936 resultados para dialogue, performance, collaboration, play, conceptual art, humour, Gilbert and George, third hand


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L’objectiu d’aquesta comunicació és presentar el treball que s’ha vingut desenvolupant al llarg dels darrers anys en els estudis d’Història de l’art de la Universitat de Girona, i més concretament entorn de l’àrea de coneixement d’Art contemporani. Aquest treball, emmarcat en diversos programes d’innovació docent, va consistir, en una primera fase, en la digitalització del material visual utilitzat en la docència (les anteriors diapositives); i en la fase que actualment estem desenvolupant, en la creació i posta en marxa d’una Base d’imatges d’art contemporani en línia, que està actualment en fase de proves. Des del punt de vista docent, aquest projecte posa èmfasi en l’aspecte que nosaltres considerem clau en l’àmbit de la nostra tasca docent: el que hem intentat és crear una eina que faciliti la tasca dels nostres estudiants posant a la seva disposició tot el material visual treballat a les classes, de manera que el seu procés d’aprenentatge esdevingui molt més autònom i individualitzat. La valoració que els estudiants han fet de les fases del projecte executades fins ara ha estat molt positiva, i per això creiem que aquest projecte continua essent vàlid per al seu desenvolupament futur. Així mateix, aquesta eina s’està mostrant també molt útil pel que fa a temes de recerca, tant per als docents com per els estudiants, i voldríem aprofundir també en aquesta direcció. En la propera fase el que pretenem és afavorir molt més la implicació de l’estudiant, ja que posant al seu abast més recursos, esperem que els utilitzi també de forma més autònoma i creativa, i que això tingui una repercussió positiva en el seu procés d’aprenentatge. Així mateix, i partint del fet que tot aquest material serà disponible on-line, pretenem explorar les possibilitats de connectar el nostre recurs amb altres de similars que puguin altres universitats, amb l’objectiu d’optimitzar-ne l’ús i les potencialitats


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In this article we compare regression models obtained to predict PhD students’ academic performance in the universities of Girona (Spain) and Slovenia. Explanatory variables are characteristics of PhD student’s research group understood as an egocentered social network, background and attitudinal characteristics of the PhD students and some characteristics of the supervisors. Academic performance was measured by the weighted number of publications. Two web questionnaires were designed, one for PhD students and one for their supervisors and other research group members. Most of the variables were easily comparable across universities due to the careful translation procedure and pre-tests. When direct comparison was not possible we created comparable indicators. We used a regression model in which the country was introduced as a dummy coded variable including all possible interaction effects. The optimal transformations of the main and interaction variables are discussed. Some differences between Slovenian and Girona universities emerge. Some variables like supervisor’s performance and motivation for autonomy prior to starting the PhD have the same positive effect on the PhD student’s performance in both countries. On the other hand, variables like too close supervision by the supervisor and having children have a negative influence in both countries. However, we find differences between countries when we observe the motivation for research prior to starting the PhD which increases performance in Slovenia but not in Girona. As regards network variables, frequency of supervisor advice increases performance in Slovenia and decreases it in Girona. The negative effect in Girona could be explained by the fact that additional contacts of the PhD student with his/her supervisor might indicate a higher workload in addition to or instead of a better advice about the dissertation. The number of external student’s advice relationships and social support mean contact intensity are not significant in Girona, but they have a negative effect in Slovenia. We might explain the negative effect of external advice relationships in Slovenia by saying that a lot of external advice may actually result from a lack of the more relevant internal advice


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No es requerido en este caso


