995 resultados para Washington, D.C. State, War and Navy Building.


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CAPITOLO 1 INTRODUZIONE Il lavoro presentato è relativo all’utilizzo a fini metrici di immagini satellitari storiche a geometria panoramica; in particolare sono state elaborate immagini satellitari acquisite dalla piattaforma statunitense CORONA, progettata ed impiegata essenzialmente a scopi militari tra gli anni ’60 e ’70 del secolo scorso, e recentemente soggette ad una declassificazione che ne ha consentito l’accesso anche a scopi ed utenti non militari. Il tema del recupero di immagini aeree e satellitari del passato è di grande interesse per un ampio spettro di applicazioni sul territorio, dall’analisi dello sviluppo urbano o in ambito regionale fino ad indagini specifiche locali relative a siti di interesse archeologico, industriale, ambientale. Esiste infatti un grandissimo patrimonio informativo che potrebbe colmare le lacune della documentazione cartografica, di per sé, per ovvi motivi tecnici ed economici, limitata a rappresentare l’evoluzione territoriale in modo asincrono e sporadico, e con “forzature” e limitazioni nel contenuto informativo legate agli scopi ed alle modalità di rappresentazione delle carte nel corso del tempo e per diversi tipi di applicazioni. L’immagine di tipo fotografico offre una rappresentazione completa, ancorché non soggettiva, dell’esistente e può complementare molto efficacemente il dato cartografico o farne le veci laddove questo non esista. La maggior parte del patrimonio di immagini storiche è certamente legata a voli fotogrammetrici che, a partire dai primi decenni del ‘900, hanno interessato vaste aree dei paesi più avanzati, o regioni di interesse a fini bellici. Accanto a queste, ed ovviamente su periodi più vicini a noi, si collocano le immagini acquisite da piattaforma satellitare, tra le quali rivestono un grande interesse quelle realizzate a scopo di spionaggio militare, essendo ad alta risoluzione geometrica e di ottimo dettaglio. Purtroppo, questo ricco patrimonio è ancora oggi in gran parte inaccessibile, anche se recentemente sono state avviate iniziative per permetterne l’accesso a fini civili, in considerazione anche dell’obsolescenza del dato e della disponibilità di altre e migliori fonti di informazione che il moderno telerilevamento ci propone. L’impiego di immagini storiche, siano esse aeree o satellitari, è nella gran parte dei casi di carattere qualitativo, inteso ad investigare sulla presenza o assenza di oggetti o fenomeni, e di rado assume un carattere metrico ed oggettivo, che richiederebbe tra l’altro la conoscenza di dati tecnici (per esempio il certificato di calibrazione nel caso delle camere aerofotogrammetriche) che sono andati perduti o sono inaccessibili. Va ricordato anche che i mezzi di presa dell’epoca erano spesso soggetti a fenomeni di distorsione ottica o altro tipo di degrado delle immagini che ne rendevano difficile un uso metrico. D’altra parte, un utilizzo metrico di queste immagini consentirebbe di conferire all’analisi del territorio e delle modifiche in esso intercorse anche un significato oggettivo che sarebbe essenziale per diversi scopi: per esempio, per potere effettuare misure su oggetti non più esistenti o per potere confrontare con precisione o co-registrare le immagini storiche con quelle attuali opportunamente georeferenziate. Il caso delle immagini Corona è molto interessante, per una serie di specificità che esse presentano: in primo luogo esse associano ad una alta risoluzione (dimensione del pixel a terra fino a 1.80 metri) una ampia copertura a terra (i fotogrammi di alcune missioni coprono strisce lunghe fino a 250 chilometri). Queste due caratteristiche “derivano” dal principio adottato in fase di acquisizione delle immagini stesse, vale a dire la geometria panoramica scelta appunto perché l’unica che consente di associare le due caratteristiche predette e quindi molto indicata ai fini spionaggio. Inoltre, data la numerosità e la frequenza delle missioni all’interno dell’omonimo programma, le serie storiche di questi fotogrammi permettono una ricostruzione “ricca” e “minuziosa” degli assetti territoriali pregressi, data appunto la maggior quantità di informazioni e l’imparzialità associabili ai prodotti fotografici. Va precisato sin dall’inizio come queste immagini, seppur rappresentino una risorsa “storica” notevole (sono datate fra il 1959 ed il 1972 e coprono regioni moto ampie e di grandissimo interesse per analisi territoriali), siano state molto raramente impiegate a scopi metrici. Ciò è