controller is able to swing the acrobot up to a position very close to the inverted ‘handstand’ position in a very short time, shorter than that of Coulom (2004), who applied the same constraints on the applied torque values, and to take only slightly longer than the approach by Lai et al. (2009) where far larger torque values were allowed. The best balance controller is able to balance the acrobot in the inverted position when starting from the balance position for the length of time used in the fitness function in all runs; furthermore, 47 out of 50 of the runs evolve controllers able to maintain the balance position for an extended period, an improvement on the balance controllers generated by Dracopoulos and Nichols (2012), which this paper is extended from. The most successful balance controller is also able to balance the acrobot when starting from a small offset from the balance position for this extended period.


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Longitudinal studies have the capacity to provide more nuanced explanations of tourism and event phenomena, taking account of complexity, change and context. This paper is a self-reflexive, methodological study of research practice. It investigates my experience of engaging with cultural event producers in an emerging destination over a seven-year period. Focussing on my research journey, it considers the social and relational dynamics associated with longitudinal research. Reciprocal relations and co-production of cultural events reveal nuanced information and expose fluid relationships and networks. Long-term engagement uncovers evolving practices and develops understanding of event processes embedded within their wider context.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Paulino Manuel Leite da Silva


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Electricity Markets are not only a new reality but an evolving one as the involved players and rules change at a relatively high rate. Multi-agent simulation combined with Artificial Intelligence techniques may result in sophisticated tools very helpful under this context. Some simulation tools have already been developed, some of them very interesting. However, at the present state it is important to go a step forward in Electricity Markets simulators as this is crucial for facing changes in Power Systems. This paper explains the context and needs of electricity market simulation, describing the most important characteristics of available simulators. We present our work concerning MASCEM simulator, presenting its features as well as the improvements being made to accomplish the change and challenging reality of Electricity Markets.


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In many countries the use of renewable energy is increasing due to the introduction of new energy and environmental policies. Thus, the focus on the efficient integration of renewable energy into electric power systems is becoming extremely important. Several European countries have already achieved high penetration of wind based electricity generation and are gradually evolving towards intensive use of this generation technology. The introduction of wind based generation in power systems poses new challenges for the power system operators. This is mainly due to the variability and uncertainty in weather conditions and, consequently, in the wind based generation. In order to deal with this uncertainty and to improve the power system efficiency, adequate wind forecasting tools must be used. This paper proposes a data-mining-based methodology for very short-term wind forecasting, which is suitable to deal with large real databases. The paper includes a case study based on a real database regarding the last three years of wind speed, and results for wind speed forecasting at 5 minutes intervals.


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This paper presents a new methodology for the creation and management of coalitions in Electricity Markets. This approach is tested using the multi-agent market simulator MASCEM, taking advantage of its ability to provide the means to model and simulate VPP (Virtual Power Producers). VPPs are represented as coalitions of agents, with the capability of negotiating both in the market, and internally, with their members, in order to combine and manage their individual specific characteristics and goals, with the strategy and objectives of the VPP itself. The new features include the development of particular individual facilitators to manage the communications amongst the members of each coalition independently from the rest of the simulation, and also the mechanisms for the classification of the agents that are candidates to join the coalition. In addition, a global study on the results of the Iberian Electricity Market is performed, to compare and analyze different approaches for defining consistent and adequate strategies to integrate into the agents of MASCEM. This, combined with the application of learning and prediction techniques provide the agents with the ability to learn and adapt themselves, by adjusting their actions to the continued evolving states of the world they are playing in.


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The smart grid concept is rapidly evolving in the direction of practical implementations able to bring smart grid advantages into practice. Evolution in legacy equipment and infrastructures is not sufficient to accomplish the smart grid goals as it does not consider the needs of the players operating in a complex environment which is dynamic and competitive in nature. Artificial intelligence based applications can provide solutions to these problems, supporting decentralized intelligence and decision-making. A case study illustrates the importance of Virtual Power Players (VPP) and multi-player negotiation in the context of smart grids. This case study is based on real data and aims at optimizing energy resource management, considering generation, storage and demand response.


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Este artigo pretende passar em revista de um conjunto de trabalhos, Dissertações e Projetos de Intervenção, realizados no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Especial da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, relacionados com a inclusão de alunos com problemáticas graves. O nosso propósito foi dar conta da investigação que se tem produzido no âmbito do curso, focando a emergência de temáticas relacionadas com a inclusão, de estudos iniciais de carácter descritivo e exploratório (ex: descrição de contextos e práticas educativas, percepções dos docentes sobre a inclusão) a, mais recentemente, estudos com objectivos mais precisos (ex: estudos sobre as interacções entre pares, a utilização de tecnologias de apoio à comunicação e aprendizagem) e projectos de intervenção (ex: inclusão de alunos com problemas graves em actividades com alunos com desenvolvimento típico, formação de Assistentes Operacionais). A nossa revisão foca-se também na evolução das metodologias adotadas (progressivo recurso a fontes diversificadas de informação e a dados de observação direta). Estes trabalhos, finalizados entre 2010 e 2012, são aqui revistos organizados em função de linhas de investigação. Nas notas finais apresentam-se sugestões de possíveis estudos futuros.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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Num contexto de mudança a nível de hábitos sociais em que impera a necessidade de comunicar de uma forma mais natural e instantânea quanto possível, o cada vez mais informado e exigente consumidor tem vindo a adquirir um papel mais participativo na comunicação e construção das marcas. Se outrora assistíamos passivamente a uma comunicação unidirecional e desprovida de interactividade, hoje impera a possibilidade de podermos manipular ou construir conteúdos de acordo com as nossas necessidades e preferências individuais. Neste contexto, a comunicação nos novos meios tecnológicos tem procurado responder à dispersão de atenção por parte do consumidor, que se socorre simultaneamente de diversos ecrãs. Porém, no ecrã em que o novo consumidor mais despende o seu tempo, e com o qual ainda se sente mais à vontade, a televisão, a comunicação interactiva ainda se encontra pouca explorada. Para os profissionais de publicidade, e sobretudo para os anunciantes, o conceito de publicidade interactiva, quando inserida no meio televisivo, é deveras recente, carecendo de um maior aprofundamento teórico e empírico. Tendo em vista este aprofundamento, o objectivo geral deste trabalho consiste na caracterização do panorama da publicidade interactiva na televisão em Portugal tendo como termo de comparação o estrangeiro. A dissertação assumiu a forma de um estudo exploratório e misto sequencial, desenvolvido com base na análise de conteúdo de um conjunto de casos nacionais de Publicidade Interactiva na Televisão fornecidos pelo MEO e de casos estrangeiros publicados na Internet. Assentando a análise numa grelha própria, procurou caracterizar-se o panorama actual da Publicidade Interactiva na Televisão nacional tendo como termo de comparação o que se passa lá fora, do ponto de vista dos conteúdos, da partilha destes, da dependência de um second screen e dos objectivos subjacentes aos anúncios. Foi possível concluir com este estudo que, apesar de a Publicidade Interactiva na Televisão se encontrar mais desenvolvida no estrangeiro, em Portugal observaram-se características singulares e positivas, o que aponta que nos encontramos a evoluir a passos largos para alcançar melhores experiências interactivas.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Especialização em Hidráulica


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística, na Especialização de Artes Plásticas na Educação


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico