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In recent decades, ceramic products have become indispensable to the technological development of humanity, occupying important positions in scientific production and consequently in industrial production. One area of the economy that continues to absorb large amounts of the products of this sector is Construction. Among the branches of the ceramic industry, there are the red ceramic industry which is traditionally the basis of that economic sector. Among the reasons for which the red ceramic industry became popular in the country, and specifically in Rio Grande do Norte, is the abundance of this raw material, easily found throughout the national territory. However, it appears that the red ceramic industry has deficiencies in technology and skilled labor, resulting in the production of ceramic goods with low added value. Among the factors that determine the quality of the ceramic products red has the proper formulation of the ceramic mass, the conformation and the firing temperature. Thus, the overall goal of this work is to study the mineralogical and technological properties, two clays from the region of the Wasteland Potiguar industrial ceramist. Therefore, the raw materials were characterized by analysis of Xray diffraction (XRD) analysis, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis (FA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy (OM ), plasticity index (PI), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The technological properties of the material were analyzed by water absorption tests (AA%) porosity (% PA), the linear shrinkage (RT%), apparent density (MEA), loss on ignition (PF%) and flexural strength three points (TRF)
Concern for the environment and the exploitation of natural resources has motivated the development of research in lignocellulosic materials, mainly from plant fibers. The major attraction of these materials include the fact that the fibers are biodegradable, they are a renewable natural resource, low cost and they usually produce less wear on equipment manufacturing when compared with synthetic fibers. Its applications are focused on the areas of technology, including automotive, aerospace, marine, civil, among others, due to the advantageous use in economic and ecological terms. Therefore, this study aims to characterize and analyze the properties of plant fiber macambira (bromelia laciniosa), which were obtained in the municipality of Ielmo Marino, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in the region of the Wasteland Potiguar. The characterization of the fiber is given by SEM analysis, tensile test, TG, FTIR, chemical analysis, in addition to obtaining his title and density. The results showed that the extraction of the fibers, only 0.5% of the material is converted into fibers. The results for title and density were satisfactory when compared with other fibers of the same nature. Its structure is composed of microfibrils and its surface is roughened. The cross section has a non-uniform geometry, therefore, it is understood that its diameter is variable along the entire fiber. Values for tensile strength were lower than those of sisal fibers and curauá. The degradation temperature remained equivalent to the degradation temperatures of other vegetable fibers. In FTIR analysis showed that the heat treatment may be an alternative to making the fiber hydrophobic, since, at high temperature can remove the hemicellulose layer, responsible for moisture absorption. Its chemical constitution is endowed with elements of polar nature, so their moisture is around 8.5% which is equivalent to the percentage of moisture content of hydrophilic fibers. It can be concluded that the fiber macambira stands as an alternative materials from renewable sources and depending on the actual application and purpose, it may achieve satisfactory results
The lubricants found in the market are of mineral or synthetic origin and harm to humans and the environment, mainly due to their improper discard. Therefore industries are seeking to develop products that cause less environmental impact, so to decrease mainly, operator aggression the Cutting Fluids became an emulsion of oil / water or water / oil. However, the emulsion was not considered the most suitable solution for environmental question, therefore the search for biodegradable lubricants and which no are toxic continues and so vegetable oils are seen, again, as a basis for the production of lubricants. The biggest problem with these oils is their oxidative instability that is intensified when working at high temperatures. The process transesterification decreases the oxidation, however changes some physical and chemical properties. Therefore soybean oil after the transesterification process was subjected to tests of density, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity which is calculated from two parameters mentioned, flash point and acidity. Besides the physico-chemical test the soybean oil was subjected to a dynamic test in a tribometer adapted from a table vise, whose induced wear was the adhesive and ultimately was used as cutting fluid in a process of turning in two different materials, steel 1045 and cast iron. This latter test presented results below the mineral cutting fluid which it was compared in all tests, already in other experiments the result was satisfactory and other experiments not, so that chemical additives can be added to the oil analyzed to try equate all parameters and so formulate a biolubrificante not toxic to apply in machining processes of metalworking industry
The waste in the industries of escargot processing is very big. This is composed basically of escargot meat out of the commercialization patterns and the visceras. In this context, there is a need to take advantage to the use of these sub-products. A possibility should be drying them and transforming them in a certain form to be reused. Than, the present work has the objective of studying the reutilization of the sub-products of the escargot industrialization for by means of drying process. The samples were transformed in pastes, through a domestic processor for approximately 1 minute and compacted in trays of aluminum without perforations with three different heights (5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm). The drying was accomplished in a tray dryer with air circulation and transverse flow at a speed of 0,2 m/s and three temperature levels (70°C, 80°C and 90ºC). A drying kinetics study was accomplished for the obtained curves and for the heat and mass transfer coefficients using experimental procedures based in an experimental planning of 22 factorial type. Microbiological and physiochemical analysis were also accomplished for the in nature and the dehydrated sub-products. In the drying process, it was observed the great importance of the external resistances to the mass transfer and heat in the period of constant tax influenced by the temperature. The evaporation taxes indicated a mixed control of the mass transfer for the case of the thickest layers. As already expected, the drying constant behavior was influenced by the temperature and thickness of the medium, increasing and decreasing. The statistical analysis of the results, in agreement with the factorial planning 22, showed that the fissures, the shrinking of the transfer area and the formation of a crust on the surface might have contributed to the differences between the practical results and the linear model proposed. The temperature and the thickness influenced significantly in the answers of the studied variables: evaporation tax and drying constant. They were obtained significant statistical models and predictive ones for evaporation tax for the meat as well as for the visceras
The rotary dryer is one of the most used equipments in processing industries. Its automatic control mode of operation is important specially to keep the moisture content of the final product in the desired value. The classical control strategies, like PID (proportional integral derivative) control, are largely used in the industrial sector because of its robustness and because they are easy to be implemented. In this work, a data acquisition system was implemented for monitoring the most relevant process variables, like: both inlet and outlet drying air temperature, dryer rotation, outlet air speed and humidity, and mass of the final product. Openloop tests were realized to identify a mathematical model able to represent the drying process for the rotary system. From this model, a PID controller was tuned using a direct synthesis method, assuming a first order trajectory. The PID controller was implemented in the system in order to control the inlet drying air temperature. By the end, closedloop tests (operating in automatic mode) were realized to observe the controller performance, and, after setting the best tune, experiments were realized using passion fruit seeds as raw material. The experiments realized in closedloop showed a satisfactory performance by the implemented control strategy for the drying air temperature of the rotary system
The tanning industries are those which transform animal hide or skin into leather. Due to the complexity of the transformation process, greater quantities of chemicals are being used which results in the generation of effluents with residual solids. The chromium in the residual waters generated by tanning tend to be a serious problem to the environment, therefore the recovery of this metal could result in the reduction of manufacturing costs. This metal is usually found in a trivalent form which can be converted into a hexavalent compound under acidic conditions and in the presence of organic matter. The present study was carried out with the objective to recover chromium through an extraction/re-extraction process using micro emulsions. Micro emulsions are transparent and thermodynamically stable system composed of two immiscible liquids, one forming the continuous phase and the other dispersed into micro bubbles, established by an interfacial membrane formed by surface active and co-surface active molecules. The process of recovering the chromium was carried out in two stages. The first, an extraction process, where the chromium was extracted in the micro emulsion phase and the aqueous phase in excess was separated. In the second stage, a concentrated acid was added to the micro emulsion phase rich in chromium in order to obtain a Winsor II system, where the water that formed in the micro emulsion phase separates into a new micro emulsion phase with a higher concentration of chromium, due to the lowering of the hydrophiles as well as the ionisation of the system. During the experimental procedure, a study was initiated with a synthetic solution of chromium sulphate passing onto the effluent. A Morris extractor was used in the extraction process. Tests were carried out according to the plan and the results were analysed by statistical methods in order to optimise the main parameters that influence the process: the total rate of flow (Q), stirring speed (w) and solvent rate (r). The results, after optimization, demonstrated that the best percentuals in relation to the chromium extraction (99 %) were obtained in the following operational conditions: Q= 2,0 l/h, w= 425 rpm and r= 0,375. The re-extraction was carried out at room temperature (28 °C), 40 °C and 50°C using hydrochloric acid (8 and 10 M) and sulphuric acid (8 M) as re-extracting agents. The results obtained demonstrate that the process was efficient enough in relation to the chromium extraction, reaching to re-extraction percentage higher than 95 %.