probabilmente imputabile al fatto che il loro trattamento a fini metrici non è affatto semplice per tutta una serie di motivi che saranno evidenziati nei capitoli successivi. La sperimentazione condotta nell’ambito della tesi ha avuto due obiettivi primari, uno generale ed uno più particolare: da un lato il tentativo di valutare in senso lato le potenzialità dell’enorme patrimonio rappresentato da tali immagini (reperibili ad un costo basso in confronto a prodotti simili) e dall’altro l’opportunità di indagare la situazione territoriale locale per una zona della Turchia sud orientale (intorno al sito archeologico di Tilmen Höyük) sulla quale è attivo un progetto condotto dall’Università di Bologna (responsabile scientifico il Prof. Nicolò Marchetti del Dipartimento di Archeologia), a cui il DISTART collabora attivamente dal 2005. L’attività è condotta in collaborazione con l’Università di Istanbul ed il Museo Archeologico di Gaziantep. Questo lavoro si inserisce, inoltre, in un’ottica più ampia di quelle esposta, dello studio cioè a carattere regionale della zona in cui si trovano gli scavi archeologici di Tilmen Höyük; la disponibilità di immagini multitemporali su un ampio intervallo temporale, nonché di tipo multi sensore, con dati multispettrali, doterebbe questo studio di strumenti di conoscenza di altissimo interesse per la caratterizzazione dei cambiamenti intercorsi. Per quanto riguarda l’aspetto più generale, mettere a punto una procedura per il trattamento metrico delle immagini CORONA può rivelarsi utile all’intera comunità che ruota attorno al “mondo” dei GIS e del telerilevamento; come prima ricordato tali immagini (che coprono una superficie di quasi due milioni di chilometri quadrati) rappresentano un patrimonio storico fotografico immenso che potrebbe (e dovrebbe) essere utilizzato sia a scopi archeologici, sia come supporto per lo studio, in ambiente GIS, delle dinamiche territoriali di sviluppo di quelle zone in cui sono scarse o addirittura assenti immagini satellitari dati cartografici pregressi. Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in 6 capitoli, di cui il presente costituisce il primo. Il secondo capitolo è stato dedicato alla descrizione sommaria del progetto spaziale CORONA (progetto statunitense condotto a scopo di fotoricognizione del territorio dell’ex Unione Sovietica e delle aree Mediorientali politicamente correlate ad essa); in questa fase vengono riportate notizie in merito alla nascita e all’evoluzione di tale programma, vengono descritti piuttosto dettagliatamente gli aspetti concernenti le ottiche impiegate e le modalità di acquisizione delle immagini, vengono riportati tutti i riferimenti (storici e non) utili a chi volesse approfondire la conoscenza di questo straordinario programma spaziale. Nel terzo capitolo viene presentata una breve discussione in merito alle immagini panoramiche in generale, vale a dire le modalità di acquisizione, gli aspetti geometrici e prospettici alla base del principio panoramico, i pregi ed i difetti di questo tipo di immagini. Vengono inoltre presentati i diversi metodi rintracciabili in bibliografia per la correzione delle immagini panoramiche e quelli impiegati dai diversi autori (pochi per la verità) che hanno scelto di conferire un significato metrico (quindi quantitativo e non solo qualitativo come è accaduto per lungo tempo) alle immagini CORONA. Il quarto capitolo rappresenta una breve descrizione del sito archeologico di Tilmen Höyuk; collocazione geografica, cronologia delle varie campagne di studio che l’hanno riguardato, monumenti e suppellettili rinvenute nell’area e che hanno reso possibili una ricostruzione virtuale dell’aspetto originario della città ed una più profonda comprensione della situazione delle capitali del Mediterraneo durante il periodo del Bronzo Medio. Il quinto capitolo è dedicato allo “scopo” principe del lavoro affrontato, vale a dire la generazione dell’ortofotomosaico relativo alla zona di cui sopra. Dopo un’introduzione teorica in merito alla produzione di questo tipo di prodotto (procedure e trasformazioni utilizzabili, metodi di interpolazione dei pixel, qualità del DEM utilizzato), vengono presentati e commentati i risultati ottenuti, cercando di evidenziare le correlazioni fra gli stessi e le problematiche di diversa natura incontrate nella redazione di questo lavoro di tesi. Nel sesto ed ultimo capitolo sono contenute le conclusioni in merito al lavoro in questa sede presentato. Nell’appendice A vengono riportate le tabelle dei punti di controllo utilizzati in fase di orientamento esterno dei fotogrammi.


