928 resultados para Users Guides


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In 2014 over 70% of people in Great Britain accessed the Internet every day. This resource is an optimal vector for malicious attackers to penetrate home computers and as such compromised pages have been increasing in both number and complexity. This paper presents X-Secure, a novel browser plug-in designed to present and raise the awareness of inexperienced users by analysing web-pages before malicious scripts are executed by the host computer. X-Secure was able to detect over 90% of the tested attacks and provides a danger level based on cumulative analysis of the source code, the URL, and the remote server, by using a set of heuristics, hence increasing the situational awareness of users browsing the internet.


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[…] Nous nous sommes interrogés à plusieurs niveaux et sur plus d'un aspect. Qu’est-ce qui motive les enseignants du milieu à s'engager comme maîtres-guides? Les enseignants d'ici seraient-ils plus avantagés que les enseignants d'ailleurs en acceptant cette tâche? Cela influencerait-il leur décision de participer au processus de formation des futurs maîtres ? Ou encore, un tel succès serait-il basé sur le genre de relations que l'Université de Sherbrooke entretient avec le milieu scolaire ? Pourrait-on aussi lier succès et structure organisationnelle? Toutes ces questions ont fait surgir chez nous le désir de connaître les raisons d'un tel succès. Il nous semble important à cet égard de nous arrêter sur ce qui pourrait mettre en évidence les éléments positifs reliés à ce succès du programme et qui pourrait par la même occasion nous être révélateur de malaises existants qui empêchent la réussite d'un même programme dans d'autres milieux.


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Vehicular networks, also known as VANETs, are an ad-hoc network formed by vehicles and road-side units. Nowadays they have been attracting big interest both from researchers as from the automotive industry. With the upcoming of automotive specific operating systems and self-driving cars, the use of applications on vehicles and the integration with common mobile devices is becoming a big part of VANETs. Although many advances have been made on this field, there is still a big discrepancy between the communication layer services provided by VANETs and the user level services, namely those accessible through mobile applications on other networks and technologies. Users and developers are accustomed to user-to-user or user-tobusiness communication without explicit concerns related with the available communication transport layer. Such is not possible in VANETs since people may use more than one vehicle. However, to send a message to a specific user in these networks, there is a need to know the ID of the vehicle where the user is, meaning that there is a lack of services that map each individual user to VANETs endpoint (vehicle identification). This dissertation work proposes VANESS, a naming service as a resource to support user-to-user communication within a heterogeneous scenario comprising typical ISP scenario and VANETs focused on mobile devices. The proposed system is able to map the user to an end point either locally (i.e. there is not internet connection at all), online (i.e. system is not in a vehicular network but has direct internet connection) and using a gateway (i.e. the system is in a vehicular network where some of the nodes have internet access and will act as a gateway). VANESS was fully implemented on android OS with results proving his viability, and partially on iOS showing its multiplatform capabilities.


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Modern automobiles are no longer just mechanical tools. The electronics and computing services they are shipping with are making them not less than a computer. They are massive kinetic devices with sophisticated computing power. Most of the modern vehicles are made with the added connectivity in mind which may be vulnerable to outside attack. Researchers have shown that it is possible to infiltrate into a vehicle’s internal system remotely and control the physical entities such as steering and brakes. It is quite possible to experience such attacks on a moving vehicle and unable to use the controls. These massive connected computers can be life threatening as they are related to everyday lifestyle. First part of this research studied the attack surfaces in the automotive cybersecurity domain. It also illustrated the attack methods and capabilities of the damages. Online survey has been deployed as data collection tool to learn about the consumers’ usage of such vulnerable automotive services. The second part of the research portrayed the consumers’ privacy in automotive world. It has been found that almost hundred percent of modern vehicles has the capabilities to send vehicle diagnostic data as well as user generated data to their manufacturers, and almost thirty five percent automotive companies are collecting them already. Internet privacy has been studies before in many related domain but no privacy scale were matched for automotive consumers. It created the research gap and motivation for this thesis. A study has been performed to use well established consumers privacy scale – IUIPC to match with the automotive consumers’ privacy situation. Hypotheses were developed based on the IUIPC model for internet consumers’ privacy and they were studied by the finding from the data collection methods. Based on the key findings of the research, all the hypotheses were accepted and hence it is found that automotive consumers’ privacy did follow the IUIPC model under certain conditions. It is also found that a majority of automotive consumers use the services and devices that are vulnerable and prone to cyber-attacks. It is also established that there is a market for automotive cybersecurity services and consumers are willing to pay certain fees to avail that.


