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The time dependence of wet oxidized AlGaAs/GaAs in a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) structure has been studied by mean of transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The wet oxidized AlGaAs transforms from an initial amorphous hydroxide phase to the polycrystalline gamma-Al2O3 phase with the extension of oxidation time. The thickness of oxide layers will contract due to the different volume per Al atom in AlGaAs and in the oxides. In the samples oxidized for 10 and 20 min, there are some fissures along the AlGaAs/GaAs interfaces. In the samples oxidized longer, although no such fissures are present along the interfaces, the whole oxidized DBR delaminates from the buffer. (c) 2005 American Vacuum Society.


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We propose a scheme to generate a supersinglet of three three-level atoms in microwave cavity quantum electrodynamics based on the resonant atom-cavity interaction. In the scheme, three three-level atoms in suitable initial states are sequentially sent through three cavities originally prepared in their vacuum states. After an appropriate atom-cavity interaction process, in the subsequent measurement on the third cavity field the atoms are projected onto the desired supersinglet. The practical feasibility of this method is discussed.


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InGaN/GaN quantum dots were grown on the sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrate in a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition system. The morphologies of QDs deposited on different modified underlayer (GaN) surfaces, including naturally as grown, Ga-mediated, In-mediated, and air-passivated ones, were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Photo luminescence (PL) method is used to evaluate optical properties. It is shown that InGaN QDs can form directly on the natural GaN layer. However, both the size and distribution show obvious inhomogeneities. Such a heavy fluctuation in size leads to double peaks for QDs with short growth time, and broad peaks for QDs with long growth time in their low-temperature PL spectra. QDs grown on the Ga-mediated GaN underlayer tends to coalesce. Distinct transform takes place from 3D to 2D growth on the In-mediated ones, and thus the formation of QDs is prohibited. Those results clarify Ga and In's surfactant behavior. When the GaN underlayer is passivated in the air, and together with an additional low-temperature-grown seeding layer, however, the island growth mode is enhanced. Subsequently, grown InGaN QDs are characterized by a relatively high density and an improved Gaussian-like distribution in size. Short surface diffusion length at low growth temperature accounts for that result. It is concluded that reduced temperature favors QD's 3D growth and surface passivation can provide another promising way to obtain high-density QDs that especially suits MOCVD system. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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ZnO thin films were prepared on Si (1 11) substrates at various temperatures from 250 to 700 degrees C using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique in order to investigate the structural and optical properties of the films. The structural and morphological properties of the films were investigated by XRD and SEM measurements, respectively. The quality of the films was improved with the increase of the temperature. By XRD patterns the FWHMs of the (0 0 2) peaks of the ZnO films became narrower when the temperatures were above 500 degrees C. The FWHMs of the peaks of (0 0 2) of the films were as narrow as about 0. 19 degrees when films were grown at 650 and 700 degrees C. This indicates the superior crystallinity of the films. The optical properties of the films were studied by photoluminescence spectra using a 325 nm He-Cd laser. The two strongest UV peaks were found at 377.9 nm from ZnO films grown at 650 and 700 degrees C. This result is consistent with that of the XRD investigation. Broad bands in visible region from 450 to 550 nm were also observed. Our works suggest that UV emissions have close relations with not only the crystallinity but also the stoichiometry of the ZnO films. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A self-consistent solution of conduction band profile and subband energies for AlxGa1-xN-GaN quantum well is presented by solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations. A new method is introduced to deal with the accumulation of the immobile charges at the AlxGa1-xN-GaN interface caused by spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization in the process of solving the Poisson equation. The effect of spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization is taken into account in the calculation. It also includes the effect of exchange-correlation to the one electron potential on the Coulomb interaction. Our analysis is based on the one electron effective-mass approximation and charge conservation condition. Based on this model, the electron wave functions and the conduction band structure are derived. We calculate the intersubband transition wavelength lambda(21) for different Al molar fraction of barrier and thickness of well. The calculated result can fit to the experimental data well. The dependence of the absorption coefficient a on the well width and the doping density is also investigated theoretically. (C) 2004 American Vacuum Society.