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(De)colonization Through Topophilia: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’s Life and Work in Florida attempts to reveal the author’s intimate connection to and mental growth through her place, namely the Cross Creek environs, and its subsequent effect on her writing. In 1928, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and her first husband Charles Rawlings came to Cross Creek, Florida. They bought the shabby farmhouse on Cross Creek Road, trying to be both, writers and farmers. However, while Charles Rawlings was unable to write in the backwoods of the Florida Interior, Rawlings found her literary voice and entered a symbiotic, reciprocal relationship with the natural world of the Cracker frontier. Her biographical preconditions – a childhood spent in the rural area of Rock Creek, outside of Washington D. C. - and a father who had instilled in her a sense of place or topophilia, enabled her to overcome severe marriage tensions and the hostile climate women writers faced during the Depression era. Nature as a helping ally and as an “undomesticated”(1) space/place is a recurrent motif throughout most of Rawlings’s Florida literature. At a time when writing the American landscape/documentary and the extraction of the self from texts was the prevalent literary genre, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings inscribed herself into her texts. However, she knew that the American public was not yet ready for a ‘feminist revolt’, but was receptive of the longtime ‘inaudible’ voices from America’s regions, especially with regard to urban poverty and a homeward yearning during the Depression years. Fusing with the dynamic eco-consciousness of her Cracker friends and neighbors, Rawlings wrote in the literary category of regionalism enabling her to pursue three of her major aims: an individuated self, a self that assimilated with the ‘master narratives’ of her time and the recognition of the Florida Cracker and Scrub region. The first part of this dissertation briefly introduces the largely unknown and underestimated writer Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, providing background information on her younger years, the relationship toward her family and other influential persons in her life. Furthermore, it takes a closer look at the literary category of regionalism and Rawlings’s use of ‘place’ in her writings. The second part is concerned with the ‘region’ itself, the state of Florida. It focuses on the natural peculiarities of the state’s Interior, the scrub and hammock land around her Cracker hamlet as well as the unique culture of the Florida Cracker. Part IV is concerned with the analysis of her four Florida books. The author is still widely related to the ever-popular novel The Yearling (1938). South Moon Under (1933) and Golden Apples (1935), her first two novels, have not been frequently republished and have subsequently fallen into oblivion. Cross Creek (1942), Rawlings’s last Florida book, however, has recently gained renewed popularity through its use in classes on nature writers and the non-fiction essay but it requires and is here re-evaluated as the author’s (relational) autobiography. The analysis through place is brought to completion in this work and seems to intentionally close the circle of Rawlings’s Florida writings. It exemplifies once more that detachment from place is impossible for Rawlings and that the intermingling of life and place in literature, is essential for the (re)creation of her identity. Cross Creek is therefore not only one of Rawlings’s greatest achievements; it is more importantly the key to understanding the author’s self and her fiction. Through the ‘natural’ interrelationship of place and self and by looking “mutually outward and inward,”(2) Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings finds her literary voice, a home and ‘a room of her own’ in which to write and come to consciousness. Her Florida literature is not only product but also medium and process in her assessment of her identity and self. _____________ (1) Alaimo, Stacy. Undomesticated Ground: Recasting Nature as Feminist Space (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2000) 23. (2) Libby, Brooke. “Nature Writing as Refuge: Autobiography in the Natural World” Reading Under the Sign of Nature. New Essays in Ecocriticism. Ed. John Tallmadge and Henry Harrington. (Salt Lake City: The U of Utah P, 2000) 200.