The soil contamination with petroleum is one of the major concern of industries operating in the field and also of environmental agencies. The petroleum consists mainly of alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons. The most common examples of hydrocarbons polyaromatic are: naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, benzopyrene and their various isomers. These substances cause adverse effects on human and the environment. Thus, the main objective of this work is to study the advanced oxidation process using the oxidant potassium permanganate (KMnO4) for remediation of soils contaminated with two polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): anthracene and phenanthrene. This study was conducted at bench scale, where the first stage was at batch experiment, using the variables: the time and oxidant dosage in the soil. The second stage was the remediation conducted in continous by a fix column, to this stage, the only variable was remediation time. The concentration of oxidant in this stage was based on the best result obtained in the tests at batch, 2,464 mg / L. The results of degradation these contaminants were satisfactory, at the following dosages and time: (a) 5g of oxidant per kg soil for 48 hours, it was obtained residual contaminants 28 mg phenanthrene and 1.25 mg anthracene per kg of soil and (b) for 7g of oxidant per kg soil in 48 hours remaining 24 mg phenanthrene and anthracene 0.77 mg per kg soil, and therefore below the intervention limit residential and industrial proposed by the State Company of Environmental Sao Paulo (CETESB)
Effluents from pesticide industries have great difficulty to decontaminate the environment and, moreover, are characterized by high organic charge and toxicity. The research group Center for Chemical Systems Engineering (CESQ) at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Polytechnical School of University of São Paulo and Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte have been applying the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP's) for the degradation of various types of pollutants. These processes are based on the generation of hydroxyl radicals, highly reactive substances. Thus, this dissertation aims to explore this process, since it has been proven to be quite effective in removing organic charge. Therefore, it was decided by photo-Fenton process applied to the degradation of the fungicide Thiophanate methyl in aqueous system using annular reactor (with lamp Philips HPLN 125W) and solar. The samples were collected during the experiment and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (TOC) using a Shimadzu TOC (Shimadzu 5050A e VCP). The Doehlert experimental design has been used to evaluate the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the concentrations of methyl thiophanate (C12H14N4O4S2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and iron ions (Fe2+), among these parameters, was considered the best experimental conditions, [Fe2+] = 0.6 mmol/L and [H2O2] = 0.038 mol/L in EXP 5 experiment and in SOL 5 experiment, obtaining a percentage of TOC removal of 60% in the annular reactor and 75% in the solar reactor
Coalho cheese is a typical product of the Northeastern Brazil, which is consumed both raw and cooked. The present work aimed to study the characteristics of artisanal and industrial processes in the production of coalho cheese sold in Natal / RN in order to evaluate its quality and consumer s profile. Four artisanal cheeses plants were monitored and a questionnaire was sent to different cheese industries. Besides this, eight cheese samples (four artisanal and four industrial) were evaluated in regard to the microbiological quality, physical-chemical and sensory attributes. The sensory acceptance was evaluated by using 108 non-trained panelists by using the hedonic scale. The consumer s profile survey was applied to 400 consumers of coalho cheese. The lack of hygiene control was detected at the artisanal cheese production, which uses raw milk as its raw material. Research has shown that the industrialized cheeses are made from pasteurized milk provided by their own production or by a third party, as observed in cheese making dairies. In general, the results indicate variation in the manufacturing process of coalho cheese, which results in the lack of product standardization. Regarding the physical-chemical analysis, most artisanal and industrial samples presented moisture content between 36 and 40 %, classified as medium moisture cheese, which is the only parameter that showed no significant difference (p>0.05). However, the water activity (Aw), pH and acidity results differed significantly. All artisanal samples showed coliform contamination at 35 °C, which confirms the poor hygienic conditions. In regard to coliforms at 45 °C, 75 % of artisanal coalho cheese samples had value higher than 103 MPN / g, a value above the lawful limits determined by RDC nº 12. Fifty percent of industrial coalho cheese samples showed coagulase-positive Staphylococcus values above the limit allowed by the RDC nº 12, indicating poor handling. The sensory evaluation revealed that the taste was the only parameter that showed significant difference, and this difference was only between two industrial brands. The consumer s survey showed that the coalho cheese flavor is the most important reason for buying this kind of cheese. Although coalho cheese is mainly bought in supermarkets, open street markets and country shops are still important selling points. It is concluded that there is no coalho cheese standardization in the RN state, which leads to variations in physical-chemical and sensory attributes. Moreover, it is necessary greater hygiene control in the production and handling procedures of coalho cheese.
