975 resultados para actionnaire dominant


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The t(15;17) chromosomal translocation, specific for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), fuses the PML gene to the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR alpha) gene, resulting in expression of a PML-RAR alpha hybrid protein. In this report, we analyzed the nature of PML-RAR alpha-containing complexes in nuclear protein extracts of t(15;17)-positive cells. We show that endogenous PML-RAR alpha can bind to DNA as a homodimer, in contrast to RAR alpha that requires the retinoid X receptor (RXR) dimerization partner. In addition, these cells contain oligomeric complexes of PML-RAR alpha and endogenous RXR. Treatment with retinoic acid results in a decrease of PML-RAR alpha protein levels and, as a consequence, of DNA binding by the different complexes. Using responsive elements from various hormone signaling pathways, we show that PML-RAR alpha homodimers have altered DNA-binding characteristics when compared to RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers. In transfected Drosophila SL-3 cells that are devoid of endogenous retinoid receptors PML-RAR alpha inhibits transactivation by RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers in a dominant fashion. In addition, we show that both normal retinoid receptors and the PML-RAR alpha hybrid bind and activate the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor responsive element from the Acyl-CoA oxidase gene, indicating that retinoids and peroxisome proliferator receptors may share common target genes. These properties of PML-RAR alpha may contribute to the transformed phenotype of APL cells.


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Lymphatic vessels arise during development through sprouting of precursor cells from veins, which is regulated by known signaling and transcriptional mechanisms. The ongoing elaboration of vessels to form a network is less well understood. This involves cell polarization, coordinated migration, adhesion, mixing, regression, and shape rearrangements. We identified a zebrafish mutant, lymphatic and cardiac defects 1 (lyc1), with reduced lymphatic vessel development. A mutation in polycystic kidney disease 1a was responsible for the phenotype. PKD1 is the most frequently mutated gene in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Initial lymphatic precursor sprouting is normal in lyc1 mutants, but ongoing migration fails. Loss of Pkd1 in mice has no effect on precursor sprouting but leads to failed morphogenesis of the subcutaneous lymphatic network. Individual lymphatic endothelial cells display defective polarity, elongation, and adherens junctions. This work identifies a highly selective and unexpected role for Pkd1 in lymphatic vessel morphogenesis during development.


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In view of recent studies incriminating several species of anophelines, besides Anopheles darlingi, as malaria vectors in the Brazilian Amazon, we performed an anopheline survey in four localities - Ariquemes, Cujubim, Machadinho and Itapoã do Oeste - in Rondônia, the most malarious State in the Country. Twenty species were found. An. darlingi was, by far, the dominant species and the only one whose density coincided with that of malaria. On human baits it was more numerous in the immediate vincinity of houses than indoors whre, however, it was almost the only species encountered. On both situations it fed mostly at sunset and during the first half of the night. It was less numerous far from houses and scarce inside the forest. Other species (An. triannulatus, An. evansae, An. albitarsis, An. strodei) appeared in appreciable numbers only in Ariquemes, both in areas with and without malaria. The remaining species were scanty. An. darlingi was confirmed as the primary local vector.


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Labour market regulations aimed at enhancing job-security are dominant in several OECD countries. These regulations seek to reduce dismissals of workers and fluctuations in employment. The main theoretical contribution is to gauge the effects of such regulations on labour demand across establishment sizes. In order to achieve this, we investigate an optimising model of labour demand under uncertainty through the application of real option theory. We also consider other forms of employment which increase the flexibility of the labour market. In particular, we are modelling the contribution of temporary employment agencies (Zeitarbeit) allowing for quick personnel adjustments in client firms. The calibration results indicate that labour market rigidities may be crucial for understanding sluggishness in firms´ labour demand and the emergence and growth of temporary work.


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L'ús de recursos d'informació electrònics de pagament continuarà creixent i en alguns casos es convertiran en els instruments principals o exclusius d’accés al contingut. L'entorn electrònic, com es posa de manifest a través del World Wide Web, ofereix una oportunitat de millorar la mesura de l'ús d'aquests recursos. En el terreny electrònic podem determinar acuradament a quina informació s'està accedint i quina informació s'utilitza. Sense infringir cap norma de privacitat o confidencialitat podem reforçar la nostra comprensió sobre l'ús de la informació de manera espectacular.


