916 resultados para cortisol na saliva


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Background: The importance of understanding which environmental and biological factors are involved in determining individual differences in physiological response to stress is widely recognized, given the impact that stress has on physical and mental health. Methods: The child-mother attachment relationship and some genetic polymorphisms (5-HTTLPR, COMT and GABRA6) were tested as predictors of salivary cortisol and alpha amylase concentrations, two biomarkers of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis and sympathetic adrenomedullary (SAM) system activity, during the Strange Situation (SS) procedure in a sample of more than 100 healthy infants, aged 12 to 18 months. Results: Individual differences in alpha amylase response to separation were predicted by security of attachment in interaction with 5-HTTLPR and GABRA6 genetic polymorphisms, whereas alpha amylase basal levels were predicted by COMT x attachment interaction. No significant effect of attachment, genetics and their interaction on cortisol activity emerged. Conclusions: These results help to disentangle the role played by both genetic and environmental factors in determining individual differences in stress response in infancy. The results also shed light on the suggestion that HPA and SAM systems are likely to have different characteristic responses to stress.


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Dietary nitrate is metabolized to nitrite by bacterial flora on the posterior surface of the tongue leading to increased salivary nitrite concentrations. In the acidic environment of the stomach, nitrite forms nitrous acid, a potent nitrating/nitrosating agent. The aim of this study was to examine the pharmacokinetics of dietary nitrate in relation to the formation of salivary, plasma, and urinary nitrite and nitrate in healthy subjects. A secondary aim was to determine whether dietary nitrate increases the formation of protein-bound 3-nitrotyrosine in plasma, and if dietary nitrate improves platelet function. The pharmacokinetic profile of urinary nitrate excretion indicates total clearance of consumed nitrate in a 24 h period. While urinary, salivary, and plasma nitrate concentrations increased between 4- and 7-fold, a significant increase in nitrite was only detected in saliva (7-fold). High dietary nitrate consumption does not cause a significant acute change in plasma concentrations of 3-nitrotyrosine or in platelet function.


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BACKGROUND: Prebiotics are food ingredients, usually non-digestible oligosaccharides, that are selectively fermented by populations of beneficial gut bacteria. Endoxylanases, altering the naturally present cereal arabinoxylans, are commonly used in the bread industry to improve dough and bread characteristics. Recently, an in situ method has been developed to produce arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) at high levels in breads through the use of a thermophilic endoxylanase. AXOS have demonstrated potentially prebiotic properties in that they have been observed to lead to beneficial shifts in the microbiota in vitro and in murine, poultry and human studies. METHODS: A double-blind, placebo controlled human intervention study was undertaken with 40 healthy adult volunteers to assess the impact of consumption of breads with in situ produced AXOS (containing 2.2 g AXOS) compared to non-endoxylanase treated breads. Volatile fatty acid concentrations in faeces were assessed and fluorescence in situ hybridisation was used to assess changes in gut microbial groups. Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) levels in saliva were also measured. RESULTS: Consumption of AXOS-enriched breads led to increased faecal butyrate and a trend for reduced iso-valerate and fatty acids associated with protein fermentation. Faecal levels of bifidobacteria increased following initial control breads and remained elevated throughout the study. Lactobacilli levels were elevated following both placebo and AXOS-breads. No changes in salivary secretory IgA levels were observed during the study. Furthermore, no adverse effects on gastrointestinal symptoms were reported during AXOS-bread intake. CONCLUSIONS: AXOS-breads led to a potentially beneficial shift in fermentation end products and are well tolerated.


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Some bioactive secondary metabolites in forage legumes can cause digestive interactions, so that the rumen fermentation pattern of a mixture of forages can differ from the average values of its components. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential role of condensed tannins (CT) on the synergistic effects between one grass species, cocksfoot, and one CT-containing legume species, sainfoin, on in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics. Cocksfoot and sainfoin in different proportions (in g/kg, 1000:0, 750:250, 500:500, 250:750 and 0:1000) were incubated under anaerobic conditions in culture bottles containing buffered rumen fluid from sheep. Incubations were carried out using artificial saliva with and without polyethylene glycol (PEG), which binds and thus inactivates CT. Rumen fermentation parameters describing the degradation and the fate of the energetic and nitrogenous substrates were measured at 3.5 and 24 h. At the early fermentation stage, when the sainfoin level increased from 0 to 1000 g/kg, the ammonia concentration in the medium quadratically decreased from 3.20 to 0.53 mmol/l in absence of PEG (P<0.01) but not in its presence. This result demonstrates that sainfoin CT decreased the rumen degradation of the proteins in the whole mixture, including the proteins in cocksfoot, rather than just the proteins in sainfoin. Interestingly, the total gas and methane productions were lower in mixtures incubated in absence of PEG than in presence of PEG (P<0.001) while no significant PEG effect was observed on digestibility. At the late fermentation stage, a positive quadratic effect on dry matter digestibility was detected without PEG (P<0.05), indicating a synergistic action of cocksfoot plus sainfoin on plant substrate degradation due to CT. The presence of PEG increased gas production (P<0.001) and NH3-N concentration in the medium (P<0.001). Our results suggest that CT could allow a better utilization of plant substrates in mixtures by the rumen ecosystem by improving the partitioning of degraded substrates toward lower gas losses, and decreasing the protein degradation.