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The self-assembled growth of vertically well-aligned ZnO nanorod arrays with uniform length and diameter on Si substrate has been demonstrated via thermal evaporation and vapor-phase transport. The structural, photoluminescence (PL), and field emission properties of the as-prepared nanorod arrays were investigated. The PL spectrum at 10 K shows a strong and sharp near-band gap emission (NBE) peak ( full width at half-maximum (FWHM) = 4.7 meV) and a weak neglectable deep-level emission (DL) peak (I-NBE/I-DL= 220), which implies its good crystallinity and high optical quality. The room-temperature NBE peak was deduced to the composition of free exciton and its first-order replicas emissions by temperature-dependent PL spectra. The field emission measurements indicate that, with a vacuum gap of 400 Am, the turn-on field and threshold field is as low as 2.3 and 4.2 V/mu m. The field enhancement factor beta and vacuum gap d follows a universal equation.


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Ten-period 5.5 nm Si0.75Ge0.25/10.3 nm Si/2.5 nm Si0.5Ge0.5 trilayer asymmetric superlattice was prepared on Si (001) substrate by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition at 500 degrees C. The stability of Mach-Zehnder interferometer was improved by utilizing polarization-maintaining fibers. According to the electro-optic responses of the superlattice with the light polarization along [110] and [-110], respectively, both electro-optic coefficients gamma(13) and gamma(63) of such asymmetric superlattice were measured. gamma(13) and gamma(63) are 2.4x10(-11) and 1.3x10(-11) cm/V, respectively, with the incident light wavelength at 1.55 mu m. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Intrinsic nanocrystalline silicon films (nc-Si:H) were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method. Films' microstructures and characteristics were studied with Raman spectroscopy and Atom Force Microscope (AFM). The electronic conductivity of nc-Si:H films was found to be 4.9 x 10(0)Omega(-1) cm(-1), which was one order of magnitude higher than the reported 10(-3)-10(-1)Omega(-1)cm(-1). And PIN solar cells with nc-Si:H film as intrinsic thin-layer (ITO/n(+)-nc-Si:H/i-nc-Si:H/p-c-Si/Ag) were researched. The cell's performances were measured, the open-circuit voltage V-oc was 534.7 mV, short-circuit current I-sc was 49.24 mA (3 cm(2)) and fill factor FF was 0.4228. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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P-doped ZnO films were deposited on n-Si substrate by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. Hall measurements revealed that the films annealed in situ at 750 degrees C in an oxygen ambient at a pressure of 1.3x10(-3)-3.9x10(-3) Pa showed p-type behavior with a hole concentration of 2.7x10(16)-2.2x10(17) cm(-3), a mobility of 4-13 cm(2)/V s, and a resistivity of 10.4-19.3 Omega cm. Films annealed at 750 degrees C in a vacuum or in oxygen ambient at higher pressures (5.2x10(-3) and 6.5x10(-3) Pa) showed n-type behavior. Additionally, the p-ZnO/n-Si heterojunction showed a diodelike I-V characteristic. Our results indicate that P-doped p-type ZnO films can be obtained by annealing in oxygen ambient at very low pressures. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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X-ray diffraction and Rutherford backscattering/channeling were used to characterize the crystalline quality of an InN layer grown on Al2O3(0001) Using metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition. A full width at half maximum of 0.27 degrees from an InN(0002) omega scan and a minimum yield of 23% from channeling measurements show that this 480-nm-thick InN layer grown at low temperature (450 degrees C) has a relatively good crystalline quality. High-resolution x-ray diffraction indicates that the InN layer contains a small fraction of cubic InN, besides the predominant hexagonal phase. From this InN sample, the lattice constants a=0.353 76 nm and c=0.570 64 nm for the hexagonal InN and a=0.4986 nm for the cubic InN were determined independently. 2 theta/omega-chi mapping and a pole figure measurement revealed that the crystallographic relationship among the cubic InN, the hexagonal InN, and the substrate is: InN[111]parallel to InN[0001]parallel to Al2O3[0001] and InN{110}parallel to InN{1120}parallel to Al2O3{1010}, and that the cubic InN is twinned. Photoluminescence measurements indicate that the band-gap energy of this sample is approximately 0.82 eV. (c) 2006 American Vacuum Society.