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Although it is well established that stromal intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), ICAM-2, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mediate lymphocyte recruitment into peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs), their precise contributions to the individual steps of the lymphocyte homing cascade are not known. Here, we provide in vivo evidence for a selective function for ICAM-1 > ICAM-2 > VCAM-1 in lymphocyte arrest within noninflamed PLN microvessels. Blocking all 3 CAMs completely inhibited lymphocyte adhesion within PLN high endothelial venules (HEVs). Post-arrest extravasation of T cells was a 3-step process, with optional ICAM-1-dependent intraluminal crawling followed by rapid ICAM-1- or ICAM-2-independent diapedesis and perivascular trapping. Parenchymal motility of lymphocytes was modestly reduced in the absence of ICAM-1, while ICAM-2 and alpha4-integrin ligands were not required for B-cell motility within follicles. Our findings highlight nonredundant functions for stromal Ig family CAMs in shear-resistant lymphocyte adhesion in steady-state HEVs, a unique role for ICAM-1 in intraluminal lymphocyte crawling but redundant roles for ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 in lymphocyte diapedesis and interstitial motility.


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Coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) stabilizes fibrin fibers and is therefore a major player in the maintenance of hemostasis. FXIII is activated by thrombin resulting in cleavage and release of the FXIII activation peptide (AP-FXIII). The objective of this study was to characterize the released AP-FXIII and determine specific features that may be used for its specific detection. We analyzed the structure of bound AP-FXIII within the FXIII A-subunit and interactions of AP-FXIII by hydrogen bonds with both FXIII A-subunit monomers. We optimized our previously developed AP-FXIII ELISA by using 2 monoclonal antibodies. We determined high binding affinities between the antibodies and free AP-FXIII and demonstrated specific binding by epitope mapping analyses with surface plasmon resonance and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Because the structure of free AP-FXIII had been characterized so far by molecular modeling only, we performed structural analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance. Recombinant AP-FXIII was largely flexible both in plasma and water, differing significantly from the rigid structure in the bound state. We suggest that the recognized epitope is either occluded in the noncleaved form or possesses a structure that does not allow binding to the antibodies. On the basis of our findings, we propose AP-FXIII as a possible new marker for acute thrombotic events.


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Meprin and , zinc metalloproteinases, play significant roles in inflammation, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), possibly by activating cytokines, like interleukin 1 , interleukin 18, or tumor growth factor . Although a number of potential activators for meprins are known, no endogenous inhibitors have been identified. In this work, we analyzed the inhibitory potential of human plasma and identified bovine fetuin-A as an endogenous meprin inhibitor with a K(i) (inhibition constant) of 4.2 × 10(-5) M for meprin and a K(i) of 1.1 × 10(-6) M meprin . This correlated with data obtained for a fetuin-A homologue from carp (nephrosin inhibitor) that revealed a potent meprin and inhibition (residual activities of 27 and 22%, respectively) at a carp fetuin concentration of 1.5 × 10(-6) M. Human fetuin-A is a negative acute phase protein involved in inflammatory diseases, thus being a potential physiological regulator of meprin activity. We report kinetic studies of fetuin-A with the proteolytic enzymes astacin, LAST, LAST_MAM, trypsin, and chymotrypsin, indeed demonstrating that fetuin-A is a broad-range protease inhibitor. Fetuin-A inhibition of meprin activity was 40 times weaker than that of meprin activity. Therefore, we tested cystatin C, a protein structurally closely related to fetuin-A. Indeed, cystatin C was an inhibitor for human meprin (K(i) = 8.5 × 10(-6) M) but, interestingly, not for meprin . Thus, the identification of fetuin-A and cystatin C as endogenous proteolytic regulators of meprin activity broadens our understanding of the proteolytic network in plasma.


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In this review, we summarize the current "state of the art" of carbapenem antibiotics and their role in our antimicrobial armamentarium. Among the β-lactams currently available, carbapenems are unique because they are relatively resistant to hydrolysis by most β-lactamases, in some cases act as "slow substrates" or inhibitors of β-lactamases, and still target penicillin binding proteins. This "value-added feature" of inhibiting β-lactamases serves as a major rationale for expansion of this class of β-lactams. We describe the initial discovery and development of the carbapenem family of β-lactams. Of the early carbapenems evaluated, thienamycin demonstrated the greatest antimicrobial activity and became the parent compound for all subsequent carbapenems. To date, more than 80 compounds with mostly improved antimicrobial properties, compared to those of thienamycin, are described in the literature. We also highlight important features of the carbapenems that are presently in clinical use: imipenem-cilastatin, meropenem, ertapenem, doripenem, panipenem-betamipron, and biapenem. In closing, we emphasize some major challenges and urge the medicinal chemist to continue development of these versatile and potent compounds, as they have served us well for more than 3 decades.