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PURPOSE: There is growing evidence that probiotics confer health benefits to the host by modulating immune function, especially in older people, where immunosenescence is a feature even of healthy ageing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a probiotic drink containing Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS) on immune function in a healthy non-immunocompromised older population. METHODS: Thirty healthy old volunteers were recruited into a randomized placebo-controlled, single-blind crossover study. The volunteers were supplemented with the probiotic drink containing 1.3 × 10(10) CFU LcS or skimmed milk per day for 4 weeks, followed by 4 weeks of washout and were crossed over to the other treatment. Peripheral blood and saliva samples were collected at baseline and end of each treatment. RESULTS: Probiotic consumption was associated with a significant increase in natural killer (NK) cell activity relative to baseline and a significant decrease in the mean fluorescence intensity of CD25 expression in the resting T cells compared with placebo. Additionally, there was a trend towards an increased ratio of IL-10 to IL-12 relative to baseline after LcS intake. CONCLUSIONS: Consumption of a probiotic drink containing LcS improved NK cell activity and tended to produce a more anti-inflammatory cytokine profile in an older population.


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Red and processed meat consumption is associated with the risk of colorectal cancer. Three hypotheses are proposed to explain this association, via heme-induced oxidation of fat, heterocyclic amines, or N-nitroso compounds. Rats have often been used to study these hypotheses, but the lack of enterosalivary cycle of nitrate in rats casts doubt on the relevance of this animal model to predict nitroso- and heme-associated human colon carcinogenesis. The present study was thus designed to clarify whether a nitrite intake that mimics the enterosalivary cycle can modulate hemeinduced nitrosation and fat peroxidation. This study shows that, in contrast with the starting hypothesis, drinking water added with nitrite to mimic the salivary nitrite content did not change the effect of hemoglobin on biochemicalmarkers linked to colon carcinogenesis, notably lipid peroxidation and cytotoxic activity in the colon of rat. However, ingested sodium nitrite increased fecal nitrosocompounds level, but their fecal concentration and their nature (iron-nitrosyl) would probably not be associated with an increased risk of cancer.We thus suggest that the rat model could be relevant for study the effect of red meat on colon carcinogenesis, in spite of the lack of nitrite in the saliva of rats.


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Metabolic syndrome is a set of disorders that increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The gut microbiota is altered toward a less beneficial composition in overweight adults and this change can be accompanied by inflammation. Prebiotics such as galactooligosaccharides can positively modify the gut microbiota and immune system; some may also reduce blood lipids. We assessed the effect of a galactooligosaccharide mixture [Bi2 muno (B-GOS)] on markers of metabolic syndrome, gut microbiota, and immune function in 45 overweight adults with $3 risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome in a double-blind, randomized, placebo (maltodextrin)-controlled, crossover study (with a 4-wk wash-out period between interventions). Whole blood, saliva, feces, and anthropometric measurements were taken at the beginning, wk 6, and end of each 12-wk intervention period. Predominant groups of fecal bacteria were quantified and full blood count, markers of inflammation and lipid metabolism, insulin, and glucose were measured. B-GOS increased the number of fecal bifidobacteria at the expense of less desirable groups of bacteria. Increases in fecal secretory IgA and decreases in fecal calprotectin, plasma C-reactive protein, insulin, total cholesterol (TC), TG, and the TC:HDL cholesterol ratio were also observed. Administration of B-GOS to overweight adults resulted in positive effects on the composition of the gut microbiota, the immune response, and insulin, TC, and TG concentrations. B-GOSmay be a useful candidate for the enhancement of gastrointestinal health, immune function, and the reduction of metabolic syndrome risk factors in overweight adults.