The dried beef is a food traditionally eaten by Northeastern and has an extensive trade in the city of Natal-RN. It is usually produced in an empirical manner, without any standardization in production. Characterized as partially dehydrated meat product, so that the activity of water present is not sufficient to prevent microbial growth, degradation or the production of microbial toxins. The guarantee that the market dried beef is to provide a quality product hygienic, microbiological, physicochemical and sensory stable and adequate for the safety and consumer satisfaction, which has been increasingly attracted to food with natural preservatives. Thus, the meat industries are replacing the current seasonings and natural preservatives for similar, with it without affecting the shelf life of products. Lactic acid has been used to meet these requirements. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of lactic acid on the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory, besides knowing the consumer profile of dried meat of the City of Natal / RN. The results demonstrated that the use of lactic acid in concentrations of 1% and 2% during the processing of dried meat, had statistically significant effect (p < 0.05) on the physico-chemical (pH and water activity) and consequently reduced the microbial count does not alter the taste of the new product developed. Regarding the results on the consumer profile, it was found that the majority of respondents (71.75%) did not observe the presence of the stamp of the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) to buy this meat food that 81.55% of consumers check the hygiene conditions of the site and handlers, however, a large proportion of respondents not concerned with the guarantee of origin of typical regional products featuring a hazard to food safety for consumers of the city of Natal-RN
Environmental sustainability has become one of the topics of greatest interest in industry, mainly due to effluent generation. Phenols are found in many industries effluents, these industries might be refineries, coal processing, pharmaceutical, plastics, paints and paper and pulp industries. Because phenolic compounds are toxic to humans and aquatic organisms, Federal Resolution CONAMA No. 430 of 13.05.2011 limits the maximum content of phenols, in 0.5 mg.L-1, for release in freshwater bodies. In the effluents treatment, the liquid-liquid extraction process is the most economical for the phenol recovery, because consumes little energy, but in most cases implements an organic solvent, and the use of it can cause some environmental problems due to the high toxicity of this compound. Because of this, exists a need for new methodologies, which aims to replace these solvents for biodegradable ones. Some literature studies demonstrate the feasibility of phenolic compounds removing from aqueous effluents, by biodegradable solvents. In this extraction kind called "Cloud Point Extraction" is used a nonionic surfactant as extracting agent of phenolic compounds. In order to optimize the phenol extraction process, this paper studies the mathematical modeling and optimization of extraction parameters and investigates the effect of the independent variables in the process. A 32 full factorial design has been done with operating temperature and surfactant concentration as independent variables and, parameters extraction: Volumetric fraction of coacervate phase, surfactant and residual concentration of phenol in dilute phase after separation phase and phenol extraction efficiency, as dependent variables. To achieve the objectives presented before, the work was carried out in five steps: (i) selection of some literature data, (ii) use of Box-Behnken model to find out mathematical models that describes the process of phenol extraction, (iii) Data analysis were performed using STATISTICA 7.0 and the analysis of variance was used to assess the model significance and prediction (iv) models optimization using the response surface method (v) Mathematical models validation using additional measures, from samples different from the ones used to construct the model. The results showed that the mathematical models found are able to calculate the effect of the surfactant concentration and the operating temperature in each extraction parameter studied, respecting the boundaries used. The models optimization allowed the achievement of consistent and applicable results in a simple and quick way leading to high efficiency in process operation.