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A utilização das TIC ocupam um lugar cada vez mais importante nas nossas escolas, marcado sobretudo pela evolução das tecnologias e pela utilização em contexto educativo de muitas ferramentas da Web 2.0. Esse facto é muito notório na disciplina de Educação Visual e Tecnológica, de carácter eminentemente prático, onde é permitido explorar várias ferramentas digitais para abordagem de conteúdos da disciplina e para a criação de produtos gráficos e plásticos. Com o aparecimento da Web 2.0 e a disponibilização de milhares de novas ferramentas digitais aos utilizadores da Internet, estimula-se um interesse cada vez maior na adoção de metodologias e estratégias com recurso a estes media e que suportem uma aprendizagem mais eficaz e motivadora para os alunos, articulando-se os suportes tradicionais de EVT com os novos media digitais. Neste contexto, o presente estudo é o resultado duma investigação-ação realizada no âmbito do Programa Doutoral em Multimédia em Educação da Universidade de Aveiro onde se implementou a integração de ferramentas da Web, Web 2.0 e Software Livre em contexto educativo na disciplina de EVT, na qual poderiam ser utilizadas tanto as técnicas tradicionais de realização mais usuais na disciplina como a integração e articulação com as ferramentas digitais, suportadas por software livre (e outros de utilização gratuita), a Web e a Web 2.0 para suporte ao ensino e aprendizagem dos diversos conteúdos e áreas de exploração da disciplina. Este estudo, desenhado em três ciclos, envolveu num primeiro momento a constituição de uma comunidade de prática de professores alargada, sendo criadas seis turmas de formação que reuniram um total de 112 professores que pretendiam integrar as ferramentas digitais em EVT. Para além da pesquisa, análise, seleção e catalogação destas 430 ferramentas digitais recenseadas, produziram-se 371 manuais de apoio à utilização das mesmas, sendo estes recursos disponibilizados no espaço do EVTdigital. Num segundo ciclo, decorrente da avaliação realizada, foi criada a distribuição EVTux para simplificar o acesso e utilização das ferramentas digitais em contexto de EVT. Finalmente, o terceiro ciclo, decorre da eliminação da disciplina de EVT do currículo do 2º ciclo do ensino básico e a sua substituição por duas novas disciplinas, tendo-se realizada a respetiva análise de conteúdo das metas curriculares e produzido a aplicação As ferramentas digitais do Mundo Visual, concebida para contextualizar e indexar as ferramentas digitais selecionadas para a nova disciplina de Educação Visual.Os resultados deste estudo apontam claramente para a possibilidade de integrar na disciplina de Educação Visual e Tecnológica (ou no presente momento, em Educação Visual) ferramentas digitais para abordagem aos conteúdos e áreas de exploração, bem como a possibilidade de se constituírem facilmente comunidades de prática (como foi o caso) que possam colaborar na catalogação destas ferramentas no contexto específico da disciplina e para a necessidade sentida pelos professores em obter informação e formação que os possa atualizar quanto à integração das TIC no currículo. Apresentam-se, ainda, as limitações deste estudo que passaram sobretudo pelo impacto negativo que a eliminação da disciplina provocou na motivação dos docentes e a sua consequente participação no decorrer de algumas fases do trabalho, e ainda da dificuldade de gestão de uma equipa de professores colaboradores tão numerosa e diversificada. Nesse sentido, são também apresentadas sugestões para estudos futuros.


