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In this paper the proximate analysis and ultimate analysis of sulfur in different semi-cokes generated from Rizhao bituminous coal and Beijing anthracite under different temperatures is done. Also the tendency of the contents of volatile, ash, fixed carbon and sulfur in different semi-cokes along with the different preparation temperatures is studied. Then the combustion experiment of semi-cokes in the drop-tube furnace system was carried out, and the kinetic parameters of different semi-cokes ware calculated.


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ENGLISH:The gill rakers of both juvenile and adult anchovetas are long and numerous, with many fine processes which make a very efficient straining apparatus. The stomach is modified into a gizzard. The intestine undergoes heteronomous growth, and attains about eight times the standard length in adults. The stomach contents of 39 samples of juvenile fish and 120 adult fish were examined. Diatoms were the principal food of all the sizes of fish examined, from 29 to 153 millimeters. Silicoflagellates, dinoflagellates, pollen grains, formaniferans, rotifer shells, crustaceans, and eggs, probably of crustaceans, were also found in small amounts. Coscinodiscus, a diatom, was the most important item found in the stomachs of the juvenile fish. No strong differences were observed in the feeding habits of different sizes of juveniles. Even taking into account their smaller size, the juveniles had smaller volumes of material and lesser numbers of organisms in their stomachs than did the adults. The stomachs of the adult fish, unlike those of the juveniles, usually contained considerable quantities of mud. Melosira, Coscinodiscus, and Thalassionema, all diatoms, were the most important organisms found in the stomachs of the adults. The incidence of Melosira was much higher in the stomachs of fish from the areas to the east of the entrance of the Panama Canal than from those to the west. No seasonal differences in the food were observed. The volume of material in the stomachs ranged from almost none to nearly 1.0 milliliter, with an average of a little more than 0.2 milliliter. Twenty-six bottom samples were examined; the organisms found corresponded very closely to those encountered in the stomachs of the adult fish. It is concluded that the juvenile anchovetas are chiefly or entirely filter feeders of the pelagic zone. The adults, however, are mostly iliophagous feeders, but possibly do some feeding upon plankton as well. SPANISH:Las branquispinas de las anchovetas, tanto en las juveniles como en las adultas, son largas y numerosas, can varias protuberancias finas que hacen de ellas un aparato filtrador muy eficiente. El estómago está modificado en una molleja. El intestino está sometido a un crecimiento heterónomo, llega a alcanzar unas oeho veces la longitud estandar en las adultas. Fué examinado el contenido estomacal de 39 ,muestras de peces juveniles y de 120 adultos. Las diatomeas fueron el alimento principal de todos los peces que fueron examinados cuyo tamaño varió entre los 29 y 153 milimetros. Se encontraron también en cantidades silicoflagelados, dinoflagelados, granos de polen, foraminíferos, conchas de rotiferos, crustáceos y huevos, probablemente de crustáceos. Coscinodiscus, una diatomea, fué el alimento más importante encontrado en los estómagos de los peces juveniles. No se observaron mayores diferencias en los hábitos de alimentación en los juveniles de diferentes tamaños. Aún tomando en cuenta su tamaño menor, los juveniles tenian volúmenes más pequeños de material y un número menor de organismos en sus estómagos que los adultos. Los estómagos de los peces adultos, diferentes a los de los juveniles, contenían por lo general considerables cantidades de fango. Melosira, Coscinodiscus, y Thalassionema, todas ellas diatomeas, fueron los organismos más importantes encontrados en los estómagos de los adultos. La contribuciónde Melosira fué mucho más alta en los estómagos de los peces procedentes de las áreas al este de la entrada del Canal de Panamá que la de aquellos provenientes del oeste. No se observaron diferencias estacionales en la alimentacion. El volúmen de material en los estómagos varió de casi cero a cerca de 1.0 mililitros, con un promedio de un poco mas de 0.2 mili1itros. Se examinaron 26 muestras de fonda; los organismos encontrados correspondieron muy cercanamente a los hallados en los estómagos de los peces adultos. Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que las anchovetas juveniles son principalmente ó enteramente filtradoras de alimentos de la zona pelágica. Las adultas, sin embargo, son en su mayoria iliófagas, pero posiblemente se alimentan también de plancton.