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Teniendo en cuenta los importantes aportes efectuados desde los estudios académicos a los procesos de reforma administrativa, la importancia de las reformas administrativas en un mundo cada vez más globalizado y la necesidad de profundizar en las reformas administrativas de las entidades territoriales, este trabajo de investigación tiene por objeto analizar el marco conceptual, normativo y jurisprudencial de las reformas administrativas, estudiando con detalle sus limitaciones y su control, particularmente para el caso de las entidades territoriales en Colombia. De este modo, con ocasión de esta investigación se busca identificar de forma clara el panorama sobre aquellos aspectos en los que las entidades territoriales tienen un mayor o menor grado de autonomía para llevar a cabo sus procesos de reforma administrativa, de tal forma que sea posible identificar algunos riesgos relevantes asociados a dicho panorama. Así, como importantes logros u objetivos de esta investigación se destacan los siguientes: (i) identificar y analizar las principales aproximaciones doctrinales realizadas a nivel mundial sobre las reformas administrativas, (ii) describir aquellos aspectos en los que las entidades territoriales tienen mayor o menor autonomía para adelantar sus procesos de reforma administrativa, (iii) analizar las clases de controles aplicables a estos procesos profundizando en aquellos aspectos que pueden generar su nulidad e (iv) identificar una serie de riesgos a los que están sometidos los procesos de reforma administrativa de las entidades territoriales en Colombia. Todo lo anterior permitirá responder con claridad la siguiente pregunta que ha sido una idea estructural a partir de la cual se ha desarrollado esta investigación: ¿Cuál es el marco conceptual, las limitaciones, los controles y los riesgos de las reformas administrativas a ser adelantadas por las entidades territoriales en Colombia?


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Objective: to evaluate, with a preliminary study, the distribution of circadian rhythms, sleep schedule patterns and their relationship with academic performance on medical students. Methodology: in this descriptive study, a 10 item original questionnaire about sleep rhythms and academic performance was applied to medical students from different semesters. Week (class time) and weekend schedules, preferences, daytime somnolence and academic performance were asked. Three chronotypes (morningness, intermediate and eveningness) were defined among waking-sleeping preference, difficulty to sleep early, exam preparation preference hour and real sleep schedule. The sleep hour deficit per week night was also calculated. Results: Of the 318 medical students that answered the questionnaire, 62.6% corresponded to intermediate chronotypes, 8.8% to evening-type and 28.7% to morning-type. Significant difference was found among the two chronotype tails (p=0.000, Chi-square 31.13). No correlation was found between academic performance and age, sex, chronotype, week sleep deficit and sleep hours in week and weekends. A 71.1% of the students slept 6 or fewer hours during class time and 78% had a sleep deficit (more frequent in the evening chronotype). Conclusions: No relation was found between sleep chronotype and academic performance. Students tend to morningness. Few studies have been made on equatorial zones or without seasons


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The physiotherapist professional activities, in the beginning were focused only in the clinical field, nowadays it has many different action fields including Physical Activity. Physical activity can be viewed from two dimensions: one biological, which is defined as any activity which requires energy expenditure involving the combined action of multiple systems; on the other side social, understood as a human activity concerning subjectivity conditions influenced by the environment where the individual and the community are developed. Given these dimensions as well as national and international benchmarks this paper’s objective is to present a series of reflections that the authors have done regarding the physiotherapist professional performance in the field of physical activity and the large possibilities derived from their practice in this field.


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Las tecnologías de la información han empezado a ser un factor importante a tener en cuenta en cada uno de los procesos que se llevan a cabo en la cadena de suministro. Su implementación y correcto uso otorgan a las empresas ventajas que favorecen el desempeño operacional a lo largo de la cadena. El desarrollo y aplicación de software han contribuido a la integración de los diferentes miembros de la cadena, de tal forma que desde los proveedores hasta el cliente final, perciben beneficios en las variables de desempeño operacional y nivel de satisfacción respectivamente. Por otra parte es importante considerar que su implementación no siempre presenta resultados positivos, por el contrario dicho proceso de implementación puede verse afectado seriamente por barreras que impiden maximizar los beneficios que otorgan las TIC.


