995 resultados para Young modulus


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Prefrontal impairments have been hypothesized to be most strongly associated with the cognitive and emotional dysfunction in depression. Recently, white matter microstructural abnormalities in prefrontal lobe have been reported in elderly patients with ma


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In this paper, we present experimental results describing enhanced readout of the vibratory response of a doubly clamped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowire employing a purely electrical actuation and detection scheme. The measured response suggests that the piezoelectric and semiconducting properties of ZnO effectively enhance the motional current for electromechanical transduction. For a doubly clamped ZnO nanowire resonator with radius ~10 nm and length ~1.91 µm, a resonant frequency around 21.4 MHz is observed with a quality factor (Q) of ~358 in vacuum. A comparison with the Q obtained in air (~242) shows that these nano-scale devices may be operated in fluid as viscous damping is less significant at these length scales. Additionally, the suspended nanowire bridges show field effect transistor (FET) characteristics when the underlying silicon substrate is used as a gate electrode or using a lithographically patterned in-plane gate electrode. Moreover, the Young's modulus of ZnO nanowires is extracted from a static bending test performed on a nanowire cantilever using an AFM and the value is compared to that obtained from resonant frequency measurements of electrically addressed clamped–clamped beam nanowire resonators.


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Dopamine (DA) D-1 receptor compounds were examined in monkeys for effects on the working memory functions of the prefrontal cortex and on the fine motor abilities of the primary motor cortex. The D-1 antagonist, SCH23390, the partial D-1 agonist, SKF38393, and the full D-1 agonist, dihydrexidine, were characterized in young control monkeys, and in aged monkeys with naturally occurring catecholamine depletion. In addition, SKF38393 was tested in young monkeys experimentally depleted of catecholamines with chronic reserpine treatment. Injections of SCH23390 significantly impaired the memory performance of young control monkeys, but did not impair aged monkeys with presumed catecholamine depletion. Conversely, the partial agonist, SKF38393, improved the depleted monkeys (aged or reserpine-treated) but did not improve young control animals. The full agonist, dihydrexidine, did improve memory performance in young control monkeys, as well as in a subset of aged monkeys. Consistent with D, receptor mechanisms, agonist-induced improvements were blocked by SCH23390. Drug effects on memory performance occurred independently of effects on fine motor performance. These results underscore the importance of DA D-1 mechanisms in cognitive function, and provide functional evidence of DA system degeneration in aged monkeys. Finally, high doses of D-1 agonists impaired memory performance in aged monkeys, suggesting that excessive D-1 stimulation may be deleterious to cognitive function.


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Our previous studies demonstrated that huperzine A, a reversible and selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, exerts beneficial effects on memory deficits in various rodent models of amnesia. To extend the antiamnesic action of huperzine A to nonhuman primates, huperzine A was evaluated for its ability to reverse the deficits in spatial memory produced by scopolamine in young adult monkeys or those that are naturally occurring in aged monkeys using a delayed-response task. Scopolamine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, dose dependently impaired performance with the highest dose (0.03 mg/kg, i.m.) producing a significant reduction in choice accuracy in young adult monkeys. The delayed performance changed from an average of 26.8/30 trials correct on saline control to an average of 20.2/30 trials correct after scopolamine administration. Huperzine A (0.01-0.1 mg/kg, i.m.) significantly reversed deficits induced by scopolamine in young adult monkeys on a delayed-response task; performance after an optimal dose (0.1 mg/kg) averaged 25.0/30 correct. In four aged monkeys, huperzine A (0.001-0.01 mg/kg, i.m.) significantly increased choice accuracy from 20.5/30 on saline control to 25.2/30 at the optimal dose (0.001 mg/kg for two monkeys and 0.01 mg/kg for the other two monkeys). The beneficial effects of huperzine A on delayed-response performance were long lasting; monkeys remained improved for about 24 h after a single injection of huperzine A. This study extended the findings that huperzine A improves the mnemonic performance requiring working memory in monkeys, and suggests that huperzine A may be a promising agent for clinical therapy of cognitive impairments in patients with Alzheimer's disease.