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ENGLISH: Citations from the fields of biological, physical and chemical oceanography, meteorology and marine fisheries are used to compile a new bibliography on El Nino phenomena and associated publications. An alphanumeric coding procedure relating this bibliography to a newly microfilmed version of the contents of this bibliography is described. SPANISH: Se emplean las anotaciones del campo biológico, físico y químico de la oceanografía, la rneteorología y la pesca marina para compilar una nueva bibliografía sobre el fenómeno del Niño, y publicaciones afines. Se describe el procedimiento de un código alfanumérico relacionando esta bibliografía a una versión recientemente microfilmada del contenido de ésta. (PDF contains 53 pages.)


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The preliminary results obtained from the study of stomach contents of specimens of Gymnarchus niloticus of a size ranging from 56 cm (66 grams) to 152 cm (12.0 kg.) from August to December, 1982 indicate for these sizes an exclusively piscivorous diet. The predominant prey species in Lake Chad are Tilapia/Sarotherodon , and Clarias . The prey is often cut in two parts before it is swallowed. Small prey may be swallowed whole. The implication of this prey capture method on prey-predator relationship and therefore the impact of the predator is discussed. The breeding season of Gymnarchus niloticus in Lake Chad has been deduced from observation of changes in gonad maturity stages and the results indicate that breeding takes place between August and November. Data are also presented on the fecundity, size of ripe eggs and probable size at maturity


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ENGLISH: A two-stage sampling design is used to estimate the variances of the numbers of yellowfin in different age groups caught in the eastern Pacific Ocean. For purse seiners, the primary sampling unit (n) is a brine well containing fish from a month-area stratum; the number of fish lengths (m) measured from each well are the secondary units. The fish cannot be selected at random from the wells because of practical limitations. The effects of different sampling methods and other factors on the reliability and precision of statistics derived from the length-frequency data were therefore examined. Modifications are recommended where necessary. Lengths of fish measured during the unloading of six test wells revealed two forms of inherent size stratification: 1) short-term disruptions of existing pattern of sizes, and 2) transition zones between long-term trends in sizes. To some degree, all wells exhibited cyclic changes in mean size and variance during unloading. In half of the wells, it was observed that size selection by the unloaders induced a change in mean size. As a result of stratification, the sequence of sizes removed from all wells was non-random, regardless of whether a well contained fish from a single set or from more than one set. The number of modal sizes in a well was not related to the number of sets. In an additional well composed of fish from several sets, an experiment on vertical mixing indicated that a representative sample of the contents may be restricted to the bottom half of the well. The contents of the test wells were used to generate 25 simulated wells and to compare the results of three sampling methods applied to them. The methods were: (1) random sampling (also used as a standard), (2) protracted sampling, in which the selection process was extended over a large portion of a well, and (3) measuring fish consecutively during removal from the well. Repeated sampling by each method and different combinations indicated that, because the principal source of size variation occurred among primary units, increasing n was the most effective way to reduce the variance estimates of both the age-group sizes and the total number of fish in the landings. Protracted sampling largely circumvented the effects of size stratification, and its performance was essentially comparable to that of random sampling. Sampling by this method is recommended. Consecutive-fish sampling produced more biased estimates with greater variances. Analysis of the 1988 length-frequency samples indicated that, for age groups that appear most frequently in the catch, a minimum sampling frequency of one primary unit in six for each month-area stratum would reduce the coefficients of variation (CV) of their size estimates to approximately 10 percent or less. Additional stratification of samples by set type, rather than month-area alone, further reduced the CV's of scarce age groups, such as the recruits, and potentially improved their accuracy. The CV's of recruitment estimates for completely-fished cohorts during the 198184 period were in the vicinity of 3 to 8 percent. Recruitment estimates and their variances were also relatively insensitive to changes in the individual quarterly catches and variances, respectively, of which they were composed. SPANISH: Se usa un diseño de muestreo de dos etapas para estimar las varianzas de los números de aletas amari11as en distintos grupos de edad capturados en el Océano Pacifico oriental. Para barcos cerqueros, la unidad primaria de muestreo (n) es una bodega de salmuera que contenía peces de un estrato de mes-área; el numero de ta11as de peces (m) medidas de cada bodega es la unidad secundaria. Limitaciones de carácter practico impiden la selección aleatoria de peces de las bodegas. Por 10 tanto, fueron examinados los efectos de distintos métodos de muestreo y otros factores sobre la confiabilidad y precisión de las estadísticas derivadas de los datos de frecuencia de ta11a. Se recomiendan modificaciones donde sean necesarias. Las ta11as de peces medidas durante la descarga de seis bodegas de prueba revelaron dos formas de estratificación inherente por ta11a: 1) perturbaciones a corto plazo en la pauta de ta11as existente, y 2) zonas de transición entre las tendencias a largo plazo en las ta11as. En cierto grado, todas las bodegas mostraron cambios cíclicos en ta11a media y varianza durante la descarga. En la mitad de las bodegas, se observo que selección por ta11a por los descargadores indujo un cambio en la ta11a media. Como resultado de la estratificación, la secuencia de ta11as sacadas de todas las bodegas no fue aleatoria, sin considerar si una bodega contenía peces de un solo lance 0 de mas de uno. El numero de ta11as modales en una bodega no estaba relacionado al numero de lances. En una bodega adicional compuesta de peces de varios lances, un experimento de mezcla vertical indico que una muestra representativa del contenido podría estar limitada a la mitad inferior de la bodega. Se uso el contenido de las bodegas de prueba para generar 25 bodegas simuladas y comparar los resultados de tres métodos de muestreo aplicados a estas. Los métodos fueron: (1) muestreo aleatorio (usado también como norma), (2) muestreo extendido, en el cual el proceso de selección fue extendido sobre una porción grande de una bodega, y (3) medición consecutiva de peces durante la descarga de la bodega. EI muestreo repetido con cada método y distintas combinaciones de n y m indico que, puesto que la fuente principal de variación de ta11a ocurría entre las unidades primarias, aumentar n fue la manera mas eficaz de reducir las estimaciones de la varianza de las ta11as de los grupos de edad y el numero total de peces en los desembarcos. El muestreo extendido evito mayormente los efectos de la estratificación por ta11a, y su desempeño fue esencialmente comparable a aquel del muestreo aleatorio. Se recomienda muestrear con este método. El muestreo de peces consecutivos produjo estimaciones mas sesgadas con mayores varianzas. Un análisis de las muestras de frecuencia de ta11a de 1988 indico que, para los grupos de edad que aparecen con mayor frecuencia en la captura, una frecuencia de muestreo minima de una unidad primaria de cada seis para cada estrato de mes-área reduciría los coeficientes de variación (CV) de las estimaciones de ta11a correspondientes a aproximadamente 10% 0 menos. Una estratificación adicional de las muestras por tipo de lance, y no solamente mes-área, redujo aun mas los CV de los grupos de edad escasos, tales como los reclutas, y mejoró potencialmente su precisión. Los CV de las estimaciones del reclutamiento para las cohortes completamente pescadas durante 1981-1984 fueron alrededor de 3-8%. Las estimaciones del reclutamiento y sus varianzas fueron también relativamente insensibles a cambios en las capturas de trimestres individuales y las varianzas, respectivamente, de las cuales fueron derivadas. (PDF contains 70 pages)