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Disease characteristics. Perry syndrome is characterized by parkinsonism, hypoventilation, depression, and weight loss. The mean age at onset is 48 years; the mean disease duration is five years. Parkinsonism and psychiatric changes (depression, apathy, character changes, and withdrawal) tend to occur early; severe weight loss and hypoventilation manifest later. Diagnosis/testing. The diagnosis is based on clinical findings and molecular genetic testing of DCTN1, the only gene known to be associated with Perry syndrome. Management. Treatment of manifestations: Dopaminergic therapy (particularly levodopa/carbidopa) should be considered in all individuals with significant parkinsonism. Although response to levodopa is often poor, some individuals may have long-term benefit. Noninvasive or invasive ventilation support may improve quality of life and prolong life expectancy. Those patients with psychiatric manifestations may benefit from antidepressants and psychiatric care. Weight loss is managed with appropriate dietary changes. Surveillance: routine evaluation of weight and calorie intake, respiratory function (particularly at night or during sleep), strength; and mood. Agents/circumstances to avoid: Central respiratory depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines, alcohol). Genetic counseling. Perry syndrome is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. The proportion of cases attributed to de novo mutations is unknown. Each child of an individual with Perry syndrome has a 50% chance of inheriting the mutation. No laboratories offering molecular genetic testing for prenatal diagnosis are listed in the GeneTests Laboratory Directory; however, prenatal testing may be available through laboratories offering custom prenatal testing for families in which the disease-causing mutation has been identified.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Lund, Sweden, between May and September 2007. A landscape-scale research approach has been highlighted by a growing body of literature as essential for understanding important ecosystem services as biological control. Aphids are victims of a diversity of enemies making the aphid-enemy interaction a nice example for the role of enemy diversity for the functioning of biological control. Here it is examined the effects of landscape complexity on cereal aphids and associated natural enemies that varied in the degree of specialization. Parasitoids wasps abundance did not differ between landscape types but was strongly negatively related to the percentage of arable land. In contrast, abundances of generalist predators like Coccinellidae were significantly higher in simple landscapes since can benefit from the high availability of a variety of alternative resources within cropping systems. Consequently coccinellidae-to-aphid ratio was significantly higher in fields in homogenous landscapes as compared to fields included in an heterogeneous landscape, suggesting that enemy pressure on cereal aphids increases with landscape simplification. The landscape effect will depend mainly on the degree of specialization of functionally dominant natural enemies, so that the results imply that conservation actions aiming to optimise abundance for one taxonomic group in the agricultural landscape will not automatically increase abundance of other groups. Given that the strength of natural enemy impact on biocontrol depends on landscape features and the role of functionally dominant natural enemies. So, therefore it is essential to focus the future empirical work in examining the schedule of agricultural landscapes that maintain a diversity of generalist and specialist natural enemies.


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Hypertension is a common, modifiable and heritable cardiovascular risk factor. Some rare monogenic forms of hypertension have been described, but the majority of patients suffer from "essential" hypertension, for whom the underlying pathophysiological mechanism is not clear. Essential hypertension is a complex trait, involving multiple genes and environmental factors. Recently, progress in the identification of common genetic variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension has been made thanks to large-scale international collaborative projects involving geneticists, epidemiologists, statisticians and clinicians. In this article, we review some basic genetic concepts and the main research methods used to study the genetics of hypertension, as well as selected recent findings in this field.


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The latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) encoded by the Epstein-Barr virus acts like a constitutively activated receptor of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) family and is enriched in lipid rafts. We showed that LMP1 is targeted to lipid rafts in transfected HEK 293 cells, and that the endogenous TNFR-associated factor 3 binds LMP1 and is recruited to lipid rafts upon LMP1 expression. An LMP1 mutant lacking the C-terminal 55 amino acids (Cdelta55) behaves like the wild-type (WT) LMP1 with respect to membrane localization. In contrast, a mutant with a deletion of the 25 N-terminal residues (Ndelta25) does not concentrate in lipid rafts but still binds TRAF3, demonstrating that cell localization of LMP1 was not crucial for TRAF3 localization. Moreover, Ndelta25 inhibited WT LMP1-mediated induction of the transcription factors NF-kappaB and AP-1. Morphological data indicate that Ndelta25 hampers WT LMP1 plasma membrane localization, thus blocking LMP1 function.


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The seasonal variation of the vagile fauna associated to Sargassum stenophyllum was analyzed from March/1986 to February/1987. The samples were obtained at two stations with differents intensity of wave exposures. Hight density of nematods and amphipods were observed during all of sampling period. Gammarids seems to be more dominant on the exposure site, while nematods, polychaetes and mollusks do on the sheltered one.