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This paper reflects the changing notion of the Virtual University and its realization. We introduce an approach from the Sociology of Science and Technology (STS) which analyses the construction of the “student as a user” as seen through the “eyes of designers”. We ask how social relations are built into technological artefacts. In showing how socio-technical developments transcend sometimes contradict and various notions of “the student” we discuss difficulties and chances of bridging the gap between designers of e-learning-artefacts and its assumed addresses. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Epigenetic inheritance is more widespread in plants than in mammals, in part because mammals erase epigenetic information by germline reprogramming. We sequenced the methylome of three haploid cell types from developing pollen: the sperm cell, the vegetative cell, and their precursor, the postmeiotic microspore, and found that unlike in mammals the plant germline retains CG and CHG DNA methylation. However, CHH methylation is lost from retrotransposons in microspores and sperm cells and restored by de novo DNA methyltransferase guided by 24 nt small interfering RNA, both in the vegetative nucleus and in the embryo after fertilization. In the vegetative nucleus, CG methylation is lost from targets of DEMETER (DME), REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1 (ROS1), and their homologs, which include imprinted loci and recurrent epialleles that accumulate corresponding small RNA and are premethylated in sperm. Thus genome reprogramming in pollen contributes to epigenetic inheritance, transposon silencing, and imprinting, guided by small RNA.


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Les techniques d'imagerie développées pour la surveillance embarquée des structures ont maintenant des applications dans d'autres domaines. Par exemple, le domaine de l'écran tactile est en pleine expansion et de nouvelles technologies commencent à apparaître pour des applications spécifiques. Au niveau médical, des surfaces tactiles pouvant fournir des données sur la répartition du poids et la posture seraient une avancée pour le diagnostique des patients et la recherche. L'écran tactile est une technologie utilisée dans un nombre croissant d'appareils. Les écrans tactiles capacitifs et résistifs dominent le marché, mais ils sont connus pour être difficiles à fabriquer, facilement cassables et coûteux pour les grandes dimensions. Par conséquent, de nouvelles technologies sont encore explorées pour les écrans tactiles de grandes tailles et robustes. Les technologies candidates comprennent des approches basées sur les ondes. Parmi eux, des ondes guidées sont de plus en plus utilisés dans la surveillance des structures (SHM) pour de nombreuses applications liées à la caractérisation des propriétés des matériaux. Les techniques d'imagerie utilisées en SHM telles que Embedded Ultrasonic Structural Radar (EUSR) et Excitelet sont fiables, mais elles ont souvent besoin d'être couplées avec du traitement d'image pour donner de bons résultats. Dans le domaine du NDT (essais non destructifs), les ondes guidées permettent d'analyser les structures sans les détériorer. Dans ces applications, les algorithmes d'imagerie doivent pouvoir fonctionner en temps réel. Pour l'écran tactile, une technique d'imagerie de la pression en temps réel doit être développée afin d'être efficace et performante. Il faut obtenir la position et l'amplitude de la pression appliquée en un ou plusieurs points sur une surface. C'est ici que les algorithmes et l'expertise par rapport aux ondes guidées seront mises de l'avant tout pensant à l'optimisation des calculs afin d'obtenir une image en temps réel. Pour la méthodologie, différents algorithmes d'imagerie sont utilisés pour obtenir des images de déformation d'un matériau et leurs performances sont comparées en termes de temps de calcul et de précision. Ensuite, plusieurs techniques de traitement d'images ont été implantées pour comparer le temps de calcul en regard de la précision dans les images. Pour l'écran tactile, un prototype est conçu avec un programme optimisé et les algorithmes offrant les meilleures performances pour un temps de calcul réduit. Pour la sélection des composantes électroniques, ce sont la vitesse d'exécution et la définition d'image voulues qui permettent d'établir le nombre d'opérations par seconde nécessaire.