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The chemical composition of Azolla africana and Spirodela polyrrhiza cultivated in earthen ponds were determined. Crude protein contents of the samples were 28.9~c0.6 and 25.6~c0.2% dry matter for A. africana and S. polyrrhiza respectively. Dry matter, crude fibre and lipid contents of A. africana were higher (P<0.05) than values obtained for S. polyrrhiza. Mineral analyses showed that S. polyrrhiza contained higher levels of Na, S, Ca, Mg and Fe than A. africana. Except for Ca content in S. polyrrhiza, heavy metals (Ni and Zn) accumulation in Azolla were very high. There were no wide differences in the individual amino acid indexes except for methionine. Some anti-nutritional factors were determined. Cyanide, tannin and phytin contents of fresh weed samples were higher than sun-dried samples. A. africana contained more cyanide and tannin than S. polyrrhiza both in fresh and sun-dried forms


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Analyses of stomach contents of 330 Malapterurus electricus (standard length, 10.1-30.5 cm) in Mahin Lagoon (southwestern Nigeria) established it as a bottom feeder. There was a preponderance of insects accounting for >80% occurrence and >25% of total volume in stomachs of specimens, suggesting a stenophagous predatory habit. Qualitative and quantitative assays of digestive enzymes in the different regions of the gut (oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, rectum) were investigated. Carbohydrases (amylase, maltase), chitinase, proteases (pepsin, chymotrypsin, trypsin) and lipases were detected in different gut regions with different activity. The pattern of distribution and relative activity of the enzymes correlated with the predatory diet


