1000 resultados para Vehicle trajectories.


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The existence of millisecond pulsars with planet-mass companions in close orbits is challenging from the stellar evolution point of view. We calculate in detail the evolution of binary systems self-consistently, including mass transfer, evaporation, and irradiation of the donor by X-ray feedback, demonstrating the existence of a new evolutionary path leading to short periods and compact donors as required by the observations of PSR J1719-1438. We also point out the alternative of an exotic nature of the companion planet-mass star.


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Preformed structural reinforcements have shown good performance in crash tests, where the great advantage is their weight. These reinforcements are designed with the aim of increasing the rigidity of regions with large deformations, thus stabilising sections of the vehicle that work as load path during impact. The objective of this work is to show the application of structural reinforcements made of polymeric material PA66 in the field of vehicle safety, through finite element simulations. Simulations of frontal impact at 50 km/h and in ODB (offset deformable barrier) at 57 km/h configurations (standards such as ECE R-94 and ECE R-12) were performed in the software LS-DYNA R (R) and MADYMO (R). The simulations showed that the use of polymeric reinforcements leads to a 70% reduction in A-pillar intrusion, a 65% reduction in the displacement of the steering column and a 59% reduction in the deformation in the region of the occupant legs and feet. The level of occupant injuries was analysed by MADYMO (R) software, and a reduction of 23.5% in the chest compression and 80% in the tibia compression were verified. According to the standard, such conditions lead to an improvement in the occupant safety in a vehicle collision event.


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In Brazil, the principal source of air pollution is the combustion of fuels (ethanol, gasohol, and diesel). In this study, we quantify the contributions that vehicle emissions make to the urban fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass in six state capitals in Brazil, collecting data for use in a larger project evaluating the impact of air pollution on human health. From winter 2007 to winter 2008, we collected 24-h PM2.5 samples, employing gravimetry to determine PM2.5 mass concentrations; reflectance to quantify black carbon concentrations; X-ray fluorescence to characterize elemental composition; and ion chromatography to determine the composition and concentrations of anions and cations. Mean PM2.5 concentrations in the cities of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, and Recife were 28, 17.2, 14.7, 14.4, 13.4, and 7.3 mu g/m(3), respectively. In Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, black carbon explained approximately 30% of the PM2.5 mass. We used receptor models to identify distinct source-related PM2.5 fractions and correlate those fractions with daily mortality rates. Using specific rotation factor analysis, we identified the following principal contributing factors: soil and crustal material; vehicle emissions and biomass burning (black carbon factor); and fuel oil combustion in industries (sulfur factor). In all six cities, vehicle emissions explained at least 40% of the PM2.5 mass. Elemental composition determination with receptor modeling proved an adequate strategy to identify air pollution sources and to evaluate their short- and long-term effects on human health. Our data could inform decisions regarding environmental policies vis-a-vis health care costs.


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This study addresses a vehicle routing problem with time windows, accessibility restrictions on customers, and a fleet that is heterogeneous with regard to capacity and average speed. A vehicle can performmultiple routes per day, all starting and ending at a single depot, and it is assigned to a single driverwhose totalwork hours are limited.Acolumn generation algorithmis proposed.The column generation pricing subproblem requires a specific elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints algorithm to address the possibility for each vehicle performingmultiple routes per day and to address the need to set the workday’s start time within the planning horizon. A constructive heuristic and a metaheuristic based on tabu search are also developed to find good solutions.


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This work presents a program for simulations of vehicle-track and vehicle-trackstructure dynamic interaction . The method used is computationally efficient in the sense that a reduced number of coordinates is sufficient and doesn’t require high efficiency computers. The method proposes a modal substructuring approach of the system by modelling rails , sleepers and underlying structure with modal coordinates, the vehicle with physical lumped elements coordinates and by introducing interconnection elements between these structures (wheel-rail contact, railpads and ballast) by means of their interaction forces. The Frequency response function (FRF) is also calculated for both cases of track over a structure (a bridge, a viaduct ...) and for the simple vehicle-track program; for each case the vehicle effect on the FRF is then analyzed through the comparison of the FRFs obtained introducing or not a simplified vehicle on the system.


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In this treatise we consider finite systems of branching particles where the particles move independently of each other according to d-dimensional diffusions. Particles are killed at a position dependent rate, leaving at their death position a random number of descendants according to a position dependent reproduction law. In addition particles immigrate at constant rate (one immigrant per immigration time). A process with above properties is called a branching diffusion withimmigration (BDI). In the first part we present the model in detail and discuss the properties of the BDI under our basic assumptions. In the second part we consider the problem of reconstruction of the trajectory of a BDI from discrete observations. We observe positions of the particles at discrete times; in particular we assume that we have no information about the pedigree of the particles. A natural question arises if we want to apply statistical procedures on the discrete observations: How can we find couples of particle positions which belong to the same particle? We give an easy to implement 'reconstruction scheme' which allows us to redraw or 'reconstruct' parts of the trajectory of the BDI with high accuracy. Moreover asymptotically the whole path can be reconstructed. Further we present simulations which show that our partial reconstruction rule is tractable in practice. In the third part we study how the partial reconstruction rule fits into statistical applications. As an extensive example we present a nonparametric estimator for the diffusion coefficient of a BDI where the particles move according to one-dimensional diffusions. This estimator is based on the Nadaraya-Watson estimator for the diffusion coefficient of one-dimensional diffusions and it uses the partial reconstruction rule developed in the second part above. We are able to prove a rate of convergence of this estimator and finally we present simulations which show that the estimator works well even if we leave our set of assumptions.