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Granular reactive materials have higher permeability and are therefore desirable for in situ groundwater pollution control. Three granular bentonites were prepared: an Al-pillared bentonite (PBg), an organo-bentonite (OBg) using a quaternary ammonium cation (QAC), and an inorgano-organo-bentonite (IOBg), using both the pillaring agent and the QAC. Powdered IOB (IOBp) was also prepared to test the effect of particle size. The modified bentonites were characterised with X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and uniaxial compression tests. The d-spacing increased only with QAC intercalation. The Young's modulus of IOBg was twice as high as OBg. Batch adsorption tests were performed with aqueous multimetal solutions of Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+ and Ni2+ ions, with liquid dodecane and with aqueous dodecane solutions. Metal adsorption fit the Langmuir isotherm. Adsorption occurred within 30min for PBg, while the granular organo-bentonite needed at least 12h to reach equilibrium. IOBp had the maximum adsorption capacity at higher metal concentration and lower adsorbent content (Cu2+: 2.2, Ni2+: 1.7, Zn2+: 1.4, Cd2+: 0.9 and Pb2+: 0.7 all in mmolg-1). The dual pillaring of the QAC and Al hydroxide increased the adsorption. The adsorption of liquid dodecane was in the order IOBg>OBg>PBg (3.2>2.7>1.7mmolg-1). Therefore IOBg has potential for the removal of toxic compounds found in soil, groundwater, storm water and wastewater. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Vertically aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) 'forest' microstructures fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using patterned catalyst films typically have a low CNT density per unit area. As a result, CNT forests have poor bulk properties and are too fragile for integration with microfabrication processing. We introduce a new self-directed capillary densification method where a liquid is controllably condensed onto and evaporated from the CNT forests. Compared to prior approaches, where the substrate with CNTs is immersed in a liquid, our condensation approach gives significantly more uniform structures and enables precise control of the CNT packing density. We present a set of design rules and parametric studies of CNT micropillar densification by self-directed capillary action, and show that self-directed capillary densification enhances Young's modulus and electrical conductivity of CNT micropillars by more than three orders of magnitude. Owing to the outstanding properties of CNTs, this scalable process will be useful for the integration of CNTs as a functional material in microfabricated devices for mechanical, electrical, thermal and biomedical applications. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The ultimate objective of the research conducted by the authors is to explore the feasibility of determining reliable in situ values of soil modulus as a function of strain. In field experiments, an excitation is applied on the ground surface using large-scale shakers, and the response of the soil deposit is recorded through receivers embedded in the soil. The focus of this paper is on the simulation and observation of signals that would be recorded at the receiver locations under idealized conditions to provide guidelines on the interpretation of the field measurements. Discrete models are used to reproduce one-dimensional and three-dimensional geometries. When the first times of arrival are detected by receivers under the vertical impulse, they coincide with the arrival of the P wave; therefore related to the constrained modulus of the material. If one considers, on the other hand, phase differences between the motions at two receivers, the picture is far more complicated and one would obtain propagation velocities, function of frequency and measuring location, which do not correspond to either the constrained modulus or Young's modulus. It is necessary then to conduct more rigorous and complicated analyses in order to interpret the data. This paper discusses and illustrates these points. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Recently developed equipment allows measurement of the shear modulus of soil in situ as a function of level of strain. In these field experiments, the excitation is applied on the ground surface using large scale shakers, and the response of the soil deposit is recorded through embedded receivers. The focus of this paper is on the simulation of signals which would be recorded at the receiver locations in idealized conditions to provide guidelines on the interpretation of field measurements. Discrete and finite element methods are employed to model one dimensional and three dimensional geometries, respectively, under various lateral boundary conditions. When the first times of arrival are detected by receivers under the vertical impulse, they coincide with the arrival of the P wave, related to the constrained modulus of the material, regardless of lateral boundary conditions. If one considers, on the other hand, phase differences between the motions at two receivers the picture is far more complicated and one would obtain propagation velocities, function of frequency and depth, which do not correspond to either the constrained modulus or Young's modulus. It is thus necessary to apply some care when interpreting the data from field tests based on vertical steady state vibrations. The use of inverse analysis can be considered as a way of extracting the shear modulus of soil from the field test measurements. © 2008 ASCE.