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The production and productivity of a water body is largely dependent on its quality. One major source of water pollution is from the agrochemicals from nearby farmlands. The quality of water in the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching and Research Farm Reservoir (Ile-Ife, Nigeria) was monitored between October, 1993 and March, 1994. Structured questionnaires were administered to obtain information on the types of agrochemicals in use on the farm. Water samples were collected fortnightly for analyses of the physico-chemical parameters and ionic content of the water. Investigation revealed that 21 agrochemicals had been in use on the farm. The physico-chemical parameters of the water showed that the water was very poor in nutrient. The high concentration of ammonium ion contents of the water shows an indication that the residues of certain agrochemicals got into the water to pollute it. Agrochemicals should be used with great caution on farmlands especially in areas close to water bodies from which man obtains fish and other proteinous foods. This paper also suggests a regular monitoring of water quality of reservoirs in order to pick the earliest signs of pollution


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The carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents of the food ingested and their absorption in the intestine of Sarotherodon melanotheron inhabiting Awba lake in Ibadan, Nigeria, were investigated. Total carbohydrates of the ingested food ranged from 39.33 to 55.38% (mean = 48.70% while total protein and total lipid ranged from 10.10 to 17.13% (mean = 12.91%) and 7.79 to 8.96% (mean = 8.28%) dry weight, respectively. Calculated total percentages absorbed were 54.86-62.01 (mean 58.07) carbohydrates 47.33-54.06 (mean = 50.43) protein and 43.27-52.23% (mean 46.56) lipid. Absorption of protein and carbohydrate occurred mostly in the fore-gut (the first one-third of the intestine), while lipid was mostly absorbed in the mid-gut (the second one-third of the intestine). Dietary carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents of the food as well as the absorptive capacity of the intestine for these components of the food varied with size of fish


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The study was carried out to asses the nutritional qualities of smoked O. niloticus and to discover the best methods of storage to minimize spoilage and infestation of smoked fish. Result showed that the protein contents in A and D decreased while the protein contents of b and C increased. The lipid content increased only in A while it decreased in B-C and D. The moisture content generally increased over the period of storage and there was an increase in ash content only in C while it decreased in A, B and D. The samples packed in polythene bag suffered about 35% mould infection and a few were attached by rodents with some fouling. Samples packed in jute bag were in good condition but were slightly attached by insect. All samples packed in carton and basket were still in good state but there were insect attack in those packed in carton


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The aim of this study was to compare statistically the zooplankton assemblage ingested by brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Loch Ness with that of the zooplankton in the water column. This would allow the examination of the apparent paradox that very few copepods appear to be consumed by trout at a time of year when they are numerous and readily available as food. The investigation was limited to the crustacean zooplankters, since the Rotifera are generally so small that they are only of interest to fish in the first few days of life. 25 trout were obtained from anglers, and the stomach contents of non-"ferox" animals analysed. Samples of pelagic zooplankton were obtained approximately monthly from 30-m vertical net-hauls (mesh size 100 km). It is concluded that the variation in dietary composition with trout wet weight indicates an ontogenetic habitat shift producing spatial separation of young and older individuals.


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Part I

Chapter 1.....A physicochemical study of the DNA molecules from the three bacteriophages, N1, N5, and N6, which infect the bacterium, M. lysodeikticus, has been made. The molecular weights, as measured by both electron microscopy and sedimentation velocity, are 23 x 106 for N5 DNA and 31 x 106 for N1 and N6 DNA's. All three DNA's are capable of thermally reversible cyclization. N1 and N6 DNA's have identical or very similar base sequences as judged by membrane filter hybridization and by electron microscope heteroduplex studies. They have identical or similar cohesive ends. These results are in accord with the close biological relation between N1 and N6 phages. N5 DNA is not closely related to N1 or N6 DNA. The denaturation Tm of all three DNA's is the same and corresponds to a (GC) content of 70%. However, the buoyant densities in CsCl of Nl and N6 DNA's are lower than expected, corresponding to predicted GC contents of 64 and 67%. The buoyant densities in Cs2SO4 are also somewhat anomalous. The buoyant density anomalies are probably due to the presence of odd bases. However, direct base composition analysis of N1 DNA by anion exchange chromatography confirms a GC content of 70%, and, in the elution system used, no peaks due to odd bases are present.

Chapter 2.....A covalently closed circular DNA form has been observed as an intracellular form during both productive and abortive infection processes in M. lysodeikticus. This species has been isolated by the method of CsC1-ethidium bromide centrifugation and examined with an electron microscope.

Chapter 3.....A minute circular DNA has been discovered as a homogeneous population in M. lysodeikticus. Its length and molecular weight as determined by electron microscopy are 0.445 μ and 0.88 x 106 daltons respectively. There is about one minicircle per bacterium.