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We deal with five problems arising in the field of logistics: the Asymmetric TSP (ATSP), the TSP with Time Windows (TSPTW), the VRP with Time Windows (VRPTW), the Multi-Trip VRP (MTVRP), and the Two-Echelon Capacitated VRP (2E-CVRP). The ATSP requires finding a lest-cost Hamiltonian tour in a digraph. We survey models and classical relaxations, and describe the most effective exact algorithms from the literature. A survey and analysis of the polynomial formulations is provided. The considered algorithms and formulations are experimentally compared on benchmark instances. The TSPTW requires finding, in a weighted digraph, a least-cost Hamiltonian tour visiting each vertex within a given time window. We propose a new exact method, based on new tour relaxations and dynamic programming. Computational results on benchmark instances show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art exact methods. In the VRPTW, a fleet of identical capacitated vehicles located at a depot must be optimally routed to supply customers with known demands and time window constraints. Different column generation bounding procedures and an exact algorithm are developed. The new exact method closed four of the five open Solomon instances. The MTVRP is the problem of optimally routing capacitated vehicles located at a depot to supply customers without exceeding maximum driving time constraints. Two set-partitioning-like formulations of the problem are introduced. Lower bounds are derived and embedded into an exact solution method, that can solve benchmark instances with up to 120 customers. The 2E-CVRP requires designing the optimal routing plan to deliver goods from a depot to customers by using intermediate depots. The objective is to minimize the sum of routing and handling costs. A new mathematical formulation is introduced. Valid lower bounds and an exact method are derived. Computational results on benchmark instances show that the new exact algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art exact methods.


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The Capacitated Location-Routing Problem (CLRP) is a NP-hard problem since it generalizes two well known NP-hard problems: the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP) and the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). The Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) is known to be a NP-hard since it is a generalization of the well known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), arising with one depot. This thesis addresses heuristics algorithms based on the well-know granular search idea introduced by Toth and Vigo (2003) to solve the CLRP and the MDVRP. Extensive computational experiments on benchmark instances for both problems have been performed to determine the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. This work is organized as follows: Chapter 1 describes a detailed overview and a methodological review of the literature for the the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem (CLRP) and the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP). Chapter 2 describes a two-phase hybrid heuristic algorithm to solve the CLRP. Chapter 3 shows a computational comparison of heuristic algorithms for the CLRP. Chapter 4 presents a hybrid granular tabu search approach for solving the MDVRP.


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Il problema della consegna di prodotti da un deposito/impianto ai clienti mediante una flotta di automezzi è un problema centrale nella gestione di una catena di produzione e distribuzione (supply chain). Questo problema, noto in letteratura come Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), nella sua versione più semplice consiste nel disegnare per ogni veicolo disponibile presso un dato deposito aziendale un viaggio (route) di consegna dei prodotti ai clienti, che tali prodotti richiedono, in modo tale che (i) la somma delle quantità richieste dai clienti assegnati ad ogni veicolo non superi la capacità del veicolo, (ii) ogni cliente sia servito una ed una sola volta, (iii) sia minima la somma dei costi dei viaggi effettuati dai veicoli. Il VRP è un problema trasversale ad una molteplicità di settori merceologici dove la distribuzione dei prodotti e/o servizi avviene mediante veicoli su gomma, quali ad esempio: distribuzione di generi alimentari, distribuzione di prodotti petroliferi, raccolta e distribuzione della posta, organizzazione del servizio scuolabus, pianificazione della manutenzione di impianti, raccolta rifiuti, etc. In questa tesi viene considerato il Multi-Trip VRP, in cui ogni veicolo può eseguire un sottoinsieme di percorsi, chiamato vehicle schedule (schedula del veicolo), soggetto a vincoli di durata massima. Nonostante la sua importanza pratica, il MTVRP ha ricevuto poca attenzione in letteratura: sono stati proposti diversi metodi euristici e un solo algoritmo esatto di risoluzione, presentato da Mingozzi, Roberti e Toth. In questa tesi viene presentato un metodo euristico in grado di risolvere istanze di MTVRP in presenza di vincoli reali, quali flotta di veicoli non omogenea e time windows. L’euristico si basa sul modello di Prins. Sono presentati inoltre due approcci di local search per migliorare la soluzione finale. I risultati computazionali evidenziano l’efficienza di tali approcci.


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The first part of this thesis has focused on the construction of a twelve-phase asynchronous machine for More Electric Aircraft (MEA) applications. In fact, the aerospace world has found in electrification the way to improve the efficiency, reliability and maintainability of an aircraft. This idea leads to the aircraft a new management and distribution of electrical services. In this way is possible to remove or to reduce the hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic systems inside the aircraft. The second part of this dissertation is dedicated on the enhancement of the control range of matrix converters (MCs) operating with non-unity input power factor and, at the same time, on the reduction of the switching power losses. The analysis leads to the determination in closed form of a modulation strategy that features a control range, in terms of output voltage and input power factor, that is greater than that of the traditional strategies under the same operating conditions, and a reduction in the switching power losses.


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In questa tesi mi occupo di spiegare come si comportano i veicoli autonomi per prendere tutte le decisioni e come i dati dei sensori di ogni auto vengono condivisi con la flotta di veicoli


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L’obiettivo principale di questa tesi è utilizzare le tecniche di gamification più importanti nella progettazione ed implementazione di un’interfaccia Human-Vehicle per creare un software che possa rendere la guida di un’automobile elettrica più efficace ed efficiente da parte del guidatore. Per lo sviluppo del software è stato svolto uno studio specifico sulla gamification, sulle interfacce Human-Vehicle e sulle macchine elettriche attualmente in produzione. Successivamente è stata svolta la fase di progettazione in cui sono stati creati dei mockup relativi all’interfaccia grafica ed è stato svolto un focus group. Infine è stato implementato il vero e proprio software di simulazione EcoGame ed è stato effettuato un test utenti.