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Este trabajo responde la pregunta ¿Cuál es el papel de la Revolución de Terciopelo en la redefinición de la identidad checoslovaca en términos de política exterior?. Defenderá que, conforme al constructivismo, la identidad de los Estados así como sus intereses no están dados y menos se explican por sus capacidades, explicando la conducta y la forma cómo construyeron socialmente su identidad. La Revolución de Terciopelo tuvo lugar en Checoslovaquia, en un momento definitivo en la historia del país, influyendo en la creación de una nueva identidad colectiva que generó consecuencias en el ámbito internacional, ya que a partir de este hecho concreto se evidencia un cambio en la formulación de la política exterior de este país. Para responder a esta pregunta se hará una recolección de información en donde se utilizará la técnica de análisis de documentos, recolectando la bibliografía y consultando en bibliotecas, bases de datos y portales de internet.


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El presente trabajo tiene como propósito el estudio de la cultura, y el impacto que tiene esta en una red inter-organizacional. Para esto se realizó un estudio documental en el cual se hizo una revisión bibliográfica de los principales conceptos relacionados con la cultura y el enfoque de trabajo en red. Asimismo para dar cumplimiento al objetivo de la investigación, se realizó el análisis de varios estudios empíricos que muestran las relaciones entre cultura y redes y que a su vez reflejan las diferentes formas que existen de comprobar la efectividad de una red. Los resultados mostraron que variables de la cultura como la confianza, la comunicación y la similitud de las prácticas culturales influyen en el desempeño y la duración de la red inter-organizacional, de igual forma, se demostró que al momento de escoger un enfoque de trabajo en red, es importante tener en cuenta las diferencias entre las culturas organizacionales de los miembros de la red ya que es necesario hacer un ajuste cultural para garantizar el éxito de la misma.


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El artículo describe las características centrales de la reforma regulatoria al sector eléctrico en 1994 y evalúa el desempeño y la eficiencia de las empresas públicas antes y después de la reforma. El análisis de desempeño evalúa los cambios en medias y medianas en ganancias, eficiencia, inversión y ventas de las empresas privatizadas en el sector. La eficiencia técnica es estimada mediante la técnica DEA en una muestra de 33 plantas térmicas de energía, que representan el 85% del parque térmico; y 12 empresas distribuidoras de energía. La muestra de plantas generadoras está compuesta por plantas que estaban activas antes de la reforma y plantas nuevas que entraron en operación después de la reforma. Los principales resultados muestran que la eficiencia mejoro después de la reforma y que la política regulatoria ha tenido un efecto positivo en la eficiencia de la generación térmica de energía. Por el contrario, las distribuidoras de energía menos eficientes empeoraron después de la reforma y no llevaron a cabo una reestructuración para alcanzar la eficiencia productiva respecto a las empresas que conforman la frontera de eficiencia en distribución de energía.


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This work was carried out to study the environmental impacts produced by power generation from biomass (bagasse) in sugar mills in Cuba. For this purpose, with the collaboration of the Center for Energy and Industrial Processes (CEEPI), the University Center of Sancti Spiritus and using different research methods and techniques, conducted an environmental survey of the area. Gaseous emissions were characterized and the suspended solid particles, allowing knowing that these concentrations do not exceed the maximum emission limit set by the cubana Standard. In addition, the dispersion model applied DISPER allowed us to obtain information in crisis conditions of air emissions from sugar mill and distillery associated and concluded that emissions from the distillery are the pollutants that contribute more the atmosphere. The correlating emissions with respiratory diseases, (acute respiratory infections or subacute (IRA) and ASMA), concurrent Asthma Crisis (CAB) is the most affected. The calculated costs associated in these diseases, amounting to $ 119 599.23 per year. In order to minimize the negative alternatives are proposed to be implemented in industry and community.