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An analysis is presented of a database of 67 tests on 21 clays and silts of undrained shear stress-strain data of fine-grained soils. Normalizations of secant G in terms of initial mean effective stress p9 (i.e., G=p9 versus log g) or undrained shear strength cu (i.e., G=cu versus log g) are shown to be much less successful in reducing the scatter between different clays than the approach that uses the maximum shear modulus,Gmax, a technique still not universally adopted by geotechnical researchers and constitutive modelers. Analysis of semiempirical expressions forGmax is presented and a simple expression that uses only a void-ratio function and a confining-stress function is proposed. This is shown to be superior to a Hardin-style equation, and the void ratio function is demonstrated as an alternative to an overconsolidation ratio (OCR) function. To derive correlations that offer reliable estimates of secant stiffness at any required magnitude of working strain, secant shear modulus G is normalized with respect to its small-strain value Gmax, and shear strain g is normalized with respect to a reference strain gref at which this stiffness has halved. The data are corrected to two standard strain rates to reduce the discrepancy between data obtained from static and cyclic testing. The reference strain gref is approximated as a function of the plasticity index.Aunique normalized shear modulus reduction curve in the shape of a modified hyperbola is fitted to all the available data up to shear strains of the order of 1%. As a result, good estimates can be made of the modulus reduction G/Gmax ±30% across all strain levels in approximately 90% of the cases studied. New design charts are proposed to update the commonly used design curves. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Orthopedic tissue engineering requires biomaterials with robust mechanics as well as adequate porosity and permeability to support cell motility, proliferation, and new extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis. While collagen-glycosaminoglycan (CG) scaffolds have been developed for a range of tissue engineering applications, they exhibit poor mechanical properties. Building on previous work in our lab that described composite CG biomaterials containing a porous scaffold core and nonporous CG membrane shell inspired by mechanically efficient core-shell composites in nature, this study explores an approach to improve cellular infiltration and metabolic health within these core-shell composites. We use indentation analyses to demonstrate that CG membranes, while less permeable than porous CG scaffolds, show similar permeability to dense materials such as small intestine submucosa (SIS). We also describe a simple method to fabricate CG membranes with organized arrays of microscale perforations. We demonstrate that perforated membranes support improved tenocyte migration into CG scaffolds, and that migration is enhanced by platelet-derived growth factor BB-mediated chemotaxis. CG core-shell composites fabricated with perforated membranes display scaffold-membrane integration with significantly improved tensile properties compared to scaffolds without membrane shells. Finally, we show that perforated membrane-scaffold composites support sustained tenocyte metabolic activity as well as improved cell infiltration and reduced expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α compared to composites with nonperforated membranes. These results will guide the design of improved biomaterials for tendon repair that are mechanically competent while also supporting infiltration of exogenous cells and other extrinsic mediators of wound healing.


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Previous study and analysis of cytochrome b suggested that polyploidization event in the genus Tor occurred about 10 Mya ago. In order to understand evolutionary fates of Sox gene in the early stage of genome duplication at the nucleotide level, PCR surveys for Sox genes in three closely related cyprinid fishes T douronensis (2n = 100), T qiaojiensis (2n = ?), T sinensis (2n = 100) and their relative T brevifilis (2n = 50) were performed. Totally, 52 distinct Sox genes were obtained in these four species, representing SoxB, SoxC, and SoxE group. As expected, isoforms of some Sox genes correspond with the ploidy of species, such as two copies of Sox9a exist in tetraploid species. Analysis indicated that duplicated Sox gene pairs caused by polyploidization evolved independently of each other within polyploid species. Results of substitution rate showed nearly equal rate of nonsynonymous substitution of duplicated Sox orthologs among different polyploid species and their diploid relative orthologs, suggesting at the early stage of genome duplicated Sox orthologs are under similar selective constraints in different polyploidy species and their diploid relative at the amino acid level. All PCR fragments of Sox genes obtained in this study are not accompanied by obvious increase in mutations and pseudogene formation which means that they are under strong purifying selection, suggesting that they are functional at the DNA level. Cenealogical analysis revealed that T qiaojiensis was tetraploid, and T douronensis, T qiaojiensis as well as T sinensis had an allotetraploid ancestor. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.