Copper is one of the most used metals in platingprocesses of galvanic industries. The presence of copper, a heavy metal, in galvanic effluents is harmful to the environment.The main objective of this researchwas the removal ofcopperfromgalvanic effluents, using for this purpose anionic surfactants. The removal process is based on the interaction between the polar head group of the anionic surfactant and the divalent copper in solution. The surfactants used in this study were derived from soybean oil (OSS), coconut oil (OCS), and sunflower oil (OGS). It was used a copper synthetic solution (280 ppm Cu+2) simulating the rinse water from a copper acid bath of a galvanic industry. It were developed 23and 32 factorial designs to evaluate the parameters that have influence in theremoval process. For each surfactant (OSS, OCS, and OGS), the independent variables evaluated were: surfactant concentration (1.25 to 3.75 g/L), pH (5 to 9) and the presence of an anionic polymer (0 to 0.0125 g/L).From the results obtained in the 23 factorial design and in the calculus for estimatingthe stoichiometric relationship between surfactants and copper in solution, it were developed new experimental tests, varying surfactant concentration in the range of 1.25 to 6.8 g/L (32 factorial design).The results obtained in the experimental designs were subjected to statistical evaluations to obtain Pareto charts and mathematical modelsfor Copper removal efficiency (%). The statistical evaluation of the 23 and 32factorial designs, using saponifiedcoconut oil (OCS), presented the mathematical model that best described the copper removal process.It can be concluded that OCS was the most efficient anionic surfactant, removing 100% of the copper present in the synthetic galvanic solution
Anhydrous ethanol is used in chemical, pharmaceutical and fuel industries. However, current processes for obtaining it involve high cost, high energy demand and use of toxic and pollutant solvents. This problem occurs due to the formation of an azeotropic mixture of ethanol + water, which does not allow the complete separation by conventional methods such as simple distillation. As an alternative to currently used processes, this study proposes the use of ionic liquids as solvents in extractive distillation. These are organic salts which are liquids at low temperatures (under 373,15 K). They exhibit characteristics such as low volatility (almost zero/ low vapor ), thermal stability and low corrosiveness, which make them interesting for applications such as catalysts and as entrainers. In this work, experimental data for the vapor pressure of pure ethanol and water in the pressure range of 20 to 101 kPa were obtained as well as for vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) of the system ethanol + water at atmospheric pressure; and equilibrium data of ethanol + water + 2-HDEAA (2- hydroxydiethanolamine acetate) at strategic points in the diagram. The device used for these experiments was the Fischer ebulliometer, together with density measurements to determine phase compositions. The experimental data were consistent with literature data and presented thermodynamic consistency, thus the methodology was properly validated. The results were favorable, with the increase of ethanol concentration in the vapor phase, but the increase was not shown to be pronounced. The predictive model COSMO-SAC (COnductor-like Screening MOdels Segment Activity Coefficient) proposed by Lin & Sandler (2002) was studied for calculations to predict vapor-liquid equilibrium of systems ethanol + water + ionic liquids at atmospheric pressure. This is an alternative for predicting phase equilibrium, especially for substances of recent interest, such as ionic liquids. This is so because no experimental data nor any parameters of functional groups (as in the UNIFAC method) are needed
