978 resultados para blood level


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Introduction. Only about 15% of the potential candidates for lung donation are considered suitable for transplantation. A new method for ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) can be used to evaluate and recondition ""marginal,"" nonacceptable lungs. We have herein described an initial experience with ex vivo perfusion of 8 donor lungs deemed nonacceptable. Materials and Methods. After harvesting, the lungs were perfused ex vivo with Steen Solution, an extracellular matrix with high colloid osmotic pressure. A membrane oxygenator connected to the circuit received gas from a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, maintaining a normal mixed venous blood gas level in the perfusate. The lungs were gradually rewarmed, reperfused, and ventilated for evaluation through analyses of oxygenation capacity, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), lung compliance (LC), and biopsy. Results. The arterial oxygen pressure (with inspired oxygen fraction of 100%) increased from a mean of 206 mm Hg in the organ donor at the referring hospital to a mean of 498 mm Hg during the ex vivo evaluation. After 1 hour of EVLP, PVR varied from 440-1454 dynes/sec/cm(5); LC was in the range of 26-90 mL/cmH(2)O. There was no histological deterioration after 10 hours of cold ischemia and 1 hour of EVLP. Conclusions. The ex vivo evaluation model can improve oxygenation capacity of ""marginal"" lungs rejected for transplantation. It has great potential to increase lung donor availability and, possibly, reduce time on the waiting list.


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BACKGROUND Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an established cause of hypertension However, it is not clear whether the frequency of masked hypertension in patients with OSA and whether OSA have an independent role on arterial stiffness taking into account ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring (ABPM) METHODS We evaluated 61 male normotensive participants as determined by casual clinic BP level <140/90 mm Hg without clinical evidence of cardiovascular disease and on no medications (43 patients with moderate-to-severe OSA (apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) >= 15 events/hour by polysomnography) and 18 age- and body mass index-matched controls without OSA (AHl <5 events/hour)) Pulse wave velocity (PWV), an index of arterial stiffness, and 24-h ABPM were performed in a blinded fashion Masked hypertension was defined when abnormal daytime ABPM was >= 135 or >= 85 mm Hg RESULTS The AHI and lowest oxygen saturation were 26 +/- 16 and 90 +/- 2 vs 528 +/- 210 events/hour and 75 +/- 10% for controls and OSA patients, respectively, P < 0 001. Compared with controls, patients with OSA had higher office systolic BP (113 +/- 9 vs 118 +/- 10 mm Hg, P=0 05) and a higher unadjusted proportion of masked hypertension (2 controls (11.1%)vs 13 patients (30 2%), P < 005) PWV was 87 +/- 0.7, 9.4 +/- 1.0, and 10.6 +/- 1.1 m/s in the control, OSA without and with masked hypertension groups, respectively (P < 0 01 for each comparison) Multiple regression showed that systolic daytime ABPM and the lowest oxygen saturation were independently related to PWV (adjusted R(2) = 0 34, P < 0 01) CONCLUSIONS Patients with OSA presented a higher unadjusted rate of masked hypertension than matched controls. Lowest oxygen saturation has an independent association with arterial stiffness


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The peptides Tx2-5 and Tx2-6, isolated from the whole venom of ""armed-spider"" Phoneutria nigniventer venom, are directly linked with the induction of persistent and painful erection in the penis of mammals. The erection induced by Tx2-6 has been associated with the activation of nitric oxide synthases. There is a scarcity of studies focusing on the outcome of Tx2-6 at the molecular level, by this reason we evaluated the gene profile activity of this toxin at the nitric oxide (NO) pathway. After microarray analyses on cavernous tissue of mice inoculated with Tx2-6 we found that only 10.4% (10/96) of these genes were differentially expressed, showing a limited effect of the toxin on the NO pathway. We found the genes sparc, ednrb, junb, cdkn1a, bcl2, ccl5, abcc1 over-expressed and the genes sod1, s100a10 and fth1 under-expressed after inoculation of Tx2-6. The differential expressions of sparc and ednrb genes were further confirmed using real-time PCR. Interestingly, ednrb activates the L-arginine/NO/cGMP pathway that is involved in the relaxation of the cavernous body. Therefore the priapism induced by Tx2-6 is a consequence of a highly specific interference of this neurotoxin with the NO pathway. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of variations in femtosecond laser energy level on corneal stromal cell death. and inflammatory cell influx following flap creation in a rabbit model. METHODS: Eighteen rabbits were stratified in three different groups according to level of energy applied for flap creation (six animals per group). Three different energy levels were chosen for both the lamellar and side cut; 2.7 mu J (high energy), 1.6 mu J (intermediate energy), and 0.5 mu J (low energy) with a 60 kHz, model II, femtosecond laser (IntraLase). The opposite eye of each rabbit served as a control. At the 24-hour time point after surgery, all rabbits were euthanized and the comeoscleral rims were analyzed for the levels of cell death and inflammatory cell influx with the terminal uridine deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP-nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay and immunocytochemistry for monocyte marker CD11b, respectively. RESULTS: The high energy group (31.9 +/- 7.1 [standard error of mean (SEM) 2.9]) had significantly more TUNEL positive cells in the central flap compared to the intermediate (22.2 +/- 1.9 [SEM 0.8], P=.004), low (17.9 +/- 4.0 [SEM 1.6], P <= .001), and control eye (0.06 +/- 0.02 [SEM 0.009], P <= .001) groups. The intermediate and low energy groups also had significantly more TUNEL positive cells than the control groups (P <= .001). The difference between the intermediate and low energy levels was not significant (P=.56). The mean for CD11b-positive cells/400x field at the flap edge was 26.1 +/- 29.3 (SEM 11.9), 5.8 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), 1.6 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), and 0.005 +/- 0.01 (SEM 0.005) for high energy, intermediate energy, low energy, and control groups, respectively. Only the intermediate energy group showed statistically more inflammatory cells than control eyes (P = .015), most likely due to variability between eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Higher energy levels trigger greater cell death when the femtosecond laser is used to create corneal flaps: Greater corneal inflammatory cell infiltration is observed with higher femtosecond laser energy levels. [J Refract Surg. 2009;25:869-874.] doi:10.3928/1081597X-20090917-08


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Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is a member of the P-galactoside-binding lectins family and has been implicated in angiogenesis, tumor invasion, and metastatic process in vitro and in vivo. As we showed recently that advanced melanoma patients presented high serum level of Gal-3, we investigated the association of this protein with the outcome of melanoma patients. Whether this protein could be a biomarker has riot been assessed, and we compared the prognostic value of serum Gal-3 in multivariate analysis with lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein and S100B. We conclude that Gal-3 could be of prognostic value in melanoma patients; more precisely, this protein has a strong independent prognostic signification with a cut-off value of 10 ng/ml. After these data, we believe that serum Gal-3 measurement can have an important role in the follow-up and management of advanced American Joint Commission on Cancer stage III and stage IV melanoma patients. Further studies will uncover whether Gal-3 will be able to open new therapeutic perspectives. Melanoma Res 19:316-320 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Studies that have investigated ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations in cord blood have pointed to significant associations with maternal blood AA concentrations. smoking, age, diet, type of delivery, duration of gestation, fetal distress and birth weight. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between cord blood AA concentrations in newborns and maternal characteristics. A total of 117 Brazilian healthy parturients were included in this cross-sectional study. The concentrations of AA in blood were determined by the HPLC method. Data concerning socio-economic, demographic, obstetric, nutritional and health characteristics of the parturients, including alcohol consumption and smoking habit, were assessed by a standardised questionnaire. A FFQ was used to investigate the intake of foods rich in vitamin C. Cord blood AA concentration was significantly correlated with per capita income (r 0.26; P=0.005), maternal blood AA concentration (r 0.48; P<0.001) and maternal vitamin C-rich food intake score (r 0.36; P<0.001). The linear regression model including maternal AA concentration, alcohol consumption, smoking, parity, vitamin C-rich food intake score and per capita income explained 31.13% of the variation in cord blood AA concentrations in newborns. We recommend further experimental studies to assess the effects of ethanol on placental AA uptake, and epidemiological cohort studies to evaluate in detail the influence of maternal alcohol consumption on cord blood AA concentrations.