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A Gestão, como arte e experiência, tem sido infelizmente pouco solicitada para participar activamente no crucial e urgente processo de regeneração e reversão do Sistema Nacional de Saúde em Portugal. Perante a prevalência notória da perspectiva macroeconómica da economia da saúde, a gestão tem-se remetido quase ao serviço mínimo de repositório e subserviente cumpridor da norma emanada dos diversos e diversificados poderes da saúde, nomeadamente os político e burocrático. Sem querer com isto pretender ter encontrado a panaceia para a intervenção no processo, julga-se que sem um forte contributo da gestão jamais se atingirá o objectivo pretendido de flexão no andamento notoriamente negativo dos últimos anos. E isso passa por dois aspectos cruciais inerentes às organizações de saúde: acreditar verdadeiramente nas competências detidas pelas suas lideranças intermédias e apostar na respectiva delegação de poder e decisão. A contrapartida para isso será um sério, genuíno, forte, diferenciado e negociado processo de contratualização interna e avaliação de desempenho em excelência das unidades, serviços e centros nucleares da estrutura, em que de uma vez por todas se arrede a tradicional e já demonstradamente prejudicial posição negocial leonina dos diversos centralismos da saúde em Portugal.


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The institutions that work with the preservation and diffusion of cultural heritage - be them archive, libraries, museums, art galleries or cultural centres - present a certain discourse about reality. To understand this discourse, composed by sound and silence, by fullness and emptiness, by presence and absence, by remembrance and forgetting, an operation is implied, not only with the enunciation of speech and its gaps, but also the comprehension of that which causes to speak, of who is speaking and of the point whence one speaks. Preservation and destruction, or, in another way, conservation and loss, walk hand in hand in the arteries of life. As suggested by Nietzsche (1999, p.273), it is impossible to live without loss, it is entirely impossible to live avoiding destruction to play its game and drive the dynamics of life on. However, by means of a kind of tautological argument, one often justifies preservation by the imminence of loss and memory by the threat of forgetting. Thus, one ceases to consider that the game and the rules of the game between forgetting and memory are not fed by themselves and that preservation and destruction are not opposed in a deadly duel, but instead they complement one another and are always at the service of subjects that build themselves and are built through social practices. To indicate that memories and forgettings can be sown and cultivated corroborates the importance of working towards the denaturalisation of these concepts and towards the understanding that they result from a construction process also involving other forces, such as: power. Power is a sower, a promoter of memories and forgettings.


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The potential reproductive value of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Gloinus intraradices and Glomus invermaium), root pathogenic fungi (Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium culmorum) and saprotrophic fungi (Penicillium hordei and Trichoderma harzianum) were examined for the collembolans Folsomia candida Willem and Folsomia fimetaria L. Dried baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was used as a reference standard food in laboratory cultures. Collembolan performance was determined as final size, fecundity and population growth rate after when fed the fungal food sources for 31 days. The mycorrhizal fungi gave the least growth and fecundity compared with the other fungi, but G. intraradices gave good fecundity for F. candida. In terms of growth, Baker's yeast was a high-quality food for both adults and juveniles of both species, but it was a poorer food in terms of fecundity of F. candida. Preference of the fungi in all possible pairwise combinations showed that although F. fimetaria did not perform well on Glomus spp. and F. candida did not grow well on Glomus spp. their preference for these fungi did not reflect this. The highest fecundity was seen with the root pathogen F. culmorum. Different quality indicators such as the C:N ratio of the fungal food sources as well as other biological parameters are discussed in relation to their reproductive value and Collembola preferential feeding. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A representative community sample of primiparous depressed women and a nondepressed control group were assessed while in interaction with their infants at 2 months postpartum. At 3 months, infants were assessed on the Still-face perturbation of face to face interaction, and a subsample completed an Instrumental Learning paradigm. Compared to nondepressed women, depressed mothers' interactions were both less contingent and less affectively attuned to infant behavior. Postnatal depression did not adversely affect the infant's performance in either the Still-face perturbation or the Instrumental Learning assessment. Maternal responsiveness in interactions at 2 months predicted the infant's performance in the Instrumental Learning assessment but not in the Still-face perturbation. The implications of these findings for theories of infant cognitive and emotional development are discussed.