1000 resultados para crop modeling
Simulations have been carried out on the bromate - oxalic acid - Ce(IV) - acetone oscillating reaction, under flow conditions, using Field and Boyd's model (J. Phys. Chem. 1985, 89, 3707). Many different complex dynamic behaviors were found, including simple periodic oscillations, complex periodic oscillations, quasiperiodicity and chaos. Some of these complex oscillations can be understood as belonging to a Farey sequence. The many different behaviors were systematized in a phase diagram which shows that some regions of complex patterns were nested with one inside the other. The existence of almost all known dynamic behavior for this system allows the suggestion that it can be used as a model for some very complex phenomena that occur in biological systems.
The time interval between successive migrations of biological species causes a delay time in the reaction-diffusion equations describing their space-time dynamics. This lowers the predicted speed of the waves of advance, as compared to classical models. It has been shown that this delay-time effect improves the modeling of human range expansions. Here, we demonstrate that it can also be important for other species. We present two new examples where the predictions of the time-delayed and the classical (Fisher) approaches are compared to experimental data. No free or adjustable parameters are used. We show that the importance of the delay effect depends on the dimensionless product of the initial growth rate and the delay time. We argue that the delay effect should be taken into account in the modeling of range expansions for biological species
The caffeine solubility in supercritical CO2 was studied by assessing the effects of pressure and temperature on the extraction of green coffee oil (GCO). The Peng-Robinson¹ equation of state was used to correlate the solubility of caffeine with a thermodynamic model and two mixing rules were evaluated: the classical mixing rule of van der Waals with two adjustable parameters (PR-VDW) and a density dependent one, proposed by Mohamed and Holder² with two (PR-MH, two parameters adjusted to the attractive term) and three (PR-MH3 two parameters adjusted to the attractive and one to the repulsive term) adjustable parameters. The best results were obtained with the mixing rule of Mohamed and Holder² with three parameters.
OH LIF-thermometry was applied to premixed ethanol flames at atmospheric pressure in a burner for three flame conditions. Flame temperatures were simulated from energy equation with PREMIX code of CHEMKIN software package for comparison. A kinetic modeling based on a model validated through chemiluminescence measurements and on a set of reactions for nitrogen chemistry was evaluated. Marinov's mechanism was also tested. Sensitivity analysis was performed for fuel-rich flame condition with Φ = 1.34. Simulated temperatures from both reaction mechanisms evaluated were higher than experimental values. However, the proposed kinetic modeling resulted in temperature profiles qualitatively very close to the experimental.
QSAR modeling is a novel computer program developed to generate and validate QSAR or QSPR (quantitative structure- activity or property relationships) models. With QSAR modeling, users can build partial least squares (PLS) regression models, perform variable selection with the ordered predictors selection (OPS) algorithm, and validate models by using y-randomization and leave-N-out cross validation. An additional new feature is outlier detection carried out by simultaneous comparison of sample leverage with the respective Studentized residuals. The program was developed using Java version 6, and runs on any operating system that supports Java Runtime Environment version 6. The use of the program is illustrated. This program is available for download at lqta.iqm.unicamp.br.
This work presents the use of potentiometric measurements for kinetic studies of biosorption of Cd2+ ions from aqueous solutions on Eichhornia crassipes roots. The open circuit potential of the Cd/Cd2+ electrode of the first kind was measured during the bioadsorption process. The amount of Cd2+ ions accumulated was determined in real time. The data were fit to different models, with the pseudo-second-order model proving to be the best in describing the data. The advantages and limitations of the methodology proposed relative to the traditional method are discussed.