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For understanding the major- and minor-groove hydration patterns of DNAs and RNAs, it is important to understand the local solvation of individual nucleobases at the molecular level. We have investigated the 2-aminopurine center dot H2O. monohydrate by two-color resonant two-photon ionization and UV/UV hole-burning spectroscopies, which reveal two isomers, denoted A and B. The electronic spectral shift delta nu of the S-1 <- S-0 transition relative to bare 9H-2-aminopurine (9H-2AP) is small for isomer A (-70 cm(-1)), while that of isomer B is much larger (delta nu = 889 cm(-1)). B3LYP geometry optimizations with the TZVP basis set predict four cluster isomers, of which three are doubly H-bonded, with H2O acting as an acceptor to a N-H or -NH2 group and as a donor to either of the pyrimidine N sites. The "sugar-edge" isomer A is calculated to be the most stable form with binding energy D-e = 56.4 kJ/mol. Isomers B and C are H-bonded between the -NH2 group and pyrimidine moieties and are 2.5 and 6.9 kJ/mol less stable, respectively. Time-dependent (TD) B3LYP/TZVP calculations predict the adiabatic energies of the lowest (1)pi pi* states of A and B in excellent agreement with the observed 0(0)(0) bands; also, the relative intensities of the A and B origin bands agree well with the calculated S-0 state relative energies. This allows unequivocal identification of the isomers. The R2PI spectra of 9H-2AP and of isomer A exhibit intense low-frequency out-of-plane overtone and combination bands, which is interpreted as a coupling of the optically excited (1)pi pi* state to the lower-lying (1)n pi* dark state. In contrast, these overtone and combination bands are much weaker for isomer B, implying that the (1)pi pi* state of B is planar and decoupled from the (1)n pi* state. These observations agree with the calculations, which predict the (1)n pi* above the (1)pi pi* state for isomer B but below the (1)pi pi* for both 9H-2AP and isomer A.


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The synthesis and the photophysical properties of the complex [Ru(TTF-dppz)(2)(Aqphen)](2+) (TTF = tetrathiafulvalene, dppz = dipyrido-[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine, Aqphen = anthraquinone fused to phenanthroline via a pyrazine bridge) are described. In this molecular triad excitation into the metal ligand charge transfer bands results in the creation of a long-lived charge separated state with TTF acting as electron donor and anthraquinone as terminal acceptor. The lifetime of the charge-separated state is 400 ns in dichloromethane at room temperature. A mechanism for the charge separation involving an intermediate charge-separated state is proposed based on transient absorption spectroscopy.


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A tetrathiafulvalene donor has been annulated to the bay region of perylenediimide through a 1H-benzo-[d]pyrrolo[1,2-a]imidazol-1-one spacer affording an extended pi-conjugated molecular dyad (TTF-PDI). To gain insight into its ground- and excited-state electronic properties, the reference compound Ph-PDI has been prepared via a direct Schiff-base condensation of N,N'-bis(1-octylnonyl) benzoperylene-1',2':3,4:9,10-hexacarboxylic-1',2'-anhydride-3,4:9,10-bis (imide) with benzene-1,2-diamine. Both the experimental and the computational (DFT) results indicate that TTF-PDI exhibits significant intramolecular electronic interactions giving rise to an efficient photoinduced charge-separation process. Free-energy calculations verify that the process from TTF to the singlet-excited state of PDI is exothermic in both polar and nonpolar solvents. Fast adiabatic electron-transfer processes of a compactly fused, pi-conjugated TTF-PDI dyad in benzonitrile, 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, anisole and toluene were observed by femtosecond transient absorption spectral measurements. The lifetimes of radical-ion pairs slightly increase with decreasing the solvent polarities, suggesting that the charge-recombination occurs in the Marcus inverted region. By utilizing the nanosecond transient absorption technique, the intermolecular electron-transfer process in a mixture of has been observed via the triplet excited PDI for the first time.