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Heterojunction phototransistors (HPTs) with several Ge/Si nano-dot layers as the absorption region are fabricated to obtain improved light detectivity at 1.55 mu m. The HPT detectors are of n-p-n type with ten layers of Ge(8ML)/Si(45nm) incorporated in the base-collector junction and are grown by an ultrahigh-vacuum chemical-vapor deposition system. The detectors are operated with normal incidence. Because of the good quality of the grown material and fabrication process, the dark current is only 0.71pA/mu m(2) under 5 V bias and the break-down voltage is over 20 V. Compared to the positive-intrinsic-negative (PIN) reference detector with the same absorption layer, the responsivity is improved over 17 times for normal incidence at 1.55 mu m.


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Si0.75Ge0.25/Si/Si0.5Ge0.5 trilayer asymmetric superlattices were prepared on Si (001) substrate by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition at 500 degrees C. The nonlinear optical response caused by inherent asymmetric interfaces in this structure predicted by theories was verified by in-plane optical anisotropy in (001) plane measured via reflectance difference spectroscopy. The results show Si0.75Ge0.25/Si/Si0.5Ge0.5 asymmetric superlattice is optically biaxial and the two optical eigen axes in (001) plane are along the directions [110] and [-110], respectively. Reflectance difference response between the above two eigen axes can be influenced by the width of the trilayers and reaches as large as similar to 10(-4)-10(-3) in 15-period 2.7 nm-Si0.75Ge0.25/8 nm-Si/1.3 nm-Si0.5Ge0.5 superlattice when the normal incident light wavelength is in the range of 500-1100 nm, which is quite remarkable because the optical anisotropy does not exist in bulk Si.


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Two Mg-doped GaN films with different doping concentrations were grown by a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition technique. Photoluminescence (PL) experiments were carried out to investigate the optical properties of these films. For highly Mg-doped GaN, the PL spectra at 10 K are composed of a blue luminescence (BL) band at 2.857 eV and two excitonic luminescence lines at 3.342 eV and 3.282 eV, in addition to a L2 phonon replica at 3.212 eV. The intensity of the L1 line decreases monotonously with an increase,in temperature. However, the intensity of the L2 line first slowly increases at first, and then decreases quickly with an increase in temperature. The two lines are attributed to bound excitonic emissions at extended defects. The BL band is most likely due to the transition from deep donor Mg-V-N complex to Mg shallow acceptor. From the temperature dependence of the luminescence peak intensity of the BL band, the activation energy of acceptor Mg was found to be 290 meV. (C) 2003 American Vacuum Society.


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Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) layers of boron-doped increasing step by step was deposited on n-type crystalline silicon substrate using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) system. After evaporating Ohm contact electrode on the side of substrate and on the side of nc-Si:H film, a structure of electrode/ (p)nc-Si:H/(n)c-Si/electrode was obtained. It is confirmed by electrical measurement such as I-V curve, C-V curve and DLTS that this is a variable capacitance diode. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new type of self-aligned spotsize converter (SSC) integrated 1.55 mum DFB lasers had been proposed in this article. The upper optical confinement layer and the butt-coupled tapered thickness waveguide were regrown simultaneously, which not only offered the separate optimization of the active region and the integrated SSC, but also reduced the difficulty of the butt-joint selective regrowth. The vertical and horizontal far field angles were 9degrees and 12degrees respectively, the 1- dB misalignment tolerance were both 3.6 and 3.4 mum. The directed coupling efficiency to tapered single mode fiber was 48%.