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Workers performing preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals in NM departments are likely to receive high local skin doses to the hands which may even surpass the dose limit of 500 mSv whenever radiation protection standards are insufficient. A large measurement campaign was organised within the framework of the ORAMED project to determine the dose distribution across the hands received during preparation and administration of 18F- and 99mTc-labelled radiopharmaceuticals. The final data, collected over almost 3 years, include 641 measurements from 96 workers in 30 NM departments from 6 European countries. Results have provided levels of reference doses for the considered standard NM diagnostic procedures (mean maximum normalised skin dose of 230 μSv/GBq, 430 μSv/GBq, 930 μSv/GBq and 1200 μSv/GBq for the administration of 99mTc, preparation of 99mTc, administration of 18F and preparation of 18F, respectively). Finger dose was analysed as a function of the potential parameters of influence showing that shielding is the most efficient means of radiation protection to reduce skin dose. An appropriate method for routine monitoring of the extremities is also proposed: the base of the index finger of the non-dominant hand is a suitable position to place the ring dosemeter, with its sensitive part oriented towards the palm side; its reading may be multiplied by a factor of 6 to estimate the maximum local skin dose. Finally, results were compared to earlier published data, which correspond mostly to individual works with a reduced number of workers and measurements.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Université de Poitiers, França, entre 2007 i 2009. El treball s'ha centrat en dues activitats bàsiques. El treball realitzat s’ha centrat en dues activitats bàsiques. D’una banda, la posada a punt d'un protocol de fraccionament de la matèria orgànica del sòl, per extraccions successives amb solvents alcalins després d'una seqüència de pretractaments al sòl: cap pretractament, atac amb àcid (per destruir els carbonats), atac amb ditionit (per reduir els òxids de Fe i Al i facilitar l'extracció de la matèria orgànica associada a aquests compostos). El protocol dóna una visió de conjunt de la situació de la matèria orgànica del sòl, combinant aspectes físics (protecció, precipitació, oclusió per carbonats) i químics (grau d'humificació). D’altra banda, l'aprenentatge de la tècnica de termoquimiolisi-cromatografia de gasos-espectrometria de masses. Aquest era l'objectiu de l'estada a Poitiers, al qual hem donat prioritat. Ens hem centrat en l'estudi de fraccions físiques (densimètriques) obtingudes en estudis anteriors sobre sòls forestals. Les fraccions considerades són: fracció lleugera (FL), tres fraccions ocluïdes (OC1, OC2 i OC3) i fracció densa (FD). L’aplicació de la termoquimiolisi permet de caracteritzar diversos grups de substàncies, de les quals ens hem centrat en alguns indicadors bioquímics: àcids grasos, alcohols, diàcids, productes fenòlics i altres productes aromàtics, derivats de carbohidrats. L’estudi de conjunt d’aquests productes indica que és a les fraccions ocluïdes (que solen ser minoritàries a tots els horitzons) on la matèria orgànica d’origen microbià és dominant, mentre que a les fraccions lleugera (FL) i densa (FD) la matèria orgànica d’origen vegetal sembla dominant. Es preveu aplicar aquesta tècnica a l’estudi de les fraccions obtingudes a la primera part del treball, actualment congelades i a l’espera de ser processades.


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Les invasions biològiques representen una greu amenaça per al funcionament dels ecosistemes i per a la preservació de la biodiversitat.. La formiga argentina (Linepithema humile) està considerada com una de les 100 espècies invasores més nocives. Prospera en extenses àrees de clima mediterrani de regions temperades i subtropicals de tots els continents amb l’excepció de l’Antàrtida. És una formiga dominant i una competidora agressiva que mitjançant múltiples mecanismes, des de predació directe a competència, produeix efectes negatius en una amplia varietat de taxons, principalment formigues i altres artròpodes, però també vertebrats. S’ha investigat, per primera vegada, els efectes de la formiga invasiva sobre les comunitats d’artròpodes de fullatge i com aquestes pertorbacions es transmeten en la xarxa tròfica del bosc esclerofil•le mediterrani. En les suredes estudiades la invasió de formiga argentina és causa directe de la extinció local de la gran majoria de poblacions de formigues natives. En el període mostrejat s’han constatat també impactes negatius en la diversitat i en l’abundància d’artròpodes natius en les capçades dels arbres, particularment d’erugues. Una avaluació preliminar basada únicament amb dades del 2005 indica que, reduint la disponibilitat d’erugues, la formiga argentina empobreix l’hàbitat reproductiu de la mallerenga blava (Parus caeruleus). La mallerenga blava basa la dieta insectívora estricte de la seva pollada fonamentalment en les erugues. No hem detectat impactes en l’èxit reproductiu de les mallerengues blaves en zones envaïdes. Els polls crescuts en àrees envaïdes assoleixen una condició física similar als de les zones no envaïdes, però la reducció en la disponibilitat d’erugues associada a la invasió de formiga argentina es tradueix en un creixement descompassat i en una menor mida estructural del polls volanders. Així, les pertorbacions en la comunitat d’artròpodes associades a la invasió de la formiga argentina promouen efectes bottom-up que acaben perjudicant el desenvolupament dels polls de mallerenga blava.


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Hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids (HDLS) is an autosomal-dominant central nervous system white-matter disease with variable clinical presentations, including personality and behavioral changes, dementia, depression, parkinsonism, seizures and other phenotypes. We combined genome-wide linkage analysis with exome sequencing and identified 14 different mutations affecting the tyrosine kinase domain of the colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (encoded by CSF1R) in 14 families with HDLS. In one kindred, we confirmed the de novo occurrence of the mutation. Follow-up sequencing identified an additional CSF1R mutation in an individual diagnosed with corticobasal syndrome. In vitro, CSF-1 stimulation resulted in rapid autophosphorylation of selected tyrosine residues in the kinase domain of wild-type but not mutant CSF1R, suggesting that HDLS may result from partial loss of CSF1R function. As CSF1R is a crucial mediator of microglial proliferation and differentiation in the brain, our findings suggest an important role for microglial dysfunction in HDLS pathogenesis.