Experiments were carried out under laboratory, growth chamber, and field conditions to evaluate the effect of Plant growth-promoting and bioprotecting rhizobacteria (PGPBR) seed treatment on seed pathogens, seed germination, plant growth, and grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Most of the PGPBR strongly reduced the recovery of the pathogens from infected wheat seeds. All treatments, except the chemical iprodione + thiram, significantly promoted plant growth over the nontreated control. Psudomonas putida biotype A (11) and P. agglomerans (14) showed the greatest effects. Field experiments, carried out at two locations, indicated that all treatments, except P. chlororaphis (42), significantly increased seedling emergence of wheat . In Pato Branco, PR, P. putida biotype A (11) and P. putida biotype B (44) presented the best results, both being superior to fungal biological and chemical treatments. In Passo Fundo P. putida biotype A (11) and P. putida biotype B (17 and 44) significantly improved yield over the nontreated control. Yield increases of these three PGPBR were similar to the chemical treatment iprodione + thiram. In Pato Branco, P. putida biotype A (11) and P. putida biotype B (17), as well as the chemical treatment, provided significant increase over the nontreated control. Yield increases by the PGPBR varied from 18% to 22% in Passo Fundo and from 27% to 28% in Pato Branco.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) powdery mildew, caused by the biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most severe foliar diseases attacking this crop, reducing grain yields by 10% to 62% in Brazil. The disease can be controlled by genetic resistance of the host, but the pathogen has physiological specialization, which enables it to infect wheat cultivars that have remained resistant for years. The objective of this work was to evaluate the variability of pathogenic strains of B. graminis f. sp. tritici collected in Brazil and the effectiveness of wheat resistance genes to powdery mildew in the 2003 crop season. Plants of a differential series were inoculated with each monopustular isolate. Thirty-one combinations of effective and ineffective resistance genes were identified. Only the gene Pm4a+... remained totally effective to all isolates, and gene Pm6 was highly effective (below 10% of susceptibility), whereas genes Pm3a and Pm8 were totally ineffective (susceptible to all isolates). Genes Pm3c, D1, and D2 showed low effectiveness (above 50% of susceptibility), and genes Pm1, 2, 4a, 1+?, and 2+Mld had mean effective results to most strains (susceptibility between 10% and 49%). The virulence formula Pm1, 3c, 4a, 6, 1+?, 2+Mld, 4a+..., D2 (effective genes) / 2, 3a, 8, D1 (ineffective genes) was most frequently found, accounting for 15% of the occurrences. The most frequent number of ineffective genes was seven, ranging from three to ten.
Botrytis blight caused by Botrytis cinerea is an important disease of rose (Rosa hybrida) grown in greenhouses in Brazil. As little is known regarding the disease epidemiology under greenhouse conditions, pathogen survival in crop debris and as sclerotia was evaluated. Polyethylene bags with petals, leaves, or stem sections artificially infected with B. cinerea were mixed with crop debris in rose beds, in a commercial plastic greenhouse. High percentage of plant parts with sporulation was detected until 60 days, then sporulation decreased on petals after 120 days, and sharply decreased on stems or leaves after 90 days. Sporulation on petals continued for 360 days, but was not observed on stems after 150 days or leaves after 240 days. Although the fungus survived longer on petals, stems and leaves are also important inoculum sources because high amounts of both are deposited on beds during cultivation. Survival of sclerotia produced on PDA was also quantified. Sclerotia germination was greater than 75% in the initial 210 days and 50% until 360 days. Sclerotia weight gradually declined but they remained viable for 360 days. Sclerotia were produced on the buried petals, mainly after 90 days of burial, but not on leaves or stems. Germination of these sclerotia gradually decreased after 120 days, but lasted until 360 days. Higher weight loss and lower viability were observed on sclerotia produced on petals than on sclerotia produced in vitro
Asian rust of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merril] is one of the most important fungal diseases of this crop worldwide. The recent introduction of Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd in the Americas represents a major threat to soybean production in the main growing regions, and significant losses have already been reported. P. pachyrhizi is extremely aggressive under favorable weather conditions, causing rapid plant defoliation. Epidemiological studies, under both controlled and natural environmental conditions, have been done for several decades with the aim of elucidating factors that affect the disease cycle as a basis for disease modeling. The recent spread of Asian soybean rust to major production regions in the world has promoted new development, testing and application of mathematical models to assess the risk and predict the disease. These efforts have included the integration of new data, epidemiological knowledge, statistical methods, and advances in computer simulation to develop models and systems with different spatial and temporal scales, objectives and audience. In this review, we present a comprehensive discussion on the models and systems that have been tested to predict and assess the risk of Asian soybean rust. Limitations, uncertainties and challenges for modelers are also discussed.
A distinctive design feature of steam boiler with natural circulation is the presence of the steam drum which plays a role of the separator of vapor from the flow of water-and-steam mixture coming into steam drum from the furnace tubes. Steam drum with unheated downcomer tubes, deducing from it, and riser (screen/furnace tubes) inside the furnace is a closed circulation loop in which movement of water (downcomer tubes) and water-and-steam mixture (riser tubes) is organized. The movement of the working fluid is appears due to occurrence of the natural pressure, determined by the difference in hydrostatic pressure and the mass of water and water-and-steam mixtures in downcomer and riser tubes and called the driving pressure of the natural circulation:
In this thesis the main objective is to examine and model configuration system and related processes. When and where configuration information is created in product development process and how it is utilized in order-delivery process? These two processes are the essential part of the whole configuration system from the information point of view. Empirical part of the work was done as a constructive research inside a company that follows a mass customization approach. Data models and documentation are created for different development stages of the configuration system. A base data model already existed for new structures and relations between these structures. This model was used as the basis for the later data modeling work. Data models include different data structures, their key objects and attributes, and relations between. Representation of configuration rules for the to-be configuration system was defined as one of the key focus point. Further, it is examined how the customer needs and requirements information can be integrated into the product development process. Requirements hierarchy and classification system is presented. It is shown how individual requirement specifications can be connected for physical design structure via features by developing the existing base data model further.