Chapter 4.....Several strains of E. coli 15 harbor a prophage. Viral growth can be induced by exposing the host to mitomycin C or to uv irradiation. The coliphage 15 particles from E. coli 15 and E, coli 15 T- appear as normal phage with head and tail structure; the particles from E. coli 15 TAU are tailless. The complete particles exert a colicinogenic activity on E.coli 15 and 15 T-, the tailless particles do not. No host for a productive viral infection has been found and the phage may be defective. The properties of the DNA of the virus have been studied, mainly by electron microscopy. After induction but before lysis, a closed circular DNA with a contour length of about 11.9 μ is found in the bacterium; the mature phage DNA is a linear duplex and 7.5% longer than the intracellular circular form. This suggests the hypothesis that the mature phage DNA is terminally repetitious and circularly permuted. The hypothesis was confirmed by observing that denaturation and renaturation of the mature phage DNA produce circular duplexes with two single-stranded branches corresponding to the terminal repetition. The contour length of the mature phage DNA was measured relative to φX RFII DNA and λ DNA; the calculated molecular weight is 27 x 106. The length of the single-stranded terminal repetition was compared to the length of φX 174 DNA under conditions where single-stranded DNA is seen in an extended form in electron micrographs. The length of the terminal repetition is found to be 7.4% of the length of the nonrepetitious part of the coliphage 15 DNA. The number of base pairs in the terminal repetition is variable in different molecules, with a fractional standard deviation of 0.18 of the average number in the terminal repetition. A new phenomenon termed "branch migration" has been discovered in renatured circular molecules; it results in forked branches, with two emerging single strands, at the position of the terminal repetition. The distribution of branch separations between the two terminal repetitions in the population of renatured circular molecules was studied. The observed distribution suggests that there is an excluded volume effect in the renaturation of a population of circularly permuted molecules such that strands with close beginning points preferentially renature with each other. This selective renaturation and the phenomenon of branch migration both affect the distribution of branch separations; the observed distribution does not contradict the hypothesis of a random distribution of beginning points around the chromosome.

Chapter 5....Some physicochemical studies on the minicircular DNA species in E. coli 15 (0.670 μ, 1.47 x 106 daltons) have been made. Electron microscopic observations showed multimeric forms of the minicircle which amount to 5% of total DNA species and also showed presumably replicating forms of the minicircle. A renaturation kinetic study showed that the minicircle is a unique DNA species in its size and base sequence. A study on the minicircle replication has been made under condition in which host DNA synthesis is synchronized. Despite experimental uncertainties involved, it seems that the minicircle replication is random and the number of the minicircles increases continuously throughout a generation of the host, regardless of host DNA synchronization.

Part II

The flow dichroism of dilute DNA solutions (A260≈0.1) has been studied in a Couette-type apparatus with the outer cylinder rotating and with the light path parallel to the cylinder axis. Shear gradients in the range of 5-160 sec.-1 were studied. The DNA samples were whole, "half," and "quarter" molecules of T4 bacteriophage DNA, and linear and circular λb2b5c DNA. For the linear molecules, the fractional flow dichroism is a linear function of molecular weight. The dichroism for linear A DNA is about 1.8 that of the circular molecule. For a given DNA, the dichroism is an approximately linear function of shear gradient, but with a slight upward curvature at low values of G, and some trend toward saturation at larger values of G. The fractional dichroism increases as the supporting electrolyte concentration decreases.


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Post impoundment observations on the fish populations of the River Tees, downstream from the Cow Green Reservoir were made between 1971 and 1980. Both bullhead (Cottus gobio L.) and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) population densities increased in the river after impoundment but changes in growth rate were small. Investigations into the stomach contents of the two species reflects the results of other work on increases of benthos in the river. Following regulation there was an increase in the quantity of Ephemerella ignita found in trout stomachs while in the bullhead, regulation caused an increase in the importance of Mollusca and a decrease in importance of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera.


