1000 resultados para engenharia agrícola


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The use of gravity table can result in improved quality of seeds of several species, demonstrating the superiority of the quality attributes of seeds collected in the top positions in relation to the lower positions of the discharge zone of the gravity table. The availability of information on tobacco seeds, particularly on the action of gravity table, has not been addressed in the literature. The present study was to evaluate the influence of different regulations in the gravity table on the quality of tobacco seeds. The terminal edge of the machine of 50 cm width was divided into four parts plus the outlet for stones. The treatments were in the following fractions: original seed (obtained in the feed hopper), heavy seed (at the top), middle high, intermediate, and light seed (lower part), and the stones outlet of the gravity table. Each combination of regulation was in an independent adjustment with a total of seven adjusts. The gravity table, in the adjustments with high oscillation, was efficient in improving the physiological quality of seed lots of tobacco, by removing the fraction of light seeds discharged at the bottom of the terminal edge.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar o classificador "árvore de decisão", em dados provenientes de sensores orbitais, para identificar área plantada com cana-de-açúcar, em diferentes épocas de plantio na Fazenda Boa Fé, localizada no Triângulo Mineiro, mais especificamente no município de Conquista, Minas Gerais. Acoplaram-se técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto (SR) em um módulo de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), permitindo uma análise temporal do uso e ocupação do solo, especialmente com vistas a identificar e a monitorar as áreas agrícolas. Com base no cálculo do viés médio (VM), o presente estudo mostrou que, em áreas de cana-de-açúcar, onde a irrigação é frequente e ocorrem chuvas significativas que antecedem a passagem do satélite Landsat-5, os valores foram ligeiramente subestimados, com valor deste indicador de -0,13 ha. Foi verificado, também, que os valores de NDVI mais altos proporcionaram uma leve superestimativa dos resultados, com valores de viés médio variando de 0,04 a 0,23 ha. Conforme os resultados, o classificador árvore de decisão apresentou um grande potencial para o mapeamento das áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar.


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In the last few years, precision agriculture has become commonly used with many crops, particularly cereals, and there is also interest in precision horticulture. Pear is a seasonal fruit and well appreciated by Brazilian people, although it is mostly imported. Brazilian farmers are nowadays trying to increase pear production. Thus, this research aimed at mapping the yield of pear trees in order to study the spatial variability of yield as well as its comparison with spatial variability of soil and plant attributes. The experimental field had 146 pear trees, variety 'Pêra d'água', distributed on a 1.24 ha. Four harvests were performed according to the fruit ripening and from each tree; only the ripe fruits were harvested. In each harvest, all the fruits were weighed and the total yield was obtained based on the sum of each harvest. The soil attributes analyzed were P, K, Ca, Mg, pH in CaCl2, C, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and base saturation, and the plant attributes were fruit length, diameter and yield. Yield had low correlation with soil and plant attributes. An index of spatial variability was suggested in this study and helped in classifying levels of spatial dependence of the various soil and plant attributes: very low (fruit length); low (P, fruit diameter), medium (Mg, pH, Cu, Zn, Fe), high (Ca, K, base saturation and yield), and very high (Mn and C).


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A study about the spatial variability of data of soil resistance to penetration (RSP) was conducted at layers 0.0-0.1 m, 0.1-0.2 m and 0.2-0.3 m depth, using the statistical methods in univariate forms, i.e., using traditional geostatistics, forming thematic maps by ordinary kriging for each layer of the study. It was analyzed the RSP in layer 0.2-0.3 m depth through a spatial linear model (SLM), which considered the layers 0.0-0.1 m and 0.1-0.2 m in depth as covariable, obtaining an estimation model and a thematic map by universal kriging. The thematic maps of the RSP at layer 0.2-0.3 m depth, constructed by both methods, were compared using measures of accuracy obtained from the construction of the matrix of errors and confusion matrix. There are similarities between the thematic maps. All maps showed that the RSP is higher in the north region.


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The utilization of organic wastes represents an alternative to recover degraded pasture. The experiment aimed to assess the changes caused by the provision of different organic waste (poultry litter, turkey litter and pig manure) in a medium-textured Oxisol in Brazilian Savanna under degraded pasture. It was applied different doses of waste compared to the use of mineral fertilizers and organic mineral and evaluated the effect on soil parameters (pH, organic matter, phosphorus and potassium) and leaf of Brachiariadecumbens (crude protein, phosphorus and dry mass production). It was observed that application of organic waste did not increase the level of soil organic matter and pH in the surface layer, and the application of turkey litter caused acidification at depths of 0.20-0.40 m and 0.40-0.60 m. There was an increase in P and K in the soil with the application of poultry litter and swine manure. All organic wastes increased the productivity of dry matter and crude protein and phosphorus. The recycling of nutrients via the application of organic waste allows efficiency of most parameters similar to those observed with the use of mineral sources, contributing to improving the nutritional status of soil-plantsystem.