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Recent research indicates gender differences in the impact of stress on decision behavior, but little is known about the brain mechanisms involved in these gender-specific stress effects. The current study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine whether induced stress resulted in gender-specific patterns of brain activation during a decision task involving monetary reward. Specifically, we manipulated physiological stress levels using a cold pressor task, prior to a risky decision making task. Healthy men (n = 24, 12 stressed) and women (n = 23, 11 stressed) completed the decision task after either cold pressor stress or a control task during the period of cortisol response to the cold pressor. Gender differences in behavior were present in stressed participants but not controls, such that stress led to greater reward collection and faster decision speed in males but less reward collection and slower decision speed in females. A gender-by-stress interaction was observed for the dorsal striatum and anterior insula. With cold stress, activation in these regions was increased in males but decreased in females. The findings of this study indicate that the impact of stress on reward-related decision processing differs depending on gender.


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High protein dairy beverages are considered to be mouth drying. The drying sensation may be due to the product protein content; however the mechanism of this mouth drying is uncertain. This study investigated the potential adhesion of milk proteins to porcine oral mucosal tissues and their resistance to wash out with simulated saliva was monitored using fluorescence microscopy. Cadein was found to be more adhesive to porcine mucosa then lactogloubulin. Some investigation into the reason for this difference in mucoadhesion was conducted by thiol-content analysis, rheology and zeta-potential measurements. The higher viscosity of casein solution and smaller zeta-potential is believed to be responsible for its better retention on mucosal surfaces. These findings suggest that casein and whey protein are both capable of binding and eliciting mouth drying in high protein dairy beverages.


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Autism affects males more than females, giving rise to the idea that the influence of steroid hormones on early fetal brain development may be one important early biological risk factor. Utilizing the Danish Historic Birth Cohort and Danish Psychiatric Central Register, we identified all amniotic fluid samples of males born between 1993 and 1999 who later received ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) diagnoses of autism, Asperger syndrome or PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified) (n=128) compared with matched typically developing controls. Concentration levels of Δ4 sex steroids (progesterone, 17α-hydroxy-progesterone, androstenedione and testosterone) and cortisol were measured with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. All hormones were positively associated with each other and principal component analysis confirmed that one generalized latent steroidogenic factor was driving much of the variation in the data. The autism group showed elevations across all hormones on this latent generalized steroidogenic factor (Cohen's d=0.37, P=0.0009) and this elevation was uniform across ICD-10 diagnostic label. These results provide the first direct evidence of elevated fetal steroidogenic activity in autism. Such elevations may be important as epigenetic fetal programming mechanisms and may interact with other important pathophysiological factors in autism.


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The offspring of depressed parents have been found to show elevated basal levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Whether heightened cortisol stress reactivity is also present in this group has yet to be clearly demonstrated. We tested whether postnatal maternal depression predicts subsequent increases in offspring biological sensitivity to social stress, as indexed by elevated cortisol reactivity. Participants (mean age 22.4-years) derived from a 22-year prospective longitudinal study of the offspring of mothers who had postnatal depression (PND group; n=38) and a control group (n=38). Salivary cortisol response to a social-evaluative threat (Trier Social Stress Test) was measured. Hierarchical linear modelling indicated that PND group offspring showed greater cortisol reactivity to the stress test than control group participants. Group differences were not explained by offspring depressive or anxiety symptoms, experiences of negative life events, elevated basal cortisol at age 13-years, subsequent exposure to maternal depression, or other key covariates. The findings indicate that the presence of early maternal depression can predict offspring biological sensitivity to social stress in adulthood, with potential implications for broader functioning.


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The low activity variant of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) functional promoter polymorphism, MAOA-LPR, in interaction with adverse environments (G × E) is associated with child and adult antisocial behaviour disorders. MAOA is expressed during foetal development so in utero G × E may influence early neurodevelopment. We tested the hypothesis that MAOA G × E during pregnancy predicts infant negative emotionality soon after birth. In an epidemiological longitudinal study starting in pregnancy, using a two stage stratified design, we ascertained MAOA-LPR status (low vs. high activity variants) from the saliva of 209 infants (104 boys and 105 girls), and examined predictions to observed infant negative emotionality at 5 weeks post-partum from life events during pregnancy. In analyses weighted to provide estimates for the general population, and including possible confounders for life events, there was an MAOA status by life events interaction (P = 0.017). There was also an interaction between MAOA status and neighbourhood deprivation (P = 0.028). Both interactions arose from a greater effect of increasing life events on negative emotionality in the MAOA-LPR low activity, compared with MAOA-LPR high activity infants. The study provides the first evidence of moderation by MAOA-LPR of the effect of the social environment in pregnancy on negative emotionality in infancy, an early risk for the development of child and adult antisocial behaviour disorders.