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Strategies to minimize the immunogenicity and toxicity of murine anti-CD3 antibodies (e.g. OKT3) are of special interest for organ transplantation and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. In the present work, we have developed two humanized anti-CD3 antibodies. These molecules were shown to bind to human CD3, though less efficiently, and display less mitogenic activity than CKT3. These results prompted us to investigate whether this reduced mitogenic potential was associated with the development of anti-inflammatory properties. Indeed, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), the humanized antibody versions induced a predominantly anti-inflammatory cytokine profile, in contrast with the pro-inflammatory profile induced by OKT3. Neither OKT3 nor the humanized versions induced the expression of IL-4, IL-2 or TGF-beta. Both humanized antibodies induced significantly lower production of IFN-gamma and IL-5 and slightly higher production of IL-10 than OKT3. This immunomodulatory profile was most evident by the 80-fold higher ratio of IL-10/IFN-gamma production in PBMCs cultured in the presence of the humanized antibodies, compared to those stimulated with CKT3. Furthermore, these humanized anti-CD3 antibodies induced a late FOXP3 gene expression while OKT3 led to a more transient expression of FOXP3. Taken our results, we suggest that these humanized anti-CD3 antibodies may promote the development of T cells with immunoregulatory activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Blood pressure (BP) measurement is the basis for the diagnosis and management of arterial hypertension. The aim of this study was to compare BP measurements performed in the office and at home (home blood pressure monitoring, HBPM) in children and adolescents with chronic arterial hypertension. HBPM was performed by the patient or by his/her legal guardian. During a 14-day period, three BP measurements were performed in the morning or in the afternoon (daytime measurement) and in the evening (night-time measurement), with 1-min intervals between measurements, totalling six measurements per day. HBPM was defined for systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) values. HBPM was evaluated in 40 patients (26 boys), mean age of 12.1 years (4-18 years). SBP and DBP records were analysed. The mean differences between average HBP and doctor`s office BP were 0.6 +/- 14 and 4 +/- 13 mm Hg for SBP and DBP, respectively. Average systolic HBPM (daytime and night-time) did not differ from average office BP, and diastolic HBPM (daytime and night-time) was statistically lower than office BP. The comparison of individual BP measurements along the study period (13 days) by s.d. of differences shows a significant decline only for DBP values from day 5, on which difference tends to disappear towards the end of the study. Mean daytime and night-time SBP and DBP values remained stable throughout the study period, confirming HBPM as an acceptable methodology for BP evaluation in hypertensive children and adolescents. Journal of Human Hypertension (2009) 23, 464-469; doi:10.1038/jhh.2008.167; published online 12 March 2009


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Emerging data reveal that oral estrogen therapy can increase clinic blood pressure (BP) in postmenopausal women; however, it is important to establish its effects on ambulatory BP, which is a better predictor for target-organ damage. Besides estrogen therapy, aerobic training is widely recommended for post-menopausal women, and it can decrease ambulatory BP levels. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of aerobic training and estrogen therapy on the ambulatory BP of post-menopausal women. Forty seven healthy hysterectomized women were randomly divided (in a double-blind manner) into 4 groups: placebo-control (PLA-CO = 12), estrogen therapy-control (ET-CO = 14), placebo-aerobic training (PLA-AT = 12), and estrogen therapy-aerobic training (ET-AT = 09). The ET groups received estradiol valerate (1 mg/day) and the AT groups performed cycle ergometer, 3x/week at moderate intensity. Hormonal status (blood analysis), maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test (VO(2) peak) and ambulatory BP (24-h, daytime and nighttime) was evaluated before and 6 months after interventions. A significant increase in VO(2) peak was observed only in women who participated in aerobic training groups (+4.6 +/- 1.0 ml kg(-1) min(-1), P=0.00). Follicle-stimulating hormone was a significant decreased in the ET groups (-18.65 +/- 5.19 pg/ml, P=0.00), and it was accompanied by an increase in circulating estrogen (56.1 +/- 6.6 pg/ml). A significant increase was observed in the ET groups for daytime (P=0.01) and nighttime systolic BP (P=0.01), as well as nighttime diastolic BP (P = 0.02). However, daytime diastolic BP was increased only in the ET-CO group (+3.4 +/- 1.2 mmHg, P=0.04), and did not change in any other groups. No significant effect was found in ambulatory heart rate. In conclusion, aerobic training abolished the increase of daytime ambulatory BP induced by estrogen therapy in hysterectomized, healthy, normotensive and postmenopausal women. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background/Aims: Abnormal inflammatory response has been associated to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer`s disease (AD) and may be a marker of an ongoing neurodegenerative process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum levels of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD. Methods: One hundred and sixty-three older adults ( 58 with mild to moderate AD, 74 with MCI and 31 healthy controls) were recruited for this study. Serum IL-1 beta levels were measured by ELISA. Patients with MCI were subcategorized in single-domain amnestic (aMCI), nonamnestic (naMCI), and multiple-domain (mdMCI) subtypes. Results: Patients with AD and MCI ( all subtypes) had a significant increase in serum IL-1 beta levels as compared to controls (p = 0.03). Patients with mdMCI had serum IL-1 beta levels comparable to those with AD, and significantly higher than those observed in aMCI and naMCI ( p = 0.02). Discussion: The present study provides evidence that inflammatory mechanisms, represented by elevated IL-1 beta, are observed in patients with MCI, specifically in those with impairment in multiple cognitive domains. As these patients are at higher risk of conversion to dementia, we propose that an increased serum IL-1 beta level is a stage marker of the ongoing brain neurodegeneration in the continuum between normal ageing and AD. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Background: Organs from the so-called marginal donors have been used with a significant higher risk of primary non function than organs retrieved from the optimal donors. We investigated the early metabolic changes and blood flow redistribution in splanchnic territory in an experimental model that mimics marginal brain-dead (BD) donor. Material/Methods: Ten dogs (21.3 +/- 0.9 kg), were subjected to a brain death protocol induced by subdural balloon inflation and observed for 30 min thereafter without ally additional interventions. Mean arterial and intracranial pressures, heart rate, cardiac output (CO), portal vein and hepatic artery blood flows (PVBF and HABF, ultrasonic flowprobe), and O(2)-derived variables were evaluated. Results: An increase in arterial pressure, CO, PVBF and HABF was observed after BD induction. At the end, an intense hypotension with normalization in CO (3.0 +/- 0.2 VS. 2.8 +/- 2.8 L/min) and PVBF (687 +/- 114 vs. 623 +/- 130 ml/min) was observed, whereas HABF (277 33 vs. 134 28 ml/min, p<0.005) remained lower than baseline values. Conclusions: Despite severe hypotension induced by sudden increase of intracranial pressure, the systemic and splanchnic blood flows were partially preserved without signs of severe hypoperfusion (i.e. hyperlactatemia). Additionally, the HABF was mostly negatively affected in this model of marginal BD donor. Our data suggest that not only the cardiac output, but the intrinsic hepatic microcirculatory mechanism plays a role in the hepatic blood flow control after BD.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to characterize the first 48-hour evolution of metabolic acidosis of adult patients with diabetic ketoacidosis admitted to the intensive care unit. Materials and Methods: We studied 9 patients retrieved from our prospective collected database, using the physicochemical approach to acid-base disturbances. Results: Mean (SD) age was 34 (13) years; mean (SD) Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score was 16 (10); mean (SD) blood glucose level on admission was 480 (144) mg/dL; mean (SD) pH was 7.17 (0.18); and mean (SD) standard base excess was -16.8 (7.7) mEq/L. On admission, a great part of metabolic acidosis was attributed to unmeasured anions (strong ion gap [SIG], 20 +/- 10 mEq/L), with a wide range of strong ion difference (41 +/- 10 mEq/L). During the first 48 hours of treatment, 297 +/- 180 IU of insulin and 9240 +/- 6505 mL of fluids were used. Metabolic improvement was marked by the normalization of pH, partial correction of standard base excess, and a reduction of hyperglycemia. There was a significant improvement of SIG (7.6 +/- 6.2 mEq/L) and a worsening of strong ion difference acidosis (36 +/- 5 mEq/L) in the first 24 hours, with a trend toward recuperation between 24 and 48 hours (38 +/- 6 mEq/L). Conclusion: Initial metabolic acidosis was due to SIG, and the treatment was associated with a significant decrease of SIG with an elevation of serum chloride above the normal range. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To compare the triggering performance of mid-level ICU mechanical ventilators with a standard ICU mechanical ventilator. Design: Experimental bench study. Setting: The respiratory care laboratory of a university-affiliated teaching hospital. Subject: A computerized mechanical lung model, the IngMar ASL5000. Interventions: Ten mid-level ICU ventilators were compared to an ICU ventilator at two levels of lung model effort, three combinations of respiratory mechanics (normal, COPD and ARDS) and two modes of ventilation, volume and pressure assist/control. A total of 12 conditions were compared. Measurements and main results: Performance varied widely among ventilators. Mean inspiratory trigger time was < 100 ms for only half of the tested ventilators. The mean inspiratory delay time (time from initiation of the breath to return of airway pressure to baseline) was longer than that for the ICU ventilator for all tested ventilators except one. The pressure drop during triggering (Ptrig) was comparable with that of the ICU ventilator for only two ventilators. Expiratory Settling Time (time for pressure to return to baseline) had the greatest variability among ventilators. Conclusions: Triggering differences among these mid-level ICU ventilators and with the ICU ventilator were identified. Some of these ventilators had a much poorer triggering response with high inspiratory effort than the ICU ventilator. These ventilators do not perform as well as ICU ventilators in patients with high ventilatory demand.


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Our purpose was to study the determinants of coronary and carotid subclinical atherosclerosis, aortic stiffness and their relation with inflammatory biomarkers in familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) subjects. Furthermore, we evaluated the agreement degree of imaging and inflammatory markers` severity used for coronary heart disease (CHD) prediction. Coronary calcium scores (CCS), carotid intima media thickness (IMT), carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), C reactive protein (CRP) and white blood cells count (WBC) were determined in 89 FH patients (39 +/- 14 years, mean LDL-C=279 mg/dl) and in 31 normal subjects (NL). The following values were considered as imaging and biomarkers` severity: CCS > 75th% for age and sex, IMT > 900 mu m, PWV > 12 m/s, and CRP > 3 mg/l. Coronary artery calcification (CAC) prevalence and severity, IMT, PWV and WBC values were higher in FH than in NL (all parameters, p < 0.05). After multivariate analysis, the following variables were considered independent determinants of (1) IMT: systolic blood pressure, 10-year CHD risk by Framingham risk scores (FRS) and apolipoprotein B (r(2)=0.33); (2) PWV: age (r(2)=0.35); (3) CAC as a continuous variable: male gender and LDL-cholesterol year score (LYS) (r(2)=0.32); (4) presence of CAC as dichotomous variable: FRS (p=0.0027) and LYS (p=0.0228). With the exception of a moderate agreement degree between IMT and PWV severity (kappa=0.5) all other markers had only a slight agreement level (kappa < 0.1). In conclusion, clinical parameters poorly explained IMT, CAC and PWV variability in FH subjects. Furthermore, imaging markers and inflammatory biomarkers presented a poor agreement degree of their severity for CHD prediction. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent years have seen an upsurge of interest in the study of emotions in organizations. Research, however, has been hampered by the ephemeral nature of emotions and a lack of an integrated multi-level model. This article therefore presents a five-level model of emotions in organizations. At the lowest level is within-person variation, defined in terms of affective events theory. Levels of the model then proceed through individual, dyadic relationship, group, and organization-wide perspectives. The article also outlines the neurophysiological processes that underlie the experience, perception, and communication of emotion; it concludes with a discussion of implications for research and practice.