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This study with beetroot seedlings, cultivar Top Tall Early Wonder, was carried out at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS/Aquidauana), from October to November 2008. Three environments of cultivation were used: greenhouse; nursery with monofilament screen of 50 % of shading; and nursery with aluminized thermal reflective screen of 50% of shading. In these environments, three polystyrene trays of 72, 128 and 200 cells, filled with four substrates, were tested: soil; Plantmax®; coconut fiber and vermiculite. There were no replication environments and then each one was considered an experiment alone. For each environment, it was adopted a completely randomized design in factorial scheme 3x4 (three trays x four substrates), with four replications, performing individual analysis of variance and joint analysis of experiments for environment comparisons. The monofilament screen is the best environment for seedlings produced in tray of 72 cells, and the greenhouse was the best environment for seedlings produced in trays of 128 cells. The best seedlings were formed in the tray of 72 cells. Vermiculite was the best substrate.


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Diante do alto grau de mecanização a que as atividades agrícolas estão sendo submetidas, objetivou-se, com esta pesquisa, desenvolver um modelo fuzzy capaz de avaliar e classificar o nível de insalubridade em diversos ambientes de trabalho. O modelo desenvolvido tem como variáveis de entrada: o índice de bulbo úmido e temperatura de globo (IBUTG, °C), o nível de ruído (dBA), a taxa de metabolismo (W m-2) e o tempo de descanso (%) e, como variável de saída, o índice de bem-estar humano (IBEH). O método de inferência utilizado foi o de Mandani e, na defuzificacão, utilizou-se o método do centro de gravidade. O sistema de regras foi desenvolvido com base nas combinações das variáveis de entrada. Foram definidas 400 regras com pesos iguais a 1, sendo que, na elaboração das regras, um especialista da área foi consultado. Foram utilizados dados de campo visando a testar o sistema desenvolvido, e os resultados mostraram que a modelagem proposta é uma ferramenta promissora na determinação do IBEH, apresentando tempo de descanso ideal variando de 64,2% (motosserra, próximo ao ouvido do operador) até 25% (derriçadora, 20 m de distância do operador), sendo que, diante de um cenário predefinido do ambiente térmico e acústico, foi possível determinar o grau de bem-estar humano e o tempo de descanso ideal para cada equipamento avaliado.


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a influência das variáveis ambientais nos níveis de ruídos emitidos por suínos e quantificar as faixas em dB comparativamente às condições de conforto térmico estabelecidas pela literatura. O experimento foi conduzido em câmara climática, onde foram alojados cinco leitões em fase de creche, submetidos à variação na temperatura ambiente de 20°C a 38°C e umidade relativa de 50% a 80%. Decibelímetros foram instalados para o registro dos níveis de ruídos e sensores dataloggers para os dados de temperatura e umidade relativa. O nível de atividade foi utilizado para quantificar a movimentação dos animais por intermédio de análise de imagens. Análises de correlação e regressão foram aplicadas nos dados para análise estatística. As variáveis ambientais influenciam na emissão de ruídos pelos leitões quando expostos a diferentes condições térmicas. Os níveis de ruídos foram estabelecidos em faixas de acordo com a condição térmica a que animais foram submetidos. Para a condição de conforto (20 a 23°C), níveis de ruídos na faixa de 70 a 75dB; condição de alerta (23 a 30°C), níveis de ruídos na faixa de 60 a 70dB e para condição de estresse térmico (acima de 30°C), na faixa de 55 a 60dB.


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Um sistema de inferência fuzzy foi desenvolvido baseado em dados da literatura para predição do consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar de frangos de corte com idade variando de 1 a 21, dias submetidos a diferentes condições térmicas. O sistema fuzzy foi estruturado com base em três variáveis de entrada: idade das aves (semanas), temperatura (°C) e umidade relativa (%) ambientes, sendo que as variáveis de saída consideradas foram: ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. A inferência foi realizada por meio do método de Mamdani, que consistiu na elaboração de 45 regras e a defuzzificação por meio do método do Centro de Gravidade. Com base nos resultados, ao se compararem os dados da literatura com os obtidos pelo sistema fuzzy proposto, verificou-se desempenho satisfatório na predição das variáveis respostas, com R² da ordem de 0,995; 0,998 e 0,976, respectivamente. O ganho de peso predito pela lógica fuzzy foi validado com dados experimentais de campo, no qual se obteve R² = 0,975, apresentando grande potencial de uso em sistemas de climatização automatizado.


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In this study, it was discussed the efficiency criteria in each of the elements that compose a central pivot, and this analysis was applied to two sets of systems located in regions of Cruz Alta and Santo Augusto, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The methodology used combines water and energy assessment through an indicator called Normalized Specific Consumption in Irrigation (C ENI), allowing thus a comparison between equipment and projects. The C ENI in Cruz Alta region showed 72% of the equipment above the standard (8.68 kWh mm-1 ha-1 100m-1), and in Santo Augusto region 64.28% with consumption above the standard. The mean irrigation efficiency for Cruz Alta region was 29.85%, with standard deviation of 5.41%, and for Santo Augusto region, it was 29.02%, with standard deviation of 5.15%.