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Background The low expression polymorphism of the MAOA gene in interaction with adverse environments (G × E) is associated with antisocial behaviour disorders. These have their origins in early life, but it is not known whether MAOA G × E occurs in infants. We therefore examined whether MAOA G × E predicts infant anger proneness, a temperamental dimension associated with later antisocial behaviour disorders. In contrast to previous studies, we examined MAOA G × E prospectively using an observational measure of a key aspect of the infant environment, maternal sensitivity, at a specified developmental time point. Methods In a stratified epidemiological cohort recruited during pregnancy, we ascertained MAOA status (low vs. high expression alleles) from the saliva of 193 infants, and examined specific predictions to maternal report of infant temperament at 14 months from maternal sensitivity assessed at 29 weeks of age. Results Analyses, weighted to provide general population estimates, indicated a robust interaction between MAOA status and maternal sensitivity in the prediction of infant anger proneness (p = .003) which became stronger once possible confounders for maternal sensitivity were included in the model (p = .0001). The interaction terms were similar in males (p = .010) and females (p = .016), but the effects were different as a consequence of an additional sex of infant by maternal sensitivity interaction. Conclusions This prospective study provides the first evidence of moderation by the MAOA gene of effects of parenting on infant anger proneness, an important early risk for the development of disruptive and aggressive behaviour disorders.


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Background: Diabetes and periodontitis produce a protein discharge that can be reflected in saliva. This study evaluates the salivary concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, and osteoprotegerin (OPG) in patients with periodontitis with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Whole saliva samples were obtained from 90 subjects who were divided into four groups: healthy (control; n = 22), untreated periodontitis (UPD; n = 24), diabetes mellitus (DM; n = 20), and UPD + DM (n = 24) groups. Clinical and metabolic data were recorded. Salivary IL-6, MMP-8, and OPG concentrations were determined by a standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: The UPD and UPD + DM groups exhibited higher salivary IL-6 than the control and DM groups (P <0.01). The salivary MMP-8 concentrations in all diseased groups (UPD, DM, and UPD + DM) were higher than in the control group (P <0.01). The salivary OPG concentrations in the DM group were higher than in the UPD and control groups (P<0.05). In the UPD + DM group, salivary IL-6 was correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels (r = 0.60; P<0.05). The regression analysis indicated that the number of remaining teeth, clinical attachment level, and IL-6 might have influenced the HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes. Conclusions: Salivary 1L-6 concentrations were elevated in patients with periodontitis with or without diabetes. Salivary MMP-8 and OPG concentrations were elevated regardless of periodontal inflammation in patients with diabetes. Therefore, periodontitis and diabetes are conditions that may interfere with protein expression and should be considered when using saliva for diagnoses. J Periodontol 2010;81:384-391.


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Purpose: To assess in vitro the shear bond strength at the resin/dentin interface in primary teeth after contamination with fresh human blood. Methods: 75 crowns of primary molars were embedded in acrylic resin and mechanically ground to expose a flat dentin surface. The specimens were randomly assigned to five groups (n=15), according to the surface treatment. Group I (control) had no blood contamination. The other groups were blood-contaminated and subjected to different post-contamination protocols: in Group 2, the surfaces were rinsed with water; in Group 3, the surfaces were air-dried; in Group 4, the surfaces were rinsed and air-dried; and in Group 5, no post-contamination treatment was done. In all groups, a 3-mm dentin bonding site was demarcated, Single Bond adhesive system was applied and resin composite cylinders were bonded. After 24 hours in distilled water, shear bond strength was tested at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute. Results: Means (in MPa) were: Group 1: 7.1 (+/- 4.2); Group 2: 4.0 (+/- 1.8); Group 3: 0.9 (+/- 0.7); Group 4: 3.9 (+/- 2.2) and Group 5: 1.3 (+/- 1.5). Data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. Groups 2 and 4 were similar to each other (P > 0.05) and both ware similar to Group 1 (P > 0.05). These groups (2, 3 and 4) had statistically significantly higher bond strengths than Groups 3 and 5 (P < 0.05). Blood contamination negatively affected the shear bond strength to primary tooth dentin. Among the blood-contaminated groups, water-rinsed specimens had higher bond strengths than those that were exclusively air-dried or not submitted to any post-contamination protocol before adhesive application.