The industries of food, medicine and cosmetic apply microencapsulation for many reasons, among them, stabilize the active, control the release of encapsulated and separate incompatible components of the formulation. In this context, microencapsulation techniques have been used in the food industry to provide stable liquid and solid ingredients. Anthocyanins have high antioxidant potential, but they are photodegradable. The challenges are therefore directed to the research for techniques that could make this potential remaining active and bioavailable and could be used as a vehicle for the delivery release of bioactive and micronutrients in appropriate conditions and levels. This work has as main objective to propose a method to encapsulate the anthocyanins in the extract of mountain apple using the interfacial polymerization technique. As well as to define the ideal conditions of temperature and agitation system for this procedure. The microparticles were characterized for size, morphology, active distribution, surface charge, degradation, composition and stability. The results, like particle diameter of 5.94 μm and Zeta potential of 7.03 mV, showed that the technique used to obtain these microparticles was satisfactory and has potential for application in cosmetics and food
The production of enzymes by microorganisms using organic residues is important and it can be associated with several applications such as food and chemical industries and so on. The objective of this work is the production of CMCase, Xylanase, Avicelase and FPase enzymes by solid state fermentation (SSF) using as substrates: bagasse of coconut and dried cashew stem. The microorganisms employed are Penicillium chrysogenum and an isolated fungus from the coconut bark (Aspergillus fumigatus). Through the factorial design methodology and response surface analysis it was possible to study the influence of the humidity and pH. For Penicillium chrysogenum and the isolated fungus, the coconut bagasse was used as culture medium. In another fermentation, it was used the mixture of coconut bagasse and cashew stem. Fermentations were conducted using only the coconut bagasse as substrate in cultures with Penicillium chrysogenum fungus and the isolated one. A mixture with 50% of coconut and 50% of cashew stem was employed only for Penicillium chrysogenum fungus, the cultivation conditions were: 120 hours at 30 °C in BOD, changing humidity and pH values. In order to check the influence of the variables: humidity and pH, a 2 2 factorial experimental design was developed, and then two factors with two levels for each factor and three repetitions at the central point. The levels of the independent variables used in ascending order (-1, 0, +1), to humidity, 66%, 70.5% and 75% and pH 3, 5 and 7, respectively. The software STATISTICA TM (version 7.0, StatSoft, Inc.) was used to calculate the main effects of the variables and their interactions. The response surface methodology was used to optimize the conditions of the SSF. A chemical and a physic-chemical characterization of the coconut bagasse have determined the composition of cellulose (%) = 39.09; Hemicellulose (%) = 23.80, Total Lignin (%) = 36.22 and Pectin (%) = 1.64. To the characterization of cashew stem, the values were cellulose (g) = 15.91 Hemicellulose (%) = 16.77, Total Lignin (%) = 30.04 and Pectin (%) = 15.24. The results indicate the potential of the materials as substrate for semisolid fermentation enzyme production. The two microorganisms used are presented as good producers of cellulases. The results showed the potential of the fungus in the production of CMCase enzyme, with a maximum of 0.282 UI/mL and the Avicelase enzyme the maximum value ranged from 0.018 to 0.020 UI/ mL, using only coconut bagasse as substrate. The Penicillium chrysogenum fungus has showed the best results for CMCase = 0.294 UI/mL, FPase = 0.058 UI/mL, Avicelase = 0.010 UI/mL and Xylanase = 0.644 UI/ mL enzyme, using coconut bagasse and cashew stem as substrates. The Penicllium chrysogenum fungus showed enzymatic activities using only the coconut as substrate for CMCase = 0.233 UI/mL, FPase = 0.031 to 0.032 UI/ mL, Avicelase = 0.018 to 0.020 UI/mL and Xylanase = 0.735 UI/ mL. Thus, it can be concluded that the used organisms and substrates have offered potential for enzyme production processes in a semi-solid cultivation