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A ipseidade na ética argumentativa de Paul Ricoeur é a referência básica da hermenêutica do si ao qual sempre retorna. Ela estabelece a constante mediação reflexiva em oposição à pretensa posição imediata do sujeito. A mesmidade do si tem como contrapartida o outro. Na comparação, a mesmidade é sinônimo de identidade-idem em oposição à ipseidade-ipse que inclui a alteridade. Esta inclusão questiona a capacidade do si construtivo da ética e, portanto, responsável jurídica e moralmente nas várias injunções do outro. O projeto ético de Ricoeur é compreensível a partir e dentro de sua peculiar metodologia que ele denomina de dialética entre a ética teleológica e a moral deontológica. Esta dialética se fundamenta na tríade do desejo, do dever e da sabedoria prática em recíproca atividade, privilegiando a dimensão teleológica do desejo da vida boa com o outro e para o outro em instituições justas. A ética argumentativa tem a função de dar conteúdo as duas dialéticas pela inclusão do outro no si mesmo sem o qual a reflexão sobre a ipseidade perderia o sentido. A sabedoria prática da ética e do julgamento moral em situação inclui a discussão porque o conflito é insuperável e determina o argumento para o consenso eventual. Nossa tese é a afirmação da capacidade do si mesmo atuar ações construtivas. Além da critica à ideologia e à utopia, Ricoeur fundamenta a dialética entre o princípio-esperança e o princípio de responsabilidade mediante a via utópica do futuro e a via realista da preocupação com o presente diante dos casos inéditos em que a vida e o ecossistema se associam. A imputação pessoal e coletiva desde o passado, no presente para o futuro é devida à responsabilidade. A ipseidade constrói o futuro no presente através de decisões éticas.


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The isotopic and elemental abundances of noble gases in the solar system are investigated, using simple mixing models and mass-spectrometric measurements of the noble gases in meteorites and terrestrial rocks and minerals.

Primordial neon is modeled by two isotopically distinct components from the interstellar gas and dust. Neon from the gas dominates solar neon, which contains about ten times more 20Ne than 22Ne. Neon from the dust is represented in meteorites by neon-E, with 20Ne/22Ne less than 0.6. Isotopic variations in meteorites require neon from both dust and gas to be present. Mixing dust and gas without neon loss generates linear correlation lines on three-isotope and composition-concentration diagrams. A model for solar wind implantation predicts small deviations from linear mixing, due to preferential sputtering of the lighter neon isotopes.

Neon in meteorites consists of galactic cosmic ray spallation neon and at least two primordial components, neon-E and neon-S. Neon was measured in several meteorites to investigate these end- members. Cosmogenic neon produced from sodium is found to be strongly enriched in 22Ne. Neon measurements on sodium-rich samples must be interpreted with care so not to confuse this source of 22Ne with neon-E, which is also rich in 22Ne.

Neon data for the carbonaceous chondrite Mokoia show that the end member composition of neon-Si in meteorites is 20Ne/22Ne = 13.7, the same as the present solar wind. The solar wind composition evidently has remained constant since before the compaction of Mokoia.

Ca, Al-rich inclusions from the Allende meteorite were examined for correlation between neon-E and oxygen or magnesium isotopic anomalies. 22Ne and 36Ar enrichments found in some inclusions are attributed to cosmic- ray-induced reactions on Na and Cl, not to a primordial component. Neon-E is not detectably enriched in Allende.

Measurements were made to determine the noble gas contents of various terrestrial rocks and minerals, and to investigate the cycling of noble gases between different terrestrial reservoirs. Beryl crystals contain a characteristic suite of magmatic gases including nucleogenic 21Ne and 22Ne from (α,n) reactions, radiogenic 40Ar, and fissiogenic 131-136Xe from the decay of K and U in the continental crust. Significant concentrations of atmospheric noble gases are also present in beryl.

Both juvenile and atmospheric noble gases are found in rocks from the Skaergaard intrusion. The ratio 40Ar/36Ar (corrected for in situ decay of 40K) correlates with δ18O in plagioclase. Atmospheric argon has been introduced into samples that have experienced oxygen-isotope exchange with circulating meteoric hydrothermal fluids. Unexchanged samples contain juvenile argon with 40Ar/36Ar greater than 6000 that was trapped from the Skaergaard magma.

Juvenile and atmospheric gases have been measured in the glassy rims of mid-ocean ridge (MOR) pillow basalts. Evidence is presented that three samples contain excess radiogenic 129Xe and fission xenon, in addition to the excess radiogenic 40Ar found in all samples. These juvenile gases are being outgassed from the upper-mantle source region of the MOR magma. No isotopic evidence has been found here for juvenile primordial noble gases accompanying the juvenile radiogenic gases in the MOR glasses. Large argon isotopic variations in a single specimen provide a clear indication of the late-stage addition of atmospheric argon, probably from seawater.

The Skaergaard data demonstrate that atmospheric noble gases dissolved in ground water can be transferred into crustal rocks. Subduction of oceanic crust altered by seawater can transport atmospheric noble gases into the upper mantle. A substantial portion of the noble gases in mantle derived rocks may represent subducted gases, not a primordial component as is often assumed.