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The development of new methodologies and tools that enable to determine the water content in soil is of fundamental importance to the practice of irrigation. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil matric potential using mercury tensiometer and puncture digital tensiometer, and to compare the gravimetric soil moisture values obtained by tensiometric system with gravimetric soil moisture obtained by neutron attenuation technique. Four experimental plots were maintained with different soil moisture by irrigation. Three repetitions of each type of tensiometer were installed at 0.20 m depth. Based on the soil matric potential and the soil water retention curve, the corresponding gravimetric soil moisture was determined. The data was then compared to those obtained by neutron attenuation technique. The results showed that both tensiometric methods showed no difference under soil matric potential higher than -40 kPa. However, under drier soil, when the water was replaced by irrigation, the soil matric potential of the puncture digital tensiometer was less than those of the mercury tensiometer.


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This study aimed to evaluate the spatial variability of leaf content of macro and micronutrients. The citrus plants orchard with 5 years of age, planted at regular intervals of 8 x 7 m, was managed under drip irrigation. Leaf samples were collected from each plant to be analyzed in the laboratory. Data were analyzed using the software R, version 2.5.1 Copyright (C) 2007, along with geostatistics package GeoR. All contents of macro and micronutrients studied were adjusted to normal distribution and showed spatial dependence.The best-fit models, based on the likelihood, for the macro and micronutrients were the spherical and matern. It is suggest for the macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur the minimum distances between samples of 37; 58; 29; 63; 46 and 15 m respectively, while for the micronutrients boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc, the distances suggests are 29; 9; 113; 35 and 14 m, respectively.


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A erosão em entressulcos resulta da desagregação causada pelo impacto das gotas de chuva na superfície do solo e pelo transporte superficial das partículas do solo desagregadas, onde se encontram a matéria orgânica e os nutrientes fundamentais para a produção agrícola. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as perdas de solo, matéria orgânica e nutrientes em uma vertente localizada em uma área de Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, cultivada com cana-de-açúcar, que é colhida mecanicamente. As parcelas experimentais foram submetidas à ação de uma chuva simulada com intensidade de 60 mm h-1, durante 65 minutos. Foram feitas análises do sedimento erodido para a determinação do volume de solução, das perdas de solo, matéria orgânica e nutrientes. Houve maiores perdas de solo, matéria orgânica e nutrientes nos sedimentos oriundos das parcelas com 0% e 25% de cobertura por palha de cana-de-açúcar. Em média, essas perdas foram reduzidas nas parcelas com 75% e 100% de cobertura com palha de cana-de-açúcar. Os resultados permitiram concluir que uma cobertura com palha de cana-de-açúcar acima de 50%, da área colhida, reduz a perda de solo e de matéria orgânica, bem como diminui a concentração de nutrientes no sedimento erodido.


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With this study, the objective was to estimate the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and to correlate it with the dry matter (MMSPA) of the emerald zoysia (Zoysia japonica Steud.) on surfaces with different expositions and slopes. The research was conducted at the Experimental Watershed of the Agricultural Engineering Department, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences of São Paulo State University (FCAV/UNESP), Brazil, where the surfaces (H, 10 N, 30 N, 50 N, 10 S, 30 S, 50 S, 10 L, 30 L, 50 L, 10 O, 30 O and 50 O) were used. To obtain the global solar radiation, it was installed an automated weather station where the PAR (dependent variable) was obtained by the equation y = a + bx, and the global radiation was independent. To compare means of MMSPA, it was used the Tukey test at 5% probability, and to assess the relation PAR/MMSPA, the simple linear correlation coefficient. The result showed that the accumulation of these effects in the PAR increases with North exposure and decreases with the South, and exposure to 50N is most suitable for slopes, not having correlation between the PAR and the MMSPA for the surfaces evaluated for the study period.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo adaptar e avaliar o modelo InfoCrop para simulação do rendimento de grãos da cultura do arroz irrigado, em Santa Maria - RS. O rendimento de grãos da cultura do arroz irrigado foi simulado, considerando-se três versões do modelo InfoCrop com adaptações para cultivares locais. Os rendimentos simulados foram comparados com os rendimentos observados no município de Santa Maria, no período 1996/1997 a 2008/2009, disponibilizados pelo Instituto Riograndense do Arroz (IRGA), e com rendimentos de experimentos realizados na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), entre os anos agrícolas de 1998/1999 e 2005/2006. O modelo InfoCrop capturou a variação interanual do rendimento de grãos de arroz irrigado para o município de Santa Maria e dos experimentos realizados na UFSM. A raiz do erro quadrático médio da simulação de rendimento de grãos com a Versão 3 do modelo InfoCrop (melhor desempenho), considerando todo o conjunto de dados observados, foi de 0,850 Mg ha-1, com tendência de superestimativa, que pode ter ocorrido pelo fato de o modelo considerar uma situação de rendimento potencial, o que nem sempre acontece em lavouras comerciais.