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The supramolecular assembly of amphiphilic oligopyrenotide building blocks (covalently linked heptapyrene, Py7) is studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in combination with optical spectroscopy. The assembly process is triggered in a controlled manner by increasing the ionic strength of the aqueous oligomer solution. Cooperative noncovalent interactions between individual oligomeric units lead to the formation of DNA-like supramolecular polymers. We also show that the terminal attachment of a single cytidine nucleotide to the heptapyrenotide (Py7-C) changes the association process from a cooperative (nucleation−elongation) to a noncooperative (isodesmic) regime, suggesting a structure misfit between the cytidine and the pyrene units. We also demonstrate that AFM enables the identification and characterization of minute concentrations of the supramolecular products, which was not accessible by conventional optical spectroscopy.


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Transportation corridors in megaregions present a unique challenge for planners because of the high concentration of development, complex interjurisdictional issues, and history of independent development of core urban centers. The concept of resilience, as applied to megaregions, can be used to understand better the performance of these corridors. Resiliency is the ability to recover from or adjust easily to change. Resiliency performance measures can be expanded on for application to megaregions throughout the United States. When applied to transportation corridors in megaregions and represented by performance measures such as redundancy, continuity, connectivity, and travel time reliability, the concept of resiliency captures the spatial and temporal relationships between the attributes of a corridor, a network, and neighboring facilities over time at the regional and local levels. This paper focuses on the development of performance measurements for evaluating corridor resiliency as well as a plan for implementing analysis methods at the jurisdictional level. The transportation corridor between Boston, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C., is used as a case study to represent the applicability of these measures to megaregions throughout the country.


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Because of the frequency of multiple antibiotic resistance, Staphylococcus species often represent a challenge in incisional infections of horses undergoing colic surgery. To investigate the evolution of antibiotic resistance patterns before and after preventative peri- and postoperative penicillin treatment, staphylococci were isolated from skin and wound samples at different times during hospitalization. Most staphylococci were normal skin commensals and belonged to the common coagulase-negative group. In some cases they turned out to be opportunistic pathogens present in wound infections. MICs were determined for 12 antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance genes were detected by microarray. At hospital admission, horses harbored staphylococci that were susceptible to antibiotics or resistant to one group of drugs, mainly due to the presence of new variants of the methicillin and macrolide resistance genes mecA and mph(C), respectively. After 3 days, the percentage of Staphylococcus isolates displaying antibiotic resistance, as well as the number of resistance genes per isolate, increased moderately in hospitalized horses without surgery or penicillin treatment but dramatically in hospitalized horses after colic surgery as well as penicillin treatment. Staphylococcus species displaying multiple resistance were found to harbor mainly genes conferring resistance to beta-lactams (mecA and blaZ), aminoglycosides [str and aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia], and trimethoprim [dfr(A) and dfr(D)]. Additional genes conferring resistance to macrolides [mph(C), erm(C), and erm(B)], tetracycline [tet(K) and tet(M)], chloramphenicol [cat(pC221) and cat(pC223)], and streptothricin (sat4) appeared in several strains. Hospitalization and preventive penicillin use were shown to act as selection agents for multidrug-resistant commensal staphylococcal flora.


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Because of species selectivity, HIV research is largely restricted to in vitro or clinical studies, both limited in their ability to rapidly assess new strategies to fight the virus. To prospectively study some aspects of HIV in vivo, immunodeficient mice, transplanted with either human peripheral blood leukocytes or human fetal tissues, have been developed. Although these are susceptible to HIV infection, xenoreactivity, and short infection spans, resource and ethical constraints, as well as biased HIV coreceptor tropic strain infection, pose substantial problems in their use. Rag2(-/-)gamma(c)(-/-) mice, transplanted as newborns with human CD34(+) cells, were recently shown to develop human B, T, and dendritic cells, constituting lymphoid organs in situ. Here we tested these mice as a model system for HIV-1 infection. HIV RNA levels peaked to up to 2 x 10(6) copies per milliliter of plasma early after infection, and viremia was observed for up to 190 days, the longest time followed. A marked relative CD4(+) T cell depletion in peripheral blood occurred in CXCR4-tropic strain-infected mice, whereas this was less pronounced in CCR5-tropic strain-infected animals. Thymus infection was almost exclusively observed in CXCR4-tropic strain-infected mice, whereas spleen and lymph node HIV infection occurred irrespective of coreceptor selectivity, consistent with respective coreceptor expression on human CD4(+) T cells. Thus, this straightforward to generate and cost-effective in vivo model closely resembles HIV infection in man and therefore should be valuable to study virus-induced pathology and to rapidly evaluate new approaches aiming to prevent or treat HIV infection.