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This research considers the role of those who support voluntary youth leaders in their responsibility to nurture spiritual development in children and young people. It discusses particularly those who work in organisations with an ethos of supporting such spiritual development and at the same time of welcoming members of many faiths and encouraging their full participation in their various faith traditions. The specific context of the research is the work of the Guide Movement and, in particular, of Girlguiding in the United Kingdom. The research addresses the current challenges but also the enormous value of providing for young people a multi-faith space in which it is genuinely ‘OK to do God’. It discusses the issues which leaders are raising and some suggestions which trainers have made for addressing these.


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This paper aims to categorize Brazilian Internet users according to the diversity of their online activities and to assess the propensity of these Internet users´ groups to use electronic government (e-gov) services. The Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach was adopted as the theoretical framework for its consideration of people’s freedom to decide on their use of available resources and their competencies for these decisions, leading to the use of e-gov services. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to perform data analysis from the 2007, 2009 and 2011 editions of ICT Household Survey. The results showed that Internet users belonging to the advanced and intermediate use groups were more likely to use e-gov services than those who belong to the sporadic use group. Moreover, the results also demonstrated that the Internet user group of intermediate use presented a higher tendency to use e-gov services than the Internet user group of advanced use. This tendency is possibly related to the extensive use of interactive and collaborative activities of leisure and entertainment performed by this type of user. The findings of this research may be useful in guiding public policies for the dissemination and provision of electronic government services in Brazil.


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Dans la dernière décennie, la robotique souple a connu un gain de popularité considérable. Elle est, de façon inhérente, sécuritaire pour les humains et l’environnement qui l’entourent. Grâce à sa faible rigidité, la robotique souple est idéale pour manipuler des objets fragiles et elle est en mesure de s’adapter à son environnement. Les caractéristiques uniques de la robotique souple font de cette technologie un tremplin vers la conception d’appareils médicaux novateurs, plus particulièrement pour des outils permettant le positionnement d’aiguilles dans le but de faire des interventions percutanées, notamment au niveau du foie. Toutefois, la souplesse de cette technologie induit, du même coup, quelques désagréments. Elle procure un comportement sécuritaire, mais entraîne aussi un manque de rigidité limitant les applications de la robotique souple. Sans une rigidité minimale, il est impossible d’accomplir des opérations repérables et précises. La robotique souple a en fait un compromis majeur entre la capacité de chargement et la plage d’utilisation. Pour utiliser cette technologie dans le domaine médical, il est primordial d’ajouter un système permettant de moduler la rigidité du système pour inhiber ce compromis. Couplée avec un système de freinage granulaire, la robotique souple semble comporter l’ensemble des caractéristiques permettant d’accomplir des interventions au foie. Cette étude tend à démontrer que couplée à un système modulant la rigidité, la robotique souple peut être utilisée pour accomplir des opérations d’une façon précise et repérable, tout en demeurant sécuritaire. Le positionneur d’aiguilles développé est 100 % compatible avec l’Imagerie à Résonance Magnétique (IRM). La plage d’insertion du système permet de rejoindre l’entièreté du foie (1500 cm³), tout en maintenant une rigidité suffisante (3 N/mm) et en étant aussi précis que l’outil d’imagerie utilisée (1 mm). L’approche hybride consistant à développer un système activé de façon souple couplée à un module régulant sa rigidité permet d’obtenir à la fois les avantages d’une robotique compliante (souple) et conventionnelle (dure).


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Poor medication adherence is problematic among HIV positive, low-income African-American substance users. Substance use has been shown to be associated with poor medication adherence, though we do not know the mechanism that underlies this relationship. Lack of positive environmental rewards and the propensity to discount delayed rewards may be possible mechanisms to explain this relationship. Using baseline data from a randomized controlled trial, we examined the relationships between substance use and medication adherence, testing both environmental rewards and delay discounting as independent mediators. There was a main effect of substance use on adherence, such that high frequency of substance use predicted poor adherence. There was also a main effect of environmental rewards on adherence, such that a lack of environmental reinforcement predicted poor adherence. This study shed light on the processes that contribute to low adherence, namely substance use and lack of environmental contingencies, and suggests important targets for intervention.


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Texto completo em atas de encontros científicos internacionais com arbitragem